Why Would Biden Trust Iran Regarding Nukes When They Are Literally Gunning Their Own People Down In The Streets?

The US is the largest terrorist in the world, constantly lying and murdering, like about WMD in Iraq.


Yeah, we heard your tantrum-throwing rant the 1st 5 times, comrade.

Easy----the lesson is "DON'T TANGLE WITH THE USA" Poor pathetic Pakistan is just not much of an issue. It got it's own problems. It might be an issue
some day

It is obvious the US can't be trusted, so now all countries will be forced to go nuclear, even if in secret.
If China collapses next year will you give Biden credit?
Do you not understand English, failed to comprehend what I posted in response the 1st time?

No wonder you are so pissed off at your country - your Democrat-run public education system failed you, and you get frustrated and grumpy when you have such a hard time reading / comprehending what you read.

It is obvious the US can't be trusted, so now all countries will be forced to go nuclear, even if in secret.
It seems we have our 1st serious Russian Troll of the 2022 election year spewing propaganda and hatred for 'his' country.

Barry turned his back on the Irania people who rose up and attempted to overthrow their govt for freedom.

That is insanely backwards, twisted, and ignorant.
Iran has a nice democracy until the US deliberately staged a military coup in 1953.
Look up Operation Ajax and learn some history.
The Shah was evil and used the Savak secret police to murder tens of thousands.
The Shah was over thrown in 1979 by a popular uprising, and the Ayatollah was welcomed back as a hero.
The US was the only country who would take in the Shah.
Why would ANYONE trust the USA on anything when the next President can just rip up your trade deals and slap tariffs on everything??

Trump showed how unreliable the USA really is.
Hey Stupid, Barry Hussein’s deal with Iran wasn’t a trade deal, nor a treaty. It was an EO, which can be reversed at any time by any President.

Thanks for once again proving what a moron you are.
It is obvious the US can't be trusted, so now all countries will be forced to go nuclear, even if in secret.
not easy to "go nuclear" in the sense of developing
an actual bomb ENTIRELY IN SECRET. I trust the USA
Name something bad Putin actually did, like we did by murdering half a million innocent Iraqis?
Ask some Ukrainians.

Or journalists that report on him.

Or businessmen who fall from hospital windows.
for the record-----Sadaam Hussein and KHADAFFY-
DUCK needed killin' Targeted assass. would have
been a better idea. ------same fate should befall
BASHAR------and.....well....POOTIE --but that may not
be feasible

It is those who would commit murder who should be murdered.
Saddam was likely the best president Iraq ever had, greatly improving health care, education, etc.
He harmed no one who was not attacking first.

Assad is not only popular, but any replacement would likely be a radical Islamist who would be much worse.
We deliberately destroyed Iran's democracy in 1953.

Not really. Their president had stolen the election he claimed to have won.

and anyway, why are Iranians whining about something from THREE QUARTERS OF A CENTURY AGO.

Let it go people.
It is those who would commit murder who should be murdered.
Saddam was likely the best president Iraq ever had, greatly improving health care, education, etc.
He harmed no one who was not attacking first.

Assad is not only popular, but any replacement would likely be a radical Islamist who would be much worse.
Saddam Hussein opposed the will of the United States. That was reason enough to kill him and his sons.
No one ever said she was in Libya, but she was Secretary of State att. Every decision, every hire to protect US citizens, the hiring of al qaeda-associated militias, and the failure to protect US citizens was on HER!

Please don't try to tell us you are going to try to blame someone else for the catastrophic failures of HILLARY'S State Department on someone else.

Reminds me of jowls Biden declared during his campaign, 'THE BUCK STOPS HERE' but the only thing that hasn't stopped is Biden's finger pointing and blaming others for his failed policies and crimes.

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Totally wrong.
The person on the scene is the one responsible for all the decisions, like hiring people.
So it was Stevens who did it all in Libya, not Hillary.
Her only mistake was appointing Stevens for a role that perhaps no one could have done well at?
It's hard to understand what you're saying with Vlad's d!ck in your mouth.

Take that Russian.pecker out of your mouth, get off your knees, and try repeating that again...

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Reagan has no ethical reason to cause the economic collapse of the USSR.
They were not invading, murdering, harming, etc.
And in fact, with Gorbachov in power, the USSR could easily have become our best ally.

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