Why would AOC want to abolish iCE?

Those illegals are slaves owned by gangs, Cartels, The Chinese, The Russians and other elements you want no part of.
Hmmm…I thought you Lefties proclaim they are just “hard working high quality human beings looking for a better life for their families”?
Suddenly they are agents of the cartels?
Hahaha…silly confused Tards
Those people are to make money and help with many aspects of a certain life you have no clue on.
Clue me in…you seem to have all the data?
Instead of being as hostile as you are maybe for a moment try to understand those people are property in today slave market and if you kill one, a few or many of the law doesn’t take you down someone else will and the reason is simple you can’t go out and destroy someone property no matter if the property is illegal contraband in the human smuggling and today slave trade business…
NOPE….it’s not the job of good Americans to try to “understand” the worlds desperate filth.
Hold on…so you America Hating, sovereignty hating leftist loons think iCE shouldn’t be permitted to do what they’re supposed to do and protect the interests of REAL Americans from trespassing thirdworld foreign parasites?
WOW…so surprising
I see you did not read the link.

I keep forgetting you can't comprehend anything over 280 characters. My bad.
Yeah, that's right, rubes. Before ICE we had no agency for enforcing immigration laws.

I am not surprised you are actually stupid enough that you believe this.

I keep saying the tards around here have memories like that of goldfish and they keep proving me right.
Are you unaware there was a federal organization responsible for enforcing immigration laws before Bush created DHS? Really?
You did not answer the question as usual and what it seem that those on the left want is purely open borders because I have seen from the left that the term illegal immigration shouldn’t be used for those that come here illegally.

What was before DHS and what we have with INS today can not be done away with at all and what AOC truly want is closing of any form of enforcement and opening the borders completely without any form of process and I dare you to claim that isn’t what she want to achieve…

So again why do you support her position and demand the stoppage of ICE?
Yeah, that's right, rubes. Before ICE we had no agency for enforcing immigration laws.

I am not surprised you are actually stupid enough that you believe this.

I keep saying the tards around here have memories like that of goldfish and they keep proving me right.
Again, AOC doesn’t want any enforcement at all, and it is you that is being the fucking child with the fucking name calling you worthless fucking bitch!

AOC does not want to revert back to the old system or anything but what she want is open borders with no restrictions on anyone from Mexico, Central and South America and if any enforcement is done she deem it to be racist, so why do you support this type of nonsense from AOC?
You did not answer the question as usual and what it seem that those on the left want is purely open borders because I have seen from the left that the term illegal immigration shouldn’t be used for those that come here illegally.

What was before DHS and what we have with INS today can not be done away with at all and what AOC truly want is closing of any form of enforcement and opening the borders completely without any form of process and I dare you to claim that isn’t what she want to achieve…

So again why do you support her position and demand the stoppage of ICE?
I posted a link in post 58.

Read it.

And where did I say I support AOC's position?

The topic title asked a question. I answered it.

You're welcome.
I posted a link in post 58.

Read it.

And where did I say I support AOC's position?

The topic title asked a question. I answered it.

You're welcome.
I am not going to read a damn link from anyone and your bitching and moaning about this topic seeing it is about AOC mean you support her bullshit, so read the title of the fucking thread and realize who we are writing about or don’t and just bitch as you usually do!
I am not going to read a damn link from anyone and your bitching and moaning about this topic seeing it is about AOC mean you support her bullshit, so read the title of the fucking thread and realize who we are writing about or don’t and just bitch as you usually do!
Yes, for god's sake don't read the reasons why the lefties want to abolish ICE. Just swallow the piss you are fed and keep going!

The discussion of this thread is about her wish to do away with ICE and she isn’t wanting to go back to the old system either, so read the title nimrod or don’t!
The title ASKS why she wants to abolish ICE. I ANSWERED the question. And now your panties are in a bunch. Wow!

In your pointy head, you have the idea she does not want to enforce immigration and said so. So provide a link proving your claim or accept that you have been exposed as a liar.

Your call.
Yeah, that's right, rubes. Before ICE we had no agency for enforcing immigration laws.
Hahaha you dumbmotherfucking wetback loving America hating globalist whack-job….WTF was La Migra?
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement was simply rebranded iCE.
Jesus, someone asks why AOC wants ICE abolished, the question is answered, and the tard herd loses their fricking minds.
Read the OP again Humberto and pay attention this time.
Why wouldn’t AOC want to protect our most vulnerable…her filthy bottom feeding constituents from thirdworld bottom feeding parasites?
Hahaha you dumbmotherfucking wetback loving America hating globalist whack-job….WTF was La Migra?
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement was simply rebranded iCE.
ICE was rebranded ICE?

Do you know how stupid you sound?

Seriously. Read the link I provided.

This is a serious mental block you tards are having. I sense I have bumped up against a very powerful delusion you are all desperately trying to protect.
Let's try this again:

Why would AOC want to abolish iCE?​

You're welcome.

Following the September 11 terrorist attacks, Congress pressured the George W. Bush Administration to create a department responsible for domestic security. In 2002, Congress passed the Homeland Security Act, which abolished the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Congress transferred the functions of INS to three new agencies within the Department of Homeland Security: ICE, Customs and Border Protection (CBP), and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). CBP is responsible for securing the border and the area within 100 miles of it (and is the agency actually carrying out family separations at the border), and USCIS processes requests for immigration benefits, such as naturalization applications and asylum requests.

ICE has two primary divisions: Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI). ERO enforces immigration laws, including detaining and removing the people violating them.


ICE has had a turbulent history. Various bodies have questioned ICE’s necessity as a standalone agency, including the conservative Heritage Foundation and DHS’s own inspector general.

ICE’s abusive tactics are well documented. The barbarism of separating toddlers from their parents, holding them in cages, and forcing them to defend themselves in complex legal proceedings against trained government lawyers is a daily reality.18 In addition, there is an established and ongoing pattern of “egregious medical neglect in [immigration] detention facilities across the country.”19 Not surprisingly, ICE’s mistreatment of detainees has led to a startling pattern of deaths in ICE custody.20 In addition, ICE has amassed a well-earned reputation as a dishonest,21 racist,22 and rogue agency that regularly flouts legal limits.23

The one area where ICE has demonstrated startling success has been in garnering resources for itself. Its funding has risen from $3.3 billion in 2003, the year after its creation, to $7.5 billion in 2018—an increase of approximately 130%.


Any successful proposal for a post-ICE immigration-enforcement scheme must achieve two distinct goals. First, the new system must forswear and commit to cure the inhumanity and brutality that characterize immigration enforcement under ICE—most notably by eliminating immigration detention and mass deportation. Second, the new system must be more effective at promoting compliance with immigration law. Some critics of the Abolish ICE movement have suggested that the two goals are mutually inconsistent, but they need not be so.
ICE was rebranded ICE?

Do you know how stupid you sound?

Seriously. Read the link I provided.

This is a serious mental block you tards are having. I sense I have bumped up against a very powerful delusion you are all desperately trying to protect.
La Migra was I.N.S…..now iCE.
Same shit, different brand.
Why do hate Americas sovereignty? Where / how did you learn to become a globalist?
Let's try this again:

You're welcome.
Yeah let’s….so you’re pissed that enforcement agencies actually enforce and treat pieces of filthy shit criminals like the pieces of filthy shit they are? I get it.

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