Why would AOC want to abolish iCE?

AOC is one of those elected reps more interested in stunts.

Political theater is her SOP…
No, I’m not a war hero like all who have served. Why do you ask?
because as usual you are full of shit...you act like you are some great American,but of course stayed away from being in the military because maybe our troops were fighting somewhere and you did not want none of that,and are now saying you would go to shoot at a bunch unarmed woman and children.....plus you are to chicken shit to leave california a place you hate,but yet will go and be on the border away from your house....you have a lot of bluster loser and thats about it....unlike you this old washed up letter carrier did something that you dont have the balls to do.....like leaving the state i have grown to hate....grow some balls and do something about your living situation instead of whining about the evil brown people you hate....
grow some balls and do something about your living situation instead of whining about the evil brown people you hate.
Wouldn’t someone with “BALLS” stand and fight for change? Would someone with balls retreat to another brown shithole like Nevada?
because as usual you are full of shit...you act like you are some great American,but of course stayed away from being in the military because maybe our troops were fighting somewhere and you did not want none of that
That’s a lot of projection from a dumb old stoned mail carrier.
By the time I was two years into my undergrad I had already set myself on a very successful pathway…why would I have joined the military? Does one have to be a Vet to be considered a “great American”?
now saying you would go to shoot at a bunch unarmed woman and children.
Who said that?
More projection from a dumb old stoned mail carrier?
Wouldn’t someone with “BALLS” stand and fight for change? Would someone with balls retreat to another brown shithole like Nevada?
California is beyond that dumbass...look around you what do see?....and Nevada has no where near the problems California has....especially with people congestion and the cost of living......
That’s a lot of projection from a dumb old stoned mail carrier.
By the time I was two years into my undergrad I had already set myself on a very successful pathway…why would I have joined the military? Does one have to be a Vet to be considered a “great American”?

Who said that?
More projection from a dumb old stoned mail carrier?
who said this?.....We The People assemble, create an aggressive militia and defend our own border….people need to die on that border, a very aggressive message needs to be sent. .....here is a hint.....look in the mirror.....
California is beyond that dumbass...look around you what do see?....and Nevada has no where near the problems California has....especially with people congestion and the cost of living......
Haha….everyone paying attention knows that Nevada is just too brown…it’s the next Mexifornia….it’s a dirty, disgusting, hot, super shithole. You can bet your ass, the Raiders couldn’t make it anywhere but in a super shithole.
who said this?.....We The People assemble, create an aggressive militia and defend our own border….people need to die on that border, a very aggressive message needs to be sent. .....here is a hint.....look in the mirror.....
That’s right…now where did I say I’d shoot women and children? Stop lying stoner.
Haha….everyone paying attention knows that Nevada is just too brown…it’s the next Mexifornia….it’s a dirty, disgusting, hot, super shithole. You can bet your ass, the Raiders couldn’t make it anywhere but in a super shithole.

That’s right…now where did I say I’d shoot women and children? Stop lying stoner.
its just to brown with many middle class Mexicans...something you dont think exists....and who are those people you said need to die down on the border?.....any non racist knows exactly who you meant....but that dont matter anyway..... you probably have never shot a gun anyway, or if you do you would miss,or more likely freeze up....
its just to brown with many middle class Mexicans...something you dont think exists....and who are those people you said need to die down on the border?.....any non racist knows exactly who you meant....but that dont matter anyway..... you probably have never shot a gun anyway, or if you do you would miss,or more likely freeze up....
Hahaha…”middle class Mexicans” you mean the ones that leave their shitty diapers on clean beaches, drive drunk and toss their Modello bottles and Takis bags along our roadways? Face it, you can take the Mexican out of Mexico but you can’t take the Mexico out of the Mexican. They stay thirdworld minded.

Holy shit, you just can’t stop yourself from projecting bullshit…come on stoner, get ahold of yourself, show some self control. INVADING ILLEGALS need to die in that border…I didn’t studder.
Hahaha…”middle class Mexicans” you mean the ones that leave their shitty diapers on clean beaches, drive drunk and toss their Modello bottles and Takis bags along our roadways? Face it, you can take the Mexican out of Mexico but you can’t take the Mexico out of the Mexican. They stay thirdworld minded.

Holy shit, you just can’t stop yourself from projecting bullshit…come on stoner, get ahold of yourself, show some self control. INVADING ILLEGALS need to die in that border…I didn’t studder.
and you just cant stop yourself from being a lowlife fucking racist can you?......so you are lying?....you think you got the balls to shoot an unarmed illegal?....of course you can be anything on the internet even someone who thinks they are tough....you are a pussie loser.....you can tell just by all this "tough" talk you do....real men dont talk like you do,men who are not sure if they are actually men do....
and you just cant stop yourself from being a lowlife fucking racist can you?
I only present those scary facts rooted in the data…scary pesky truth…right?
so you are lying?
you think you got the balls to shoot an unarmed illegal?
ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY just like I’d have no problem shooting an unarmed trespasser at my property.
of course you can be anything on the internet even someone who thinks they are tough....you are a pussie loser.....you can tell just by all this "tough" talk you do....real men dont talk like you do,men who are not sure if they are actually men do....
Remember…nutless pussies like to believe everyone is as nutless as they are…self manipulating makes them feel better about their pussification…..I’m not your guy Harry Balls.
I only present those scary facts rooted in the data…scary pesky truth…right?


ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY just like I’d have no problem shooting an unarmed trespasser at my property.

Remember…nutless pussies like to believe everyone is as nutless as they are…self manipulating makes them feel better about their pussification…..I’m not your guy Harry Balls.
First off you are more likely to get yourself arrested and put away for life if you ever did what you claim you would do, so you better know what the hell you are doing.

Next, you better know the illegal you might shoot is owned property by the Cartel and they will take it out of your ass if you shoot their property, so make sure you have your Will written out.

Finally, a lot of illegals come here many ways and not just crossing the damn border but the guy with that taste for tacos make your fear them the most!
First off you are more likely to get yourself arrested and put away for life if you ever did what you claim you would do, so you better know what the hell you are doing.

Next, you better know the illegal you might shoot is owned property by the Cartel and they will take it out of your ass if you shoot their property, so make sure you have your Will written out.

Finally, a lot of illegals come here many ways and not just crossing the damn border but the guy with that taste for tacos make your fear them the most!
Even before Biden, about 60% walked across the border. Since Biden took office, that number has probably climbed to 90%.

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