Why would Obama seek to raise the cost of Gasoline?

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
A couple of things are clear. The Republicans will attempt to blame Obama for the rising cost of gas, and, Obama has no benefit in raising the cost of gas.

Applying the law of succinctness, if Obama could control the cost of gas he would reduce it in an election year.

Ask Stephen Chu...his Energy Secratary. Obama hasn't asked him to ratchet his rhetoric has he? In fact Obama nominated him as Chu stated it BEFORE he was nominated.

YOU are known by the company you seek.
A couple of things are clear. The Republicans will attempt to blame Obama for the rising cost of gas, and, Obama has no benefit in raising the cost of gas.

Applying the law of succinctness, if Obama could control the cost of gas he would reduce it in an election year.


Because wants everyone to drive a Volt or a Prius. Because he is a believer in manmade global warming. And because he is a neo-marxist pig who wants to force people into doing as he wishes.

And also because he is so arrogant he thinks gas prices won't effect his re-election chances.
Who supports him? Radicals who want to change the way the US works. Folks who love the idea of a huge per gallon tax. 50 cents is the usual number tossed around for the level of increase. Folks who want to force everyone onto light rail and buses.

During primary time and most of the time you run things, you play to the base. In Obama's case, he needs to shore up support from the loony toons who want gas consumption down. Obama's core constituency is the ones who demand every one else drive a Yugo so they can afford the gas for their escalade.

Also, there is the very important to Obama deal of he needs an emergency to be seen as a leader. Fixing the problem means the problem goes away. You can't show leadership and courage in fighting against the evil oil companies if there is no problem.

All through his presidency, Obama has seen by example what works in reducing prices and unemployment and he has consistently done the opposite. That is not ineptitude, that is deliberate manufacture of a crisis so he can be seen as the savior rescuing the People from the Evil Corporations Who Seek To Impoverish Them.
obama believes that high gas prices will wean Americans off oil and into alternative energy. To him, high gas prices are an investment in the fuels of tomorrow. More than that, the lifestyle of tomorrow where people live and work in high rise warrens where travel isn't necessary.
Who supports him? Radicals who want to change the way the US works. Folks who love the idea of a huge per gallon tax. 50 cents is the usual number tossed around for the level of increase. Folks who want to force everyone onto light rail and buses.

During primary time and most of the time you run things, you play to the base. In Obama's case, he needs to shore up support from the loony toons who want gas consumption down. Obama's core constituency is the ones who demand every one else drive a Yugo so they can afford the gas for their escalade.

Also, there is the very important to Obama deal of he needs an emergency to be seen as a leader. Fixing the problem means the problem goes away. You can't show leadership and courage in fighting against the evil oil companies if there is no problem.

All through his presidency, Obama has seen by example what works in reducing prices and unemployment and he has consistently done the opposite. That is not ineptitude, that is deliberate manufacture of a crisis so he can be seen as the savior rescuing the People from the Evil Corporations Who Seek To Impoverish Them.

Indeed. 100% manipulation.
obama believes that high gas prices will wean Americans off oil and into alternative energy. To him, high gas prices are an investment in the fuels of tomorrow. More than that, the lifestyle of tomorrow where people live and work in high rise warrens where travel isn't necessary.


He told us gas and energy prices would rise, he warned us. It was all in his grand scheme to force us to buy his green energy supporters' products.

Politics as usual, you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. Problem is, he didn't expect anyone to think it was a bad idea, just like Obamacare. He knows what's best for us, high gas prices are "necessary".
obama believes that high gas prices will wean Americans off oil and into alternative energy. To him, high gas prices are an investment in the fuels of tomorrow. More than that, the lifestyle of tomorrow where people live and work in high rise warrens where travel isn't necessary.

When the market is ready to accept the tech? It will.

Witness the slow departure of the Buggy industry toward the automobile?

Government didn't make that happen. American invention and ingenuity did...
The American people may ask themselves how the 1% R (to be) nominee made his fortune if not by raising prices by restraining availability ... an issue the Administration may be waiting for in the Fall.
Seems the op doesn't know Obama that well if he has to ask this question. Granted Obama "may" want lower prices "right now" we all know his true feelings. We've seen dozens of videos of Obama in his own unedited words stating everything from his desire to bankrupt the coal industry to wishing for higher gas prices. To pretend any of this isn't true is to show severe levels of stupidity......seek medical help.
A couple of things are clear. The Republicans will attempt to blame Obama for the rising cost of gas, and, Obama has no benefit in raising the cost of gas.

Applying the law of succinctness, if Obama could control the cost of gas he would reduce it in an election year.


He needs to sell some Volts.

We're knot gonna blame obummer anymore than you asswipes blamed President Bush.. newp,, we gonna play yer game fair and square.
A couple of things are clear. The Republicans will attempt to blame Obama for the rising cost of gas, and, Obama has no benefit in raising the cost of gas.

Applying the law of succinctness, if Obama could control the cost of gas he would reduce it in an election year.


He needs to sell some Volts.

We're knot gonna blame obummer anymore than you asswipes blamed President Bush.. newp,, we gonna play yer game fair and square.

And those Volts need Coal and other fossil fuels to operate...the irony escapes Obama.
The American people may ask themselves how the 1% R (to be) nominee made his fortune if not by raising prices by restraining availability ... an issue the Administration may be waiting for in the Fall.

Piss upwind, it has to easier then trying to make that rant float.
Who supports him? Radicals who want to change the way the US works. Folks who love the idea of a huge per gallon tax. 50 cents is the usual number tossed around for the level of increase. Folks who want to force everyone onto light rail and buses.

The .50 cent gas tax was the idea of Ross Perot

During primary time and most of the time you run things, you play to the base. In Obama's case, he needs to shore up support from the loony toons who want gas consumption down. Obama's core constituency is the ones who demand every one else drive a Yugo so they can afford the gas for their escalade.

Silly hyperbole.

Also, there is the very important to Obama deal of he needs an emergency to be seen as a leader. Fixing the problem means the problem goes away. You can't show leadership and courage in fighting against the evil oil companies if there is no problem.

Obama's Administration was conceived during an emergency - the Great Recession.

All through his presidency, Obama has seen by example what works in reducing prices and unemployment and he has consistently done the opposite. That is not ineptitude, that is deliberate manufacture of a crisis so he can be seen as the savior rescuing the People from the Evil Corporations Who Seek To Impoverish Them.

More hyperbole. I know you must believe this, but maybe you would be able to convince others that this has some basis in reality if you would be specific.
A couple of things are clear. The Republicans will attempt to blame Obama for the rising cost of gas, and, Obama has no benefit in raising the cost of gas.

Applying the law of succinctness, if Obama could control the cost of gas he would reduce it in an election year.


He needs to sell some Volts.

We're knot gonna blame obummer anymore than you asswipes blamed President Bush.. newp,, we gonna play yer game fair and square.

And those Volts need Coal and other fossil fuels to operate...the irony escapes Obama.

Former President George H.W. Bush buys a Chevy Volt for son Neil
The really sad and disconcerting aspect of message boards such as this one is the fact that people around the world can read posts by Full-Auto, Willow Tree, The T and Grampa Murked U and mistake their stupidity as reflective of all Americans.
The really sad and disconcerting aspect of message boards such as this one is the fact that people around the world can read posts by Full-Auto, Willow Tree, The T and Grampa Murked U and mistake their stupidity as reflective of all Americans.

Neged for unnecessary hatred.

Don't want the answers don't ask the questions.
The really sad and disconcerting aspect of message boards such as this one is the fact that people around the world can read posts by Full-Auto, Willow Tree, The T and Grampa Murked U and mistake their stupidity as reflective of all Americans.

And with all things being equal? Liberty seeking, freedom loving people around thwe world that live under repressive regimes can see the stupidity of Statist hack as you that make excuses for an American President that means to destroy the Constitution and the very fabric of liberty itself, and that YOU seek to perpetuate tyranny over liberty.

Congratulations asshat.
obama believes that high gas prices will wean Americans off oil and into alternative energy. To him, high gas prices are an investment in the fuels of tomorrow. More than that, the lifestyle of tomorrow where people live and work in high rise warrens where travel isn't necessary.


He told us gas and energy prices would rise, he warned us. It was all in his grand scheme to force us to buy his green energy supporters' products.

Politics as usual, you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. Problem is, he didn't expect anyone to think it was a bad idea, just like Obamacare. He knows what's best for us, high gas prices are "necessary".

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRuXrbjlrRg&feature=related]Obama admits his intentions are to skyrocket oil prices - YouTube[/ame]
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The really sad and disconcerting aspect of message boards such as this one is the fact that people around the world can read posts by Full-Auto, Willow Tree, The T and Grampa Murked U and mistake their stupidity as reflective of all Americans.

Neged for unnecessary hatred.

Don't want the answers don't ask the questions.

Hes just pissed we own him so often.

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