Why would AOC want to abolish iCE?

I only present those scary facts rooted in the data…scary pesky truth…right?


ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY just like I’d have no problem shooting an unarmed trespasser at my property.

Remember…nutless pussies like to believe everyone is as nutless as they are…self manipulating makes them feel better about their pussification…..I’m not your guy Harry Balls.
you are one of the biggest phonies on this board.....lol...like i said...you can be anything on the internet....even a big tough guy...lol...there is a reason you named yourself....broke...loser....emphasis on the LOSER....
you are one of the biggest phonies on this board.....lol...like i said...you can be anything on the internet....even a big tough guy...lol...there is a reason you named yourself....broke...loser....emphasis on the LOSER....
Let me translate your Mumbo-jumbo:
“Just like rightwinger , I can’t logically refute anything you say so I’ll project, lie, ignore the facts, get emotional and cry RACIST at the sky.”
First off you are more likely to get yourself arrested and put away for life if you ever did what you claim you would do, so you better know what the hell you are doing.

Next, you better know the illegal you might shoot is owned property by the Cartel and they will take it out of your ass if you shoot their property, so make sure you have your Will written out.

Finally, a lot of illegals come here many ways and not just crossing the damn border but the guy with that taste for tacos make your fear them the most!
loser is a bull shitting phony....if the cartel came after him he would run as far as he can leaving a trail of piss so they can track his ass.....and i am more than willing to bet he has eaten at a mexican resturant many a time and behaves himself.....because that is reality....
loser is a bull shitting phony....if the cartel came after him he would run as far as he can leaving a trail of piss so they can track his ass.....and i am more than willing to bet he has eaten at a mexican resturant many a time and behaves himself.....because that is reality....
Yep, believe him Bruce_Almighty because a stoned as hell washed-up old mail carrier from Mexifornia said it’s so…so it’s all true.
Again, all pussies want to believe everyone is as big of a pussy as they are…it’s how they deal with their lack of nutsack.
Let me translate your Mumbai-jumbo:
“Just like rightwinger , I can’t logically refute anything you say so I’ll project, lie, ignore the facts, get emotional and cry RACIST at the sky.”
you forgot you dumbass unlike right winger i actually lived were you live....i know when you are telling the big tough guy stories.....i have heard them before....i have known blowhards like you....i worked with one,he was funny too, listening to about what he would do,if i didnt know better i would think you are him lol........you are good at it though........lol...a fucking exaggerating idiot is all you are...
Yep, believe him Bruce_Almighty because a stoned as hell washed-up old mail carrier from Mexifornia said it’s so…so it’s all true.
Again, all pussies want to believe everyone is as big of a pussy as they are…it’s how they deal with their lack of nutsack.
and all little men who are the real pussies want everyone to believe they are big tough guys by telling everyone how tough they are.....a real man dont do that,he doesnt have to...a little faggy pussy does....i wonder which one you are?....
you forgot you dumbass unlike right winger i actually lived were you live....i know when you are telling the big tough guy stories.....i have heard them before....i have known blowhards like you....i worked with one,he was funny too, listening to about what he would do,if i didnt know better i would think you are him lol........you are good at it though........lol...a fucking exaggerating idiot is all you are...
“I once lived where you live and I once knew a guy who exaggerated therefore I know exactly what/who you are.”
It’s actually quite sad that you can’t hear how fucking retarded that sounds Harry…smoke some more weed bud…you’re turning that tiny little mind of yours to mush a shitload faster than you think.
“I once lived where you live and I once knew a guy who exaggerated therefore I know exactly what/who you are.”
Is actually quite sad that you can’t hear how fucking retarded that sounds Harry…smoke some more weed bud…you’re turning that tiny little mind of yours to mush a shitload faster than you think.
dam harry is on to me....how can i convince everyone he is wrong about me.....i know...its the weed!....you sure are a loser....
dam harry is on to me....how can i convince everyone he is wrong about me.....i know...its the weed!....you sure are a loser....
Harry, do yourself a favor, with me, keep to the thread topic….stop forcing me to verbally abuse and bully you mindless senior citizens…PLEASE.
Here, let’s start over….

“Why doesn’t AOC want the people she proclaims to work for (poor, desperate minority Americans) protected from filthy invading criminal thirdworlders / social service leeches?”
Harry, do yourself a favor, with me, keep to the thread topic….stop forcing me to verbally abuse and bully you mindless senior citizens…PLEASE.
Here, let’s start over….

“Why doesn’t AOC want the people she proclaims to work for (poor, desperate minority Americans) protected from filthy invading criminal thirdworlders / social service leeches?”
why am i chipping at your tough guy image?....and i can care less what that woman wants or thinks....she is on the other side of the country and is the problem of those who elected her,she has no bearing on my life or yours.....
Yep, believe him Bruce_Almighty because a stoned as hell washed-up old mail carrier from Mexifornia said it’s so…so it’s all true.
Again, all pussies want to believe everyone is as big of a pussy as they are…it’s how they deal with their lack of nutsack.
It is not about having a nutsack or lack of one but reality is you would get yourself killed along with your loved ones if you ever carried out what you wrote.

Those illegals are slaves owned by gangs, Cartels, The Chinese, The Russians and other elements you want no part of.

Those people are to make money and help with many aspects of a certain life you have no clue on.

Instead of being as hostile as you are maybe for a moment try to understand those people are property in today slave market and if you kill one, a few or many of the law doesn’t take you down someone else will and the reason is simple you can’t go out and destroy someone property no matter if the property is illegal contraband in the human smuggling and today slave trade business…

Been dealing with this so long sometimes I forget which side I am on!
Why doesn’t she want the people she proclaims to work for (poor, desperate minority Americans) protected from filthy invading criminal thirdworlders / social service leeches?
View attachment 603979

So enough losers buy her T-shirts to finance her vacations.
Why doesn’t she want the people she proclaims to work for (poor, desperate minority Americans) protected from filthy invading criminal thirdworlders / social service leeches?
View attachment 603979

She probably wants to sneak in the rest of her family. Well that and she is an asshole.
So who should enforce Immigration Arrests then?

Let me guess you believe there shouldn’t be any and we should have open borders?
Are you unaware there was a federal organization responsible for enforcing immigration laws before Bush created DHS? Really?

Why would AOC want to abolish iCE?​

You're welcome.

You're welcome.
Hold on…so you America Hating, sovereignty hating leftist loons think iCE shouldn’t be permitted to do what they’re supposed to do and protect the interests of REAL Americans from trespassing thirdworld foreign parasites?
WOW…so surprising

You're welcome.
Did you really think linking to that nutjob outfit was gonna make you look anything but stupid?

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