

Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
The system is rotten and needs to be terminated. One man's opinion based on the facts. Please read the following...more at the link below.

Break Up the USA.
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
Some of our assumptions are so deeply embedded that we cannot perceive them ourselves.

Case in point: everyone takes for granted that it’s normal for a country of 320 million to be dictated to by a single central authority. The only debate we’re permitted to have is who should be selected to carry out this grotesque and inhumane function.

Here’s the debate we should be having instead: what if we simply abandoned this quixotic mission, and went our separate ways? It’s an idea that’s gaining traction – much too late, to be sure, but better late than never.

For a long time it seemed as if the idea of secession was unlikely to take hold in modern America. Schoolchildren, after all, are told to associate secession with slavery and treason. American journalists treat the idea as if it were self-evidently ridiculous and contemptible (an attitude they curiously do not adopt when faced with US war propaganda, I might add).

And yet all it took was the election of Donald Trump for the alleged toxicity of secession to vanish entirely. The left’s principled opposition to secession and devotion to the holy Union went promptly out the window on November 8, 2016. Today, about one in three Californians polled favors the Golden State’s secession from the union.

In other words, some people seem to be coming to the conclusion that the whole system is rotten and should be abandoned.

The system is rotten and needs to be abandoned.

Am I a traitor?

Break Up the USA - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
The system is rotten and needs to be terminated. One man's opinion based on the facts. Please read the following...more at the link below.

Break Up the USA.
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
Some of our assumptions are so deeply embedded that we cannot perceive them ourselves.

Case in point: everyone takes for granted that it’s normal for a country of 320 million to be dictated to by a single central authority. The only debate we’re permitted to have is who should be selected to carry out this grotesque and inhumane function.

Here’s the debate we should be having instead: what if we simply abandoned this quixotic mission, and went our separate ways? It’s an idea that’s gaining traction – much too late, to be sure, but better late than never.

For a long time it seemed as if the idea of secession was unlikely to take hold in modern America. Schoolchildren, after all, are told to associate secession with slavery and treason. American journalists treat the idea as if it were self-evidently ridiculous and contemptible (an attitude they curiously do not adopt when faced with US war propaganda, I might add).

And yet all it took was the election of Donald Trump for the alleged toxicity of secession to vanish entirely. The left’s principled opposition to secession and devotion to the holy Union went promptly out the window on November 8, 2016. Today, about one in three Californians polled favors the Golden State’s secession from the union.

In other words, some people seem to be coming to the conclusion that the whole system is rotten and should be abandoned.

The system is rotten and needs to be abandoned.

Am I a traitor?

Break Up the USA - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
The left would just turn what they had into another Venezuela then they'd be sneaking into the US again.
It was never meant to be one nation, as much as a union of member States. Mission creep strikes again.
The system is rotten and needs to be terminated. One man's opinion based on the facts. Please read the following...more at the link below.

Break Up the USA.
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
Some of our assumptions are so deeply embedded that we cannot perceive them ourselves.

Case in point: everyone takes for granted that it’s normal for a country of 320 million to be dictated to by a single central authority. The only debate we’re permitted to have is who should be selected to carry out this grotesque and inhumane function.

Here’s the debate we should be having instead: what if we simply abandoned this quixotic mission, and went our separate ways? It’s an idea that’s gaining traction – much too late, to be sure, but better late than never.

For a long time it seemed as if the idea of secession was unlikely to take hold in modern America. Schoolchildren, after all, are told to associate secession with slavery and treason. American journalists treat the idea as if it were self-evidently ridiculous and contemptible (an attitude they curiously do not adopt when faced with US war propaganda, I might add).

And yet all it took was the election of Donald Trump for the alleged toxicity of secession to vanish entirely. The left’s principled opposition to secession and devotion to the holy Union went promptly out the window on November 8, 2016. Today, about one in three Californians polled favors the Golden State’s secession from the union.

In other words, some people seem to be coming to the conclusion that the whole system is rotten and should be abandoned.

The system is rotten and needs to be abandoned.

Am I a traitor?

Break Up the USA - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
The left would just turn what they had into another Venezuela then they'd be sneaking into the US again.

That's why you build a big wall to keep the bozoes out.
Democrats can't be trusted with the constitution....

I suggest we get rid of one of them.....
The system is rotten and needs to be terminated. One man's opinion based on the facts. Please read the following...more at the link below.

Break Up the USA.
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
Some of our assumptions are so deeply embedded that we cannot perceive them ourselves.

Case in point: everyone takes for granted that it’s normal for a country of 320 million to be dictated to by a single central authority. The only debate we’re permitted to have is who should be selected to carry out this grotesque and inhumane function.

Here’s the debate we should be having instead: what if we simply abandoned this quixotic mission, and went our separate ways? It’s an idea that’s gaining traction – much too late, to be sure, but better late than never.

For a long time it seemed as if the idea of secession was unlikely to take hold in modern America. Schoolchildren, after all, are told to associate secession with slavery and treason. American journalists treat the idea as if it were self-evidently ridiculous and contemptible (an attitude they curiously do not adopt when faced with US war propaganda, I might add).

And yet all it took was the election of Donald Trump for the alleged toxicity of secession to vanish entirely. The left’s principled opposition to secession and devotion to the holy Union went promptly out the window on November 8, 2016. Today, about one in three Californians polled favors the Golden State’s secession from the union.

In other words, some people seem to be coming to the conclusion that the whole system is rotten and should be abandoned.

The system is rotten and needs to be abandoned.

Am I a traitor?

Break Up the USA - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

Yo, yes, you`re the common "Democrat Commie!" I say, all you Commies should move to California, and we True Americans will build a Wall, or Trump can extend the Wall, and close you out from the Country, I would LOVE IT!!!

The system is rotten and needs to be terminated. One man's opinion based on the facts. Please read the following...more at the link below.

Break Up the USA.
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
Some of our assumptions are so deeply embedded that we cannot perceive them ourselves.

Case in point: everyone takes for granted that it’s normal for a country of 320 million to be dictated to by a single central authority. The only debate we’re permitted to have is who should be selected to carry out this grotesque and inhumane function.

Here’s the debate we should be having instead: what if we simply abandoned this quixotic mission, and went our separate ways? It’s an idea that’s gaining traction – much too late, to be sure, but better late than never.

For a long time it seemed as if the idea of secession was unlikely to take hold in modern America. Schoolchildren, after all, are told to associate secession with slavery and treason. American journalists treat the idea as if it were self-evidently ridiculous and contemptible (an attitude they curiously do not adopt when faced with US war propaganda, I might add).

And yet all it took was the election of Donald Trump for the alleged toxicity of secession to vanish entirely. The left’s principled opposition to secession and devotion to the holy Union went promptly out the window on November 8, 2016. Today, about one in three Californians polled favors the Golden State’s secession from the union.

In other words, some people seem to be coming to the conclusion that the whole system is rotten and should be abandoned.

The system is rotten and needs to be abandoned.

Am I a traitor?

Break Up the USA - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

Yo, yes, you`re the common "Democrat Commie!" I say, all you Commies should move to California, and we True Americans will build a Wall, or Trump can extend the Wall, and close you out from the Country, I would LOVE IT!!!

View attachment 113272
Yo. I am about as far from being a commie, as is humanly possible.

But your post is instructive, as I suspect you are like the loyalist during the American Revolution. Sadly there are way too many of your kind, so the slow descent into tyranny is difficult to stop.
The system is rotten and needs to be terminated. One man's opinion based on the facts. Please read the following...more at the link below.

Break Up the USA.
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
Some of our assumptions are so deeply embedded that we cannot perceive them ourselves.

Case in point: everyone takes for granted that it’s normal for a country of 320 million to be dictated to by a single central authority. The only debate we’re permitted to have is who should be selected to carry out this grotesque and inhumane function.

Here’s the debate we should be having instead: what if we simply abandoned this quixotic mission, and went our separate ways? It’s an idea that’s gaining traction – much too late, to be sure, but better late than never.

For a long time it seemed as if the idea of secession was unlikely to take hold in modern America. Schoolchildren, after all, are told to associate secession with slavery and treason. American journalists treat the idea as if it were self-evidently ridiculous and contemptible (an attitude they curiously do not adopt when faced with US war propaganda, I might add).

And yet all it took was the election of Donald Trump for the alleged toxicity of secession to vanish entirely. The left’s principled opposition to secession and devotion to the holy Union went promptly out the window on November 8, 2016. Today, about one in three Californians polled favors the Golden State’s secession from the union.

In other words, some people seem to be coming to the conclusion that the whole system is rotten and should be abandoned.

The system is rotten and needs to be abandoned.

Am I a traitor?

Break Up the USA - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

Yo, yes, you`re the common "Democrat Commie!" I say, all you Commies should move to California, and we True Americans will build a Wall, or Trump can extend the Wall, and close you out from the Country, I would LOVE IT!!!

View attachment 113272
Yo. I am about as far from being a commie, as is humanly possible.

But your post is instructive, as I suspect you are like the loyalist during the American Revolution. Sadly there are way too many of your kind, so the slow descent into tyranny is difficult to stop.

Do elaborate on this "descent into tyranny" please.
Most people still live in a Left/Right paradigm. 2016 should have awakened more people than it did. Hillary stole it from Bernie and they admitted it. A Republican Elector admitted that "We the people" don't elect candidates, they do.. There are two possibilities here, either Trump is one of them ( I suspect he is but hope he isn't), or he is an aberration. If it's the latter they will kill him.
Fuck that, we shouldn't give up one square mile to treasonous progressive faggots. Let them move to some progressive hippie utopia like Venezuela, North Korea, or even Saudi Arabia since they love Islam so much.
The system is rotten and needs to be terminated. One man's opinion based on the facts. Please read the following...more at the link below.

Break Up the USA.
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
Some of our assumptions are so deeply embedded that we cannot perceive them ourselves.

Case in point: everyone takes for granted that it’s normal for a country of 320 million to be dictated to by a single central authority. The only debate we’re permitted to have is who should be selected to carry out this grotesque and inhumane function.

Here’s the debate we should be having instead: what if we simply abandoned this quixotic mission, and went our separate ways? It’s an idea that’s gaining traction – much too late, to be sure, but better late than never.

For a long time it seemed as if the idea of secession was unlikely to take hold in modern America. Schoolchildren, after all, are told to associate secession with slavery and treason. American journalists treat the idea as if it were self-evidently ridiculous and contemptible (an attitude they curiously do not adopt when faced with US war propaganda, I might add).

And yet all it took was the election of Donald Trump for the alleged toxicity of secession to vanish entirely. The left’s principled opposition to secession and devotion to the holy Union went promptly out the window on November 8, 2016. Today, about one in three Californians polled favors the Golden State’s secession from the union.

In other words, some people seem to be coming to the conclusion that the whole system is rotten and should be abandoned.

The system is rotten and needs to be abandoned.

Am I a traitor?

Break Up the USA - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

Yo, yes, you`re the common "Democrat Commie!" I say, all you Commies should move to California, and we True Americans will build a Wall, or Trump can extend the Wall, and close you out from the Country, I would LOVE IT!!!

View attachment 113272
Yo. I am about as far from being a commie, as is humanly possible.

But your post is instructive, as I suspect you are like the loyalist during the American Revolution. Sadly there are way too many of your kind, so the slow descent into tyranny is difficult to stop.

Do elaborate on this "descent into tyranny" please.
It is where our government and political class is taking us. Can't you see it?
We are already broken up. We are different states, united. The founding fathers wanted the states to have their own power, under the protective eye of the federal government. We need to get back to that.
We are already broken up. We are different states, united. The founding fathers wanted the states to have their own power, under the protective eye of the federal government. We need to get back to that.

Not going to happen without a lot of blood being spilled.
Why would blood be spilled? States already write their own laws, but the federal government has grown so large that they have taken over a lot of what the states did for themselves. Shrink the gov.
Why would blood be spilled? States already write their own laws, but the federal government has grown so large that they have taken over a lot of what the states did for themselves. Shrink the gov.

I hate to be the one to tell you this, but it's all out there to see....nobody is hiding it. "We the People" have not been in charge....well forever. The last President to buck the powers that be was JFK. It didn't end well.
The system is rotten and needs to be terminated. One man's opinion based on the facts. Please read the following...more at the link below.

Break Up the USA.
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
Some of our assumptions are so deeply embedded that we cannot perceive them ourselves.

Case in point: everyone takes for granted that it’s normal for a country of 320 million to be dictated to by a single central authority. The only debate we’re permitted to have is who should be selected to carry out this grotesque and inhumane function.

Here’s the debate we should be having instead: what if we simply abandoned this quixotic mission, and went our separate ways? It’s an idea that’s gaining traction – much too late, to be sure, but better late than never.

For a long time it seemed as if the idea of secession was unlikely to take hold in modern America. Schoolchildren, after all, are told to associate secession with slavery and treason. American journalists treat the idea as if it were self-evidently ridiculous and contemptible (an attitude they curiously do not adopt when faced with US war propaganda, I might add).

And yet all it took was the election of Donald Trump for the alleged toxicity of secession to vanish entirely. The left’s principled opposition to secession and devotion to the holy Union went promptly out the window on November 8, 2016. Today, about one in three Californians polled favors the Golden State’s secession from the union.

In other words, some people seem to be coming to the conclusion that the whole system is rotten and should be abandoned.

The system is rotten and needs to be abandoned.

Am I a traitor?

Break Up the USA - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
The problems facing this country aren't rooted in federalism, they are rooted in capitalism. Tyranny is rooted in capitalism. And that opinion I am quite sure will be viewed as treasonous.
I am morally against voting, but I would make an exception if there was a referendum to end the United States of America.
The problems are genetic at this point. Low IQ savages were allowed to make offspring and put the cost on the taxpayer. This is like the third generation of de-evolution in America and low IQ savages have poured into the country for decades now . Genetically it is impossible to reverse that. No amount of education can change DNA.

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