Why would Obama seek to raise the cost of Gasoline?

You seem obsessed with my personal life, why?

Yes I'm a felon, yes I served 3 years in prison, yes i went to college when I got out, yes i started my own business 23 years ago, yes I've traveled thanks to my job, yes you're a tool.

Ps. My mistakes and subsequent punishment made me a better man. I have perspectives on life that many people never experience or learn.

Shall we continue?

I've cut you a lot of slack because I respect the fact you turned your life around... but if you are going to insult me, I insult right back.

I of course, served my country, worked my way through college, and have worked for a bunch of companies, usually run by people who lie to me. But I keep at it...

Nothing of which has to do with the blind, stupid anti-Obama nonsense. If you are going to criticize the man, be honest about it... this isn't an honest argument...

Please point out my dishonest post.......

What you fail to take into account is the degree to which global prices are subject speculation and implied risk to transporting oil from the Middle East sources, AND that we actually have little more than a pipe dream for a national energy policy.

Also, the fact that the dollar is weak for several reasons, among them a trade deficit. That is helped when we buy less oil from outside our own country.

And it's helped again when we export refined oil products (gasoline) out of Texas because their product commands a lower price there than the world price, so they export.

That is a plus-plus for our trade deficit and strengthening a weak dollar.

We should do virtually everything we can to "do all of the above" and quit the argument that being self reliant, at least in North American markets, wont help drive down the cost of oil/products.

Oh, I agree, the speculators are a large part of the problem, and a lot of them should be investigated criminally....

But the only time anyone talks about despoiling the land is when oil prices go high enough to make it worth their while.... Otherwise, we are happy to let other people despoil their own countries.

I say, if we have reserves, let's hold on to them until everyone else runs out... if you want to be totally calculating about this.

Or we could actually invest in real technologies that are out there, but the Oil Industry owns too much of congress for that to ever happen.

I think you misread why congress refuses to do unnecessary harm to oil companies; it's because it will actually do no good to harm them and it's not worth the political gain, if there actually were to be a political gain. They doubt that political gain because they are aware that people have a lot better understanding of the oil situation than the president implies, or that you think for that matter.

And the speculators play a mighty large role in all markets to assign value. The volatility of the value of oil in the world markets has to do with risky reliances and dubious schemes looking into the future. Remove doubts and you clean up the volatility. Anyone who has need for oil in the future may speculate on oil futures, and that is a service to markets not criminal. It would be a waste of time and a deflection to do that.

Amd there is no way of holding back our oil until the rest of the world runs out, because if that could be done the price of oil would rise to extreme levels and that would pay for better and better ways to extract oil from the same wells. Used to be that we only got the top 5% of oil in the underground reservoirs; that part that was pushed up by subsidence or weight of the overburden.

Consider that we can potentially get 20 times more oil from the same wells as we formerly did, by pushing it out by displacement. There is almost, for the purposes of this discussion, unlimited oil reserves left to be brought up.

America cannot afford to beggar itself until we are top dog with the only remaining oil.
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A couple of things are clear. The Republicans will attempt to blame Obama for the rising cost of gas, and, Obama has no benefit in raising the cost of gas.

Applying the law of succinctness, if Obama could control the cost of gas he would reduce it in an election year.



Obama is using a bait and switch game on us.

He's already worked out deals with the UK, Japan, Russia, and others to release massive amounts of oil from their SPRs sometime around the election so it will appear that there is a glut and the price will stabilize.

One thing is for certain with this worthless pampered asshole.....nothing is as it seems.
Why would Obama seek to raise the cost of Gasoline?

He wouldn't. It's something only an idiot would say. Like saying he pals around with terrorists, he's Muslim or he wasn't born in this country. Lord knows we have enough of those uneducated tards.
even if TOMORROW someone in the US invented a cheap little solar panel that would propel cars, trucks, trains, heat homes, and energize factories.......BO would find SOME way to derail it.....much the way he is already suppressing our existing energy sources.....which are enormous....larger than several Saudi Arabias.....

...this is because lefties do NOT want America to succeed......they want America to come down to the level of other countries and fall in line with other socialist One World followers according to their plans......the very idea of a competitive capitalistic America is anathema to them...
Why would Obama seek to raise the cost of Gasoline?

He wouldn't. It's something only an idiot would say. Like saying he pals around with terrorists, he's Muslim or he wasn't born in this country. Lord knows we have enough of those uneducated tards.

I don't know.....why would a bunch of college students fall for his line of BS???

I'll tell you why. Because the media has been bought and paid for. Because our kids have been taught to think this country is the root of all evil in the world.

It's clear what's going on if you know what he and members of his administration have said and what he's done since he's been in office. But because you have been taught to hate the opposition you think the POS can do no wrong.
He needs to sell some Volts.

We're knot gonna blame obummer anymore than you asswipes blamed President Bush.. newp,, we gonna play yer game fair and square.

And those Volts need Coal and other fossil fuels to operate...the irony escapes Obama.

Former President George H.W. Bush buys a Chevy Volt for son Neil

How is that even a coherent response to the point made? Or are you just pulling it out of your ass again?
Why would Obama seek to raise the cost of Gasoline?

He wouldn't. It's something only an idiot would say. Like saying he pals around with terrorists, he's Muslim or he wasn't born in this country. Lord knows we have enough of those uneducated tards.

Go play with your Etch a Sketch some more fool.
A couple of things are clear. The Republicans will attempt to blame Obama for the rising cost of gas, and, Obama has no benefit in raising the cost of gas.

Applying the law of succinctness, if Obama could control the cost of gas he would reduce it in an election year.


For the Right,

there's 1. what they want to believe, and there's 2. what they like to believe,

and then there's the Truth.

Conservatism is based on a political religion of 1. and 2.

Of course no president who desired to be re-elected would actively pursue a policy that was as politically toxic as raising gas prices. To believe otherwise in this case you would have to believe that President Obama doesn't want to be re-elected,

and he wants to put the Big Oil bankrolled Republicans back in power.

In other words, to believe this you have to believe that Obama is really on the SIDE of Big Oil.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-pAvg6McPQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player]Steven Chu - lower gas prices not goal - YouTube[/ame]
Ask Stephen Chu...his Energy Secratary. Obama hasn't asked him to ratchet his rhetoric has he? In fact Obama nominated him as Chu stated it BEFORE he was nominated.

YOU are known by the company you seek.

And he's shown himself to be a good nominee. The strategic interest of the US is to wean ourselves from imported oil. Since no one on the right would accept nationalizing our oil production, the only reasonable alternative is to fully exploit renewable fuels.

I'm sure you don't get this.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sJgKX1pgHA&feature=youtube_gdata_player]Nine Dollar Gas - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKdScVerrBU&feature=youtube_gdata_player]Gas Price Hypocrisy - YouTube[/ame]
Ask Stephen Chu...his Energy Secratary. Obama hasn't asked him to ratchet his rhetoric has he? In fact Obama nominated him as Chu stated it BEFORE he was nominated.

YOU are known by the company you seek.

And he's shown himself to be a good nominee. The strategic interest of the US is to wean ourselves from imported oil. Since no one on the right would accept nationalizing our oil production, the only reasonable alternative is to fully exploit renewable fuels.

I'm sure you don't get this.

A good nominee by ensuring WE go down the Socialist road of Europe?


That is the first smart thing you said in this thread.

And you reduce demand by increasing supply. Something Obama refuses to do. Drilling on federal land and permits for said drilling are at all time lows. Private land supply is up but its not enough.

Just so you know I've held the same job for 23 years. And it pays very well thank you.

Tell the Truth:

Leasing  As of March 2011, the oil and gas industry held 38.6 million acres of leases on
the public lands. However, it was not developing or exploring for oil and gas
resources on 57 percent of its holdings (22 million acres).

Drilling  As of July 15, 2011, there were 1,905 active rotary drill rigs in the U.S.ii This
figure is 94 percent of the 20‐year high of 2,021 active drill rigs set in 2008.

 As of May 2011, the oil and gas industry held 6,573 approved, but unused,
permits for drilling on federal lands.

Production  In FY 2010, the oil and gas industry produced nearly 3 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of
natural gas from federal onshore leases—the second highest fiscal year total
between FY 1984 and FY 2010.v

http://wilderness.org/files/Onshore Oil and Gas Development Status_1.pdf
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMQKnG0daz0&feature=youtube_gdata_player]Obama succeeds in driving up gas prices - media ignores - YouTube[/ame]
That is the first smart thing you said in this thread.

And you reduce demand by increasing supply. Something Obama refuses to do. Drilling on federal land and permits for said drilling are at all time lows. Private land supply is up but its not enough.

Just so you know I've held the same job for 23 years. And it pays very well thank you.

Tell the Truth:

Leasing  As of March 2011, the oil and gas industry held 38.6 million acres of leases on
the public lands. However, it was not developing or exploring for oil and gas
resources on 57 percent of its holdings (22 million acres).

Drilling  As of July 15, 2011, there were 1,905 active rotary drill rigs in the U.S.ii This
figure is 94 percent of the 20‐year high of 2,021 active drill rigs set in 2008.

 As of May 2011, the oil and gas industry held 6,573 approved, but unused,
permits for drilling on federal lands.

Production  In FY 2010, the oil and gas industry produced nearly 3 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of
natural gas from federal onshore leases—the second highest fiscal year total
between FY 1984 and FY 2010.v

http://wilderness.org/files/Onshore Oil and Gas Development Status_1.pdf

Almost all of those leases were granted by the Bush administration. NOT OBAMA
That is the first smart thing you said in this thread.

And you reduce demand by increasing supply. Something Obama refuses to do. Drilling on federal land and permits for said drilling are at all time lows. Private land supply is up but its not enough.

Just so you know I've held the same job for 23 years. And it pays very well thank you.

Tell the Truth:

Leasing  As of March 2011, the oil and gas industry held 38.6 million acres of leases on
the public lands. However, it was not developing or exploring for oil and gas
resources on 57 percent of its holdings (22 million acres).

Drilling  As of July 15, 2011, there were 1,905 active rotary drill rigs in the U.S.ii This
figure is 94 percent of the 20‐year high of 2,021 active drill rigs set in 2008.

 As of May 2011, the oil and gas industry held 6,573 approved, but unused,
permits for drilling on federal lands.

Production  In FY 2010, the oil and gas industry produced nearly 3 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of
natural gas from federal onshore leases—the second highest fiscal year total
between FY 1984 and FY 2010.v

http://wilderness.org/files/Onshore Oil and Gas Development Status_1.pdf

Course you're forgetting that fact that any oil leases take 5 years minimum to start producing because of red-tape in Washington.

But drive on anyway.
A couple of things are clear. The Republicans will attempt to blame Obama for the rising cost of gas, and, Obama has no benefit in raising the cost of gas.

Applying the law of succinctness, if Obama could control the cost of gas he would reduce it in an election year.

Let's see, the left blamed W for the high gas prices in 2008 right until the day he ended the drilling moratorium. Then they freaked out because he called their bluff and prices plummeted.

Why does Obama want high gas prices? Because his socialist engineering programs cannot succeed without it. Why would he want to lower it in an election year? Because he can't win if people think he's responsible for them, which he will be accused of it just like W was.

America votes it's pocketbook and by extension, it's gas tank and utility bills.

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