Wife of college Professor wants her husband to carry a gun on campus….


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I heard about this essay on the Dan and Amy show here in Chicago…..

I Want My Husband To Have A Gun On Campus

Let Would-Be Victims Shoot Back
It’s one thing to accept that my husband’s mostly-safe job has a slightly increased risk of death by psychopath. It’s quite another to accept that he can’t do anything about it. Granted, it isn’t likely that someone would try to murder him and his students in cold blood. We now have to agree, though, that the risk is no longer entirely negligible.

If news rooms were being shot up at the same rate, I’m guessing we’d be seeing major movement on the protect journalists front.

We see communities of healthy, intelligent people choosing to be sitting ducks for murderous psychopaths.

As it is, the Students for Concealed Campus initiative has helped bring campus-carry legislation to 13 states, but only one (Texas, of course!) has actually passed major legislation to permit concealed carry on campus. The great majority of university faculty and staff are still stuck hoping “campus security” can get on top of the situation before they and their students all die.
Dude -- I know this would require actually leaving the house and venturing out into the real world but ..... see a shrink, you're obsessed.

Do tell us, what did they have for breakfast? What kind of gas is in their car? What color socks is the guy wearing?
My wife is a community college math department chair. She carriers her revolver whenever she wears a jacket or other clotting that allows her to conceal it.

Over the years she's had any number of students with any number of known psychological issues whose behavior on and off meds would make anyone nervous.
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We see communities of healthy, intelligent people choosing to be sitting ducks for murderous psychopaths.

That sums up our K-12 and universities, ran by liberals, to a "T".

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