Why Would Biden Trust Iran Regarding Nukes When They Are Literally Gunning Their Own People Down In The Streets?

Why do you ask false, misleading, stupid f*ing questions everyone can see through, exposing you as a partisan prick?
Dude, the QOP part of the republic party has been supporting pootin since the former 1-term president developed his bromance on him.
for the record-----Sadaam Hussein and KHADAFFY-
DUCK needed killin' Targeted assass. would have
been a better idea. ------same fate should befall
BASHAR------and.....well....POOTIE --but that may not
be feasible

Khadaffi was actually helping the coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa when he was killed, and the control of his country was handed over over to Al Qaeda.
Khadaffi was actually helping the coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa when he was killed, and the control of his country was handed over over to Al Qaeda.
LOL what "anti-terrorist 'coalition' " ? Daffy duck
was a terrorist on his very own. It is true that
OTHER TERRORIST organizations (eg. Al Qaeda)
were able to step into the breach----and THAT IS
Dude, the QOP part of the republic party has been.

Way to try to dodge my question - 'Why do you ask false, misleading, stupid f*ing questions everyone can see through, exposing you as a partisan prick?'

You did not ask me about 'the QOP part of the republic party'. You asked ME about ME.

You asked ME a false, misleading question, one everyone could see through, insinuating that I - not 'the QOP part of the republic party' - trusted Putin, proving you are a partisan dick.

'Why do you trust pootin?'

When I called you on it you responded by dodging my question / ducking what you did and began talking about 'the QOP part of the republic party'.

LOL what "anti-terrorist 'coalition' " ?
In your attempt to try to sound 'cute',, you demonstrate your ignorance. There was only 1 Coalition, as you know - if you aren't to stupid to seriously NOT know that.

Qadaffi was helping the Coalition fight terrorists in northern Africa when he was killed.

Sorry if this fact triggers you or offends your genteel, fragile state, but too f*ing bad. Get over it.
Way to try to dodge my question - 'Why do you ask false, misleading, stupid f*ing questions everyone can see through, exposing you as a partisan prick?'

You did not ask me about 'the QOP part of the republic party'. You asked ME about ME.

You asked ME a false, misleading question, one everyone could see through, insinuating that I - not 'the QOP part of the republic party' - trusted Putin, proving you are a partisan dick.

'Why do you trust pootin?'

When I called you on it you responded by dodging my question / ducking what you did and began talking about 'the QOP part of the republic party'.

View attachment 704669
Why do you support pootin?
Why would Biden and Democrats trust Iran with the world's safety regarding nukes when it is literally murdering its own citizens, gunning them down in the streets?

It was bad enough when Barry negotiated from a position of weakness, refusing to walk away from the negotiating table while Iran conducted attack training against mock US aircraft carriers, mocked him personally, and declared Barry was so desperate to secure his 'legacy deal' with Iran that he would agree to anything....

It was bad enough when Barry turned his back on the Iranian people who rose up against their govt at the time...

But now Biden (and his puppet masters) are turning a 'blind eye' to Iran slaughtering its on people in the streets.

Why are Democrats such cucks / why do they love evil regimes that murder their own people and threaten the world for their own benefit?

Perhaps it is because it is they who Democrats admire and aspire to be like...

Biden is so dementia-ravaged he is looking for dead people at his speeches.

Policy is being made and executed by his puppet masters / handlers. 'Biden's' Iran.policy and actions look awfully like and reek of, for example, Obama's. Barry isn't the only puppet-master.

China and Russia paid a lot of money to Hunter and to Joe during his election campaign.

You could walk up to.Biden right now and say 'Iran' - he would ask you, 'HOW FAR?'

In your attempt to try to sound 'cute',, you demonstrate your ignorance. There was only 1 Coalition, as you know - if you aren't to stupid to seriously NOT know that.

Qadaffi was helping the Coalition fight terrorists in northern Africa when he was killed.

Sorry if this fact triggers you or offends your genteel, fragile state, but too f*ing bad. Get over it.
get over what? your idiot concept of daffy-duck
as the RETURN MAHDI? He murdered with ease
and supported terrorist endeavors. That one islamo-nazi tribe fights----the OTHER---- is a
credential that impresses ONLY IDIOTS. Noble
SUNNIS are gunning down shiites in Pakistan as
we ......uhm, post. A credential in the quarrel with
get over what? your idiot concept of daffy-duck
as the RETURN MAHDI? He murdered with ease
and supported terrorist endeavors. That one islamo-nazi tribe fights----the OTHER---- is a
credential that impresses ONLY IDIOTS. Noble
SUNNIS are gunning down shiites in Pakistan as
we ......uhm, post. A credential in the quarrel with
Biden is so dementia-ravaged he is looking for dead people at his speeches.

Policy is being made and executed by his puppet masters / handlers. 'Biden's' Iran.policy and actions look awfully like and reek of, for example, Obama's. Barry isn't the only puppet-master.

China and Russia paid a lot of money to Hunter and to Joe during his election campaign.

You could walk up to.Biden right now and say 'Iran' - he would ask you, 'HOW FAR?'

View attachment 704671
Yeah sure.

Why was Barry running weapons to terrorists out of Libya?

Why would Biden and Democrats trust Iran with the world's safety regarding nukes when it is literally murdering its own citizens, gunning them down in the streets?

It was bad enough when Barry negotiated from a position of weakness, refusing to walk away from the negotiating table while Iran conducted attack training against mock US aircraft carriers, mocked him personally, and declared Barry was so desperate to secure his 'legacy deal' with Iran that he would agree to anything....

It was bad enough when Barry turned his back on the Iranian people who rose up against their govt at the time...

But now Biden (and his puppet masters) are turning a 'blind eye' to Iran slaughtering its on people in the streets.

Why are Democrats such cucks / why do they love evil regimes that murder their own people and threaten the world for their own benefit?

Perhaps it is because it is they who Democrats admire and aspire to be like...

You do not "trust" anyone, but simply recognize the obvious fact that preventing countries from obtaining nuclear weapons is ILLEGAL!
All countries have equal rights by birth, and unless the US wants to get rid of all our weapons, then every one else has the same right to them as well,
For the same reason libs trust Black Mayors to run those cities where Blacks are murdering each other. Liberals consider Iran to be a minority country that America supposedly fucked over. Therefore the libs give them free reign to do whatever they want, because they feel like we "owe" it to them.

Remember all those funds Obama released to Iran? Ask any liberal and you get the same answer: "Well it was their money anyway." That's the equivalency of levying a fine against a criminal, and then giving him back the fine he paid, because "It was his money anyway."

It was criminal and illegal for the US to take the money paid in advance for the 2 corvette ships, and then not deliver them.
The US does not have any authority or legal right to "fine" anyone, and it is the US that constantly violated international law, not Iran.
Good analogy.

Terrible analogy.
A fine is when you uphold the law and punish law breakers.
In this case, Iran did nothing remotely illegal or immoral, and it was criminal to not deliver the ships they had prepaid for.
Why did Sect of State Hillary Clinton hire an Al Qaeda-associated militia to protect Americans in Benghazi from AL QAEDA?

'An obscure private firm hired by the State Department over internal objections to protect U.S. diplomats in Benghazi just months before the American ambassador and three others were killed was staffed with hastily recruited locals with terror ties who helped carry out the attack'
Talk about being a moral equivocating apologist.

You are the perfect example of progressivism being nothing but self loathing expanded to the political arena.

The US has deliberately done way too many evil things to dismiss it that cavalierly.
For example, since the whole world, plus our own ambassadors, CIA experts, generals, etc., said that Iraq was innocent of WMD claims, then it was deliberate murder for the US to then conduce "Shock and Awe", which intentionally attacked civilian infrastructure, a severe war crime.
Or lifting the freeze on terrorist bank accounts based on their promise not to conduct any further terrorist attacks...while they openly conduct training exercises to do just that...

The US is obviously the biggest terrorist in the world, assassinating hundreds of innocent civilians ever year, with drone.
General Soleimani was not a civilian, but had not been convicted or even accused of any crime, and it was obviously a war crime to murder him.

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