Why would you need a 30 round magazine? To stop a democrat from murdering Republican baseballplayers


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The magazine debate is one the left thinks they can win....because they will just lie and use emotion to get their way....

It took the private security force for Rep. Scalise 40 rounds to finally stop the democrat party, Bernie Sander's supporter when he tried to murder the entire Republicans baseball team.....

The Capitol Hill police seem to carry the Glock 22 as a standard weapon...that means each had 15 rounds per magazine...now imagine you cut down the number of bullets by 5 for each of them....all you have done is increase the chances that the killer will get to kill more....now imagine that you are a civilian.....all by yourself in the middle of a mass public shooting.....you have only been allowed 10 rounds in your gun....by people who are not there with you, who have their own private security...that means if it takes 40 rounds of shooting at the guy, you have to change your magazine 4 times........in the stress of an attack........the bad guy....will have 30 round magazines....just like the French terrorists did in Paris...where all magazines for civilians are banned.

Report: Use of force ‘necessary’ in congressional baseball attack
"Need" is not even an issue. That is for the law-abiding individual to decide, and desire is enough.
Bullets come out of all weapons. The weapon doesn't do a party check before firing. You're being silly
Murderers vote Democrat.
Conservatives may kill murderers in self defense to protect the innocent.

And weapons don't kill. The weapon is a TOOL. Democrats use weapons for crime.
The magazine debate is one the left thinks they can win....because they will just lie and use emotion to get their way....

It took the private security force for Rep. Scalise 40 rounds to finally stop the democrat party, Bernie Sander's supporter when he tried to murder the entire Republicans baseball team.....

The Capitol Hill police seem to carry the Glock 22 as a standard weapon...that means each had 15 rounds per magazine...now imagine you cut down the number of bullets by 5 for each of them....all you have done is increase the chances that the killer will get to kill more....now imagine that you are a civilian.....all by yourself in the middle of a mass public shooting.....you have only been allowed 10 rounds in your gun....by people who are not there with you, who have their own private security...that means if it takes 40 rounds of shooting at the guy, you have to change your magazine 4 times........in the stress of an attack........the bad guy....will have 30 round magazines....just like the French terrorists did in Paris...where all magazines for civilians are banned.

Report: Use of force ‘necessary’ in congressional baseball attack

I would support your post except for the fact that all of these magazine size laws wouldn't effect LE officers.
Democrat "voters"?!?

Get real or post legitimate facts to back that up
Yeah, Detroit and Chicago are conservative cities.
But you said "Democrat voters". Do you really think that every criminal votes, let alone votes Democrat? What percentage of registered voters actually voted in 2016? 40%? 35%? And yet, in your narrow mind, all criminals are not only voters, but vote a straight Democrat ticket.

This is cheap, stupid and useless trolling, or can you defend yourself with facts?

Facts. Something rabid righteous Conservatives, if there are still Comservatives left after the cult of personality currently in the White House, are completely unfamiliar with.
The magazine debate is one the left thinks they can win....because they will just lie and use emotion to get their way....

It took the private security force for Rep. Scalise 40 rounds to finally stop the democrat party, Bernie Sander's supporter when he tried to murder the entire Republicans baseball team.....

The Capitol Hill police seem to carry the Glock 22 as a standard weapon...that means each had 15 rounds per magazine...now imagine you cut down the number of bullets by 5 for each of them....all you have done is increase the chances that the killer will get to kill more....now imagine that you are a civilian.....all by yourself in the middle of a mass public shooting.....you have only been allowed 10 rounds in your gun....by people who are not there with you, who have their own private security...that means if it takes 40 rounds of shooting at the guy, you have to change your magazine 4 times........in the stress of an attack........the bad guy....will have 30 round magazines....just like the French terrorists did in Paris...where all magazines for civilians are banned.

Report: Use of force ‘necessary’ in congressional baseball attack

I would support your post except for the fact that all of these magazine size laws wouldn't effect LE officers.

That isn't the point....the point is if those LEOs weren't there, and it was just civilians......and one was lucky to have a gun in an area that wasn't gun free....they would be on their own till the police arrived....maybe 5 minutes later....and trying to put down a democrat party, bernie sanders supporter trying to murder a bunch of people may require more than 10 bullets...as happene here....
States and weapons don't vote goof
States DO vote, dimwit, but that's irrelevant to my point.

The voters in Chicago are DEMOCRAT. Democrat voters, BY FAR, commit the majority of violent crime.
Democrat "voters"?!?

Get real or post legitimate facts to back that up.

Here you go....

Want to Stop Gun Murder, Democrats? Give Up Your Guns - Breitbart

But he’s just one example of gun crime in the Democrat-supporting world. From 2009-2010, according to the Centers for Disease Control, 26,632 firearm-related homicides took place in the United States. The CDC investigated the number of firearm-related homicides in the 50 most populous U.S. cities; all but six of those cities were located in counties which would go on to vote for Barack Obama in 2012. In those cities, 13,014 firearm-related homicides took place.

In other words, just by confiscating all the guns from all the people in the most populous Democratic cities–by following the Democratic theory that less guns mean less gun crimes–the American gun murder rate would drop by half. And that doesn’t even count all murders from all Democrat-supporting areas in the country.

Obviously, that wouldn’t work–virtually all the major Democratic cities already have gun control, and the Democratic-area murder spree continues. But the media will never discuss where most murders actually occur, or who actually commits them.
States and weapons don't vote goof
States DO vote, dimwit, but that's irrelevant to my point.

The voters in Chicago are DEMOCRAT. Democrat voters, BY FAR, commit the majority of violent crime.
Democrat "voters"?!?

Get real or post legitimate facts to back that up.

Here you go....

Want to Stop Gun Murder, Democrats? Give Up Your Guns - Breitbart

But he’s just one example of gun crime in the Democrat-supporting world. From 2009-2010, according to the Centers for Disease Control, 26,632 firearm-related homicides took place in the United States. The CDC investigated the number of firearm-related homicides in the 50 most populous U.S. cities; all but six of those cities were located in counties which would go on to vote for Barack Obama in 2012. In those cities, 13,014 firearm-related homicides took place.

In other words, just by confiscating all the guns from all the people in the most populous Democratic cities–by following the Democratic theory that less guns mean less gun crimes–the American gun murder rate would drop by half. And that doesn’t even count all murders from all Democrat-supporting areas in the country.

Obviously, that wouldn’t work–virtually all the major Democratic cities already have gun control, and the Democratic-area murder spree continues. But the media will never discuss where most murders actually occur, or who actually commits them.
By the "logic" proffered in this Breitbart opinion piece, the criminals are also rabid partisan voters. What was the percentage of eligible voters casting ballots in the 2016 election? For that matter, for the past six elections? Care to guess? 45%? 40%? 51%?

Your assertion hangs on the slender reed that we would follow this logic. Well, I did! And so should you.

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