Why we support Ron Paul.

Really they are racist? You do realize you are being batshit crazy using the same fail tactic obama supporters used?

I don't see any Obama supporters attacking Ron Paul.

Half of what Ron Paul says, his isolationism, his desire to disband the military, no defense of the borders, is almost the same as the left.

They want to see him win the nomination.

Ron Paul is a good Senator but he would be dangerous if he ever became POTUS.

I understand and appreciate your view on that. You, if anyone, have a right to speak up on that subject.

But when it's inaccurate information people need to do some fact checking before they spread their information
I m obciously not a RP supporterbut it does appear to me that there is some kind of conspiracy to ignore RP support. I see this is the MSM, and I see it in the way the GOP seems to want to make RP outy to be come kind of radical.

The GOP is one screwed up party.

But if RP was potus and actually took on botht he FED and the military industrial complex?

they'd kill him.

Just like they did JFK

For EXACTLY the same reasons, I note.

Ron Paul is bat-shit crazy.

Anyone who supports him ether wants to see the end of the GOP or are racist.

Why racist, Mud? I know that his son has some.....interesting thoughts on discrimination in restaurants and so on. I was glad to be moving from KY when he was on the ticket. Rand has some strange beliefs, indeed.

BTW...no offense to anyone who lives in KY. :D
Rand Paul is not a racist. Period.
I don't see any Obama supporters attacking Ron Paul.

That has more to do with ‘why bother,’ as they know he’ll never get the nomination.

But Paul’s policy positions conflict uniformly with that of liberals.

You mean his opposition to corporatism, expansionist foreign policy, and the domestic police state? Or his defense of civil liberties, his opposition to the drug war and corporate welfare? No matter, as you say, all his positions conflict uniformly with those of liberals.
I m obciously not a RP supporterbut it does appear to me that there is some kind of conspiracy to ignore RP support. I see this is the MSM, and I see it in the way the GOP seems to want to make RP outy to be come kind of radical.

The GOP is one screwed up party.

But if RP was potus and actually took on botht he FED and the military industrial complex?

they'd kill him.

Just like they did JFK

For EXACTLY the same reasons, I note.


if anything the guy is overexposed.
I don't see any Obama supporters attacking Ron Paul.

That has more to do with ‘why bother,’ as they know he’ll never get the nomination.

But Paul’s policy positions conflict uniformly with that of liberals.

You mean his opposition to corporatism, expansionist foreign policy, and the domestic police state? Or his defense of civil liberties, his opposition to the drug war and corporate welfare? No matter, as you say, all his positions conflict uniformly with those of liberals.

That's why the political elite from both party's hate Ron Paul and will do anything to keep him out of the white house. The sheeple from both party's parrot what their masters tell them too.

You post links to blogs as if it means something. Anyone can write a blog. Blogs are for people who get kicked off message boards. :lol:

Ron Paul supporters have universally had to come to terms with this situation and either you believe him or you don't. I personally believe him because I am a good judge of character in real life. I am good at reading when people are lying to me. That's why I have not been able to back any one candidate ever. Every single president since I have been old enough to pay attention has been a slimy bastard. Honestly and integrity shine through in actions as well as words. You can look at Ron Pauls voting record and it is consistent with his principles across the board.

These newsletters were owned by a corporation that Ron Paul was an officer in but there were others running the day to day operations when he went back to work as a doctor after leaving congress. I can understand why he wouldn't necessarily pay attention to them if he never intended on going back to public life and maybe he never imagined that this stuff was being written under his name. It doesn't necessarily make him evil or incompetent. People make mistakes and this is a relatively small one compared to some of the other candidates.

So I again have to go with the fact that every single vote of his has been consistent with civil libertarian principles and I can't see him changing his tune now.

Civil Libertarianism is wholly and completely incompatible with racism of any kind. Since that is what he is and that is what he has consistently shown us he is then I believe him when he says he never held those views.

You post links to blogs as if it means something. Anyone can write a blog. Blogs are for people who get kicked off message boards. :lol:

Sullivan has considerably more influence than your average blogger. And his support of Paul meant a lot, particularly when it comes to independents and those on the fence about Paul.

Ron Paul supporters have universally had to come to terms with this situation and either you believe him or you don't.

I certainly haven't 'come to terms' with this. And in my opinion the issue raises legitimate questions about his ability to keep tabs on what is going on in his name - that's an incredibly trait thing for a president. He needs to own this. He needs to make a compelling case that this sort of thing wouldn't happen under his watch as president.

Most of the serious critics recognize that the newsletters don't line up with Paul's rhetoric, his personality, or his political life. They were published when Paul was practicing medicine and it's actually fairly plausible that he didn't "approve this message". But, if he expects his campaign to make it past Iowa and New Hampshire, he needs to give a very public and verbose explanation of how this happened, apologize for it (every time he's asked about it), and make it abundantly clear the any administration he is in charge of wouldn't have the 'freedom' to pander to racism and paranoia.
Ron Paul is bat-shit crazy.

Anyone who supports him ether wants to see the end of the GOP or are racist.

Why racist, Mud? I know that his son has some.....interesting thoughts on discrimination in restaurants and so on. I was glad to be moving from KY when he was on the ticket. Rand has some strange beliefs, indeed.

BTW...no offense to anyone who lives in KY. :D
Rand Paul is not a racist. Period.

I didn't say that he was racist. I said that he has some interesting thoughts on allowing discrimination. I know exactly where he stands. He basically says that if it's your business, and you don't want blacks, Asians, whites, Jews, Muslims, walleyes.....then you have a right to prohibit their entrance and patronage.

That seems like backward thinking to me, but hey...to each his own.
Why racist, Mud? I know that his son has some.....interesting thoughts on discrimination in restaurants and so on. I was glad to be moving from KY when he was on the ticket. Rand has some strange beliefs, indeed.

BTW...no offense to anyone who lives in KY. :D
Rand Paul is not a racist. Period.

I didn't say that he was racist. I said that he has some interesting thoughts on allowing discrimination. I know exactly where he stands. He basically says that if it's your business, and you don't want blacks, Asians, whites, Jews, Muslims, walleyes.....then you have a right to prohibit their entrance and patronage.

That seems like backward thinking to me, but hey...to each his own.

And being a physicians who treats...patients....it probably wouldn't be in his best interest to be openly racist. Hurts the business a little. Not to mention that this would be considered unprofessional conduct by KY's Department of Health and Human Svc. (what it's called in TN....not sure about KY, as I haven't practiced in KY.)
The below link...


...gives the low down on the GOP behind the scenes elitists & their fellow DNC behind the scenes elitists who sleep in the same bed together. The truth always hurts the most, those that defend their political behind the scenes idols that are always lurking in the shadows. It's not their political stage puppets(candidates) getting bumped that get the "keep it the same" constituency jumping up & down... it's when their behind the scenes puppet masters get exposed/bumped that gets the "keep it the same" constituency crowd screaming at the top of their lungs.
This is why the Ron Paul hecklers scream so loud, for they know Ron will change the game on them.... & the "keep it the same" hecklers want to keep the politics as usual so they don't lose out on the 'free' crumbs thrown to them by their elitists that own them. Enjoy the article as it's a pretty good one!

I support Ron Paul 100% and will be certainly voting for him. However as a libertarian even I'm opposed to his foreign policy and find it batshit crazy..

I suppose the old saying is "you can't have your cake and eat it" :lol:

Not to be confused with "let them eat cake" of course :lol: That is something Obama would quote. :lol:
The below link...


...gives the low down on the GOP behind the scenes elitists & their fellow DNC behind the scenes elitists who sleep in the same bed together. The truth always hurts the most, those that defend their political behind the scenes idols that are always lurking in the shadows. It's not their political stage puppets(candidates) getting bumped that get the "keep it the same" constituency jumping up & down... it's when their behind the scenes puppet masters get exposed/bumped that gets the "keep it the same" constituency crowd screaming at the top of their lungs.
This is why the Ron Paul hecklers scream so loud, for they know Ron will change the game on them.... & the "keep it the same" hecklers want to keep the politics as usual so they don't lose out on the 'free' crumbs thrown to them by their elitists that own them. Enjoy the article as it's a pretty good one!

I support Ron Paul 100% and will be certainly voting for him. However as a libertarian even I'm opposed to his foreign policy and find it batshit crazy..

I suppose the old saying is "you can't have your cake and eat it" :lol:

Not to be confused with "let them eat cake" of course :lol: That is something Obama would quote. :lol:

You support him 100%? Everything but his foreign policy? Sooooo....89.5%? :D Just playing!

What is it that you disapprove of? The isolationism?
The below link...


...gives the low down on the GOP behind the scenes elitists & their fellow DNC behind the scenes elitists who sleep in the same bed together. The truth always hurts the most, those that defend their political behind the scenes idols that are always lurking in the shadows. It's not their political stage puppets(candidates) getting bumped that get the "keep it the same" constituency jumping up & down... it's when their behind the scenes puppet masters get exposed/bumped that gets the "keep it the same" constituency crowd screaming at the top of their lungs.
This is why the Ron Paul hecklers scream so loud, for they know Ron will change the game on them.... & the "keep it the same" hecklers want to keep the politics as usual so they don't lose out on the 'free' crumbs thrown to them by their elitists that own them. Enjoy the article as it's a pretty good one!

I support Ron Paul 100% and will be certainly voting for him. However as a libertarian even I'm opposed to his foreign policy and find it batshit crazy..

I suppose the old saying is "you can't have your cake and eat it" :lol:

Not to be confused with "let them eat cake" of course :lol: That is something Obama would quote. :lol:

You support him 100%? Everything but his foreign policy? Sooooo....89.5%? :D Just playing!

What is it that you disapprove of? The isolationism?
Dr. Paul is a non-interventionalist, not an isolationist. There is a difference between the two.
I support Ron Paul 100% and will be certainly voting for him. However as a libertarian even I'm opposed to his foreign policy and find it batshit crazy..

I suppose the old saying is "you can't have your cake and eat it" :lol:

Not to be confused with "let them eat cake" of course :lol: That is something Obama would quote. :lol:

You support him 100%? Everything but his foreign policy? Sooooo....89.5%? :D Just playing!

What is it that you disapprove of? The isolationism?
Dr. Paul is a non-interventionalist, not an isolationist. There is a difference between the two.

Okay, my man. I was pulling for Ron Paul myself. But it isn't looking good for him. He is the ONLY Republican on this ticket that I would vote for...minus Herman Cain...and he's already gone. It just keeps on whittling down to the same garbage. Bush Lite. No thanks.

Voted Democratic in last two elections. And now I'm beginning to think that both parties are sniffing glue...or rather...both houses of congress. They're playing games while everything around them is crumbling. And I'm still pissed off about the insider trading.

Like most people....I'm ready for something different.
The below link...


...gives the low down on the GOP behind the scenes elitists & their fellow DNC behind the scenes elitists who sleep in the same bed together. The truth always hurts the most, those that defend their political behind the scenes idols that are always lurking in the shadows. It's not their political stage puppets(candidates) getting bumped that get the "keep it the same" constituency jumping up & down... it's when their behind the scenes puppet masters get exposed/bumped that gets the "keep it the same" constituency crowd screaming at the top of their lungs.
This is why the Ron Paul hecklers scream so loud, for they know Ron will change the game on them.... & the "keep it the same" hecklers want to keep the politics as usual so they don't lose out on the 'free' crumbs thrown to them by their elitists that own them. Enjoy the article as it's a pretty good one!

I support Ron Paul 100% and will be certainly voting for him. However as a libertarian even I'm opposed to his foreign policy and find it batshit crazy..

I suppose the old saying is "you can't have your cake and eat it" :lol:

Not to be confused with "let them eat cake" of course :lol: That is something Obama would quote. :lol:

You support him 100%? Everything but his foreign policy? Sooooo....89.5%? :D Just playing!

What is it that you disapprove of? The isolationism?

Good point... Yeah I only support him 80%, however I will be certainly nominating him.

Well, I really don't mind the concept of "isolation" considering our economy. I do believe we need to focus on ourselves instead of the world - at least right now. However I believe under Paul the world could go to anarchy and Paul would do nothing about it until we were attacked.....

I think its one thing to be a mediator geo-politically and its another to tolerate savagery or war between nations, especially over wealth or assets...

His position on Israel is horrible and dangerous.... Israel is a nuclear equipped nation. Without question I see Israel using nukes if they were ever thrown to the wolves then attacked..

Ron Paul seems to believe that's their business......

I'm totally fine with and enthusiastic about his domestic policies tho..
Last edited:
Why racist, Mud? I know that his son has some.....interesting thoughts on discrimination in restaurants and so on. I was glad to be moving from KY when he was on the ticket. Rand has some strange beliefs, indeed.

BTW...no offense to anyone who lives in KY. :D
Rand Paul is not a racist. Period.

I didn't say that he was racist. I said that he has some interesting thoughts on allowing discrimination. I know exactly where he stands. He basically says that if it's your business, and you don't want blacks, Asians, whites, Jews, Muslims, walleyes.....then you have a right to prohibit their entrance and patronage.

That seems like backward thinking to me, but hey...to each his own.
I tend to agree with him. It isnt an issue of supporting racism but rather private property rights. Of course any store owner who does that is probably an idiot and will likely go out of business anyway. But it ought to be a free country.
I support Ron Paul 100% and will be certainly voting for him. However as a libertarian even I'm opposed to his foreign policy and find it batshit crazy..

I suppose the old saying is "you can't have your cake and eat it" :lol:

Not to be confused with "let them eat cake" of course :lol: That is something Obama would quote. :lol:

You support him 100%? Everything but his foreign policy? Sooooo....89.5%? :D Just playing!

What is it that you disapprove of? The isolationism?
Dr. Paul is a non-interventionalist, not an isolationist. There is a difference between the two.

Non-interventionist sounds noble. Isolationist sounds kooky.
That's pretty much the entire difference.
Rand Paul is not a racist. Period.

I didn't say that he was racist. I said that he has some interesting thoughts on allowing discrimination. I know exactly where he stands. He basically says that if it's your business, and you don't want blacks, Asians, whites, Jews, Muslims, walleyes.....then you have a right to prohibit their entrance and patronage.

That seems like backward thinking to me, but hey...to each his own.
I tend to agree with him. It isnt an issue of supporting racism but rather private property rights. Of course any store owner who does that is probably an idiot and will likely go out of business anyway. But it ought to be a free country.

Almost verbatim what my fiance says. :D Speaking of which, I would like to come and see ya soon. And I have a friend who is interested in products as well. We're little people, so don't be afraid. Through word of mouth, have heard you have some nice things.

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