Wife of man murdered by FBI and Oregon State Police files suit

Saying you will defend yourself from assault isn't a threat. And you shouldn't be passing judgement based on what the paper publishes, because both the reporters, and law enforcement, are hard core, seasoned liars.

The way he was doing it absolutely was stupid. His cause is correct. His way of dealing with it was asinine thus he, and they lost all credibility with those who they were ostensibly there to help. The PEOPLE in the region HATED them and wanted them gone. A good friend of mine was up there helping the locals because they couldn't get to medical care so my friend set up a medical aid station to take care of the locals and the locals ALL hated the idiots.
See, that's all bullshit. The people in the region did NOT hate them. The Government officials and their families hated them, and sadly, those asshats, who.are despised by the locals, make up.about sixty percent of the.population, and include.the.press.

The RANCHERS and the non government dependent community at large, both in burns and john day, DESPISE the fed presence just as the brits loathed the.romans, and the scoots.loathed the brits.

You are regurgitating lies that are told by the propaganda machine...taking the.word.of tyrants that their subjects are fully supportive.of tyranny. The.local ranchers fed these guys and were out there supporting them every day and night.

You can disagre with tactics but you are dead wrong when you say the.locals hate these guys. Locals are traveling to.Portland every week to stand outside the.jail where the bundys are to raise.awareness and to protest. Ranchers are meeting in secret because they don't dare to speak out or defy ilegal encroachment, assault and harassment. Locals are.regular being harassed and.fined STILL for speaking.out against the pigs who have set up shop and are.doing the bidding.of the.feds.

Gads go to the freaking stores and cafes.there and talk to them. It immediately becomes obvious that A. the media is lying about the nature of the.situation, and 2. this aboutnresistance to unwanted federal. occupation.

Yes, they did. The Bundy bumbling brigade made life very difficult for the actual residents of the area. As much as the locals don't like the feds, what the bundy's did was far worse according to the locals.
Bullshit. The Bundy presence was welcome, its the feds who have made the.lives of the locals hell on earth...and it didn't start in January of this year.

The.people of the rural areas of.Oregon DESPISE the federal invaders. They always have.

According to my friend who was on the ground, they weren't. They were at best tolerated, and at worst there were locals who would happily have shot them.
I have friends, family that I speak daily with 'on the ground' and your friend is a fucking liar, or is just a.government shill.
My friends on the ground are currently watching, as they do every year, the timber and land that they have been driven off of, that they aren't allowed to use or log, go up in flames. Millions of dollars.in timber and pasture sacrificed to the fucking forest gods every year. They loathe the feds, all of them.
The way he was doing it absolutely was stupid. His cause is correct. His way of dealing with it was asinine thus he, and they lost all credibility with those who they were ostensibly there to help. The PEOPLE in the region HATED them and wanted them gone. A good friend of mine was up there helping the locals because they couldn't get to medical care so my friend set up a medical aid station to take care of the locals and the locals ALL hated the idiots.
See, that's all bullshit. The people in the region did NOT hate them. The Government officials and their families hated them, and sadly, those asshats, who.are despised by the locals, make up.about sixty percent of the.population, and include.the.press.

The RANCHERS and the non government dependent community at large, both in burns and john day, DESPISE the fed presence just as the brits loathed the.romans, and the scoots.loathed the brits.

You are regurgitating lies that are told by the propaganda machine...taking the.word.of tyrants that their subjects are fully supportive.of tyranny. The.local ranchers fed these guys and were out there supporting them every day and night.

You can disagre with tactics but you are dead wrong when you say the.locals hate these guys. Locals are traveling to.Portland every week to stand outside the.jail where the bundys are to raise.awareness and to protest. Ranchers are meeting in secret because they don't dare to speak out or defy ilegal encroachment, assault and harassment. Locals are.regular being harassed and.fined STILL for speaking.out against the pigs who have set up shop and are.doing the bidding.of the.feds.

Gads go to the freaking stores and cafes.there and talk to them. It immediately becomes obvious that A. the media is lying about the nature of the.situation, and 2. this aboutnresistance to unwanted federal. occupation.

Yes, they did. The Bundy bumbling brigade made life very difficult for the actual residents of the area. As much as the locals don't like the feds, what the bundy's did was far worse according to the locals.
Bullshit. The Bundy presence was welcome, its the feds who have made the.lives of the locals hell on earth...and it didn't start in January of this year.

The.people of the rural areas of.Oregon DESPISE the federal invaders. They always have.

According to my friend who was on the ground, they weren't. They were at best tolerated, and at worst there were locals who would happily have shot them.
I have friends, family that I speak daily with 'on the ground' and your friend is a fucking liar, or is just a.government shill.

On the ground where? He was actually there. Your friends and family weren't. And even if they were, they are one family. One is far from a majority.
See, that's all bullshit. The people in the region did NOT hate them. The Government officials and their families hated them, and sadly, those asshats, who.are despised by the locals, make up.about sixty percent of the.population, and include.the.press.

The RANCHERS and the non government dependent community at large, both in burns and john day, DESPISE the fed presence just as the brits loathed the.romans, and the scoots.loathed the brits.

You are regurgitating lies that are told by the propaganda machine...taking the.word.of tyrants that their subjects are fully supportive.of tyranny. The.local ranchers fed these guys and were out there supporting them every day and night.

You can disagre with tactics but you are dead wrong when you say the.locals hate these guys. Locals are traveling to.Portland every week to stand outside the.jail where the bundys are to raise.awareness and to protest. Ranchers are meeting in secret because they don't dare to speak out or defy ilegal encroachment, assault and harassment. Locals are.regular being harassed and.fined STILL for speaking.out against the pigs who have set up shop and are.doing the bidding.of the.feds.

Gads go to the freaking stores and cafes.there and talk to them. It immediately becomes obvious that A. the media is lying about the nature of the.situation, and 2. this aboutnresistance to unwanted federal. occupation.

Yes, they did. The Bundy bumbling brigade made life very difficult for the actual residents of the area. As much as the locals don't like the feds, what the bundy's did was far worse according to the locals.
Bullshit. The Bundy presence was welcome, its the feds who have made the.lives of the locals hell on earth...and it didn't start in January of this year.

The.people of the rural areas of.Oregon DESPISE the federal invaders. They always have.

According to my friend who was on the ground, they weren't. They were at best tolerated, and at worst there were locals who would happily have shot them.
I have friends, family that I speak daily with 'on the ground' and your friend is a fucking liar, or is just a.government shill.

On the ground where? He was actually there. Your friends and family weren't. And even if they were, they are one family. One is far from a majority.
Oh, now he was there at the scene? How convenient for you. Your story keeps changing every time you get refuted. More than a little suspicious.
See, that's all bullshit. The people in the region did NOT hate them. The Government officials and their families hated them, and sadly, those asshats, who.are despised by the locals, make up.about sixty percent of the.population, and include.the.press.

The RANCHERS and the non government dependent community at large, both in burns and john day, DESPISE the fed presence just as the brits loathed the.romans, and the scoots.loathed the brits.

You are regurgitating lies that are told by the propaganda machine...taking the.word.of tyrants that their subjects are fully supportive.of tyranny. The.local ranchers fed these guys and were out there supporting them every day and night.

You can disagre with tactics but you are dead wrong when you say the.locals hate these guys. Locals are traveling to.Portland every week to stand outside the.jail where the bundys are to raise.awareness and to protest. Ranchers are meeting in secret because they don't dare to speak out or defy ilegal encroachment, assault and harassment. Locals are.regular being harassed and.fined STILL for speaking.out against the pigs who have set up shop and are.doing the bidding.of the.feds.

Gads go to the freaking stores and cafes.there and talk to them. It immediately becomes obvious that A. the media is lying about the nature of the.situation, and 2. this aboutnresistance to unwanted federal. occupation.

Yes, they did. The Bundy bumbling brigade made life very difficult for the actual residents of the area. As much as the locals don't like the feds, what the bundy's did was far worse according to the locals.
Bullshit. The Bundy presence was welcome, its the feds who have made the.lives of the locals hell on earth...and it didn't start in January of this year.

The.people of the rural areas of.Oregon DESPISE the federal invaders. They always have.

According to my friend who was on the ground, they weren't. They were at best tolerated, and at worst there were locals who would happily have shot them.
I have friends, family that I speak daily with 'on the ground' and your friend is a fucking liar, or is just a.government shill.

On the ground where? He was actually there. Your friends and family weren't. And even if they were, they are one family. One is far from a majority.
My friends were. My family are in Grant county. I spoke to Ward myself. You're getting bad info, which is exactly what has been happening all along. The fucking government pigs work with the press (Zaitz) to misrepresent the reality. I saw it with my own eyes, I experienced it when I spoke to Ward, and this is NOT a new thing. It has been going on for half a century.
Yes, they did. The Bundy bumbling brigade made life very difficult for the actual residents of the area. As much as the locals don't like the feds, what the bundy's did was far worse according to the locals.
Bullshit. The Bundy presence was welcome, its the feds who have made the.lives of the locals hell on earth...and it didn't start in January of this year.

The.people of the rural areas of.Oregon DESPISE the federal invaders. They always have.

According to my friend who was on the ground, they weren't. They were at best tolerated, and at worst there were locals who would happily have shot them.
I have friends, family that I speak daily with 'on the ground' and your friend is a fucking liar, or is just a.government shill.

On the ground where? He was actually there. Your friends and family weren't. And even if they were, they are one family. One is far from a majority.
Oh, now he was there at the scene? How convenient for you. Your story keeps changing every time you get refuted. More than a little suspicious.
He's either talking about that liar old fag, or one of the pigs is filling his head with lies. And no, old fag was not there. He doesn't have the balls to stand for anything, not even with Ward and all his hand picked nuts standing behind him.
The way he was doing it absolutely was stupid. His cause is correct. His way of dealing with it was asinine thus he, and they lost all credibility with those who they were ostensibly there to help. The PEOPLE in the region HATED them and wanted them gone. A good friend of mine was up there helping the locals because they couldn't get to medical care so my friend set up a medical aid station to take care of the locals and the locals ALL hated the idiots.
See, that's all bullshit. The people in the region did NOT hate them. The Government officials and their families hated them, and sadly, those asshats, who.are despised by the locals, make up.about sixty percent of the.population, and include.the.press.

The RANCHERS and the non government dependent community at large, both in burns and john day, DESPISE the fed presence just as the brits loathed the.romans, and the scoots.loathed the brits.

You are regurgitating lies that are told by the propaganda machine...taking the.word.of tyrants that their subjects are fully supportive.of tyranny. The.local ranchers fed these guys and were out there supporting them every day and night.

You can disagre with tactics but you are dead wrong when you say the.locals hate these guys. Locals are traveling to.Portland every week to stand outside the.jail where the bundys are to raise.awareness and to protest. Ranchers are meeting in secret because they don't dare to speak out or defy ilegal encroachment, assault and harassment. Locals are.regular being harassed and.fined STILL for speaking.out against the pigs who have set up shop and are.doing the bidding.of the.feds.

Gads go to the freaking stores and cafes.there and talk to them. It immediately becomes obvious that A. the media is lying about the nature of the.situation, and 2. this aboutnresistance to unwanted federal. occupation.

Yes, they did. The Bundy bumbling brigade made life very difficult for the actual residents of the area. As much as the locals don't like the feds, what the bundy's did was far worse according to the locals.
Bullshit. The Bundy presence was welcome, its the feds who have made the.lives of the locals hell on earth...and it didn't start in January of this year.

The.people of the rural areas of.Oregon DESPISE the federal invaders. They always have.

According to my friend who was on the ground, they weren't. They were at best tolerated, and at worst there were locals who would happily have shot them.
I have friends, family that I speak daily with 'on the ground' and your friend is a fucking liar, or is just a.government shill.
Would that include your "friend" who you claimed was a life-long Oregon rancher...born and bred....and you linked his video....speaking with an English accent?
Bullshit. The Bundy presence was welcome, its the feds who have made the.lives of the locals hell on earth...and it didn't start in January of this year.

The.people of the rural areas of.Oregon DESPISE the federal invaders. They always have.

According to my friend who was on the ground, they weren't. They were at best tolerated, and at worst there were locals who would happily have shot them.
I have friends, family that I speak daily with 'on the ground' and your friend is a fucking liar, or is just a.government shill.

On the ground where? He was actually there. Your friends and family weren't. And even if they were, they are one family. One is far from a majority.
Oh, now he was there at the scene? How convenient for you. Your story keeps changing every time you get refuted. More than a little suspicious.
He's either talking about that liar old fag, or one of the pigs is filling his head with lies. And no, old fag was not there. He doesn't have the balls to stand for anything, not even with Ward and all his hand picked nuts standing behind him.
It's hard to explain the Northwest to people from other parts of the country. We are ruggedly independent and hold a deep seated contempt for the federal government precisely because of the stranglehold they have on the land and resources that are the rightful heritage of the PEOPLE. I was in high school when Ruby Ridge went down. I remember how people felt about it as the FBI HRT was systematically slaughtering women and children. Only a Las Vegas ass hat would think that all the locals sided WITH the federal government. They're not from here, and they don't know shit.
Wife of Oregon militia leader killed by cops to sue FBI

The paper managed to lie in the first paragraph! He wasn't running from anyone. In fact he was shot at while driving to a meeting and then got out with his hands up and was shot in the back. AKA MURDER.

“There is now physical evidence (shell casings) that proves that two FBI agents lied during the law enforcement investigation by stating they did not fire the first shots at Finicum’s vehicle,” Claypool told the news site in a statement.

They will lose. And they SHOULD lose. Finicum was a dumb jackass who had been making threats for the duration. No reasonable person is going to listen to the hours of video they have of this clown and think he wasn't capable of carrying out the very threats he was making.
Saying you will defend yourself from assault isn't a threat. And you shouldn't be passing judgement based on what the paper publishes, because both the reporters, and law enforcement, are hard core, seasoned liars.

The way he was doing it absolutely was stupid. His cause is correct. His way of dealing with it was asinine thus he, and they lost all credibility with those who they were ostensibly there to help. The PEOPLE in the region HATED them and wanted them gone. A good friend of mine was up there helping the locals because they couldn't get to medical care so my friend set up a medical aid station to take care of the locals and the locals ALL hated the idiots.
See, that's all bullshit. The people in the region did NOT hate them. The Government officials and their families hated them, and sadly, those asshats, who.are despised by the locals, make up.about sixty percent of the.population, and include.the.press.

The RANCHERS and the non government dependent community at large, both in burns and john day, DESPISE the fed presence just as the brits loathed the.romans, and the scoots.loathed the brits.

You are regurgitating lies that are told by the propaganda machine...taking the.word.of tyrants that their subjects are fully supportive.of tyranny. The.local ranchers fed these guys and were out there supporting them every day and night.

You can disagre with tactics but you are dead wrong when you say the.locals hate these guys. Locals are traveling to.Portland every week to stand outside the.jail where the bundys are to raise.awareness and to protest. Ranchers are meeting in secret because they don't dare to speak out or defy ilegal encroachment, assault and harassment. Locals are.regular being harassed and.fined STILL for speaking.out against the pigs who have set up shop and are.doing the bidding.of the.feds.

Gads go to the freaking stores and cafes.there and talk to them. It immediately becomes obvious that A. the media is lying about the nature of the.situation, and 2. this aboutnresistance to unwanted federal. occupation.
Whatever happened to this HUUUUGE protest that was going to happen in March, Allie?
Yes, they did. The Bundy bumbling brigade made life very difficult for the actual residents of the area. As much as the locals don't like the feds, what the bundy's did was far worse according to the locals.
Bullshit. The Bundy presence was welcome, its the feds who have made the.lives of the locals hell on earth...and it didn't start in January of this year.

The.people of the rural areas of.Oregon DESPISE the federal invaders. They always have.

According to my friend who was on the ground, they weren't. They were at best tolerated, and at worst there were locals who would happily have shot them.
I have friends, family that I speak daily with 'on the ground' and your friend is a fucking liar, or is just a.government shill.

On the ground where? He was actually there. Your friends and family weren't. And even if they were, they are one family. One is far from a majority.
My friends were. My family are in Grant county. I spoke to Ward myself. You're getting bad info, which is exactly what has been happening all along. The fucking government pigs work with the press (Zaitz) to misrepresent the reality. I saw it with my own eyes, I experienced it when I spoke to Ward, and this is NOT a new thing. It has been going on for half a century.

No, it's good info. The feds did a felony stop on my friends car he was so close.
Wife of Oregon militia leader killed by cops to sue FBI

The paper managed to lie in the first paragraph! He wasn't running from anyone. In fact he was shot at while driving to a meeting and then got out with his hands up and was shot in the back. AKA MURDER.

“There is now physical evidence (shell casings) that proves that two FBI agents lied during the law enforcement investigation by stating they did not fire the first shots at Finicum’s vehicle,” Claypool told the news site in a statement.

Who was 'murdered'? Finicum tried to run a police officer down after a high speed chance and was shot while reaching for a gun.

The man was trying to murder a cop when he was shot. That piece of shit's life wasn't worth a cop's life. I'm glad the police put him down before he hurt anyone.
There's more too it than that, hence the lawsuit.

Laughing....if the capacity to file a law suit established a genuine controversy, Trump would be in jail for raping a 13 year old girl.

But that's not how it works, is it?

Alas, its the evidence that backs the suit where the veracity of contrevery lies. And in that Finnicum's family fails miserably. As Finicum defied a lawful order to surrender, lead the cops on a high speed chase, tried to run an officer down while running a road block and then was shot trying to pull a gun and murder a police officer.

They're going to lose. And should.
If the lawsuit isn't thrown out, then the plaintiff has a case.

Then Trump is a rapist of 13 year olds? As that lawsuit hasn't been thrown out.
Wife of Oregon militia leader killed by cops to sue FBI

The paper managed to lie in the first paragraph! He wasn't running from anyone. In fact he was shot at while driving to a meeting and then got out with his hands up and was shot in the back. AKA MURDER.

“There is now physical evidence (shell casings) that proves that two FBI agents lied during the law enforcement investigation by stating they did not fire the first shots at Finicum’s vehicle,” Claypool told the news site in a statement.

Who was 'murdered'? Finicum tried to run a police officer down after a high speed chance and was shot while reaching for a gun.

The man was trying to murder a cop when he was shot. That piece of shit's life wasn't worth a cop's life. I'm glad the police put him down before he hurt anyone.
There's more too it than that, hence the lawsuit.

Laughing....if the capacity to file a law suit established a genuine controversy, Trump would be in jail for raping a 13 year old girl.

But that's not how it works, is it?

Alas, its the evidence that backs the suit where the veracity of contrevery lies. And in that Finnicum's family fails miserably. As Finicum defied a lawful order to surrender, lead the cops on a high speed chase, tried to run an officer down while running a road block and then was shot trying to pull a gun and murder a police officer.

They're going to lose. And should.
If the lawsuit isn't thrown out, then the plaintiff has a case.

Then Trump is a rapist of 13 year olds? As that lawsuit hasn't been thrown out.
It still can be.
Festus vowed to not be taken alive. The cops shot him when he reached for his gun. Festus wasn't fast enough on his quick draw. He died with his booties on.

so what

he never produced a firearm

yet they repeatedly tried to kill him and others in the vehicle
Didn't have to produce a firearm. Once he made the threatening motion of dropping his hands to reach under his vest, he was as good as dead.

he was shot long before he dropped his hands

he was shot at when he fled the first stop

and as he approached the second stop

he was shot at when he exited the truck
There is video, with audio, of him driving off from the first stop. No shots are heard.

Stop lying.

there was no audio provided

after he fled from the first stop

investigator evidence says the truck was hit from rounds

from the first site

stop your lying
Who was 'murdered'? Finicum tried to run a police officer down after a high speed chance and was shot while reaching for a gun.

The man was trying to murder a cop when he was shot. That piece of shit's life wasn't worth a cop's life. I'm glad the police put him down before he hurt anyone.
There's more too it than that, hence the lawsuit.

Laughing....if the capacity to file a law suit established a genuine controversy, Trump would be in jail for raping a 13 year old girl.

But that's not how it works, is it?

Alas, its the evidence that backs the suit where the veracity of contrevery lies. And in that Finnicum's family fails miserably. As Finicum defied a lawful order to surrender, lead the cops on a high speed chase, tried to run an officer down while running a road block and then was shot trying to pull a gun and murder a police officer.

They're going to lose. And should.
If the lawsuit isn't thrown out, then the plaintiff has a case.

Then Trump is a rapist of 13 year olds? As that lawsuit hasn't been thrown out.
It still can be.

And so can the lawsuit by Finicum's family.

Every argument you make for the validity of the Finicum lawsuit apply equally to the 'Trump raped 13 year olds' lawsuit.

Pick your poison.
There's more too it than that, hence the lawsuit.

Laughing....if the capacity to file a law suit established a genuine controversy, Trump would be in jail for raping a 13 year old girl.

But that's not how it works, is it?

Alas, its the evidence that backs the suit where the veracity of contrevery lies. And in that Finnicum's family fails miserably. As Finicum defied a lawful order to surrender, lead the cops on a high speed chase, tried to run an officer down while running a road block and then was shot trying to pull a gun and murder a police officer.

They're going to lose. And should.
If the lawsuit isn't thrown out, then the plaintiff has a case.

Then Trump is a rapist of 13 year olds? As that lawsuit hasn't been thrown out.
It still can be.

And so can the lawsuit by Finicum's family.

Every argument you make for the validity of the Finicum lawsuit apply equally to the 'Trump raped 13 year olds' lawsuit.

Pick your poison.
I said the plaintiff has a case, not that the defendant is automatically guilty. Are you really this dumb?
Bullshit. The Bundy presence was welcome, its the feds who have made the.lives of the locals hell on earth...and it didn't start in January of this year.

The.people of the rural areas of.Oregon DESPISE the federal invaders. They always have.

According to my friend who was on the ground, they weren't. They were at best tolerated, and at worst there were locals who would happily have shot them.
I have friends, family that I speak daily with 'on the ground' and your friend is a fucking liar, or is just a.government shill.

On the ground where? He was actually there. Your friends and family weren't. And even if they were, they are one family. One is far from a majority.
My friends were. My family are in Grant county. I spoke to Ward myself. You're getting bad info, which is exactly what has been happening all along. The fucking government pigs work with the press (Zaitz) to misrepresent the reality. I saw it with my own eyes, I experienced it when I spoke to Ward, and this is NOT a new thing. It has been going on for half a century.

No, it's good info. The feds did a felony stop on my friends car he was so close.
No, it's not goid info. They were stopping everybody, they were before, too, and they still are. Your friend was one of the fucking environmentalist gawkers. They came, stood shoulder to shoulder with the government whores, and then race around telling the world all about the locals...based on their interactions with fellow birders and agents.

Liars and shills. When I find them spreading lies via twitter they shut up quick, then block me. They tell a false narrative, they know it's false.
According to my friend who was on the ground, they weren't. They were at best tolerated, and at worst there were locals who would happily have shot them.
I have friends, family that I speak daily with 'on the ground' and your friend is a fucking liar, or is just a.government shill.

On the ground where? He was actually there. Your friends and family weren't. And even if they were, they are one family. One is far from a majority.
My friends were. My family are in Grant county. I spoke to Ward myself. You're getting bad info, which is exactly what has been happening all along. The fucking government pigs work with the press (Zaitz) to misrepresent the reality. I saw it with my own eyes, I experienced it when I spoke to Ward, and this is NOT a new thing. It has been going on for half a century.

No, it's good info. The feds did a felony stop on my friends car he was so close.
No, it's not goid info. They were stopping everybody, they were before, too, and they still are. Your friend was one of the fucking environmentalist gawkers. They came, stood shoulder to shoulder with the government whores, and then race around telling the world all about the locals...based on their interactions with fellow birders and agents.

Liars and shills. When I find them spreading lies via twitter they shut up quick, then block me. They tell a false narrative, they know it's false.

if they care about the birds so much

they should hang around a wind turbine

and watch a condor get killed by a spinning blade
There's more too it than that, hence the lawsuit.

Laughing....if the capacity to file a law suit established a genuine controversy, Trump would be in jail for raping a 13 year old girl.

But that's not how it works, is it?

Alas, its the evidence that backs the suit where the veracity of contrevery lies. And in that Finnicum's family fails miserably. As Finicum defied a lawful order to surrender, lead the cops on a high speed chase, tried to run an officer down while running a road block and then was shot trying to pull a gun and murder a police officer.

They're going to lose. And should.
If the lawsuit isn't thrown out, then the plaintiff has a case.

Then Trump is a rapist of 13 year olds? As that lawsuit hasn't been thrown out.
It still can be.

And so can the lawsuit by Finicum's family.

Every argument you make for the validity of the Finicum lawsuit apply equally to the 'Trump raped 13 year olds' lawsuit.

Pick your poison.
Except there are witnesses and film of finicums murder.

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