Why We Cannot Win the 'War on Terror/Islamofascism'


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Can a Dying Civilization Defeat ISIS and Radical Islam? - Breitbart
If we are honest we must face a very dark and sobering fact: The outcome of this war is far from certain. We are proud of being a nation of can-do optimists, but we are also a nation in denial about a culture in a tailspin.

  • The real enemy is not “over there” in Syria and Iraq, or in Paris or London. The enemy is already here in our homeland, and I am not speaking of terrorist cells, Syrian refugees, or radical imams. I am speaking of the accelerating rot in our own culture.
Our secular culture is adrift in a sea of relativism, escapism, and self-indulgent inanities, with our media and entertainment elites leading the parade.

  • “Where were you, Daddy, when we were waging the war on terror?” Oh, well, I was watching reality TV. On TV, the good guys always defeat the bad guys. And I can always change the channel.
In this besotted condition, we are ill equipped to fight an enemy full of passion, idealism and self-confidence. Islamist suicide bombers believe they are dying for a higher purpose, the greater glory of Allah. What, exactly, are our ideals? The freedom to enjoy pornography and polygamy and 24-hour pizza delivery?

  • The war with ISIS and its Islamist allies is what historian Samuel P. Huntington called a “clash of civilizations” in a book by that title in 1996.
  • Tocqueville warned us 200 years ago that we would never be defeated by an invader, but we could abandon liberty by adopting a “soft tyranny” of democratic corruption.
  • The early 20th century economist Joseph Schumpeter gave a similar warning about the inevitable corruption of morals that comes with capitalism’s triumph. If everything is permitted in an open marketplace, higher values will be replaced by cheaper ones— and there is no principle within pure capitalism to halt that cultural degeneration.
Then in our generation, along comes “multiculturalism” to teach that there are no superior cultures, only different ones.

How can we win a war to defend our own civilization when we no longer believe that our civilization is worth the sacrifice required to defend it?

How can we win this war if our educational system is so rotted to the core that our worst enemies have the ability to recruit all the help they need from our own youth?

How do we win if our government cannot name the enemy and when it does play fight, the corporate lobbyists spin all the politicians in circles chasing more campaign donations?
Seemed to win WWII by going 'over there' to fight bad guys.

yeah, but they got to fight a uniformed Army, it allows you to rally together mentally. If you destoy ISIS , they will come back in another form because we are fighting a group of people led or influenced by teachers within Islam.
Of course we can't even say it's Islam for sure can we? So we are destined to let our enemy grow stronger even as we say we are fighting it.
Seemed to win WWII by going 'over there' to fight bad guys.

yeah, but they got to fight a uniformed Army, it allows you to rally together mentally. If you destoy ISIS , they will come back in another form because we are fighting a group of people led or influenced by teachers within Islam.
Of course we can't even say it's Islam for sure can we? So we are destined to let our enemy grow stronger even as we say we are fighting it.
ISIS is Islamic, but not Islam.
Seemed to win WWII by going 'over there' to fight bad guys.

yeah, but they got to fight a uniformed Army, it allows you to rally together mentally. If you destoy ISIS , they will come back in another form because we are fighting a group of people led or influenced by teachers within Islam.
Of course we can't even say it's Islam for sure can we? So we are destined to let our enemy grow stronger even as we say we are fighting it.
ISIS is Islamic, but not Islam.

And thats our problem, we have to quibble over words. The problem is the message coming down from radical mosques, Like the ones the Saudis fund in europe, whatever word you use to describe them with they are the same people
Seemed to win WWII by going 'over there' to fight bad guys.

yeah, but they got to fight a uniformed Army, it allows you to rally together mentally. If you destoy ISIS , they will come back in another form because we are fighting a group of people led or influenced by teachers within Islam.
Of course we can't even say it's Islam for sure can we? So we are destined to let our enemy grow stronger even as we say we are fighting it.
ISIS is Islamic, but not Islam.

And thats our problem, we have to quibble over words. The problem is the message coming down from radical mosques, Like the ones the Saudis fund in europe, whatever word you use to describe them with they are the same people
They want a caliphate and a caliphate is Islamic. There have been several. Meet the new Rule The World, same as the old Rule The World.
Just because you are unlikely to kill every cockroach in the world doesn't mean we shouldn't stomp on them whenever they crawl out from under the cupboard, or that we don't need to fumigate the house from time to time.
Can a Dying Civilization Defeat ISIS and Radical Islam? - Breitbart
If we are honest we must face a very dark and sobering fact: The outcome of this war is far from certain. We are proud of being a nation of can-do optimists, but we are also a nation in denial about a culture in a tailspin.

  • The real enemy is not “over there” in Syria and Iraq, or in Paris or London. The enemy is already here in our homeland, and I am not speaking of terrorist cells, Syrian refugees, or radical imams. I am speaking of the accelerating rot in our own culture.
Our secular culture is adrift in a sea of relativism, escapism, and self-indulgent inanities, with our media and entertainment elites leading the parade.

  • “Where were you, Daddy, when we were waging the war on terror?” Oh, well, I was watching reality TV. On TV, the good guys always defeat the bad guys. And I can always change the channel.
In this besotted condition, we are ill equipped to fight an enemy full of passion, idealism and self-confidence. Islamist suicide bombers believe they are dying for a higher purpose, the greater glory of Allah. What, exactly, are our ideals? The freedom to enjoy pornography and polygamy and 24-hour pizza delivery?

  • The war with ISIS and its Islamist allies is what historian Samuel P. Huntington called a “clash of civilizations” in a book by that title in 1996.
  • Tocqueville warned us 200 years ago that we would never be defeated by an invader, but we could abandon liberty by adopting a “soft tyranny” of democratic corruption.
  • The early 20th century economist Joseph Schumpeter gave a similar warning about the inevitable corruption of morals that comes with capitalism’s triumph. If everything is permitted in an open marketplace, higher values will be replaced by cheaper ones— and there is no principle within pure capitalism to halt that cultural degeneration.
Then in our generation, along comes “multiculturalism” to teach that there are no superior cultures, only different ones.

How can we win a war to defend our own civilization when we no longer believe that our civilization is worth the sacrifice required to defend it?

How can we win this war if our educational system is so rotted to the core that our worst enemies have the ability to recruit all the help they need from our own youth?

How do we win if our government cannot name the enemy and when it does play fight, the corporate lobbyists spin all the politicians in circles chasing more campaign donations?

Sad, sad frightened nutter.

Our culture is far from rotten. Being able to order a pizza isn't a sign of our demise, ya fruitcake.

How did I know that you were going to go white supremacist on us in this whinefest of a thread? You fear multiculturalism? Too bad. It's what makes us the great nation that we are. Ya dumb shit, ya.

Fighting suicide bombers is not something that requires a label. The fact that some people wish to strip those freaks of the cloak of religion isn't a sign that said people aren't committed to the fight. Winning this battle requires an inclusive political response which kills that which motivates those who would strap on a suicide vest. Idiot boy.
Seemed to win WWII by going 'over there' to fight bad guys.
Oh, God, dont compare Americans of today to the generation that overcame the Great Depression then went on to fight a global war on two fronts and won it.

It is just too ludicrous to even contemplate, dude.
Can a Dying Civilization Defeat ISIS and Radical Islam? - Breitbart
If we are honest we must face a very dark and sobering fact: The outcome of this war is far from certain. We are proud of being a nation of can-do optimists, but we are also a nation in denial about a culture in a tailspin.

  • The real enemy is not “over there” in Syria and Iraq, or in Paris or London. The enemy is already here in our homeland, and I am not speaking of terrorist cells, Syrian refugees, or radical imams. I am speaking of the accelerating rot in our own culture.
Our secular culture is adrift in a sea of relativism, escapism, and self-indulgent inanities, with our media and entertainment elites leading the parade.

  • “Where were you, Daddy, when we were waging the war on terror?” Oh, well, I was watching reality TV. On TV, the good guys always defeat the bad guys. And I can always change the channel.
In this besotted condition, we are ill equipped to fight an enemy full of passion, idealism and self-confidence. Islamist suicide bombers believe they are dying for a higher purpose, the greater glory of Allah. What, exactly, are our ideals? The freedom to enjoy pornography and polygamy and 24-hour pizza delivery?

  • The war with ISIS and its Islamist allies is what historian Samuel P. Huntington called a “clash of civilizations” in a book by that title in 1996.
  • Tocqueville warned us 200 years ago that we would never be defeated by an invader, but we could abandon liberty by adopting a “soft tyranny” of democratic corruption.
  • The early 20th century economist Joseph Schumpeter gave a similar warning about the inevitable corruption of morals that comes with capitalism’s triumph. If everything is permitted in an open marketplace, higher values will be replaced by cheaper ones— and there is no principle within pure capitalism to halt that cultural degeneration.
Then in our generation, along comes “multiculturalism” to teach that there are no superior cultures, only different ones.

How can we win a war to defend our own civilization when we no longer believe that our civilization is worth the sacrifice required to defend it?

How can we win this war if our educational system is so rotted to the core that our worst enemies have the ability to recruit all the help they need from our own youth?

How do we win if our government cannot name the enemy and when it does play fight, the corporate lobbyists spin all the politicians in circles chasing more campaign donations?

Sad, sad frightened nutter.

Our culture is far from rotten. Being able to order a pizza isn't a sign of our demise, ya fruitcake.

How did I know that you were going to go white supremacist on us in this whinefest of a thread? You fear multiculturalism? Too bad. It's what makes us the great nation that we are. Ya dumb shit, ya.

Fighting suicide bombers is not something that requires a label. The fact that some people wish to strip those freaks of the cloak of religion isn't a sign that said people aren't committed to the fight. Winning this battle requires an inclusive political response which kills that which motivates those who would strap on a suicide vest. Idiot boy.

Culture is not a race issue, you race baiting fascist.

We can incorporate and assimilate countless races and ethnicities into our country, but leftard wack-jobs are destroying our culture from within using your multi-CULTURAL nonsense.
Can a Dying Civilization Defeat ISIS and Radical Islam? - Breitbart
If we are honest we must face a very dark and sobering fact: The outcome of this war is far from certain. We are proud of being a nation of can-do optimists, but we are also a nation in denial about a culture in a tailspin.

  • The real enemy is not “over there” in Syria and Iraq, or in Paris or London. The enemy is already here in our homeland, and I am not speaking of terrorist cells, Syrian refugees, or radical imams. I am speaking of the accelerating rot in our own culture.
Our secular culture is adrift in a sea of relativism, escapism, and self-indulgent inanities, with our media and entertainment elites leading the parade.

  • “Where were you, Daddy, when we were waging the war on terror?” Oh, well, I was watching reality TV. On TV, the good guys always defeat the bad guys. And I can always change the channel.
In this besotted condition, we are ill equipped to fight an enemy full of passion, idealism and self-confidence. Islamist suicide bombers believe they are dying for a higher purpose, the greater glory of Allah. What, exactly, are our ideals? The freedom to enjoy pornography and polygamy and 24-hour pizza delivery?

  • The war with ISIS and its Islamist allies is what historian Samuel P. Huntington called a “clash of civilizations” in a book by that title in 1996.
  • Tocqueville warned us 200 years ago that we would never be defeated by an invader, but we could abandon liberty by adopting a “soft tyranny” of democratic corruption.
  • The early 20th century economist Joseph Schumpeter gave a similar warning about the inevitable corruption of morals that comes with capitalism’s triumph. If everything is permitted in an open marketplace, higher values will be replaced by cheaper ones— and there is no principle within pure capitalism to halt that cultural degeneration.
Then in our generation, along comes “multiculturalism” to teach that there are no superior cultures, only different ones.

How can we win a war to defend our own civilization when we no longer believe that our civilization is worth the sacrifice required to defend it?

How can we win this war if our educational system is so rotted to the core that our worst enemies have the ability to recruit all the help they need from our own youth?

How do we win if our government cannot name the enemy and when it does play fight, the corporate lobbyists spin all the politicians in circles chasing more campaign donations?

Sad, sad frightened nutter.

Our culture is far from rotten. Being able to order a pizza isn't a sign of our demise, ya fruitcake.

How did I know that you were going to go white supremacist on us in this whinefest of a thread? You fear multiculturalism? Too bad. It's what makes us the great nation that we are. Ya dumb shit, ya.

Fighting suicide bombers is not something that requires a label. The fact that some people wish to strip those freaks of the cloak of religion isn't a sign that said people aren't committed to the fight. Winning this battle requires an inclusive political response which kills that which motivates those who would strap on a suicide vest. Idiot boy.

Culture is not a race issue, you race baiting fascist.

We can incorporate and assimilate countless races and ethnicities into our country, but leftard wack-jobs are destroying our culture from within using your multi-CULTURAL nonsense.

Of course it is. You know what you mean. We all do. We know you don't mind a mixing of English, Swedish, German, Polish, Irish, Italian, and French cultures meeting up to form this nation. It's those other ones that bug you. The ones that are different somehow.

Own it.
Why We Cannot Win the 'War on Terror/Islamofascism'

1- The "WAR ON TERROR" was not meant to be won - it is a federally imposed scam to transgress upon our rights - and help war profiteers

2- The war can not be won because American Likudnics, AIPAC, neocrazies, Israhell Amen Corner believe that the Constitution requires the federal government to finance a Talmudist State in the Middle East

3- Warmongers/interventionists love to meddle in the internal affairs of other nations - they believe that the most fundamental principle of American foreign policy: Any country where the people have unpronounceable names can be bombed by the US with impunity.
The only thing enemies like islime know is force. But force can't be applied if leadership won't even acknowledge the enemy.
Our cultural demise from within is being caused by critical theory and Frankfurt School Marxism. In began here in the 1960's and the democrats are the current enrollment and Obama is the current headmaster.
Can a Dying Civilization Defeat ISIS and Radical Islam? - Breitbart
If we are honest we must face a very dark and sobering fact: The outcome of this war is far from certain. We are proud of being a nation of can-do optimists, but we are also a nation in denial about a culture in a tailspin.

  • The real enemy is not “over there” in Syria and Iraq, or in Paris or London. The enemy is already here in our homeland, and I am not speaking of terrorist cells, Syrian refugees, or radical imams. I am speaking of the accelerating rot in our own culture.
Our secular culture is adrift in a sea of relativism, escapism, and self-indulgent inanities, with our media and entertainment elites leading the parade.

  • “Where were you, Daddy, when we were waging the war on terror?” Oh, well, I was watching reality TV. On TV, the good guys always defeat the bad guys. And I can always change the channel.
In this besotted condition, we are ill equipped to fight an enemy full of passion, idealism and self-confidence. Islamist suicide bombers believe they are dying for a higher purpose, the greater glory of Allah. What, exactly, are our ideals? The freedom to enjoy pornography and polygamy and 24-hour pizza delivery?

  • The war with ISIS and its Islamist allies is what historian Samuel P. Huntington called a “clash of civilizations” in a book by that title in 1996.
  • Tocqueville warned us 200 years ago that we would never be defeated by an invader, but we could abandon liberty by adopting a “soft tyranny” of democratic corruption.
  • The early 20th century economist Joseph Schumpeter gave a similar warning about the inevitable corruption of morals that comes with capitalism’s triumph. If everything is permitted in an open marketplace, higher values will be replaced by cheaper ones— and there is no principle within pure capitalism to halt that cultural degeneration.
Then in our generation, along comes “multiculturalism” to teach that there are no superior cultures, only different ones.

How can we win a war to defend our own civilization when we no longer believe that our civilization is worth the sacrifice required to defend it?

How can we win this war if our educational system is so rotted to the core that our worst enemies have the ability to recruit all the help they need from our own youth?

How do we win if our government cannot name the enemy and when it does play fight, the corporate lobbyists spin all the politicians in circles chasing more campaign donations?

Sad, sad frightened nutter.

Our culture is far from rotten. Being able to order a pizza isn't a sign of our demise, ya fruitcake.

How did I know that you were going to go white supremacist on us in this whinefest of a thread? You fear multiculturalism? Too bad. It's what makes us the great nation that we are. Ya dumb shit, ya.

Fighting suicide bombers is not something that requires a label. The fact that some people wish to strip those freaks of the cloak of religion isn't a sign that said people aren't committed to the fight. Winning this battle requires an inclusive political response which kills that which motivates those who would strap on a suicide vest. Idiot boy.

Culture is not a race issue, you race baiting fascist.

We can incorporate and assimilate countless races and ethnicities into our country, but leftard wack-jobs are destroying our culture from within using your multi-CULTURAL nonsense.

Of course it is. You know what you mean. We all do. We know you don't mind a mixing of English, Swedish, German, Polish, Irish, Italian, and French cultures meeting up to form this nation. It's those other ones that bug you. The ones that are different somehow.

Own it.
None of the races bug me, dip shit. You are so ideologically blind you cannot comprehend anyone being anything other than the condescending racist that you are.

We can have an influx of many races without changing our culture or building a cultural salad in our nation instead of a cultural melting pot.

Now, go fuck yourself.
Seemed to win WWII by going 'over there' to fight bad guys.
Oh, God, dont compare Americans of today to the generation that overcame the Great Depression then went on to fight a global war on two fronts and won it.

It is just too ludicrous to even contemplate, dude.

We are better now than ever. It's called progress.

With the highest percentage and total number of working age Americans no longer in the work force, college graduates waiting two years to get a job in many cases, a stock market propped up by ZIRP, and the most anemic economy since WW2, this is just one more example of you endorsing anything that you think supports Obamy, and your objectivity and honesty at Zero to go along with it all.

You are nothing more than an ideological hack.
Seemed to win WWII by going 'over there' to fight bad guys.
Oh, God, dont compare Americans of today to the generation that overcame the Great Depression then went on to fight a global war on two fronts and won it.

It is just too ludicrous to even contemplate, dude.

We are better now than ever. It's called progress.

With the highest percentage and total number of working age Americans no longer in the work force, college graduates waiting two years to get a job in many cases, a stock market propped up by ZIRP, and the most anemic economy since WW2, this is just one more example of you endorsing anything that you think supports Obamy, and your objectivity and honesty at Zero to go along with it all.

You are nothing more than an ideological hack.

Yes. I'm an ideological hack and you are a reasonable, thoughtful dude. Of course. Of the two of us....I'm the weird one.

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