Why Won't Trump Call Out Radical White Terrorism?

Donald Trump on Charlottesville: "We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides."

Donald Trump on the German invasion of Poland and the allied response: "We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides."
Fake president Trump in fact provided cover for the White Supremacists and KKK with what he said. These groups of losers have exposed drumpf for what he is and he is STILL trying to give them cover because the whackjobs in these groups are Trump's base. If you need to record an exact moment where all of Trump's future political ambitions died, this is the moment. He's chosen to live with the cockroaches.

The reaction across the country to the alt-right lowlifes is loud and clear. YOU aren't part of America. Get out.
he condemned all. how is that so?
Watch his speech - MORON.

no, imbecile, he said there were bad acts "on both sides".

sorry trumptard, white supremacists gathering with torches and calling out disgusting things and driving a car into the decent people who protested them is not "both sides".


Actually he said "many sides", and then repeated it to make sure it was heard.

I know it sounds like somebody snuck in and inserted the letters "AN"-- but he's right -- it is indeed "many" ----

---- you got the 'alt-right'....
---- the Klan....
---- the skinheads.....
---- the racists.....
---- the anti-Semites....
---- the Deep State Alex Jones wackaballs....
--- the neo-Nazis....
---- the general fascist authoritarians who haven't joined one of the above yet.....

--- that's an octagon right there, certainly qualifies as "many".

Rump should hire me to be his spin doctor. I got his drivel all figured out. :deal:
trump's bread and butter is racial anger by angry sick white Christian supremacists....
As much as Obama's "bread and butter" were Islamic terrorists. :rolleyes:


you're getting wackier and wackier...

don't embarrass yourself by defending the indefensible. unless of course you think the white supremacists carrying torches and driving a car into the decent people who protested them is ok.
trump's bread and butter is racial anger by angry sick white Christian supremacists....


And the snowflake of the day ... already .... goes to Jill. No one will be able to top that stupid, partisan shit right there, no matter how hard they try. :p
trump's bread and butter is racial anger by angry sick white Christian supremacists....
As much as Obama's "bread and butter" were Islamic terrorists. :rolleyes:


you're getting wackier and wackier...

don't embarrass yourself by defending the indefensible. unless of course you think the white supremacists carrying torches and driving a car into the decent people who protested them is ok.
You're insulting anyone who voted for Trump with what you said. What you said is not based in logic. You're so consumed with your anger you can't help yourself. If you ever do go to court (doubtful with your uncontrollable emotions), I bet you've spent quite a few bucks in contempt fines. :rolleyes:

Get a grip, hack.
'Why won't Trump call out radical white racism?'

In the immortal words of CNN, 'Does it matter what he calls it?' Violence is violence...

'Does it matter if Obama uses the term 'Islamic terrorism'?'
- Islamic terrorism: Does it matter if Obama calls it that? - CNNPolitics

"As expected, Obama did not utter the words "radical" or "Islam," instead referring to the attack as "an act of terror and an act of hate." Indeed, he has resisted using the term "radical Islam" throughout his presidency despite pressure from Republicans."

As CNN 'accurately' points out, though, Trump's words THEN Is / can come back to bite HIM in the arse now...

"Is President Obama going to finally mention the words radical Islamic terrorism? If he doesn't he should immediately resign in disgrace!" Trump tweeted moments before President Barack Obama addressed the nation from the White House."

I believe Trump actually handled it rather well, though. Instead of laser-like focus on just 'Radical White Racism' Trump condemned divisive, destructive 'VIOLENCE' as a whole in this country, whether it is Un-American Radical White Racists, Rioting / looting / destroying black racists, Political violence, etc...it should all be condemned.
No violence is not just violence

This country has a history of racial violence. We even had a Civil War over it

The fact that we are still fighting against violent racial bigotry at this point in our history is appalling

Yes, we should have handled it the same way all gets handled in Africa, the ME, and most everywhere else on the planet, by completely exterminating the losers, right? After all, the ME has no such racial divides, even after thousands of years of slave trading, they simply killed all the black slaves who revolted, and after that only imported black male slaves who had full castration performed on them, of which around 90% of them would die, and the black females slaves were simply killed when they were no longer useful, an dif they got pregnant the babies were killed. That's certainly all acceptable to left wingers.

No, actually we worry about our own issues as a society

Racism has always been a big one
Trump's initial message that placed blame on BOTH sides was clearly designed to mitigate the blame on the neo-Nazi side.
He made a statement to mitigate divisiveness. I know...it's a change from the last eight years. Violence is violence, regardless of who does it during a protest.
I can actually understand that argument, but there is a time and place for everything. A President has to have the awareness to understand, appreciate and act in accordance with the broader context of any event.

This is absolutely true. For "a President".

But this one has always been pointedly specific, absolutely when it results in a broad brush, about "Mexicans", about "Muslims", even jumping in to take credit for his own fingerpointing in the face of some attack, even pointing the Mexican finger at a judge from Indiana.

I mean you literally CAN'T get more ignorantly broad-brush than singling out a religion "until our governement can figure out what the hell is going on" than "calling for a complete and total (and redundant) shutdown of (insert religion here)". There's literally no broader brush to point a finger with.

---- Now suddenly he wants to go all-inclusive and the pointy finger goes flaccid?

You gotta be not paying attention to miss that.

If Rump has suddenly come to Jesus on being Presidential, then he need not explain "many sides". Rather, he needs to explain "rapists" and "complete and total shutdown of a religion" and "beat the crap out of 'em" and all that divisive fearmongering that is its diplomatic opposite. The nation deserves to know which Jekyll / Hyde it has in the WH.
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trump's bread and butter is racial anger by angry sick white Christian supremacists....
As much as Obama's "bread and butter" were Islamic terrorists. :rolleyes:


you're getting wackier and wackier...

don't embarrass yourself by defending the indefensible. unless of course you think the white supremacists carrying torches and driving a car into the decent people who protested them is ok.
You're insulting anyone who voted for Trump with what you said. What you said is not based in logic. You're so consumed with your anger you can't help yourself. If you ever do go to court (doubtful with your uncontrollable emotions), I bet you've spent quite a few bucks in contempt fines. :rolleyes:

Get a grip, hack.

Why weren't there more (any) Trump supporters in the crowd?

Aren't they as offended by racism as anyone else?
Trump's initial message that placed blame on BOTH sides was clearly designed to mitigate the blame on the neo-Nazi side.
He made a statement to mitigate divisiveness. I know...it's a change from the last eight years. Violence is violence, regardless of who does it during a protest.
I can actually understand that argument, but there is a time and place for everything. A President has to have the awareness to understand, appreciate and act in accordance with the broader context of any event.

This is absolutely true. For "a President".

But this one has always been pointedly specific, absolutely when it results in a broad brush, about "Mexicans", about "Muslims", even jumping in to take credit for his own fingerpointing in the face of some attack, even pointing the Mexican finger at a judge from Indiana.

Now suddenly he wants to go all-inclusive and the finger goes flaccid?

You gotta be not paying attention to miss that.
Sure. It couldn't be much more obvious, he doesn't want to piss off the wrong people.

He's so clumsy that he doesn't hide it very well.
As much as Obama's "bread and butter" were Islamic terrorists. :rolleyes:
on what planet does that make any sense...?

Obama financed, supplied, armed, trained, defended, and protected Islamic Terrorists...
- He helped overthrow the Pro-US allied Egyptian leader who was replaced by the Terrorists Muslim Brotherhood (Interfering in a nation's election / governance)

- He dragged the US into an Un-Constitutional, Un-approved war to help Al Qaeda, who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 1nd 4 Americans on 9/11/12, take over Libya, murdering and overthrowing a nation's leader who was HELPING THE COALITION FIGHT TERRORISTS IN NORTHERN AFRICA (Interfering in a nation's election / governance)

- He dragged the US into an Un-Constitutional, Un-approved war to help ISIS attempt to take over Syria

- Despite being warned of an attack in Boston and knowing exactly who the two terrorists were, he allowed them to detonate bombs, commit the attack, wound and kill Americans, then after wards run ads asking the American people to help identify them even though he knew exactly who they were

- Defended the Ft hood Terrorist by claiming it was a case of workplace violence before being pressured to admit it was a terrorist attack

- Defended Islamic extremists by refusing to call the Orlando attack a terrorist attack

- Poor vetting and giving a terrorist a visa enabled the terrorist attack that killed 7 Americans in California...just weeks before that Obama mocked Americans for their concern for their safety and national security, claiming they were afraid of was Orphans and widows....

Obama aided and abetted terrorists his entire time in office....not that snowflakes would ever admit to that....
Trump's initial message that placed blame on BOTH sides was clearly designed to mitigate the blame on the neo-Nazi side.
He made a statement to mitigate divisiveness. I know...it's a change from the last eight years. Violence is violence, regardless of who does it during a protest.
I can actually understand that argument, but there is a time and place for everything. A President has to have the awareness to understand, appreciate and act in accordance with the broader context of any event.

This is absolutely true. For "a President".

But this one has always been pointedly specific, absolutely when it results in a broad brush, about "Mexicans", about "Muslims", even jumping in to take credit for his own fingerpointing in the face of some attack, even pointing the Mexican finger at a judge from Indiana.

Now suddenly he wants to go all-inclusive and the finger goes flaccid?

You gotta be not paying attention to miss that.
Sure. It couldn't be much more obvious, he doesn't want to piss off the wrong people.

He's so clumsy that he doesn't hide it very well.

the wrong people?

a decent human being would be proud to piss off neo-Nazis.

it's about time people stop making excuses for him. he chooses his words carefully.

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