Why Work?

Is this ridiculous or what?

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When you can sit on your ass and take advantage of up to 126 Welfare and anti poverty programs offered by the Gov't...................

In many states it is more than the minimum wage for those milking the tit of the Federal Gov't.

2 Studies...............ENJOY

What's in your wallet?
Why work when capitalists are willing to "race to the bottom" regarding wages for the least wealthy, while the wealthiest even may retain their multimillion dollar bonuses while on means tested corporate welfare.
Why allow illegals into this country when they bring down wages....................

I disagree with the claim. McDonalds is never going to pay $15 an hour, illegals or not. They will replace people with kiosks and automation. That's why they had that test store 10 years ago, that was 100% automated, and it worked. The whole reason they did that, was if the minimum wage is jacked up, they could phase in replacement of workers with automation.

So illegals are not preventing the 17 year old high school student from getting a middle class income... if only those darn illegals would go away.

On the flip side, you don't see illegals running engineering firms at fortune 500 companies. I'm sorry, but you simply can't expect me to believe that some electrical engineer would have earned $100,000 a year, but instead is earning $30,000 a year, because some McDonalds hired illegals.

I don't believe you. (yes I made up the numbers, but whatever wage you want to take, fine. I still don't believe it, if they were could have been paid $70K, but earned $40K because some illegal somewhere).
I've seen the wages drop in Blue Collar construction jobs as a result of illegal immigration. I've been on jobs where they were busing them in, and they admitted they weren't legal. In areas like insulation, and scaffold building they have taken over on many jobs. Those wages used to be higher. Now, not so much.
where? how much "union busting" has been going on, to engender those negative conditions for labor, but not Capitalists.
apple to orange.......

Chamber is loving the cheap labor influx unless you live under a rock.

When you can sit on your ass and take advantage of up to 126 Welfare and anti poverty programs offered by the Gov't...................

In many states it is more than the minimum wage for those milking the tit of the Federal Gov't.

2 Studies...............ENJOY

What's in your wallet?

I tell you what. You quit working and go out and see how much you can collect in all those freebies, then get back to us all.

Cash value of welfare spending to households in poverty greater than median household income
3:46 PM 12/07/2012

Read more: Cash value of welfare spending to households in poverty greater than median household income
shouldn't that be a sign, omen, and portent to Capitalists regarding wages for labor but not them?
Shouldn't be a sign to close the welcome mat to cheap labor in this country..............

And lower Corp taxes to get them back........................As I've said 12% tax rate in Canada, Ireland, and the UK..........they are far from Conservative places...........they understand something that you don't get...........If you tax the shit out of them they will leave and hold capital.
Money is not circulating in this country.............That is showing we are Stagnant...............
whatever can you mean; has the right finally found a way to bailout the wealthiest and not let it trickle down?
The money is in your favorite tax havens overseas waiting for people like you to lower the taxes................2 Trillion of it................They bring it back........it gets hit at 35% back here.
BTW A 2 Billion influx is on hold via Keystone.............via Obamanomics.................
Money is not circulating in this country.............That is showing we are Stagnant...............
whatever can you mean; has the right finally found a way to bailout the wealthiest and not let it trickle down?
The money is in your favorite tax havens overseas waiting for people like you to lower the taxes................2 Trillion of it................They bring it back........it gets hit at 35% back here.
maybe we should end the capital gains distinction until we have a jobs boom.

When you can sit on your ass and take advantage of up to 126 Welfare and anti poverty programs offered by the Gov't...................

In many states it is more than the minimum wage for those milking the tit of the Federal Gov't.

2 Studies...............ENJOY

What's in your wallet?

I tell you what. You quit working and go out and see how much you can collect in all those freebies, then get back to us all.

Cash value of welfare spending to households in poverty greater than median household income
3:46 PM 12/07/2012

Read more: Cash value of welfare spending to households in poverty greater than median household income
shouldn't that be a sign, omen, and portent to Capitalists regarding wages for labor but not them?

No, what it points out is that we make people so comfortable on the dole that there is no reason for them to find a job and work.

We always had welfare, but welfare when I was younger was barely keeping the roof over your head. There was no reason to want to stay on it.

Look at today. Go to a store that accepts SNAP's and take a look what those people are buying. Don't worry, they won't notice you looking. They are too busy talking on their Obama phone to pay attention to you.

When you can sit on your ass and take advantage of up to 126 Welfare and anti poverty programs offered by the Gov't...................

In many states it is more than the minimum wage for those milking the tit of the Federal Gov't....

So, you agree that the minimum wage should be raised?

i agree left-wing losers are obtuse morons waving non-sequiturs. Raising the minimum wage wont take people off those programs, it will put more on them.

What it really does is cause those people to work less hours so they can stay on those government programs.

When you can sit on your ass and take advantage of up to 126 Welfare and anti poverty programs offered by the Gov't...................

In many states it is more than the minimum wage for those milking the tit of the Federal Gov't.

2 Studies...............ENJOY

What's in your wallet?

I tell you what. You quit working and go out and see how much you can collect in all those freebies, then get back to us all.

Cash value of welfare spending to households in poverty greater than median household income
3:46 PM 12/07/2012

Read more: Cash value of welfare spending to households in poverty greater than median household income
shouldn't that be a sign, omen, and portent to Capitalists regarding wages for labor but not them?

No, what it points out is that we make people so comfortable on the dole that there is no reason for them to find a job and work.

We always had welfare, but welfare when I was younger was barely keeping the roof over your head. There was no reason to want to stay on it.

Look at today. Go to a store that accepts SNAP's and take a look what those people are buying. Don't worry, they won't notice you looking. They are too busy talking on their Obama phone to pay attention to you.
dear, Only lousy capitalists say that.
Great times after the roaring 20's huh...........................

The new Federal Reserve brought in by the Liberal POTUS of the time..................Using fiat currency to bet to the moon..........and taxing the little people and the top people all down...................wonderful.....................

Before 1913 90% of our Federal Money came from Tariffs....................in other words a Consumer tax...........
Great times after the roaring 20's huh...........................

The new Federal Reserve brought in by the Liberal POTUS of the time..................Using fiat currency to bet to the moon..........and taxing the little people and the top people all down...................wonderful.....................

Before 1913 90% of our Federal Money came from Tariffs....................in other words a Consumer tax...........
dear, only the Right is not bright enough to find a correspondence between wars and analogies to war in public policies, and an income tax.
Great times after the roaring 20's huh...........................

The new Federal Reserve brought in by the Liberal POTUS of the time..................Using fiat currency to bet to the moon..........and taxing the little people and the top people all down...................wonderful.....................

Before 1913 90% of our Federal Money came from Tariffs....................in other words a Consumer tax...........
dear, only the Right is not bright enough to find a correspondence between wars and analogies to war in public policies, and an income tax.
Really..................the Wars cause the Welfare roles to provide more in many cases than working............

And the Wars...........we just go there for the hell of it...........again.......REALLY..

Great times after the roaring 20's huh...........................

The new Federal Reserve brought in by the Liberal POTUS of the time..................Using fiat currency to bet to the moon..........and taxing the little people and the top people all down...................wonderful.....................

Before 1913 90% of our Federal Money came from Tariffs....................in other words a Consumer tax...........
dear, only the Right is not bright enough to find a correspondence between wars and analogies to war in public policies, and an income tax.
Really..................the Wars cause the Welfare roles to provide more in many cases than working............

And the Wars...........we just go there for the hell of it...........again.......REALLY..
just clueless and Causeless, and unwilling to learn from history; i got it.

The first Federal income tax was levied to help pay for the Union war effort. In the summer of 1861, Salmon P. Chase reported to the Congress that he would need $320 million over the next fiscal year to finance the war. He thought he could put his hands on $300 million by borrowing part of it and raising the rest through existing taxes and sale of public lands. He left it up to Congress to come up with a way to raise the remaining $20 million.--http://www.civilwar.org/education/history/warfare-and-logistics/logistics/tax.html
Tariffs in United States history - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tariffs in United States history have played important roles intrade policy, political debates and the nation's economic history.The main goal of the tariff was uncontroversial—to raise money to pay the federal budget.[citation needed] Controversy arose over whether manufacturing interests were favored and consumer interests hurt by high tariffs. The 1st United States Congress, wanting a straightforward tax that was not too onerous and easy to collect, passed the Tariff Act of 1789. Treasury agents collected the tariff before goods could be landed, and what became the Coast Guard prevented smuggling. Tariffs were the largest (approaching 95% at times) source of federal revenue until the Federal income tax began after 1913. For well over a century the federal government was largely financed by tariffs averaging about 20% on foreign imports. There are no tariffs for imports or shipments from other states. Since the 1940s, foreign trade policies have focused more on reciprocal tariffs and low tariff rates rather than using tariffs as a significant source of Federal tax revenue.

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