Why would Turkey, a long time NATO member, be a threat to NATO operations?

' Now with just weeks left in office, and with lawmakers pressing for action, the Trump administration appears to be acting on one of the most serious disputes, sanctioning Ankara for its purchase of the Russian-made S-400 air-defense system, which is seen as a threat to the F-35 fighter-jet program and to NATO operations.'...With weeks left in office, the Trump administration is doing a 180-degree turn on a frustrating NATO ally
Trump is just butt hurt, the Turks bought Russian hardware, after he went along with Erdogon and the Russians on invasion against our allies, with Erdogon getting what he wanted, the Russians getting what they wanted and now getting the big military supply contracts, while all trump got was scorn for allowing that cross border invasion by our military that served in that region and all who support international law and dislike totalitarian rulers, which is most of the people in our country and the world.

Like deserting our allies the Kurds, and leaving them to get attacked by Turkish forces.
It's actually been going on since the beginning of the Iraq War, when Türkiye refused to allow Incirlik AB to be used as a hub for strikes against Iraq. Erdogan had not been in power very long, got elected as a Muslim rather than an Ataturk Westerner, and wasn't going to allow strikes on another Muslim country from his soil. This caused a rift with the Bushies that still has not healed. Escalations on both sides have made it worse. Erdogan has grown closer to Putin while remaining the second largest force in NATO. That's not good.

That is entirely our mistake.
We never should have attacked Saddam, everyone told us not to.
' Now with just weeks left in office, and with lawmakers pressing for action, the Trump administration appears to be acting on one of the most serious disputes, sanctioning Ankara for its purchase of the Russian-made S-400 air-defense system, which is seen as a threat to the F-35 fighter-jet program and to NATO operations.'...With weeks left in office, the Trump administration is doing a 180-degree turn on a frustrating NATO ally
Trump is just butt hurt, the Turks bought Russian hardware, after he went along with Erdogon and the Russians on invasion against our allies, with Erdogon getting what he wanted, the Russians getting what they wanted and now getting the big military supply contracts, while all trump got was scorn for allowing that cross border invasion by our military that served in that region and all who support international law and dislike totalitarian rulers, which is most of the people in our country and the world.

Like deserting our allies the Kurds, and leaving them to get attacked by Turkish forces.

Exactly right.
s400 is a superior system compared to patriots, however trusting putin for your air defense after shooting down one of his jets is a dumb mans bidding...

Turkey knows F-35, it was consortium-member and is still producing components for the plane, Turks have test flown the plane.
F-35 is a computer always controlled by USA with high operating costs and shitty performance.
No, thank you.

Turkey with assistance from UK is developoing its own fighter jet

Turkey might also join the UK-Italian Tempest program
That idiot Joe Biden will put every country in NATO back on American welfare.

Hunter Biden will get some really good foreign investment out of it.

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