WI Proves Fiscal Conservative Approach Works?


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2011
MADISON, Wis. – Buoyed by better-than-expected revenue that he describes as the “Reform Dividend,” Gov. Scott Walker rolled out a biennial budget plan Wednesday that calls for significant increases in education spending, state-sponsored college tuition reductions, welfare reform and continued tax cuts.

While some fiscal conservatives expressed concerns about some of the governor’s spending initiatives, Republicans in the main warmly endorsed their party standard-bearer’s proposals.

Democrats, to no one’s surprise, railed against the budget blueprint, complaining that Walker’s plan to boost K-12 funding by nearly $649 million – state aid increases Dems have long clamored for – is nothing more than a political stunt as the governor eyes a third term in 2018.

“This budget includes historic investments in our priorities,” Walker said to a joint session of the Legislature. “We’re putting more money into public education than ever before, making college even more affordable, caring for the truly needy, building a stronger infrastructure, rewarding work, and cutting taxes to the lowest point in decades.”

The governor said such “historic investments” are possible because of “common sense,” and often hard-fought, government reforms led by Walker and the Republican majority since they swept into power in 2010.

According to the state Department of Revenue, Wisconsin ended the most recent fiscal year with a surplus of $331 million. That balance is estimated to grow to $427.2 million by the close of fiscal year 2016-17, a budget summary states.
Gov. Scott Walker invokes ‘Reform Dividend’ in ambitious spending plan - M.D. Kittle

Do you suppose those "crazy" conservative approaches to government actually work???

Whoda thunk that?
Walker is a mixed bag.

His getting behind taxpayer funding for a new basketball arena in Milwaukee was shameful.
But he has pledged an increase I. 200 dollars per student in state funds so this is a change for him.
Maybe this will help with the teacher shortage Wisconsin has been facing since Walker started waging war on education.
Yes you are right. We used to have 100 applicants per vacancy now we have 5 to ten. As a school board member this is eye opening in a district that poists high test scores and high college placement.
Maybe this will help with the teacher shortage Wisconsin has been facing since Walker started waging war on education.

Sorry, but that is disingenuous, at best, and intentionally misleading, at worst. Wisconsin's teacher shortages are well in line with other states.

The United States’ growing teaching shortage: How it looks state by state

It would appear that your accusation of Walker "waging war on education" is inherently false. Do you have a special reason why you would lie to people?
Maybe this will help with the teacher shortage Wisconsin has been facing since Walker started waging war on education.

Sorry, but that is disingenuous, at best, and intentionally misleading, at worst. Wisconsin's teacher shortages are well in line with other states.

The United States’ growing teaching shortage: How it looks state by state

It would appear that your accusation of Walker "waging war on education" is inherently false. Do you have a special reason why you would lie to people?
Wisconsin has one of the highest teacher turnover rates in the country, and one of the highest percentages of inexperienced teachers. Not to mention what he's done to higher education. Remember, Scott Walker is 7 years in and owns this now.

Understanding Teacher Shortages


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