Why Younger Americans Misunderstand True Socialism


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Why Younger Americans Misunderstand True Socialism

Why Younger Americans Misunderstand True Socialism | RealClearPolitics
8-3-2019 ~ By Julia Mullins
“Socialism does not mean government owns everything,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez explained earlier this summer during an Instagram live stream.... Three months prior to Ocasio-Cortez’s declaration, a Harris Poll provided exclusively to Axios showed that 61% of Americans ages 18 to 24 have a positive reaction to the word “socialism,” while 58% responded similarly to the word “capitalism.” Conversely, only 27% of people age 65 and older had a positive reaction to the word that most of them still associate with the Red Scare. The poll also showed that millennials and Gen Zers are more likely than previous generations to accept socialistic policies and values. These younger generations, for example, overwhelmingly believe that government should provide universal health care and tuition-free college. Half of millennials and Gen Zers claim they would prefer living in a socialist country.
In response to this trend, economists Robert Lawson and Benjamin Powell recently discussed their new book, “Socialism Sucks: Two Economists Drink Their Way Through the Unfree World,” at the Cato Institute. Powell said it’s not surprising that socialism is popular now in the United States, though he added that this favorability comes from an illusion. Much of America’s youth, Powell continued, has been led into a state of confusion by Sen. Bernie Sanders, who has repeatedly cited Nordic countries as examples of socialism. “When you hear Bernie and others say this, they don’t mean real socialism in the way that Bob and I defined the term of the government owning most of the means of production,” Powell said. “However, Bernie and AOC and the rest of them do want to march you down the road of serfdom … moving to Medicare for All.”... Those of us that crunch numbers … by any conceivable measure, we are living in the most prosperous, most opportunistic, most beautiful times in the history of the universe, but … there’s a lot of reasons, from [Ocasio-Cortez’s] perspective, that things could suck, even though things are the best they’ve ever been,” Kibbe observed.

I believe they stopped reading and teaching G. Orwell's "Animal Farm" in the public indoctrinated schools. Apparently, we need it taught more today than ever before. The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA has been using "DoubleSpeak", a term coined by George Orwell in his futurist dystopian novel,1984; language that deliberately disguises, distorts, or reverses meaning to further an agenda, often by governments, corporations, marketers, or other power structures.
Meanwhile the millennial generation think by voting for PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists, they'll get Sweden and or Norway, but don't want to live in places that are truly practicing socialism. However, voting for the PMS/DSA Democrats into power, will yield the likes of Venezuela and Cuba. The short history of Venezuela shows us that in factual real time. No matter how many times the PMS/DSA claims will be better this time if they are voted in. History continues to prove them wrong. A next time will lead to disaster like all previous attempts.
Bitch! They misunderstand it because commies write their textbooks.

You can't even get a non-commie textbook in America these days, save at some colleges.

That's the situation it is right now.

k-12 is ruled by commies in the US in 2019.
Commies ruling the k-5 to 12th grade realm needs to fucking stop!

Wow! Does it ever!
Want to teach your kid about socialism pay him or her ten dollars to clean the bathrooms in the house after you pay them take seven of the dollars away and give them to someone who cleaned none of it they will get it real quick.

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