Why Work?

Is this ridiculous or what?

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So should the people in Beverly Hills pay for the schools of those in St. Louis?

If I couldn't afford to live in a decent neighborhood, I wouldn't have any kids. But people want to have kids and then cry that they can't afford them or give them good education. So who's fault is that?

Some people have kid, are doing good, and then the bottom drops out of the economy. Happened in 2008, and it sure wasn't the peoples' fault. It wasn't in 1930's either.

So what you're saying is that people who really can't afford kids don't have them? I beg to differ. I think people who can't afford kids have the most. After all, they're not paying for those kids--we are. Unlike working people, they can have as many as they like.

And corporations that can't afford to have farms without Tax Payer subsidies shouldn't have farms.

Then you know what would happen? People wouldn't have farms.

If the people who can't afford farms went into the farming business they made a bad life decision.
That's using your own logic.
Don't become a hypocrite on us Independent Thinkers.

Oh! Is that what you are, an independent thinker?

Well independent thinker, obviously you missed my point. And that is if you quit paying people to make mistakes, those people will avoid making them. Eliminate them? No. But a hell of a lot more people would be more cautious.
millions of Americans would love to make the "slave wage" of $15/hour

mindless moron

I smell an unanswered question.
Are you in a Blue Collar field?
No one would pay for an education they could never pay back a loan on.

Are you kidding me? It happens all the time.

I had a friend years ago that majored in photography. She used tens of thousands of her parents dollars to party in college. My niece? She wanted to go into oceanography. I asked her to get me the help wanted ads and show me where the demand is for oceanographers. She aborted that decision and went into the medical field. My nephews wife? Advertising. She works at a bank today.

Obviously you are out of touch with what goes on in advanced education today and the decisions people make.
Yes; and they're not doing a very good job at it.
Look up where Bloomberg, AT&T, IBM, Oracle, etc... are now operating from.
You're so ignorant, I can't...WAIT!
You're a Conservative! Of course you know nothing!

good one retard. show me where people are doing engineering level work, poorly or correctly, for "slave wages" in the USA you idiot. You WERE talking about HERE when you mentioned the visas right moron? so who is doing ANY kind of work for slave wages here, let alone engineering work?

Talk about morons...
HP, Dell, Bloomberg, AT&T, Microsoft, Oracle, Most of Wall Street, Facebook, Google.
Oh, you thought these MNCs only dealt with software?
No, hardware also and firmware; you know, the software tied to the hardware.

And try reading some ACTUAL Business Visa categories that include Electrical and Mechanical Engineering.
And just wait until we import 160,000 of them a year in each of those categories.
And yes, they work for $15.00/hour; a fact I've known about LONG before Trump started talking about it with no one contradicting him; even FoxNews doesn't say he's lying.

you moron. how is $15/hour "slave labor"???

If you think paying for a Masters in Engineering is worth $15.00/hour, why would anybody spend years on advanced math and physics?
Answer the question without a dodge.

I don't need to dodge; YOU'RE dodging. YOU SAID they were working for "slave wages", $15 an hour isn't a slave wage

keep trying..............

$15.00 per hour is $31,000 a year, as you pointed out, not slave wages. Using the overtime factor, a person working 45 hours a week will make close to $40,000 a year.
millions of Americans would love to make the "slave wage" of $15/hour

mindless moron

I smell an unanswered question.
Are you in a Blue Collar field?
No one would pay for an education they could never pay back a loan on.

Are you kidding me? It happens all the time.

I had a friend years ago that majored in photography. She used tens of thousands of her parents dollars to party in college. My niece? She wanted to go into oceanography. I asked her to get me the help wanted ads and show me where the demand is for oceanographers. She aborted that decision and went into the medical field. My nephews wife? Advertising. She works at a bank today.

Obviously you are out of touch with what goes on in advanced education today and the decisions people make.

I'm a Modern Orthodox Jewboy.
I know over 700 families in my town alone plus other towns and Orthodox Jewish Facebook and Yahoo message boards.
My neighborhood is BRIMMING with advanced degrees, MANY with multiple Masters and PhDs in various disciplines.
So yes, I know what I'm talking about.
Even Physicians are being replaced as more private practices are being bought out by non-Physicians.
The average Physician who is bought out has no more than 2 years to retire as the practice wants to replace them with Indians.
I know 11 Physicians right now in their 40s who have been unemployed for over a year.
So yeah, the US has a big problem caused by our "Free Market".
good one retard. show me where people are doing engineering level work, poorly or correctly, for "slave wages" in the USA you idiot. You WERE talking about HERE when you mentioned the visas right moron? so who is doing ANY kind of work for slave wages here, let alone engineering work?

Talk about morons...
HP, Dell, Bloomberg, AT&T, Microsoft, Oracle, Most of Wall Street, Facebook, Google.
Oh, you thought these MNCs only dealt with software?
No, hardware also and firmware; you know, the software tied to the hardware.

And try reading some ACTUAL Business Visa categories that include Electrical and Mechanical Engineering.
And just wait until we import 160,000 of them a year in each of those categories.
And yes, they work for $15.00/hour; a fact I've known about LONG before Trump started talking about it with no one contradicting him; even FoxNews doesn't say he's lying.

you moron. how is $15/hour "slave labor"???

If you think paying for a Masters in Engineering is worth $15.00/hour, why would anybody spend years on advanced math and physics?
Answer the question without a dodge.

I don't need to dodge; YOU'RE dodging. YOU SAID they were working for "slave wages", $15 an hour isn't a slave wage

keep trying..............

$15.00 per hour is $31,000 a year, as you pointed out, not slave wages. Using the overtime factor, a person working 45 hours a week will make close to $40,000 a year.

Wow! You're a real Neo-Con. You're expecting someone with a hard science degree to spend $60,000.00 on their education and make $30,000.00/year.
AND you're assuming overtime for granted.
You obviously know NOTHING about the White Collar world...NO ONE GETS OVERTIME.
You are EXPECTED to work as many hours as it takes to get the job done.
$15.00/hour...I forgot you live in South Dakota, so perhaps the 25 people who are educated and want to live in South Dakota may consider $15.00/hour a great wage.
In NY it would land you in a ghetto.
Talk about morons...
HP, Dell, Bloomberg, AT&T, Microsoft, Oracle, Most of Wall Street, Facebook, Google.
Oh, you thought these MNCs only dealt with software?
No, hardware also and firmware; you know, the software tied to the hardware.

And try reading some ACTUAL Business Visa categories that include Electrical and Mechanical Engineering.
And just wait until we import 160,000 of them a year in each of those categories.
And yes, they work for $15.00/hour; a fact I've known about LONG before Trump started talking about it with no one contradicting him; even FoxNews doesn't say he's lying.

you moron. how is $15/hour "slave labor"???

If you think paying for a Masters in Engineering is worth $15.00/hour, why would anybody spend years on advanced math and physics?
Answer the question without a dodge.

I don't need to dodge; YOU'RE dodging. YOU SAID they were working for "slave wages", $15 an hour isn't a slave wage

keep trying..............

$15.00 per hour is $31,000 a year, as you pointed out, not slave wages. Using the overtime factor, a person working 45 hours a week will make close to $40,000 a year.

Wow! You're a real Neo-Con. You're expecting someone with a hard science degree to spend $60,000.00 on their education and make $30,000.00/year.
AND you're assuming overtime for granted.
You obviously know NOTHING about the White Collar world...NO ONE GETS OVERTIME.
You are EXPECTED to work as many hours as it takes to get the job done.

Oppression appears to be self regulated.
Talk about morons...
HP, Dell, Bloomberg, AT&T, Microsoft, Oracle, Most of Wall Street, Facebook, Google.
Oh, you thought these MNCs only dealt with software?
No, hardware also and firmware; you know, the software tied to the hardware.

And try reading some ACTUAL Business Visa categories that include Electrical and Mechanical Engineering.
And just wait until we import 160,000 of them a year in each of those categories.
And yes, they work for $15.00/hour; a fact I've known about LONG before Trump started talking about it with no one contradicting him; even FoxNews doesn't say he's lying.

you moron. how is $15/hour "slave labor"???

If you think paying for a Masters in Engineering is worth $15.00/hour, why would anybody spend years on advanced math and physics?
Answer the question without a dodge.

I don't need to dodge; YOU'RE dodging. YOU SAID they were working for "slave wages", $15 an hour isn't a slave wage

keep trying..............

$15.00 per hour is $31,000 a year, as you pointed out, not slave wages. Using the overtime factor, a person working 45 hours a week will make close to $40,000 a year.

Wow! You're a real Neo-Con. You're expecting someone with a hard science degree to spend $60,000.00 on their education and make $30,000.00/year.
AND you're assuming overtime for granted.
You obviously know NOTHING about the White Collar world...NO ONE GETS OVERTIME.
You are EXPECTED to work as many hours as it takes to get the job done.

If nobody gets overtime, why not say "salary" instead of $15.00 per hour? After all, it's you that made the $15.00 per hour claim, not me.

Secondly, with overtime, $15.00 is not slave wages. It may not be the money one would expect with an advanced education, but certainly not in the category of slave wages.

In NY? Perhaps you might not live the life you want, but what do you expect in a liberal mecca like New York City? Most liberal owned crap holes are inflated beyond the rest of the country.
you moron. how is $15/hour "slave labor"???

If you think paying for a Masters in Engineering is worth $15.00/hour, why would anybody spend years on advanced math and physics?
Answer the question without a dodge.

I don't need to dodge; YOU'RE dodging. YOU SAID they were working for "slave wages", $15 an hour isn't a slave wage

keep trying..............

$15.00 per hour is $31,000 a year, as you pointed out, not slave wages. Using the overtime factor, a person working 45 hours a week will make close to $40,000 a year.

Wow! You're a real Neo-Con. You're expecting someone with a hard science degree to spend $60,000.00 on their education and make $30,000.00/year.
AND you're assuming overtime for granted.
You obviously know NOTHING about the White Collar world...NO ONE GETS OVERTIME.
You are EXPECTED to work as many hours as it takes to get the job done.

If nobody gets overtime, why not say "salary" instead of $15.00 per hour? After all, it's you that made the $15.00 per hour claim, not me.

Secondly, with overtime, $15.00 is not slave wages. It may not be the money one would expect with an advanced education, but certainly not in the category of slave wages.

In NY? Perhaps you might not live the life you want, but what do you expect in a liberal mecca like New York City? Most liberal owned crap holes are inflated beyond the rest of the country.

The majority of firms that supposedly require highly educated visas are in major cities; it's part of their Brag Sheet and it makes it easier to recruit more people.
Smaller, less wealthy areas, probably don't have the clout to get the Business Visas they want.
It's hard to compete with MNCs like JP Morgan, Goldman and IBM.
The sad thing is that a lot of kids are in shock when they graduate.
I've met lots of graduates at the gym who don't understand why they didn't get the job when they had a higher GPA than the Foreign Exchange student from India.
Why do they go to the gym?
All the web sites, like the Ladders, tell them they have to look their best on interviews.

Again, the stupidity of this is clear – representative of those comprehensively ignorant of public assistance programs, their policies and regulations, and those who receive public assistance.

Public assistance programs in no way 'undermine' the need or will to work, the notion is idiocy.

Why work – because public assistance is in no way a 'substitute' for earned income.
If you think paying for a Masters in Engineering is worth $15.00/hour, why would anybody spend years on advanced math and physics?
Answer the question without a dodge.

I don't need to dodge; YOU'RE dodging. YOU SAID they were working for "slave wages", $15 an hour isn't a slave wage

keep trying..............

$15.00 per hour is $31,000 a year, as you pointed out, not slave wages. Using the overtime factor, a person working 45 hours a week will make close to $40,000 a year.

Wow! You're a real Neo-Con. You're expecting someone with a hard science degree to spend $60,000.00 on their education and make $30,000.00/year.
AND you're assuming overtime for granted.
You obviously know NOTHING about the White Collar world...NO ONE GETS OVERTIME.
You are EXPECTED to work as many hours as it takes to get the job done.

If nobody gets overtime, why not say "salary" instead of $15.00 per hour? After all, it's you that made the $15.00 per hour claim, not me.

Secondly, with overtime, $15.00 is not slave wages. It may not be the money one would expect with an advanced education, but certainly not in the category of slave wages.

In NY? Perhaps you might not live the life you want, but what do you expect in a liberal mecca like New York City? Most liberal owned crap holes are inflated beyond the rest of the country.

The majority of firms that supposedly require highly educated visas are in major cities; it's part of their Brag Sheet and it makes it easier to recruit more people.
Smaller, less wealthy areas, probably don't have the clout to get the Business Visas they want.
It's hard to compete with MNCs like JP Morgan, Goldman and IBM.
The sad thing is that a lot of kids are in shock when they graduate.
I've met lots of graduates at the gym who don't understand why they didn't get the job when they had a higher GPA than the Foreign Exchange student from India.
Why do they go to the gym?
All the web sites, like the Ladders, tell them they have to look their best on interviews.

Well you probably know more about that than I do, but from what I've heard on discussions on the radio, companies hire foreigners not just because they will work cheaper, but because our advanced education system sucks. Companies claim that you can't compare an American college graduate to a foreign college graduate. They simply run circles around the American graduate.

That dovetails with our primary education system which can't prepare most kids for a really good college education. And if we go there, that's a whole new can of worms we are opening.

Again, I don't know how true any of this is because I've never researched the subject. It could be true, on the other hand, corporations may be making the entire thing up and our kids are no worse off than foreigners.

I will tell you this: if it were up to me, I would close off our borders to not only illegals, but legals as well. In the blue collar world, they are keeping wages down and that certainly isn't helping our situation any.

Again, the stupidity of this is clear – representative of those comprehensively ignorant of public assistance programs, their policies and regulations, and those who receive public assistance.

Public assistance programs in no way 'undermine' the need or will to work, the notion is idiocy.

Why work – because public assistance is in no way a 'substitute' for earned income.

Cash value of welfare spending to households in poverty greater than median household income
Political Reporter
3:46 PM 12/07/2012

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/12/07/c...r-than-median-household-income/#ixzz3pI4Ux1cN

HUD's New 'Fair Housing' Rule Establishes Diversity Data for Every Neighborhood in U.S.
By Susan Jones | July 22, 2013

HUD's New 'Fair Housing' Rule Establishes Diversity Data for Every Neighborhood in U.S.

by WYNTON HALL19 Aug 2013

Study: NY Welfare Recipients Eligible For More In Benefits Than Teachers Earn - Breitbart

When welfare pays better than work
By Michael Tanner
August 19, 2013

When welfare pays better than work
You're not living in the real world if you think if everyone got a decent education they would all have jobs and successful lives -- in the reality of today's world. The jobs aren't there.

You're still only out to attack people for choices they've made as if life is that simple. It's not and you are proof of it.

you're only "out to" pander to people who made bad choices, not because you or your Party give a shit about them, but because you want their vote. Your Party wants and HAS CREATED MORE OF THEM TO "HELP". It really is that simple, your "solutions" for people that made some poor choices isnt about helping them as much as it is about power.

Is that why we need more Business Visas to replace Engineers who possess PhDs?
Face it, you LOVE slave labor.


are foreign workers doing the work of engineers with PHDs making slave wages??

my god what an emotional retard!

Yes; and they're not doing a very good job at it.
Look up where Bloomberg, AT&T, IBM, Oracle, etc... are now operating from.
You're so ignorant, I can't...WAIT!
You're a Conservative! Of course you know nothing!

good one retard. show me where people are doing engineering level work, poorly or correctly, for "slave wages" in the USA you idiot. You WERE talking about HERE when you mentioned the visas right moron? so who is doing ANY kind of work for slave wages here, let alone engineering work?

Maybe he meant sanitation engineers.
Plenty of them since there are many educated people that do very well financially. They're the ones you demand offset financially the bad results of poor choices people make to quit school.

If someone quits school, why should anyone but the person making the choice to quit be blamed?
You're not living in the real world if you think if everyone got a decent education they would all have jobs and successful lives -- in the reality of today's world. The jobs aren't there.

You're still only out to attack people for choices they've made as if life is that simple. It's not and you are proof of it.

There's plenty of jobs out there, it's just that Americans won't take them. They are too consumed with their Obama phone and SNAP's cards.

Give links to Job Openings that aren't months or years old.
Ghost Jobs designed as artillery to open the gates to more Indians.
Hell, we won't even bring in the best from Europe anymore.
Industrial Projects Report Magazine: The Construction Job Hotsheet

Construction jobs report........I've used that in the past to get jobs not only at home, but across the country.....when times got hard............You get off of your ass and go to where the work is..........................The office is your gang box at a construction site....................Not at the break room.................

Industrial Tradesman

Similar jobs sheet................nation wide............Steel Toe boots, tool box...............jobs...............

I'm not paying for any subscription to let you see it...............that is your choice.

That's what I love about the Party of Family Values...Leave your family for six months out of the year to earn a living.
What I'm talking about is White Collar Job Listings that are really meant to increase Business Visas.
Does the US have Business Visas for Construction? I doubt it.

At least they're EARNING a living rather than being a family member that demands someone else pay higher taxes to support their own family members they aren't supporting themselves.
For the second time dumbass, I'm not talking about more educated people.

It doesn't matter; I have met people with Masters Degrees and PhDs who are working at Walmart and Home Depot and you presume off the bat that these people are all hicks.
Then you must be able to provide a list of names.

A link to people I have met? Are you high?
In terms of Americans being replaced, try Immigration Reform Bills...
Only Corporate supported liars would request almost 2 million Business Visas a year.

You said you've met people. YOU made the claim now back it up. If you can't, it will be dismissed as nothing more than running your dumbass mouth.

Yeah, like I'm going to post names of people.
Sure, and be sued by them.
Read the Legislation I posted and you will understand the predicament.
Not that you give a shit about anyone else but your own greedy, egoistic ass.

Then they don't exist.

Are you claiming that the people you say you talked to give a shit about the rest of us? Since they don't, do you consider them greedy, egotistical assholes? The answer is no they don't and I'm sure you have some excuse as to why their situation is different and why their lack of concern about the rest of us is justified.

I am so glad you didn't post numbers from that ultra right wing Cato Institute where the motto is " lie over and over and over and soon they will believe you ".

Any " numbers" from Cato and other ultra right wing organizations are meaningless and worse than useless.
We are stringing our platitudes and not solving a problem. For example, should children in East St. Louis get the same education opportunity as children in Beverly Hills, or does America start the inequality pattern in kindergarten?

If people in St. Louis want better education, then they vote for a tax increase and build better schools or get better teachers. That's the way people in Beverly Hills do it.

And if the people in Beverly Hills can afford it, the people in St. Louis sure as hell can afford it also.

So should the people in Beverly Hills pay for the schools of those in St. Louis?

If I couldn't afford to live in a decent neighborhood, I wouldn't have any kids. But people want to have kids and then cry that they can't afford them or give them good education. So who's fault is that?

Some people have kid, are doing good, and then the bottom drops out of the economy. Happened in 2008, and it sure wasn't the peoples' fault. It wasn't in 1930's either.

So what you're saying is that people who really can't afford kids don't have them? I beg to differ. I think people who can't afford kids have the most. After all, they're not paying for those kids--we are. Unlike working people, they can have as many as they like.

You could be right about the people who can't afford kids have the most. Any links?
I myself think you're too judgemental on the poor unless maybe you have some real experience around them. Anyway, what's the solution. Republicans rule out abortion and you can't force people to stop screwing. Anyway, I was talking about the working poor. Jobs that used to allow for raising families, like janitors, stocking shelves etc, paid enough to have a family, maybe a house. It's no longer that way. So we have programs for these people so there kids don't go hungry. We have plenty of government programs for the wealthy also, but it seems like republicans have their anger directed to only the poor.
If people in St. Louis want better education, then they vote for a tax increase and build better schools or get better teachers. That's the way people in Beverly Hills do it.

And if the people in Beverly Hills can afford it, the people in St. Louis sure as hell can afford it also.

So should the people in Beverly Hills pay for the schools of those in St. Louis?

If I couldn't afford to live in a decent neighborhood, I wouldn't have any kids. But people want to have kids and then cry that they can't afford them or give them good education. So who's fault is that?

Some people have kid, are doing good, and then the bottom drops out of the economy. Happened in 2008, and it sure wasn't the peoples' fault. It wasn't in 1930's either.

So what you're saying is that people who really can't afford kids don't have them? I beg to differ. I think people who can't afford kids have the most. After all, they're not paying for those kids--we are. Unlike working people, they can have as many as they like.

And corporations that can't afford to have farms without Tax Payer subsidies shouldn't have farms.

Like tea bagger joni ernst:
Sen. Joni Ernst learned to 'live within her means' -- on the taxpayer's dime

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