Zone1 Why Whites make fun of reperations?

Because those people have been disadvantaged economically by slavery and its legacies.

Do you think handing money to individuals is going to change the disadvantages that their "people", whoever they are, are suffering now?

Black people are seeing poverty, give them some money, they blow it all on coke and whores, then somehow that'll lift future generations will benefit from this?
Nope, not going to happen.
If you want reparations, put it into programs that will help, put it towards a democratic system of voting, put it towards an electoral system that can't be gerrymandered, put it towards things that will ACTUALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE, rather than something everyone with half a brain knows WILL NOT WORK.
My parents were poor when I was born and worked hard to get what they got. My Mother is in her 70's and still works. Not a drop of that so called "white privilege" here. Making assumptions when you don't know what the fuck your talking about makes you look stupid.

There is no discrimination anymore it's against the law unless it's used under the cover of Affirmative Action.

So? Whites were given advantages blacks could not get by the government. Discrimination still exists and whites benefit the most from AA. You should really do research before you try arguing about this with someone who has.
The sassy lass lacks a mind,

Women have recieved alimony in most cases of divorce. The laws in most states give a woman half of what the man makes upon marriage whether she earned it or not. That is reparations.
It will ameliorate some of the economic disadvantage they are suffering. How can it not?

Er... give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a life time.
It was wisdom 2,000 or 3,000 years ago, it still is.
You are a citizen of the US, I assume, whose economic base was built on the back of unpaid slave labour.

No, it was not. Slave labor was a relatively small part of the U.S economy at the time and hasn’t been a part of the economy at all for over a hundred fifty years.

Most of the economy was in the north where all the manufacturing was and is part of the reason the south lost in the first place.
The economic base from which you and your ancestors benefited. As opposed to slaves and their descendents who were excluded from that economy.
I told you to prove that I, in particular, benefitted from this.

I challenge you to point out how I benefitted from an economy that had no blacks at all.

I challenge you to show how I benefitted from this system that rendered our family poor anyway, despite “excluding” blacks who chose not to live in that area.

“You’re white” is not going to work anymore. It is lazy and ignorant and just as bigoted as any Klan member.
Er... give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a life time.
It was wisdom 2,000 or 3,000 years ago, it still is.
The government has been giving whites fish since 1776.
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Er... give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a life time.
It was wisdom 2,000 or 3,000 years ago, it still is.
Give a black woman some money and she buys a home for her family.
No, it was not. Slave labor was a relatively small part of the U.S economy at the time and hasn’t been a part of the economy at all for over a hundred fifty years.
Slave labour was the base of the US economy pre civil war. It supported the south which grew commodities that were exported and that the industrial north utilised.

Have you read no US history? I'm not even a Yank and I know that.

You know what a base is, right? That on which something is built.
In my opinion, the reason that some Asians and Caucasians and Hispanics are less than enthusiastic about reparations is that the behavior of a significant percentage of African Americans is so negative.

When people hear that a dozen people were murdered on the New York City subway in 2022, and when people see the thousands of young African Americans rampaging through Chicago's downtown district, and when people see young African Americans walking into a store and stealing merchandise and then calmly walking out (because it is now company policy not to stop thieves), THEN many Americans feel that (a) it would be morally wrong to pay out billions of dollars to African A,mericans and (b) "reparations" have ALREADY been paid out in the form of affirmative action.
Slave labour was the base of the US economy pre civil war.

No, it was not. It may have been the basis of the south’s economy but it was not the basis of the U.S. economy.
It supported the south which grew commodities that were exported and that the industrial north utilised.

This much is true. But it was not the sole basis of our economy.
Have you read no US history? I'm not even a Yank and I know that.

You know what a base is, right? That on which something is built.

You have yet to show how I benefitted from this.

Can you show me how? Do you know anything about where I grew up? Do you know anything about the choices I made? Do you know anything about how hard I worked to get where I am?

Do you know anything at all about me to where you can point to a particular event in my life (and not my skin color) and say “This is a result of black exclusion”?
You benefited from the US economy, ffs, which was based on unpaid slave labour.
How can I benefit from an institution that was eliminated over a hundred fifty years ago?

The U.S. is still the largest exporter of cotton in the world which means, even without slave labor, it still brings in a shitload of money.

So you see, as wrong as slavery was, slavery is not the reason cotton is/was successful and was not the reason we have the strongest economy in the world.

Slavery was wrong and it was a good thing it was abolished. But it is an oversimplification to say it is why the U.S. - or even whites - prospered. This would have happened anyway.

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