Why Work?

Is this ridiculous or what?

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I don't need to dodge; YOU'RE dodging. YOU SAID they were working for "slave wages", $15 an hour isn't a slave wage

keep trying..............

$15.00 per hour is $31,000 a year, as you pointed out, not slave wages. Using the overtime factor, a person working 45 hours a week will make close to $40,000 a year.

Wow! You're a real Neo-Con. You're expecting someone with a hard science degree to spend $60,000.00 on their education and make $30,000.00/year.
AND you're assuming overtime for granted.
You obviously know NOTHING about the White Collar world...NO ONE GETS OVERTIME.
You are EXPECTED to work as many hours as it takes to get the job done.

If nobody gets overtime, why not say "salary" instead of $15.00 per hour? After all, it's you that made the $15.00 per hour claim, not me.

Secondly, with overtime, $15.00 is not slave wages. It may not be the money one would expect with an advanced education, but certainly not in the category of slave wages.

In NY? Perhaps you might not live the life you want, but what do you expect in a liberal mecca like New York City? Most liberal owned crap holes are inflated beyond the rest of the country.

The majority of firms that supposedly require highly educated visas are in major cities; it's part of their Brag Sheet and it makes it easier to recruit more people.
Smaller, less wealthy areas, probably don't have the clout to get the Business Visas they want.
It's hard to compete with MNCs like JP Morgan, Goldman and IBM.
The sad thing is that a lot of kids are in shock when they graduate.
I've met lots of graduates at the gym who don't understand why they didn't get the job when they had a higher GPA than the Foreign Exchange student from India.
Why do they go to the gym?
All the web sites, like the Ladders, tell them they have to look their best on interviews.

Well you probably know more about that than I do, but from what I've heard on discussions on the radio, companies hire foreigners not just because they will work cheaper, but because our advanced education system sucks. Companies claim that you can't compare an American college graduate to a foreign college graduate. They simply run circles around the American graduate.

That dovetails with our primary education system which can't prepare most kids for a really good college education. And if we go there, that's a whole new can of worms we are opening.

Again, I don't know how true any of this is because I've never researched the subject. It could be true, on the other hand, corporations may be making the entire thing up and our kids are no worse off than foreigners.

I will tell you this: if it were up to me, I would close off our borders to not only illegals, but legals as well. In the blue collar world, they are keeping wages down and that certainly isn't helping our situation any.

"but from what I've heard on discussions on the radio"...
REALLY! Let me guess, you listen to Conservative Talk Radio.
It doesn't matter; I have met people with Masters Degrees and PhDs who are working at Walmart and Home Depot and you presume off the bat that these people are all hicks.
Then you must be able to provide a list of names.

A link to people I have met? Are you high?
In terms of Americans being replaced, try Immigration Reform Bills...
Only Corporate supported liars would request almost 2 million Business Visas a year.

You said you've met people. YOU made the claim now back it up. If you can't, it will be dismissed as nothing more than running your dumbass mouth.

Yeah, like I'm going to post names of people.
Sure, and be sued by them.
Read the Legislation I posted and you will understand the predicament.
Not that you give a shit about anyone else but your own greedy, egoistic ass.

Then they don't exist.

Are you claiming that the people you say you talked to give a shit about the rest of us? Since they don't, do you consider them greedy, egotistical assholes? The answer is no they don't and I'm sure you have some excuse as to why their situation is different and why their lack of concern about the rest of us is justified.

Do yourself a favor and have a conversation with some of there pathetic assholes once in a while and maybe you'll find out they had good professions before they were replaced.
But I'm figuring a guy like you wouldn't give the time of day to a sales clerk.
If people in St. Louis want better education, then they vote for a tax increase and build better schools or get better teachers. That's the way people in Beverly Hills do it.

And if the people in Beverly Hills can afford it, the people in St. Louis sure as hell can afford it also.

So should the people in Beverly Hills pay for the schools of those in St. Louis?

If I couldn't afford to live in a decent neighborhood, I wouldn't have any kids. But people want to have kids and then cry that they can't afford them or give them good education. So who's fault is that?

Some people have kid, are doing good, and then the bottom drops out of the economy. Happened in 2008, and it sure wasn't the peoples' fault. It wasn't in 1930's either.

So what you're saying is that people who really can't afford kids don't have them? I beg to differ. I think people who can't afford kids have the most. After all, they're not paying for those kids--we are. Unlike working people, they can have as many as they like.

You could be right about the people who can't afford kids have the most. Any links?
I myself think you're too judgemental on the poor unless maybe you have some real experience around them. Anyway, what's the solution. Republicans rule out abortion and you can't force people to stop screwing. Anyway, I was talking about the working poor. Jobs that used to allow for raising families, like janitors, stocking shelves etc, paid enough to have a family, maybe a house. It's no longer that way. So we have programs for these people so there kids don't go hungry. We have plenty of government programs for the wealthy also, but it seems like republicans have their anger directed to only the poor.

Why would our anger be at the wealthy? The wealthy keep our stock market going where my IRA is at. The wealthy create and provide jobs. After all, I've never worked for a homeless man before. Most of the wealthy contribute to charities so we don't have even more government expansion. Now what do the poor provide us with?

Yes I do have a lot of experience with the poor. Years ago when I worked in the medical field, we used to go to patients homes and many times in poorer areas. After you get to know them for a while, they have no shame telling you how they rip off the system. And these are not totally stupid people either. They are very creative when it comes to taking advantage of our social programs.

And it's not like I'm talking out of pure opinion either. I remember many times in my younger days when I was poor. I also remember what I did about it, and government handouts were not part of it. Back then, most of us had too much pride.

Monkey jobs no longer pay a living wage. It's just something we have to get used to. This is why it's important to learn a trade or acquire a skill so you don't have to work those jobs. We can't pay the horse shoe maker more money because his job is extinct. Same with telephone operators or the ice man that brings blocks of ice to your home to keep the food cold. We have refrigerators now.
$15.00 per hour is $31,000 a year, as you pointed out, not slave wages. Using the overtime factor, a person working 45 hours a week will make close to $40,000 a year.

Wow! You're a real Neo-Con. You're expecting someone with a hard science degree to spend $60,000.00 on their education and make $30,000.00/year.
AND you're assuming overtime for granted.
You obviously know NOTHING about the White Collar world...NO ONE GETS OVERTIME.
You are EXPECTED to work as many hours as it takes to get the job done.

If nobody gets overtime, why not say "salary" instead of $15.00 per hour? After all, it's you that made the $15.00 per hour claim, not me.

Secondly, with overtime, $15.00 is not slave wages. It may not be the money one would expect with an advanced education, but certainly not in the category of slave wages.

In NY? Perhaps you might not live the life you want, but what do you expect in a liberal mecca like New York City? Most liberal owned crap holes are inflated beyond the rest of the country.

The majority of firms that supposedly require highly educated visas are in major cities; it's part of their Brag Sheet and it makes it easier to recruit more people.
Smaller, less wealthy areas, probably don't have the clout to get the Business Visas they want.
It's hard to compete with MNCs like JP Morgan, Goldman and IBM.
The sad thing is that a lot of kids are in shock when they graduate.
I've met lots of graduates at the gym who don't understand why they didn't get the job when they had a higher GPA than the Foreign Exchange student from India.
Why do they go to the gym?
All the web sites, like the Ladders, tell them they have to look their best on interviews.

Well you probably know more about that than I do, but from what I've heard on discussions on the radio, companies hire foreigners not just because they will work cheaper, but because our advanced education system sucks. Companies claim that you can't compare an American college graduate to a foreign college graduate. They simply run circles around the American graduate.

That dovetails with our primary education system which can't prepare most kids for a really good college education. And if we go there, that's a whole new can of worms we are opening.

Again, I don't know how true any of this is because I've never researched the subject. It could be true, on the other hand, corporations may be making the entire thing up and our kids are no worse off than foreigners.

I will tell you this: if it were up to me, I would close off our borders to not only illegals, but legals as well. In the blue collar world, they are keeping wages down and that certainly isn't helping our situation any.

"but from what I've heard on discussions on the radio"...
REALLY! Let me guess, you listen to Conservative Talk Radio.

Yes I do and there's nothing wrong with that. Well......except for the Michael Smerconish show which is center-left.
Then you must be able to provide a list of names.

A link to people I have met? Are you high?
In terms of Americans being replaced, try Immigration Reform Bills...
Only Corporate supported liars would request almost 2 million Business Visas a year.

You said you've met people. YOU made the claim now back it up. If you can't, it will be dismissed as nothing more than running your dumbass mouth.

Yeah, like I'm going to post names of people.
Sure, and be sued by them.
Read the Legislation I posted and you will understand the predicament.
Not that you give a shit about anyone else but your own greedy, egoistic ass.

Then they don't exist.

Are you claiming that the people you say you talked to give a shit about the rest of us? Since they don't, do you consider them greedy, egotistical assholes? The answer is no they don't and I'm sure you have some excuse as to why their situation is different and why their lack of concern about the rest of us is justified.

Do yourself a favor and have a conversation with some of there pathetic assholes once in a while and maybe you'll find out they had good professions before they were replaced.
But I'm figuring a guy like you wouldn't give the time of day to a sales clerk.

I don't have a problem talking to anyone. What I wouldn't give to someone who thought it was owed to them is a dime just because they thought it was owed to them.
I don't need to dodge; YOU'RE dodging. YOU SAID they were working for "slave wages", $15 an hour isn't a slave wage

keep trying..............

$15.00 per hour is $31,000 a year, as you pointed out, not slave wages. Using the overtime factor, a person working 45 hours a week will make close to $40,000 a year.

Wow! You're a real Neo-Con. You're expecting someone with a hard science degree to spend $60,000.00 on their education and make $30,000.00/year.
AND you're assuming overtime for granted.
You obviously know NOTHING about the White Collar world...NO ONE GETS OVERTIME.
You are EXPECTED to work as many hours as it takes to get the job done.

If nobody gets overtime, why not say "salary" instead of $15.00 per hour? After all, it's you that made the $15.00 per hour claim, not me.

Secondly, with overtime, $15.00 is not slave wages. It may not be the money one would expect with an advanced education, but certainly not in the category of slave wages.

In NY? Perhaps you might not live the life you want, but what do you expect in a liberal mecca like New York City? Most liberal owned crap holes are inflated beyond the rest of the country.

The majority of firms that supposedly require highly educated visas are in major cities; it's part of their Brag Sheet and it makes it easier to recruit more people.
Smaller, less wealthy areas, probably don't have the clout to get the Business Visas they want.
It's hard to compete with MNCs like JP Morgan, Goldman and IBM.
The sad thing is that a lot of kids are in shock when they graduate.
I've met lots of graduates at the gym who don't understand why they didn't get the job when they had a higher GPA than the Foreign Exchange student from India.
Why do they go to the gym?
All the web sites, like the Ladders, tell them they have to look their best on interviews.

Well you probably know more about that than I do, but from what I've heard on discussions on the radio, companies hire foreigners not just because they will work cheaper, but because our advanced education system sucks. Companies claim that you can't compare an American college graduate to a foreign college graduate. They simply run circles around the American graduate.

That dovetails with our primary education system which can't prepare most kids for a really good college education. And if we go there, that's a whole new can of worms we are opening.

Again, I don't know how true any of this is because I've never researched the subject. It could be true, on the other hand, corporations may be making the entire thing up and our kids are no worse off than foreigners.

I will tell you this: if it were up to me, I would close off our borders to not only illegals, but legals as well. In the blue collar world, they are keeping wages down and that certainly isn't helping our situation any.

I have not heard this.

From all I've heard, the US has the best higher education in the world. We have more institutions that are known world wide, than any other country.

Now that said, I think there is an inherent bias built into the system. Meaning, out of all the people in... (insert country here), who are the people most likely to come? The people who can earn a ton more.

The guy coming here from Poland, or where ever, is not going to be that guy in the mail room. Simply because the benefit (wage increase) would not be substantial enough to justify the cost of relocating. The mail room guy in Poland, isn't going to earn so much more at a mail room in the US, to make it worth the trouble to come here.

The people who come here, are the people who can make $80,000 a year plus. These are the people who are good... know they are good... and know they can earn a ton more for their skills here.... and obviously... they are motivated.

I wager that is more likely the reason they run circles around Americans.

All that said, it is true that our publicly fund colleges, are going down hill. I'd be curious how much worse it has gotten since I was there, but back when I went to college I was amazed how bad the teaching was, and how incompetent the teachers were.

There is a massive divide in quality between the private universities, and the public colleges.

When you can sit on your ass and take advantage of up to 126 Welfare and anti poverty programs offered by the Gov't...................

In many states it is more than the minimum wage for those milking the tit of the Federal Gov't....

So, you agree that the minimum wage should be raised?

No................I agree that this is ridiculous and there is no incentive for people to get off the dole with current policy.

Hand Up and not a hand out...............That is not to say most need support............I'm not against that..............but the system is prone to abuse and it needs to be handled.

Lower the Corp taxes and regulations and get the companies to stop leaving..............and give opportunities for middle class income to get off the dole. Poverty is increasing in this country because we chase the businesses out, and then reward them for doing so with Trade Agreements.........

Secondly, stop destroying the dollar and allowing the Gov't to live beyond it's means...........That needs to be turned around and Welfare is part of the equation.

When you can sit on your ass and take advantage of up to 126 Welfare and anti poverty programs offered by the Gov't...................

In many states it is more than the minimum wage for those milking the tit of the Federal Gov't....

So, you agree that the minimum wage should be raised?

No................I agree that this is ridiculous and there is no incentive for people to get off the dole with current policy.

Hand Up and not a hand out...............That is not to say most need support............I'm not against that..............but the system is prone to abuse and it needs to be handled.

Lower the Corp taxes and regulations and get the companies to stop leaving..............and give opportunities for middle class income to get off the dole. Poverty is increasing in this country because we chase the businesses out, and then reward them for doing so with Trade Agreements.........

Secondly, stop destroying the dollar and allowing the Gov't to live beyond it's means...........That needs to be turned around and Welfare is part of the equation.

You forgot the most important thing which is quit bringing in foreigners who will work for next to nothing while keeping American wages lower. Close the border. Nobody comes in for any reason legal or not until our job and median income situation is straightened out.
.... Poverty is increasing in this country because we chase the businesses out, and then reward them for doing so with Trade Agreements.........

Eh, nobody is chasing businesses out. Your beloved job creators simply love the cheap labor in 3rd world countries and the corporate "people" are the ones pushing for "free" trade agreements so they can even get more of it.

And you think giving them more tax cuts will solve anything?

That's insane

$15.00 per hour is $31,000 a year, as you pointed out, not slave wages. Using the overtime factor, a person working 45 hours a week will make close to $40,000 a year.

Wow! You're a real Neo-Con. You're expecting someone with a hard science degree to spend $60,000.00 on their education and make $30,000.00/year.
AND you're assuming overtime for granted.
You obviously know NOTHING about the White Collar world...NO ONE GETS OVERTIME.
You are EXPECTED to work as many hours as it takes to get the job done.

If nobody gets overtime, why not say "salary" instead of $15.00 per hour? After all, it's you that made the $15.00 per hour claim, not me.

Secondly, with overtime, $15.00 is not slave wages. It may not be the money one would expect with an advanced education, but certainly not in the category of slave wages.

In NY? Perhaps you might not live the life you want, but what do you expect in a liberal mecca like New York City? Most liberal owned crap holes are inflated beyond the rest of the country.

The majority of firms that supposedly require highly educated visas are in major cities; it's part of their Brag Sheet and it makes it easier to recruit more people.
Smaller, less wealthy areas, probably don't have the clout to get the Business Visas they want.
It's hard to compete with MNCs like JP Morgan, Goldman and IBM.
The sad thing is that a lot of kids are in shock when they graduate.
I've met lots of graduates at the gym who don't understand why they didn't get the job when they had a higher GPA than the Foreign Exchange student from India.
Why do they go to the gym?
All the web sites, like the Ladders, tell them they have to look their best on interviews.

Well you probably know more about that than I do, but from what I've heard on discussions on the radio, companies hire foreigners not just because they will work cheaper, but because our advanced education system sucks. Companies claim that you can't compare an American college graduate to a foreign college graduate. They simply run circles around the American graduate.

That dovetails with our primary education system which can't prepare most kids for a really good college education. And if we go there, that's a whole new can of worms we are opening.

Again, I don't know how true any of this is because I've never researched the subject. It could be true, on the other hand, corporations may be making the entire thing up and our kids are no worse off than foreigners.

I will tell you this: if it were up to me, I would close off our borders to not only illegals, but legals as well. In the blue collar world, they are keeping wages down and that certainly isn't helping our situation any.

I have not heard this.

From all I've heard, the US has the best higher education in the world. We have more institutions that are known world wide, than any other country.

Now that said, I think there is an inherent bias built into the system. Meaning, out of all the people in... (insert country here), who are the people most likely to come? The people who can earn a ton more.

The guy coming here from Poland, or where ever, is not going to be that guy in the mail room. Simply because the benefit (wage increase) would not be substantial enough to justify the cost of relocating. The mail room guy in Poland, isn't going to earn so much more at a mail room in the US, to make it worth the trouble to come here.

The people who come here, are the people who can make $80,000 a year plus. These are the people who are good... know they are good... and know they can earn a ton more for their skills here.... and obviously... they are motivated.

I wager that is more likely the reason they run circles around Americans.

All that said, it is true that our publicly fund colleges, are going down hill. I'd be curious how much worse it has gotten since I was there, but back when I went to college I was amazed how bad the teaching was, and how incompetent the teachers were.

There is a massive divide in quality between the private universities, and the public colleges.

It's not just white collar jobs, it's blue collar equally. But most think it's just a blue collar problem.

I'm a truck driver and in my line of work I see it constantly. I don't even know how these people get a CDL license because some of them can't even speak English yet alone read it. They are terrible drivers not to mention a danger on our roadways.

So they drive down the road and swerve last minute to get off of an exit or to switch to another highway because they can't read the signs. It's not uncommon for me to go to a stop and have some foreigner running up to me begging me to back his truck in for him. He (or she in one case) don't know how to do it. The last time that happened the guy had the entire road blocked and there were cars backed up as far as the eye can see. A police officer finally came up to me and asked me to help the guy so the road could reopen. It's ridiculous.

Most of these people are driving container trailers, moving trucks or flatbeds. Whenever I go to pass a container, I use extreme caution because I know how bad of drivers they are.

It's also the argument I make to people that tell me there are no jobs. There are plenty of jobs in my line of work. Employers are begging people to do the job--some even with no experience. They will train you, pay you while you learn, and get you licensed. You just have to sign a year contract with the company and you're off to a new career. Way too much to ask of any American, so employers are now turning to foreigners.
.... Poverty is increasing in this country because we chase the businesses out, and then reward them for doing so with Trade Agreements.........

Eh, nobody is chasing businesses out. Your beloved job creators simply love the cheap labor in 3rd world countries and the corporate "people" are the ones pushing for "free" trade agreements so they can even get more of it.

And you think giving them more tax cuts will solve anything?

That's insane

What is insane is that they are using Inversion Loopholes to leave the country for lower taxes..........and are now hording over 2 Trillion Dollars overseas rather than have it taxed at a rate of 35 to 39% if they bring it back....................and we are not talking about 3rd world countries that they are running to either........They are running to places like Canada, Ireland, and the UK who believe it or not have LOWER CORP. TAX RATES..............Those are not 3rd World Countries............yet they have had the foresight to realize that if they tax Corps too high they will haul ass....................

Ray is correct on the immigration.............cheap illegal labor to lower wage standards here are the policies of both parties with their hands in the kitty for Chamber of Commerce...............
Burger King Wants to Become Canadian to Avoid U.S. Taxes

The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday evening that Burger King is seeking to buy Tim Horton’s, the Canadian coffee and donut chain, to lower its U.S. tax bill.

You may be wondering, how does Burger King reduce its tax liability by purchasing a Canadian fast food company? The answer is that the deal is structured as a “tax inversion” which allows Burger King to switch its official tax jurisdiction from the United States, where the federal corporate tax rate is 35 percent, to Canada, where it is 15 percent. Presto! Burger King’s tax bill is suddenly much lower.

If it sounds ridiculous that an American company can purchase a foreign firm and suddenly avoid the U.S. corporate tax system, that’s because it is. Under current U.S. tax law, if the American company transfers 20 percent or more of its shares to the foreign firm, it can switch its official tax jurisdiction. It doesn’t matter that the vast majority of the shareholders are still American. Or that the management and control of the company remains in the U.S. Or that in making the deal, nothing about the company actually changes. You would still be able to grab a Whopper for lunch. Its thousands of American workers will all still have their jobs. But Burger King will have opted out of the U.S. corporate tax system.
.... Poverty is increasing in this country because we chase the businesses out, and then reward them for doing so with Trade Agreements.........

Eh, nobody is chasing businesses out. Your beloved job creators simply love the cheap labor in 3rd world countries and the corporate "people" are the ones pushing for "free" trade agreements so they can even get more of it.

And you think giving them more tax cuts will solve anything?

That's insane


So why are companies going to third world countries, because it's nice this time of year?

Americans are cheap. We are so obsessed with price that we don't care where our products are made, as long as it's cheap. Companies respond to this demand by giving the customer what we want. So they move operations overseas where it's much cheaper to produce those products we want.

Then there is the financial aspect. If you had a good sum of money, are you going to make investments with a company that has a 2.5% return? Of course not, who would? You are going to invest your money that has a much higher payout. After all, this is your retirement money we're talking about here. You need to make wise choices now.

So quit blaming companies for doing exactly what we expect them to do. If you want to blame somebody, go to Walmart and yell at the customers leaving the store.

A Smaller Foreign Corporation Acquired by a U.S. Corporation In this form of inversion, a U.S. corporation would like to bolster its foreign operations and lower its U.S. tax. To do so, the U.S. corporation merges with a smaller foreign corporation, with the U.S. shareholders owning a majority share of the new merged company. This merger results in the effective control of the new company staying with the shareholders of the U.S. corporations. While this form of inversion may be driven by business considerations, tax considerations may also be part of the decision. An example is the Eaton Cooper merger. The following is an excerpt of a U.S. corporation’s (Eaton’s) press release announcing the acquisition of an Irish company(Cooper), with the company headquartering in Ireland (with a 12.5% tax rate and a territorial system). At the close of the transaction ... Eaton and Cooper will be combined under a new company incorporated in Ireland, where Cooper is incorporated today. The newly created company, which is expected to be called Eaton Global Corporation Plc or a variant thereof (“New Eaton”), will be led by Alexander M. Cutler, Eaton’s current chairman and chief executive officer.22 At the close of the merger, it was expected that the shareholders of the U.S. company would control 73% of the combined company, with the shareholders of the Irish company controlling the remaining 27%. The press release notes expected tax benefits from the merger at $165 million in 2016, out of $535 million of total cost savings. In this case, a U.S. corporation used a merger to achieve an inversion while its shareholders retained a significant majority of shares.
What is insane is that they are using Inversion Loopholes to leave the country for lower taxes..........and are now hording over 2 Trillion Dollars overseas rather than have it taxed at a rate of 35 to 39% if they bring it back....................and we are not talking about 3rd world countries that they are running to either........They are running to places like Canada, Ireland, and the UK who believe it or not have LOWER CORP. TAX RATES..............Those are not 3rd World Countries............yet they have had the foresight to realize that if they tax Corps too high they will haul ass....................

What's funny is that those tax rules have never been changed even with all those corporate puppets in Congress in charge. Why do you think that is?

There is 2 countries with Corporate Taxes at 12% and 12.5% respectively............................Both are not 3rd World Companies.........

Perhaps they wouldn't need to move their headquarters and cash to these countries if we lowered our taxes to their levels...........aka 12% so they would STOP HORDING MONEY overseas and invest it here..........................

You can't expect them NOT to use this Loophole, when they would LOSE 20% of their capital for keeping it here..................

Yes, we are CHASING away investment capital.
What is insane is that they are using Inversion Loopholes to leave the country for lower taxes..........and are now hording over 2 Trillion Dollars overseas rather than have it taxed at a rate of 35 to 39% if they bring it back....................and we are not talking about 3rd world countries that they are running to either........They are running to places like Canada, Ireland, and the UK who believe it or not have LOWER CORP. TAX RATES..............Those are not 3rd World Countries............yet they have had the foresight to realize that if they tax Corps too high they will haul ass....................

What's funny is that those tax rules have never been changed even with all those corporate puppets in Congress in charge. Why do you think that is?


What are you talking about? Those tax problems were one of Mitt Romney's platforms. He wanted to get rid of taxation for multinational companies that move money back to the US. Unfortunately, he didn't win and DumBama did. That's why the tax system will not change in the near future.
What is insane is that they are using Inversion Loopholes to leave the country for lower taxes..........and are now hording over 2 Trillion Dollars overseas rather than have it taxed at a rate of 35 to 39% if they bring it back....................and we are not talking about 3rd world countries that they are running to either........They are running to places like Canada, Ireland, and the UK who believe it or not have LOWER CORP. TAX RATES..............Those are not 3rd World Countries............yet they have had the foresight to realize that if they tax Corps too high they will haul ass....................

What's funny is that those tax rules have never been changed even with all those corporate puppets in Congress in charge. Why do you think that is?

Close the loopholes? Obama and the Fed are doing it now.........and it will chase more companies out with their capital.........................

Want to keep it here? Lower the tax rate........................They pass it on to the consumers anyway...............But it would free up Investment capital here because of the lower rates..................
Let's look into the trucking dispute......even though this was a poverty thread...............and it is one of the reasons I don't like the Free Trade Agreements.......as it sends us to Foreign TRIBUNALS under the NAFTA COURTS or mainly the WTO courts who rule disputes between countries........Including ORDERING COUNTRIES TO CHANGE THEIR LAWS............which has happened and continues to happen.


Current Retaliatory Actions
Mexico Trucking Retaliation

On October 21, 2011 Mexico removed all remaining retaliatory duties on the U.S. after the first Mexican trucking company was certified for operation under the Cross-Border Trucking Program.
On July 6, 2011 the U.S. and Mexico signed a formal agreement allowing Mexican trucks to operate in the U.S. as part of a pilot program. Mexico reduced the retaliatory duties by 50 percent effective July 8, 2011. The remaining duties were to be eliminated once the first Mexican trucking company is granted the authority to operate in the U.S. This became effective on October 21, 2011.

Previously on March 16, 2009 Mexico announced it would retaliate against the United States for the cancellation of the Cross-Border Trucking Demonstration Program. The list of 89 products was published on Wednesday, March 18, 2009 and effective the next day. On August 18, 2010 Mexico revised the list to include 99 products.

Background: Under the NAFTA, the United States and Mexico agreed to phase-out restrictions on cross-border passenger and cargo services. In 1995, however, the United States announced it would not lift restrictions on Mexican trucks. In 2001, a NAFTA dispute settlement panel found the U.S. restrictions to be in breach of its NAFTA obligations.

In 2007 Mexico agreed to cooperate in a joint demonstration program as a step towards full NAFTA implementation. It allowed up to 100 trucking firms from Mexico to transport international cargo beyond the commercial zones along the U.S.-Mexico border and up to 100 U.S. trucking firms to transport international cargo into Mexico. Bus companies and hazardous material carriers were excluded. The Trucking Pilot Program began on September 6, 2007, and was originally designed to run for one year. By an exchange of letters between the U.S. and Mexican Transportation Secretaries on August 4, 2008, the Trucking Pilot Program was extended up to an additional two years to ensure that it could produce sufficient data to evaluate its safety impact. However, the omnibus spending bill, which President Obama signed into law, ended funding for the program in 2009.

On March 18, 2009, Mexico took retaliatory measures, consistent with its NAFTA obligations, against the United States for the cancellation of the Department of Transportation’s cross-border long-haul trucking program. The announcement raised tariffs on 89 different products ranging from agriculture goods to jewelry on U.S. exports valued at $2.4 billion (2008 value). Mexico decided to revise the list of affected products on August 18, 2010. The list totaled 99 products up from 89 on the original list, with affected U.S. exports valued at $2.03 billion (2009 value) with tariffs ranging from 5-25 percent. 16 products were dropped from the original list and 26 products were added to the revised list. On July 6, 2011 the U.S. and Mexico signed a formal agreement allowing Mexican trucks to operate in the U.S. as part of a pilot program, which resulted in Mexican government phasing out the retaliatory tariffs. All retaliatory duties were removed on October 21, 2011.

Mexico Retaliation List Summary

We were ordered by the TRIBUNAL to allow Mexican Truck Drivers into our country.................We were fined via TRADE TARIFFS from Mexico for being in violation of the NAFTA agreement.............We had to pay out over 2 BILLION in TARIFFS as result..........................Until we changed our laws and allowed them into the country....................

Bill Clinton Challenged the ruling.............we were hit early on...............and Obama challenged it and we again were hit with fines.....................The Trucking Dispute went all the way to the Supreme Court where the Supreme Court ruled that this didn't violate the Constitution as the Trade Deals were Treaties.................

We lost both cases in the Foreign courts......................

Trade deals before these agreements were handled one on one with the countries..................not a court ORDERING US TO CHANGE OUR LAWS.

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