Why would a candidate.....

Ah the conspiracy theorists !!!

They never waiver.

And they never quite disappear.

They are always just ready to crawl out of the woodwork.

what conspiracy theories? did the question confuse you?
HJM is obviously a conspiracy theorist.

You on the other hand just have a bad memory about supreme court nominations.

At first I thought you were talking about Bork. But Bork has been dead for 4 years now.

no. my memory wasn't bad. but I did misspeak. he was rejected for a seat on the federal bench...not the supreme court.
Correct. You did misspeak. If it is not your memory then it is your fingers. Some body part is guilty though.

some days are like that. lol
He is going to be President
Then the GOP can brag about their racists president and finally they can be proud to discriminate en mass........
Never gonna happen. So don't worry.

You are going to see so many Democrats and Independents show up to vote on election day that Hillary will not only win The White House but probably win over the Senate and House Of Reps as well.
who wants to win a general election, choose as the person who nominates him someone who was rejected by the senate for a seat on the supreme court because he was too racist?

I'm starting to think that the Donald is throwing the election. his choices are just too stupid for someone who wants to win nationally.....

because a normal candidate would not have said sure... let's pick this bigot to nominate me...;.and btw, let's pic the governor who tanked his governorship by signing a pro-bigot bill as my running mate.

so this has to be intentional.

otherwise, the man is a moron.

I've been saying this since he started running for president.

NONE of this makes any sense unless he trying to get his friend Hillary elected.

Who runs for president then offends every group of people he would need to win?
who wants to win a general election, choose as the person who nominates him someone who was rejected by the senate for a seat on the supreme court because he was too racist?

I'm starting to think that the Donald is throwing the election. his choices are just too stupid for someone who wants to win nationally.....

because a normal candidate would not have said sure... let's pick this bigot to nominate me...;.and btw, let's pic the governor who tanked his governorship by signing a pro-bigot bill as my running mate.

so this has to be intentional.

otherwise, the man is a moron.

I thought his son was going to nominate him tonight..who are you talking about?

i just read that jeff sessions nominated him.

Trump Formally Nominated for President

OMG...I hate that guy. He looks like a Elf...

View attachment 82176

I think Sessions is probably Irish by genetic origin and that's why he looks like an elf.

That's just an Irish thing.

Their females look that way too.
Yes, but it looks good on the women.
who wants to win a general election, choose as the person who nominates him someone who was rejected by the senate for a seat on the supreme court because he was too racist?

I'm starting to think that the Donald is throwing the election. his choices are just too stupid for someone who wants to win nationally.....

because a normal candidate would not have said sure... let's pick this bigot to nominate me...;.and btw, let's pic the governor who tanked his governorship by signing a pro-bigot bill as my running mate.

so this has to be intentional.

otherwise, the man is a moron.

I've been saying this since he started running for president.

NONE of this makes any sense unless he trying to get his friend Hillary elected.

Who runs for president then offends every group of people he would need to win?

I know...it's like he keeps upping the ante on offensive and it doesn't matter to his "base".
who wants to win a general election, choose as the person who nominates him someone who was rejected by the senate for a seat on the supreme court because he was too racist?

I'm starting to think that the Donald is throwing the election. his choices are just too stupid for someone who wants to win nationally.....

because a normal candidate would not have said sure... let's pick this bigot to nominate me...;.and btw, let's pic the governor who tanked his governorship by signing a pro-bigot bill as my running mate.

so this has to be intentional.

otherwise, the man is a moron.

I thought his son was going to nominate him tonight..who are you talking about?

i just read that jeff sessions nominated him.

Trump Formally Nominated for President

OMG...I hate that guy. He looks like a Elf...

View attachment 82176

I think Sessions is probably Irish by genetic origin and that's why he looks like an elf.

That's just an Irish thing.

Their females look that way too.
Hardy stupid bitch, this part Irish man can tell you you are full of shit...
Seriously though -- it is an Irish thing.

Some are devilishly handsome in Ireland.

Others look like elves though.

who wants to win a general election, choose as the person who nominates him someone who was rejected by the senate for a seat on the supreme court because he was too racist?

I'm starting to think that the Donald is throwing the election. his choices are just too stupid for someone who wants to win nationally.....

because a normal candidate would not have said sure... let's pick this bigot to nominate me...;.and btw, let's pic the governor who tanked his governorship by signing a pro-bigot bill as my running mate.

so this has to be intentional.

otherwise, the man is a moron.
Anyone who disagrees with libs - policies / agendas / etc - is labeled 'racist' by libs. The word almost has very little meaning now because they do it so often.
Ah the conspiracy theorists !!!

They never waiver.

And they never quite disappear.

They are always just ready to crawl out of the woodwork.

what conspiracy theories? did the question confuse you?
HJM is obviously a conspiracy theorist.

You on the other hand just have a bad memory about supreme court nominations.

At first I thought you were talking about Bork. But Bork has been dead for 4 years now.

Not me, just observant. Truthfully, I don't think he expected to get this far. I think it started out as a lark for him, but people are so frustrated with D.C. his insults, rhetoric, and empty promises touched a nerve in people. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if he won, then said "Thanks, but no thanks" and walked away.

To her credit though, if anyone can snatch defeat from the grip of victory, it's Hilliary. Just look how close the polls are...
I've been saying this since he started running for president.

NONE of this makes any sense unless he trying to get his friend Hillary elected.

Who runs for president then offends every group of people he would need to win?

Well said BlackAsCoal, exactly how I feel, he is turning his back on the little guy who backed him from the beginning . I wonder though ... he could just be acting this way to get the nomination and then fuck those stiff shirts...never know.
Sessions isn't a bigot. And neither is Trump.Trump broke the color and the religious barrier in Palm Beach over two decades ago.
who wants to win a general election, choose as the person who nominates him someone who was rejected by the senate for a seat on the supreme court because he was too racist?

I'm starting to think that the Donald is throwing the election. his choices are just too stupid for someone who wants to win nationally.....

because a normal candidate would not have said sure... let's pick this bigot to nominate me...;.and btw, let's pic the governor who tanked his governorship by signing a pro-bigot bill as my running mate.

so this has to be intentional.

otherwise, the man is a moron.

I thought his son was going to nominate him tonight..who are you talking about?

i just read that jeff sessions nominated him.

Trump Formally Nominated for President

Are you brain dead? Jeff Sessions gave the delegate count for the state of Alabama. All the state delegate chairmen and chairwomen end their vote count by saying, "The great state of ______ nominates Donald J. Trump for President of the United States. That's the way it has been done for as long as I can remember. You are a special kind of stupid, aren't you?
Donald has not yet reached the 1237 votes required and won't until all the votes are counted. No one can nominate him yet.
Ah the conspiracy theorists !!!

They never waiver.

And they never quite disappear.

They are always just ready to crawl out of the woodwork.

what conspiracy theories? did the question confuse you?
HJM is obviously a conspiracy theorist.

You on the other hand just have a bad memory about supreme court nominations.

At first I thought you were talking about Bork. But Bork has been dead for 4 years now.

Not me, just observant. Truthfully, I don't think he expected to get this far. I think it started out as a lark for him, but people are so frustrated with D.C. his insults, rhetoric, and empty promises touched a nerve in people. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if he won, then said "Thanks, but no thanks" and walked away.

To her credit though, if anyone can snatch defeat from the grip of victory, it's Hilliary. Just look how close the polls are...

that's what happens when a congressional investigatory committee uses taxpayer money to make you their project so they can erode their opponents favorable over a two year period before the election.
If a libturd throws the allegation out there, then it has to be true. They have proven themselves to be as honest and fair minded.

Just kidding.
who wants to win a general election, choose as the person who nominates him someone who was rejected by the senate for a seat on the supreme court because he was too racist?

I'm starting to think that the Donald is throwing the election. his choices are just too stupid for someone who wants to win nationally.....

because a normal candidate would not have said sure... let's pick this bigot to nominate me...;.and btw, let's pic the governor who tanked his governorship by signing a pro-bigot bill as my running mate.

so this has to be intentional.

otherwise, the man is a moron.
Anyone who disagrees with libs - policies / agendas / etc - is labeled 'racist' by libs. The word almost has very little meaning now because they do it so often.
On Memorial Day 1927, brawls erupted in New York led by sympathizers of the Italian fascist movement and the Ku Klux Klan. In the fascist brawl, which took place in the Bronx, two Italian men were killed by anti-fascists. In Queens, 1,000 white-robed Klansmen marched through the Jamaica neighborhood, eventually spurring an all-out brawl in which seven men were arrested.

One of those arrested was Fred Trump of 175-24 Devonshire Rd. in Jamaica.

In 1927, Donald Trump’s father was arrested after a Klan riot in Queens

When news of the old report surfaced last year, Donald Trump vehemently denied his father's arrest. "He was never arrested. He has nothing to do with this. This never happened. This is nonsense and it never happened," he said to the Daily Mail. "This never happened. Never took place. He was never arrested, never convicted, never even charged. It's a completely false, ridiculous story. He was never there! It never happened. Never took place."

"I don’t know anything about David Duke, okay," Trump said. "I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists. I don't know, did he endorse me? Or what's going on. Because I know nothing about David Duke. I know nothing about white supremacists."
who wants to win a general election, choose as the person who nominates him someone who was rejected by the senate for a seat on the supreme court because he was too racist?

I'm starting to think that the Donald is throwing the election. his choices are just too stupid for someone who wants to win nationally.....

because a normal candidate would not have said sure... let's pick this bigot to nominate me...;.and btw, let's pic the governor who tanked his governorship by signing a pro-bigot bill as my running mate.

so this has to be intentional.

otherwise, the man is a moron.

I thought his son was going to nominate him tonight..who are you talking about?

i just read that jeff sessions nominated him.

Trump Formally Nominated for President

Are you brain dead? Jeff Sessions gave the delegate count for the state of Alabama. All the state delegate chairmen and chairwomen end their vote count by saying, "The great state of ______ nominates Donald J. Trump for President of the United States. That's the way it has been done for as long as I can remember. You are a special kind of stupid, aren't you?
Donald has not yet reached the 1237 votes required and won't until all the votes are counted. No one can nominate him yet.

I linked the article, moron...... they wanted to get ahead of the pro cruz contingent.

now shut up and crawl back in your hole, loser
Ah the conspiracy theorists !!!

They never waiver.

And they never quite disappear.

They are always just ready to crawl out of the woodwork.

what conspiracy theories? did the question confuse you?
HJM is obviously a conspiracy theorist.

You on the other hand just have a bad memory about supreme court nominations.

At first I thought you were talking about Bork. But Bork has been dead for 4 years now.

Not me, just observant. Truthfully, I don't think he expected to get this far. I think it started out as a lark for him, but people are so frustrated with D.C. his insults, rhetoric, and empty promises touched a nerve in people. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if he won, then said "Thanks, but no thanks" and walked away.

To her credit though, if anyone can snatch defeat from the grip of victory, it's Hilliary. Just look how close the polls are...

that's what happens when a congressional investigatory committee uses taxpayer money to make you their project so they can erode their opponents favorable over a two year period before the election.
Oh go stuff salt up your bitter snatch. The media hammered Bush all day everyday until they drove his numbers down to the low 30s. obama gets the opposite treatment and unfortunately people still buy it, hinking the media is just news. It isn't. Now you want to bitch about something like this? What do you want, every living Republican thrown into the ovens?
who wants to win a general election, choose as the person who nominates him someone who was rejected by the senate for a seat on the supreme court because he was too racist?

I'm starting to think that the Donald is throwing the election. his choices are just too stupid for someone who wants to win nationally.....

because a normal candidate would not have said sure... let's pick this bigot to nominate me...;.and btw, let's pic the governor who tanked his governorship by signing a pro-bigot bill as my running mate.

so this has to be intentional.

otherwise, the man is a moron.
It’s likely a bit of both.

Trump clearly has no idea what he’s doing – his ‘campaign’ is a disaster.

And no one will be more relieved than Trump when he loses the election.

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