Why you shouldn't vote for Hillary Clinton

First, the State Dept. was for sale during Hillary's watch. It was all about funneling money to the Clinton Foundation even if it meant selling out America and our allies.

Second, Benghazi. Yea, libs don't like discussing this one. Come on, Hillary ignored requests for more security. She ignored the 2:00 a.m. call for help. Then she lied and lied.

Third, she knowingly created a huge security risk by using a personal server and insecure phone for official business. She claimed it was a mistake and she only did it because it was too difficult for her to log onto the State Dept. server. Idiot or just another big lie because she didn't want anyone else knowing what she was doing as Sec. of State. Remember, there is $6 Billion dollars unaccounted for. That is a lot of money and there should be an investigation. Disgusting that she claimed there wasn't enough money to provide security for Ambassador Stevens and his staff when that much money was spent and there isn't any paperwork to suggest where it went.

There are so many reasons not to trust Hillary.

She also wants guns banned. She might as well come out and admit it. When asked if she believed that people have a constitutional right to bear arms, she skirted the question. When Stephanopoulos pressed, she stated that IF there is such a right then it needs to be regulated. It is regulated. Chicago is really regulated more than most and yet just experienced record breaking violence last weekend. There is only one reason a tyrant wants people disarmed. Hillary cannot be trusted when she grants favors to hostile countries that allow them to become more dangerous to the world and yet doesn't think the average American should have the right to defend their own home.


Clinton Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary Clinton's State Department


Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal


181 Clinton Foundation donors who lobbied Hillary's State Department


Face it, these things are just the tip of the iceberg. Hillary has been surrounded by scandals involving dishonesty her entire career, starting with her involvement in Nixon's impeachment.

So... why didn't the GOP try fielding at least one viable candidate to run against her?
Unlike your messiah, she has an impeccable resume


Failed DC bar exam
legal career resulted in subpoenas and Webster Hubbell doing 2 years for work Hillary billed
Spent night of Vince Foster's "death" rifling through Foster's office
Attacked female victims of predator "husband"
gave birth to Webb Hubbell's kid
sold out to anyone and everyone offering her cash
stole White House furniture
blew it in Benghazi
lied and broke laws with private email server

Why vote for Hillary?

because THAT ($650k) is what THEY (Goldman Sachs) offered

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