Why will Hillary lose? She and Dems are out of touch with voters & "enthusiasm gap"


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
The enthusiasm gap is real, Trump voters are fired up. Hillary voters, not so much...

Secretary Kerry says that air conditioners are more dangerous than ISIS

Trayvon's mom speaks at DNC; but no cops or cop family members?

Terror attacks every week or every other week

STILL won't say :Islamist Terrorism"

Black Lives Matter protests continue

Cops being killed

During the primaries, I didn't think Trump could win. Now?

Just, I can't thank my friends on the left enough, just keep up the good work!

It's shaping up to be more of a "thug" convention than anything else. Thugs and morons making ridiculous statements like Kerry's latest. :lol:
Has a candidate ever gotten a "negative bounce" in the polls after a convention???

Or is Hillary trying to make history this year?

just curious...
Has a candidate ever gotten a "negative bounce" in the polls after a convention???

Or is Hillary trying to make history this year?

just curious...

The convention has not officially started and the negative bounce has already started. So far as I can tell there is no verifiable evidence that Trump is going up but plenty of evidence that Hillary is losing support. so it won't be a post-convention negative bounce just a continuation.of her disintegrating support.
Has a candidate ever gotten a "negative bounce" in the polls after a convention???

Or is Hillary trying to make history this year?

just curious...

The convention has not officially started and the negative bounce has already started. So far as I can tell there is no verifiable evidence that Trump is going up but plenty of evidence that Hillary is losing support. so it won't be a post-convention negative bounce just a continuation.of her disintegrating support.
Trump's bounce will show up in the next round of polls.
Has a candidate ever gotten a "negative bounce" in the polls after a convention???

Or is Hillary trying to make history this year?

just curious...

The convention has not officially started and the negative bounce has already started. So far as I can tell there is no verifiable evidence that Trump is going up but plenty of evidence that Hillary is losing support. so it won't be a post-convention negative bounce just a continuation.of her disintegrating support.

Trump is now consensus mid 40's

that seems pretty verifiable to me...
Has a candidate ever gotten a "negative bounce" in the polls after a convention???

Or is Hillary trying to make history this year?

just curious...

The convention has not officially started and the negative bounce has already started. So far as I can tell there is no verifiable evidence that Trump is going up but plenty of evidence that Hillary is losing support. so it won't be a post-convention negative bounce just a continuation.of her disintegrating support.

Trump is now consensus mid 40's

that seems pretty verifiable to me...

Yeah but Trump has been here before what is different is Hillary's numbers have suddenly stated sinking. Trump's numbers will continue to rise throughout the D convention
The dem high command decided to keep the "super delegates" even though Bernies crew wanted them gone so voters could decide democratically.
Hillary only won due to the negative influence of the establishment and misleading propaganda
The story I heard is that the dem progressives may split and form a new legitimate party, where their votes actually count.

This election just got a lot more interesting, can't wait for the debates.
The enthusiasm gap is real, Trump voters are fired up. Hillary voters, not so much...

Secretary Kerry says that air conditioners are more dangerous than ISIS

Trayvon's mom speaks at DNC; but no cops or cop family members?

Terror attacks every week or every other week

STILL won't say :Islamist Terrorism"

Black Lives Matter protests continue

Cops being killed

During the primaries, I didn't think Trump could win. Now?

Just, I can't thank my friends on the left enough, just keep up the good work!
You should do your analysis of the swing states regarding Trump.

Utah has become the latest swing state.

And Utah is the reddest of red states.

This trend if it is a trend will undo Trump in most states.

So you need to count your chickens first, before they are even hatched.

There is no way a blue state is going to go red.

And if red states start to go purple then Trump will be served a landslide defeat.

Trump needs to win all the red states and sweep the purple states.

That is highly unlikely.
Has a candidate ever gotten a "negative bounce" in the polls after a convention???

Or is Hillary trying to make history this year?

just curious...

The convention has not officially started and the negative bounce has already started. So far as I can tell there is no verifiable evidence that Trump is going up but plenty of evidence that Hillary is losing support. so it won't be a post-convention negative bounce just a continuation.of her disintegrating support.

Trump is now consensus mid 40's

that seems pretty verifiable to me...

Yeah but Trump has been here before what is different is Hillary's numbers have suddenly stated sinking. Trump's numbers will continue to rise throughout the D convention

Americans know

You're missing the "grexit" protocol, whereby "survival" and "safety" now trump "political correctness". The recent terror attacks have a lot of voters thinking that having nice neighbors is far better than rolling the dice. Trump could win the election if he ever pulls his head out of his ass and start listening to his kids. He need to learn the position enough to debate effectively and to work with Ryan to develop policies that make sense. The continuous bluster will not convince voters he is presidential timber.
You're missing the "grexit" protocol, whereby "survival" and "safety" now trump "political correctness". The recent terror attacks have a lot of voters thinking that having nice neighbors is far better than rolling the dice. Trump could win the election if he ever pulls his head out of his ass and start listening to his kids. He need to learn the position enough to debate effectively and to work with Ryan to develop policies that make sense. The continuous bluster will not convince voters he is presidential timber.

agree- when it comes to those issues
Hillary does come across as


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