Why Work?

Is this ridiculous or what?

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How the hell can someone who only wants to keep what they've earned be greedy? I'm not the one demanding someone else pay higher taxes so I can have handed to me what I don't provide to myself.

I don't ignore that many who get handouts have jobs. That tells me they have low level skills if they work and can't afford to feed themselves.
They have low level skills and there's nothing they can do about it...

There's nothing they can do about it? Did you really just say that? :lmao:

How do you suppose millions of Americans attain and improve their marketable skills?

Magic dust?

Like most loony lefties you seem to believe that people are incapable of navigating their way through their lives without your help.
Keep raising the price of college loans and cutting training for years like the GOP has done, making the poor and middle class pay as high a rate in all taxes and fees as the rich, and this is the mess you get. Mario Cuomo: "Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor." The dupes are functional morons at this point.

When you can sit on your ass and take advantage of up to 126 Welfare and anti poverty programs offered by the Gov't...................

In many states it is more than the minimum wage for those milking the tit of the Federal Gov't.

2 Studies...............ENJOY

What's in your wallet?

The fact that you're asking tells us that you are a bitter malcontent that would rather not work.

Most people know why they work. Why they like to feel they have a purpose and a goal in life.

All of these programs have requirements - "entitlement" means you have to qualify -- many have to do with veterans, the disabled, and the children of poor families.
I've worked all my life..............and will continue to work.....................

I get up early and get home late..............and then see lazy asses capable of working sitting on their asses sucking on the Gov't tit and it pisses me off........

I'm not saying eliminate welfare in this country................Never have even though many libs are saying as much which is BS.............I'm saying it must be controlled to lower the amount as it is about a TRILLION a year right now...........and growing.................

We need to live within our means or we will be facing Austerity measure when we economically destroy ourselves...........and this is another area that can get some cuts...................

There is abuse of this system.................and people will continue to abuse it so they don't have to work............If they are able.........Then get off your ass and go to work. I don't OWE THEM ANYTHING.............if they are capable of working and supporting themselves. Neither do the rest of the taxpayers.

It's that whole entitlement mentality thing and it's growing thanks to the loony leftists among us. It's one thing to genuinely need society's help and quite another to CHOOSE not only to fail to do one's part but to be an albatross around society's neck.

The more we indulge these parasites, the more will be tempted to join their ranks.
I mean, as the thread title states, "Why Work?"
I'm a retired teacher with a masters in History, brainwashed hater dupe. I happily pay my taxes and want to help my fellow citizens, especially the unfortunate. Mainly victims of shortsighted greedy idiot megarich Pubs and their silly dupes.

You couldn't teach a fish to swim. It's no wonder students today don't know shit about history.

This isn't about taxes. It's about you proving you really want to help your fellow citizens. You can do that and taxes, the government nor anyone else has to be involved. You think the government is the only way to do things. You can invest in someone's college simply by writing that check to pay for their tuition. By automatically going to the government well, it proves you don't care as much as you claim. If you did, you'd do it and it wouldn't matter who knew.
Government can certainly make success a helluva lot harder, as shortsighted ignorant greedy Reaganists have been doing for 30 years. You know NOTHING about my teaching, or anything else for that matter as far as I can tell. lol. Helping victims is a horror for you, but giveaways to giant corps and megarich a-holes is fine. Read something. See sig, your policies are a disaster and disgrace.

I know all I need to know about you to know you were a poor teacher. You're so biased, anyone in your class with a different opinion was chastised and beat up for thinking other than the way you thought.

Helping victims is not a horror. Someone whose own choices put them where they are is not a victim. I'm sure you know students that quit school and never came back. If they can't cut it financially, they aren't victims. They are now feeling the results of a choice they made. Someone isn't a victim if they are where they are because of them. Only bleeding hearts make them out to be in order to push their agenda of having someone else pay for those bad choices.
You've got your own facts, provided to you by greedy idiot Pub billionaires. Bring one up, instead of lazy people stealing your money idiocy for page after page.

A high school dropout isn't a victim. Their financial situation is a result of their own choice. That's a fact.
You're doing a great job of keeping people on welfare and the road to crime.
I'm a retired teacher with a masters in History, brainwashed hater dupe. I happily pay my taxes and want to help my fellow citizens, especially the unfortunate. Mainly victims of shortsighted greedy idiot megarich Pubs and their silly dupes.

You couldn't teach a fish to swim. It's no wonder students today don't know shit about history.

This isn't about taxes. It's about you proving you really want to help your fellow citizens. You can do that and taxes, the government nor anyone else has to be involved. You think the government is the only way to do things. You can invest in someone's college simply by writing that check to pay for their tuition. By automatically going to the government well, it proves you don't care as much as you claim. If you did, you'd do it and it wouldn't matter who knew.
Government can certainly make success a helluva lot harder, as shortsighted ignorant greedy Reaganists have been doing for 30 years. You know NOTHING about my teaching, or anything else for that matter as far as I can tell. lol. Helping victims is a horror for you, but giveaways to giant corps and megarich a-holes is fine. Read something. See sig, your policies are a disaster and disgrace.

I know all I need to know about you to know you were a poor teacher. You're so biased, anyone in your class with a different opinion was chastised and beat up for thinking other than the way you thought.

Helping victims is not a horror. Someone whose own choices put them where they are is not a victim. I'm sure you know students that quit school and never came back. If they can't cut it financially, they aren't victims. They are now feeling the results of a choice they made. Someone isn't a victim if they are where they are because of them. Only bleeding hearts make them out to be in order to push their agenda of having someone else pay for those bad choices.
You've got your own facts, provided to you by greedy idiot Pub billionaires. Bring one up, instead of lazy people stealing your money idiocy for page after page.

A high school dropout isn't a victim. Their financial situation is a result of their own choice. That's a fact.

And high school is FREE!

Additionally, community colleges are free or very inexpensive. Pretty much anyone with even below average intelligence can make in America ... if they try.

With so many genuinely in need of society's help, those who CHOOSE to be dead weight in this land of plenty are beneath contempt or - as Davros put it - "naturally lazy."
Incredibly shortsighted.

When you can sit on your ass and take advantage of up to 126 Welfare and anti poverty programs offered by the Gov't...................

In many states it is more than the minimum wage for those milking the tit of the Federal Gov't.

2 Studies...............ENJOY

What's in your wallet?

The fact that you're asking tells us that you are a bitter malcontent that would rather not work.

Most people know why they work. Why they like to feel they have a purpose and a goal in life.

All of these programs have requirements - "entitlement" means you have to qualify -- many have to do with veterans, the disabled, and the children of poor families.
I've worked all my life..............and will continue to work.....................

I get up early and get home late..............and then see lazy asses capable of working sitting on their asses sucking on the Gov't tit and it pisses me off........

I'm not saying eliminate welfare in this country................Never have even though many libs are saying as much which is BS.............I'm saying it must be controlled to lower the amount as it is about a TRILLION a year right now...........and growing.................

We need to live within our means or we will be facing Austerity measure when we economically destroy ourselves...........and this is another area that can get some cuts...................

There is abuse of this system.................and people will continue to abuse it so they don't have to work............If they are able.........Then get off your ass and go to work. I don't OWE THEM ANYTHING.............if they are capable of working and supporting themselves. Neither do the rest of the taxpayers.

It's that whole entitlement mentality thing and it's growing thanks to the loony leftists among us. It's one thing to genuinely need society's help and quite another to CHOOSE not only to fail to do one's part but to be an albatross around society's neck.

The more we indulge these parasites, the more will be tempted to join their ranks.
I mean, as the thread title states, "Why Work?"
Has nothing to do with the GOP wrecking the world economy and the middle class lol....or blocking ALL help to train for example for 3 million tech jobs going begging etc etc etc...You hater dupes are just stupid and bitter, perhaps.
A high school dropout isn't a victim. Their financial situation is a result of their own choice. That's a fact.
You're doing a great job of keeping people on welfare and the road to crime.

Actually you are.

Like most loony lefties you seem to believe that people are incapable of navigating their way through their lives without your help.
Keep raising the price of college loans and cutting training for years like the GOP has done...

The interest rate on college loans is DECREASING (currently 4.29%).

What is striking about you is not your incessantly angry whining but rather your persistently monumental ignorance.

When you can sit on your ass and take advantage of up to 126 Welfare and anti poverty programs offered by the Gov't...................

In many states it is more than the minimum wage for those milking the tit of the Federal Gov't.

2 Studies...............ENJOY

What's in your wallet?

The fact that you're asking tells us that you are a bitter malcontent that would rather not work.

Most people know why they work. Why they like to feel they have a purpose and a goal in life.

All of these programs have requirements - "entitlement" means you have to qualify -- many have to do with veterans, the disabled, and the children of poor families.
I've worked all my life..............and will continue to work.....................

I get up early and get home late..............and then see lazy asses capable of working sitting on their asses sucking on the Gov't tit and it pisses me off........

I'm not saying eliminate welfare in this country................Never have even though many libs are saying as much which is BS.............I'm saying it must be controlled to lower the amount as it is about a TRILLION a year right now...........and growing.................

We need to live within our means or we will be facing Austerity measure when we economically destroy ourselves...........and this is another area that can get some cuts...................

There is abuse of this system.................and people will continue to abuse it so they don't have to work............If they are able.........Then get off your ass and go to work. I don't OWE THEM ANYTHING.............if they are capable of working and supporting themselves. Neither do the rest of the taxpayers.
A high school dropout isn't a victim. Their financial situation is a result of their own choice. That's a fact.
You're doing a great job of keeping people on welfare and the road to crime.

Actually you are.

Like most loony lefties you seem to believe that people are incapable of navigating their way through their lives without your help.
Keep raising the price of college loans and cutting training for years like the GOP has done...

The interest rate on college loans is DECREASING (currently 4.29%).

What is striking about you is not your incessantly angry whining but rather your persistently monumental ignorance.
NOW, duh- and opposed by your heroes duh. But under W it went up- let bankers do it- and public colleges DOUBLED in cost. Also changed law so his cronies could start online scam colleges and screw the hell out of returning GIs. Read something.
How the hell can someone who only wants to keep what they've earned be greedy? I'm not the one demanding someone else pay higher taxes so I can have handed to me what I don't provide to myself.

I don't ignore that many who get handouts have jobs. That tells me they have low level skills if they work and can't afford to feed themselves.
They have low level skills and there's nothing they can do about it...

There's nothing they can do about it? Did you really just say that? :lmao:

How do you suppose millions of Americans attain and improve their marketable skills?

Magic dust?

Like most loony lefties you seem to believe that people are incapable of navigating their way through their lives without your help.
Keep raising the price of college loans and cutting training for years like the GOP has done, making the poor and middle class pay as high a rate in all taxes and fees as the rich, and this is the mess you get. Mario Cuomo: "Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor." The dupes are functional morons at this point.

So who's in charge of most colleges? Liberals. You know, those money grabbing liberals that could care less that they are milking students and families alike.
You couldn't teach a fish to swim. It's no wonder students today don't know shit about history.

This isn't about taxes. It's about you proving you really want to help your fellow citizens. You can do that and taxes, the government nor anyone else has to be involved. You think the government is the only way to do things. You can invest in someone's college simply by writing that check to pay for their tuition. By automatically going to the government well, it proves you don't care as much as you claim. If you did, you'd do it and it wouldn't matter who knew.
Government can certainly make success a helluva lot harder, as shortsighted ignorant greedy Reaganists have been doing for 30 years. You know NOTHING about my teaching, or anything else for that matter as far as I can tell. lol. Helping victims is a horror for you, but giveaways to giant corps and megarich a-holes is fine. Read something. See sig, your policies are a disaster and disgrace.

I know all I need to know about you to know you were a poor teacher. You're so biased, anyone in your class with a different opinion was chastised and beat up for thinking other than the way you thought.

Helping victims is not a horror. Someone whose own choices put them where they are is not a victim. I'm sure you know students that quit school and never came back. If they can't cut it financially, they aren't victims. They are now feeling the results of a choice they made. Someone isn't a victim if they are where they are because of them. Only bleeding hearts make them out to be in order to push their agenda of having someone else pay for those bad choices.
You've got your own facts, provided to you by greedy idiot Pub billionaires. Bring one up, instead of lazy people stealing your money idiocy for page after page.

A high school dropout isn't a victim. Their financial situation is a result of their own choice. That's a fact.
You're doing a great job of keeping people on welfare and the road to crime.

People do that to themselves.
How the hell can someone who only wants to keep what they've earned be greedy? I'm not the one demanding someone else pay higher taxes so I can have handed to me what I don't provide to myself.

I don't ignore that many who get handouts have jobs. That tells me they have low level skills if they work and can't afford to feed themselves.
They have low level skills and there's nothing they can do about it...

There's nothing they can do about it? Did you really just say that? :lmao:

How do you suppose millions of Americans attain and improve their marketable skills?

Magic dust?

Like most loony lefties you seem to believe that people are incapable of navigating their way through their lives without your help.
Keep raising the price of college loans and cutting training for years like the GOP has done, making the poor and middle class pay as high a rate in all taxes and fees as the rich, and this is the mess you get. Mario Cuomo: "Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor." The dupes are functional morons at this point.

So who's in charge of most colleges? Liberals. You know, those money grabbing liberals that could care less that they are milking students and families alike.
The libs are the profs, who know what they're talking about, the administrators are business school GOPers...in HS they're Phys Ed GOPers.
How the hell can someone who only wants to keep what they've earned be greedy? I'm not the one demanding someone else pay higher taxes so I can have handed to me what I don't provide to myself.

I don't ignore that many who get handouts have jobs. That tells me they have low level skills if they work and can't afford to feed themselves.
They have low level skills and there's nothing they can do about it...

There's nothing they can do about it? Did you really just say that? :lmao:

How do you suppose millions of Americans attain and improve their marketable skills?

Magic dust?

Like most loony lefties you seem to believe that people are incapable of navigating their way through their lives without your help.
Keep raising the price of college loans and cutting training for years like the GOP has done, making the poor and middle class pay as high a rate in all taxes and fees as the rich, and this is the mess you get. Mario Cuomo: "Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor." The dupes are functional morons at this point.

So who's in charge of most colleges? Liberals. You know, those money grabbing liberals that could care less that they are milking students and families alike.
The libs are the profs, who know what they're talking about, the administrators are business school GOPers...in HS they're Phys Ed GOPers.

And I guess the liberal profs are also setting the budgets and Tuition at state colleges!
Government can certainly make success a helluva lot harder, as shortsighted ignorant greedy Reaganists have been doing for 30 years. You know NOTHING about my teaching, or anything else for that matter as far as I can tell. lol. Helping victims is a horror for you, but giveaways to giant corps and megarich a-holes is fine. Read something. See sig, your policies are a disaster and disgrace.

I know all I need to know about you to know you were a poor teacher. You're so biased, anyone in your class with a different opinion was chastised and beat up for thinking other than the way you thought.

Helping victims is not a horror. Someone whose own choices put them where they are is not a victim. I'm sure you know students that quit school and never came back. If they can't cut it financially, they aren't victims. They are now feeling the results of a choice they made. Someone isn't a victim if they are where they are because of them. Only bleeding hearts make them out to be in order to push their agenda of having someone else pay for those bad choices.
You've got your own facts, provided to you by greedy idiot Pub billionaires. Bring one up, instead of lazy people stealing your money idiocy for page after page.

A high school dropout isn't a victim. Their financial situation is a result of their own choice. That's a fact.
You're doing a great job of keeping people on welfare and the road to crime.

People do that to themselves.
Yup, kids built the ghettos and now basically tax the poor and middle class as much as the richest in all taxes and fees. They also caused the corrupt Boosh World Depression and block all intelligent reform.
How the hell can someone who only wants to keep what they've earned be greedy? I'm not the one demanding someone else pay higher taxes so I can have handed to me what I don't provide to myself.

I don't ignore that many who get handouts have jobs. That tells me they have low level skills if they work and can't afford to feed themselves.
They have low level skills and there's nothing they can do about it, and there are not enough low level skill jobs for all of them. What do you suggest should happen to them? One of your bretheren said our country ought to be more like Africa where there's real poverty. All so you can keep an extra 1,000 dollars per year and so that your rich slave driver can keep an extra 5 million dollars per year, mostly "earned" from "investment". You are pathetic.

Why do you prostrate yourself for "the man"? Why do you worship fat cats? It's pitiful.

THEY are the reason they have the low level skills.

What do I suggest happen to them. I suggest that if you think someone who has low level skills deserves another person's money, write a check to them. One of the primary indicators of someone's economic place in life is education. What about those that quit school. Should the rest of us that didn't make that poor decision be forced to fund the bad results of their poor choice?

That's not an extra $1000, it's $1000 I earned. Why should my family not get that money?

Perhaps those you believe deserve someone else's money should earn what they get. You support taxpayers funding their kids college. If it's such a good investment, why don't you expect those kid's parents to invest in their own kids? While you may not like how someone you despise got their money, what's wrong with making it legally through investing?
Yup, much better to keep them on welfare than train them for 3 million tech jobs. Hate and greed is good.

Anytime you personally want to prove that you care about them and that it's a good investment, write a check on their behalf.

You assume if they don't go to college they will automatically be on welfare. That may be what happened to you.
I'm a retired teacher with a masters in History, brainwashed hater dupe. I happily pay my taxes and want to help my fellow citizens, especially the unfortunate. Mainly victims of shortsighted greedy idiot megarich Pubs and their silly dupes.

This is the truth that you capitalists' lapdog morons just won't believe. There are no jobs out there.

Skills Won't Get You Anywhere in America

According to the Obama administration, unemployment has gone way down. There are jobs out there. I'm out and about every day and see people who are hiring.

Same here. I go to a lot of industrial areas. Companies have signs on their lawns for Help Wanted. Some are even there permanently. Go there three weeks later, and those signs are still there.

What it amounts to is those who say they can't find a job can't find one doing what they want to do or paying them what they want to make despite having skills one level above what a monkey could be trained to do.

Correct which is why I constantly invite them to check out my line of work. Even with evidence right in front of them, they still make excuses.

Next year we are going to need over 45,000 NEW drivers that employers can't find. Yet these brainwashed liberals act like I haven't shown them a thing. They are so brainwashed.
I know all I need to know about you to know you were a poor teacher. You're so biased, anyone in your class with a different opinion was chastised and beat up for thinking other than the way you thought.

Helping victims is not a horror. Someone whose own choices put them where they are is not a victim. I'm sure you know students that quit school and never came back. If they can't cut it financially, they aren't victims. They are now feeling the results of a choice they made. Someone isn't a victim if they are where they are because of them. Only bleeding hearts make them out to be in order to push their agenda of having someone else pay for those bad choices.
You've got your own facts, provided to you by greedy idiot Pub billionaires. Bring one up, instead of lazy people stealing your money idiocy for page after page.

A high school dropout isn't a victim. Their financial situation is a result of their own choice. That's a fact.
You're doing a great job of keeping people on welfare and the road to crime.

People do that to themselves.
Yup, kids built the ghettos and now basically tax the poor and middle class as much as the richest in all taxes and fees. They also caused the corrupt Boosh World Depression and block all intelligent reform.

No, actually it was the Democrats that did it. Their insistence that they put un-credit worthy people in their own houses is what caused the problem creating a bubble and then bust.

Kids may be born in ghettos, but that doesn't mean they are trapped there forever. Justice Sotomayor is from the projects. Dr. Ben Carson was born in the slums of Detroit.

Once you become of age, you make your own decisions in life. Foreigners from all over the world come here, laugh at what we call poor, and then become self-supportive or educated and have a good life.
The interest rate on college loans is DECREASING (currently 4.29%).

What is striking about you is not your incessantly angry whining but rather your persistently monumental ignorance.
NOW, duh- and opposed by your heroes duh. But under W it went up- let bankers do it- and public colleges DOUBLED in cost. Also changed law so his cronies could start online scam colleges and screw the hell out of returning GIs. Read something.

From one side of your always angry (and equally ignorant) mouth you complain (and I quote) that the rising "price of college loans" constrains the poor and middle class and when I point out that college loan interest rates - like all interest rates - have been falling for years and are very reasonable, you ignore the facts and whine from the other side of your mouth about W and the bankers.

I'll say this much for you: you are consistent ... consistently stupid.
How the hell can someone who only wants to keep what they've earned be greedy? I'm not the one demanding someone else pay higher taxes so I can have handed to me what I don't provide to myself.

I don't ignore that many who get handouts have jobs. That tells me they have low level skills if they work and can't afford to feed themselves.
They have low level skills and there's nothing they can do about it...

There's nothing they can do about it? Did you really just say that? :lmao:

How do you suppose millions of Americans attain and improve their marketable skills?

Magic dust?

Like most loony lefties you seem to believe that people are incapable of navigating their way through their lives without your help.
Keep raising the price of college loans and cutting training for years like the GOP has done, making the poor and middle class pay as high a rate in all taxes and fees as the rich, and this is the mess you get. Mario Cuomo: "Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor." The dupes are functional morons at this point.

So who's in charge of most colleges? Liberals. You know, those money grabbing liberals that could care less that they are milking students and families alike.
The libs are the profs, who know what they're talking about, the administrators are business school GOPers...in HS they're Phys Ed GOPers.

Oh, so what you are saying is that GOP administrators are hiring liberal professors? LOL! Yeah, I'm sure of it. LOL!
They have low level skills and there's nothing they can do about it...

There's nothing they can do about it? Did you really just say that? :lmao:

How do you suppose millions of Americans attain and improve their marketable skills?

Magic dust?

Like most loony lefties you seem to believe that people are incapable of navigating their way through their lives without your help.
Keep raising the price of college loans and cutting training for years like the GOP has done, making the poor and middle class pay as high a rate in all taxes and fees as the rich, and this is the mess you get. Mario Cuomo: "Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor." The dupes are functional morons at this point.

So who's in charge of most colleges? Liberals. You know, those money grabbing liberals that could care less that they are milking students and families alike.
The libs are the profs, who know what they're talking about, the administrators are business school GOPers...in HS they're Phys Ed GOPers.

Oh, so what you are saying is that GOP administrators are hiring liberal professors? LOL! Yeah, I'm sure of it. LOL!

He seems to have no idea how sophomoric his angry posts are nor does he understand that people with the Master's Degree he claims to hold do not - as he does - write or think at a middle school level.

He's pissed about his obvious lack of success and like so many losers he must blame others.
There's nothing they can do about it? Did you really just say that? :lmao:

How do you suppose millions of Americans attain and improve their marketable skills?

Magic dust?

Like most loony lefties you seem to believe that people are incapable of navigating their way through their lives without your help.
Keep raising the price of college loans and cutting training for years like the GOP has done, making the poor and middle class pay as high a rate in all taxes and fees as the rich, and this is the mess you get. Mario Cuomo: "Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor." The dupes are functional morons at this point.

So who's in charge of most colleges? Liberals. You know, those money grabbing liberals that could care less that they are milking students and families alike.
The libs are the profs, who know what they're talking about, the administrators are business school GOPers...in HS they're Phys Ed GOPers.

Oh, so what you are saying is that GOP administrators are hiring liberal professors? LOL! Yeah, I'm sure of it. LOL!

He is persistently angry and stupid and while claiming to hold a master degree
There's nothing they can do about it? Did you really just say that? :lmao:

How do you suppose millions of Americans attain and improve their marketable skills?

Magic dust?

Like most loony lefties you seem to believe that people are incapable of navigating their way through their lives without your help.
Keep raising the price of college loans and cutting training for years like the GOP has done, making the poor and middle class pay as high a rate in all taxes and fees as the rich, and this is the mess you get. Mario Cuomo: "Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor." The dupes are functional morons at this point.

So who's in charge of most colleges? Liberals. You know, those money grabbing liberals that could care less that they are milking students and families alike.
The libs are the profs, who know what they're talking about, the administrators are business school GOPers...in HS they're Phys Ed GOPers.

Oh, so what you are saying is that GOP administrators are hiring liberal professors? LOL! Yeah, I'm sure of it. LOL!

He seems to have no idea how sophomoric his angry posts are nor does he understand that people with the Master's Degree he claims to hold do not - as he does - write or think at a middle school level.

He's pissed about his obvious lack of success and like so many losers he must blame others.

Well the one nice thing about the internet is you can be anybody you desire.

I've met liberal published authors, astronauts, professional athletes, scientists, school teachers, CEO's, business owners, and even so-called military leaders. The funny thing is I'm the only truck driver here. LOL!

Yeah I hear ya. My nephew has a Masters and is a teacher also working with disadvantaged kids. I could never dream of him writing or talking like Franko. If he started, I would tell my sister to go back to his college and get her money back.

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