Wife of man murdered by FBI and Oregon State Police files suit

The FBI's credibility is tarnished. I await with interest the outcome of this civil action. Clearly the plaintiff feels they have a case.

BTW, if the federal government remained inside its constitutional restraints, maybe so many people wouldn't feel the need to take up arms against it. From a Constitutional standpoint, it's hard to defend the BLM's claim to own so much of OUR land and then charge us for using it. It's FUBAR from the start.

The BLM absolutely broke the law when they began killing Bundy's cows. That is an illegal taking. I have stated all along that what the feds did with the Bundy's was stupid and asinine. However, Amons take over of the complex in Oregon was the stupidest thing he could have done.
Bundy's were not paying their part for the cows they were putting on BLM land. They were puttling more units on the land that was allowed, given the drought conditions. They should have rounded up all the cows, and sold them for the money owed.

Legally the BLM can't.

They had a court order that said that they could 'seize and impound' any cattle that were on US government land. The only possible caveat was that for 'future trespass' that they could seize and impound the cattle if they had met notification requirements.

Are you claiming that the BLM didn't meet such notification requirements? Because otherwise, I can't see how the seizure of the cattle was illegal.

BLM agents, took cattle from, and killed cattle on BUNDY land. That is the very definition of an Illegal Taking. They were absolutely violating the law when they initiated that raid.

All the sources I've seen say that the cattle were taken off of Federal land. Do you have verifiable sources that contradict this?
On the ground where? He was actually there. Your friends and family weren't. And even if they were, they are one family. One is far from a majority.
My friends were. My family are in Grant county. I spoke to Ward myself. You're getting bad info, which is exactly what has been happening all along. The fucking government pigs work with the press (Zaitz) to misrepresent the reality. I saw it with my own eyes, I experienced it when I spoke to Ward, and this is NOT a new thing. It has been going on for half a century.

No, it's good info. The feds did a felony stop on my friends car he was so close.
No, it's not goid info. They were stopping everybody, they were before, too, and they still are. Your friend was one of the fucking environmentalist gawkers. They came, stood shoulder to shoulder with the government whores, and then race around telling the world all about the locals...based on their interactions with fellow birders and agents.

Liars and shills. When I find them spreading lies via twitter they shut up quick, then block me. They tell a false narrative, they know it's false.

if they care about the birds so much

they should hang around a wind turbine

and watch a condor get killed by a spinning blade
They don't give a rats' ass about birds. They just covet the self reliance and the property of others. The carp the imbecile feds planted in the lake kill all the baby birds. If you want to see wildlife, you have to point cameras towards the hammond property.

true they scream and holler should a duck happen into a crude oil catch pond

while on the other hand cheering the government giving permits for the wind

companies to kill X number of condors or bald eagles each year
so what

he never produced a firearm

yet they repeatedly tried to kill him and others in the vehicle
Didn't have to produce a firearm. Once he made the threatening motion of dropping his hands to reach under his vest, he was as good as dead.

he was shot long before he dropped his hands

he was shot at when he fled the first stop

and as he approached the second stop

he was shot at when he exited the truck
There is video, with audio, of him driving off from the first stop. No shots are heard.

Stop lying.

there was no audio provided

after he fled from the first stop

investigator evidence says the truck was hit from rounds

from the first site

stop your lying
No audio??

As usual, you have no fucking clue about that of which you speak.

Here's the video I referenced... and turn your speakers up -- there's audio!

so as usual you ignored what i posted as to when there was no audio

as to when the first stop fired at him

of course there is audio at the second stop which came from a witness

not the government which clearly shows him being shot at as he exits the truck

long before he supposedly reached for a gun

your evidence supports the governments attempt cover up
Wife of Oregon militia leader killed by cops to sue FBI

The paper managed to lie in the first paragraph! He wasn't running from anyone. In fact he was shot at while driving to a meeting and then got out with his hands up and was shot in the back. AKA MURDER.

“There is now physical evidence (shell casings) that proves that two FBI agents lied during the law enforcement investigation by stating they did not fire the first shots at Finicum’s vehicle,” Claypool told the news site in a statement.
The FBI does that, murdering people who are thought to be in a militia. 25 years ago, the FBI HRT were gunning down an entire family at Ruby Ridge. Their crime? Being white separatists. Fuck the FBI and I hope she wins.

Ruby Ridge and Waco were crimes. What occurred in Oregon wasn't, other than what the moronic Bundy's and Co. committed.
The FBI's credibility is tarnished. I await with interest the outcome of this civil action. Clearly the plaintiff feels they have a case.

BTW, if the federal government remained inside its constitutional restraints, maybe so many people wouldn't feel the need to take up arms against it. From a Constitutional standpoint, it's hard to defend the BLM's claim to own so much of OUR land and then charge us for using it. It's FUBAR from the start.

The BLM absolutely broke the law when they began killing Bundy's cows. That is an illegal taking. I have stated all along that what the feds did with the Bundy's was stupid and asinine. However, Amons take over of the complex in Oregon was the stupidest thing he could have done.
Bundy's were not paying their part for the cows they were putting on BLM land. They were puttling more units on the land that was allowed, given the drought conditions. They should have rounded up all the cows, and sold them for the money owed.
Bullshit. You keep citing that as if it's true. The reality is that when the feds were asked to state how.much was owed, they refused to do.it. They arbitrairily changenthe fees, and then use that as an excuse tonseize property. It's nillegal, they know it, and that's why they have backtracked.on the whole 'they owe back grazing fees' narrative. It's a lie.
Didn't have to produce a firearm. Once he made the threatening motion of dropping his hands to reach under his vest, he was as good as dead.

he was shot long before he dropped his hands

he was shot at when he fled the first stop

and as he approached the second stop

he was shot at when he exited the truck
There is video, with audio, of him driving off from the first stop. No shots are heard.

Stop lying.

there was no audio provided

after he fled from the first stop

investigator evidence says the truck was hit from rounds

from the first site

stop your lying
No audio??

As usual, you have no fucking clue about that of which you speak.

Here's the video I referenced... and turn your speakers up -- there's audio!

so as usual you ignored what i posted as to when there was no audio

as to when the first stop fired at him

of course there is audio at the second stop which came from a witness

not the government which clearly shows him being shot at as he exits the truck

long before he supposedly reached for a gun

your evidence supports the governments attempt cover up

There is audio from inside the car, in which you can clearly hear them being shot at.as they approached BOTH stops.
The FBI does that, murdering people who are thought to be in a militia. 25 years ago, the FBI HRT were gunning down an entire family at Ruby Ridge. Their crime? Being white separatists. Fuck the FBI and I hope she wins.

Ruby Ridge and Waco were crimes. What occurred in Oregon wasn't, other than what the moronic Bundy's and Co. committed.
The FBI's credibility is tarnished. I await with interest the outcome of this civil action. Clearly the plaintiff feels they have a case.

BTW, if the federal government remained inside its constitutional restraints, maybe so many people wouldn't feel the need to take up arms against it. From a Constitutional standpoint, it's hard to defend the BLM's claim to own so much of OUR land and then charge us for using it. It's FUBAR from the start.

The BLM absolutely broke the law when they began killing Bundy's cows. That is an illegal taking. I have stated all along that what the feds did with the Bundy's was stupid and asinine. However, Amons take over of the complex in Oregon was the stupidest thing he could have done.
Bundy's were not paying their part for the cows they were putting on BLM land. They were puttling more units on the land that was allowed, given the drought conditions. They should have rounded up all the cows, and sold them for the money owed.
Bullshit. You keep citing that as if it's true. The reality is that when the feds were asked to state how.much was owed, they refused to do.it. They arbitrairily changenthe fees, and then use that as an excuse tonseize property. It's nillegal, they know it, and that's why they have backtracked.on the whole 'they owe back grazing fees' narrative. It's a lie.


the best thing that could happen is for the feds to be forced into getting out of the land owning business
Finicums hands fluttered to the entry and exit wounds. Left hip,.right side. And the shot was probaby intentional to.cause that. They had snipers all over.
he was shot long before he dropped his hands

he was shot at when he fled the first stop

and as he approached the second stop

he was shot at when he exited the truck
There is video, with audio, of him driving off from the first stop. No shots are heard.

Stop lying.

there was no audio provided

after he fled from the first stop

investigator evidence says the truck was hit from rounds

from the first site

stop your lying
No audio??

As usual, you have no fucking clue about that of which you speak.

Here's the video I referenced... and turn your speakers up -- there's audio!

so as usual you ignored what i posted as to when there was no audio

as to when the first stop fired at him

of course there is audio at the second stop which came from a witness

not the government which clearly shows him being shot at as he exits the truck

long before he supposedly reached for a gun

your evidence supports the governments attempt cover up

There is audio from inside the car, in which you can clearly hear them being shot at.as they approached BOTH stops.

yes that is witness audio not government audio

in the witness video not only can you hear shots being fired

you can see a window getting blown out by a bullet as he is in the truck
You people are truly fucking nuts. :cuckoo:

The video clearly reveals he was shot dead after he lowered his hands. He was not reaching down because he was shot. You see what you want to see.

Saying you will defend yourself from assault isn't a threat. And you shouldn't be passing judgement based on what the paper publishes, because both the reporters, and law enforcement, are hard core, seasoned liars.

The way he was doing it absolutely was stupid. His cause is correct. His way of dealing with it was asinine thus he, and they lost all credibility with those who they were ostensibly there to help. The PEOPLE in the region HATED them and wanted them gone. A good friend of mine was up there helping the locals because they couldn't get to medical care so my friend set up a medical aid station to take care of the locals and the locals ALL hated the idiots.
See, that's all bullshit. The people in the region did NOT hate them. The Government officials and their families hated them, and sadly, those asshats, who.are despised by the locals, make up.about sixty percent of the.population, and include.the.press.

The RANCHERS and the non government dependent community at large, both in burns and john day, DESPISE the fed presence just as the brits loathed the.romans, and the scoots.loathed the brits.

You are regurgitating lies that are told by the propaganda machine...taking the.word.of tyrants that their subjects are fully supportive.of tyranny. The.local ranchers fed these guys and were out there supporting them every day and night.

You can disagre with tactics but you are dead wrong when you say the.locals hate these guys. Locals are traveling to.Portland every week to stand outside the.jail where the bundys are to raise.awareness and to protest. Ranchers are meeting in secret because they don't dare to speak out or defy ilegal encroachment, assault and harassment. Locals are.regular being harassed and.fined STILL for speaking.out against the pigs who have set up shop and are.doing the bidding.of the.feds.

Gads go to the freaking stores and cafes.there and talk to them. It immediately becomes obvious that A. the media is lying about the nature of the.situation, and 2. this aboutnresistance to unwanted federal. occupation.

Yes, they did. The Bundy bumbling brigade made life very difficult for the actual residents of the area. As much as the locals don't like the feds, what the bundy's did was far worse according to the locals.
Bullshit. The Bundy presence was welcome, its the feds who have made the.lives of the locals hell on earth...and it didn't start in January of this year.

The.people of the rural areas of.Oregon DESPISE the federal invaders. They always have.
You are so full of shit, Kosher. The government provides most of the money that area receives. The people of Western Oregon foot the bill for the roads, and glad to do it, as that area provided the recreation and beef for the West Side. Most people in the area despised outsiders that disrupted their lives in an idiots attempt to give away the land that belongs to all of us to the very wealthy. Were the BLM land to pass into private hands, the ranchers were by paying at least 10 times what they are per unit for grazing leases. If they could get them at all. And the land that is presently watershed would belong to corporations that would destroy small towns that presently depend on that land for their water.

No, there are some loud mouthed losers that actively resent everyone that works and does better than they do, and they are the ones that are making the noise. The majority of people in that area deeply resent the outsiders that disrupted their lives, and gave them such bad publicity. And there are now some deep divisions within the community because of people like Kosher that are going to play out in bitter political battles. Once again, we see the crazies succeeding in have Americans at each others throats on the basis of lies and misinformation.

The people of grant and harney counties who haven't been transplanted and bribed by the feds hate thenfeds. It's an occupation, and the locals are sick of it.
Oldnfag is deliberately misleading when he pretends the invaders are the locals, they arent. But because there are more of them than there are of locals, they can place.anyone they like, where they like.

Britton is a corrupt, lying douche, so natch the feds.love him.
You people are truly fucking nuts. :cuckoo:

The video clearly reveals he was shot dead after he lowered his hands. He was not reaching down because he was shot.

He was shot.more than once. The firstnone entered at his hip, exited under his arm, and took place.prior.to himndropping his hands.
You people are truly fucking nuts. :cuckoo:

The video clearly reveals he was shot dead after he lowered his hands. He was not reaching down because he was shot.

He was shot.more than once. The firstnone entered at his hip, exited under his arm, and took place.prior.to himndropping his hands.


however he was shot at long before the he was first hit by a round
You people are truly fucking nuts. :cuckoo:

The video clearly reveals he was shot dead after he lowered his hands. He was not reaching down because he was shot.

He was shot.more than once. The firstnone entered at his hip, exited under his arm, and took place.prior.to himndropping his hands.

He was shot at -- not shot.

He was shot after he lowered his hands for the third time.
Wife of Oregon militia leader killed by cops to sue FBI

The paper managed to lie in the first paragraph! He wasn't running from anyone. In fact he was shot at while driving to a meeting and then got out with his hands up and was shot in the back. AKA MURDER.

“There is now physical evidence (shell casings) that proves that two FBI agents lied during the law enforcement investigation by stating they did not fire the first shots at Finicum’s vehicle,” Claypool told the news site in a statement.
The FBI does that, murdering people who are thought to be in a militia. 25 years ago, the FBI HRT were gunning down an entire family at Ruby Ridge. Their crime? Being white separatists. Fuck the FBI and I hope she wins.

Ruby Ridge and Waco were crimes. What occurred in Oregon wasn't, other than what the moronic Bundy's and Co. committed.
The FBI's credibility is tarnished. I await with interest the outcome of this civil action. Clearly the plaintiff feels they have a case.

BTW, if the federal government remained inside its constitutional restraints, maybe so many people wouldn't feel the need to take up arms against it. From a Constitutional standpoint, it's hard to defend the BLM's claim to own so much of OUR land and then charge us for using it. It's FUBAR from the start.
You stupid ass, the BLM is us. And it is our land. And, were we to sell it off to the highest bidder, it would no longer be ours. As is, we can hunt and fish on that land. We can prospect and hunt minerals. Or we can just enjoy the solitude in the high desert. Sell it off, and the Saudi's and others will own it, and American Citizens will not have access to it.
The BLM is NOT us, you triple dumfuck delight. It's the government and it charges us to use THEIR land.
The FBI does that, murdering people who are thought to be in a militia. 25 years ago, the FBI HRT were gunning down an entire family at Ruby Ridge. Their crime? Being white separatists. Fuck the FBI and I hope she wins.

Ruby Ridge and Waco were crimes. What occurred in Oregon wasn't, other than what the moronic Bundy's and Co. committed.
The FBI's credibility is tarnished. I await with interest the outcome of this civil action. Clearly the plaintiff feels they have a case.

BTW, if the federal government remained inside its constitutional restraints, maybe so many people wouldn't feel the need to take up arms against it. From a Constitutional standpoint, it's hard to defend the BLM's claim to own so much of OUR land and then charge us for using it. It's FUBAR from the start.

The BLM absolutely broke the law when they began killing Bundy's cows. That is an illegal taking. I have stated all along that what the feds did with the Bundy's was stupid and asinine. However, Amons take over of the complex in Oregon was the stupidest thing he could have done.
Bundy's were not paying their part for the cows they were putting on BLM land. They were puttling more units on the land that was allowed, given the drought conditions. They should have rounded up all the cows, and sold them for the money owed.

Legally the BLM can't. What they should have done is put a tax lien on the bundy's so that whenever they tried to sell their beef they had the government fees taken out first. That is the proper way to handle it. The BLM sending in a bunch of armed agents was as stupid as you can get. They wanted to flex their power and they got their butts handed to them. Thankfully no one had to die in the first encounter.

But, there never should have been a first encounter.
Where does the Constitution authorize a federal agency to charge people for using their own land?

In the great cattle drives of the 19th century, all land that wasn't privately owned belonged to the PEOPLE and nobody was stupid enough to suggest that people be charged as if they were serfs. This is why the BLM was wrong from the very beginning. They have no legal right to levy these fines.
The FBI's credibility is tarnished. I await with interest the outcome of this civil action. Clearly the plaintiff feels they have a case.

BTW, if the federal government remained inside its constitutional restraints, maybe so many people wouldn't feel the need to take up arms against it. From a Constitutional standpoint, it's hard to defend the BLM's claim to own so much of OUR land and then charge us for using it. It's FUBAR from the start.

The BLM absolutely broke the law when they began killing Bundy's cows. That is an illegal taking. I have stated all along that what the feds did with the Bundy's was stupid and asinine. However, Amons take over of the complex in Oregon was the stupidest thing he could have done.
Bundy's were not paying their part for the cows they were putting on BLM land. They were puttling more units on the land that was allowed, given the drought conditions. They should have rounded up all the cows, and sold them for the money owed.

Legally the BLM can't.

They had a court order that said that they could 'seize and impound' any cattle that were on US government land. The only possible caveat was that for 'future trespass' that they could seize and impound the cattle if they had met notification requirements.

Are you claiming that the BLM didn't meet such notification requirements? Because otherwise, I can't see how the seizure of the cattle was illegal.

BLM agents, took cattle from, and killed cattle on BUNDY land. That is the very definition of an Illegal Taking. They were absolutely violating the law when they initiated that raid.
Link? You do realize that the Bundy's had very little land?

Bundy and BLM: 10 things to know

2. The Bundy family has owned its ranch since the 1870s. The ranch is only about 160 acres, which isn’t enough space to sustain the hundreds of cattle that Bundy owns. He insists the disputed land around his ranch belongs to the state of Nevada, rather than the federal government, and he says the feds have no authority in the area. He told the Sun the government is trying to sabotage his plans to someday turn the ranch over to his son.

Read more: Bundy and BLM: 10 things to know
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The Bundy's owe more in back grazing fees than all of the rest of the ranchers in the US put together.

Under Bureau of Land Management permits that had first been issued in 1954, Bundy grazed his cattle legally and paid his grazing fees on the Bunkerville Allotment until 1993. In that year, as a protest, Bundy did not pay renewal fees. His permit was canceled in 1994.[8][9] Although the agency made several attempts to have Bundy renew the permit, the rancher declared that he no longer recognized the BLM's authority to regulate his grazing, and he asserted that he had "vested rights" to graze cattle on the land.[3] Federal courts consistently ruled against Bundy, concluding that he was a trespasser with no right to graze on federal land. The courts authorized the BLM to remove Bundy's cattle and to levy damages for unauthorized use.[3][10]

Bundy accumulated more than $1 million of unpaid grazing fees and court-ordered fines.[11][12] The Portland Oregoniannewspaper reported in May 2014 that the amount that Bundy owed stood in "stark contrast" to the situation in Oregon, where just 45 of the state's roughly 1,100 grazing permit holders collectively owed $18,759 in past-due payments to the BLM.[13]Excluding Bundy's unpaid fees, the total of all late grazing fees owed nationwide to the BLM was only $237,000.[14]

Bundy standoff - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wife of Oregon militia leader killed by cops to sue FBI

The paper managed to lie in the first paragraph! He wasn't running from anyone. In fact he was shot at while driving to a meeting and then got out with his hands up and was shot in the back. AKA MURDER.

“There is now physical evidence (shell casings) that proves that two FBI agents lied during the law enforcement investigation by stating they did not fire the first shots at Finicum’s vehicle,” Claypool told the news site in a statement.
The FBI does that, murdering people who are thought to be in a militia. 25 years ago, the FBI HRT were gunning down an entire family at Ruby Ridge. Their crime? Being white separatists. Fuck the FBI and I hope she wins.

Ruby Ridge and Waco were crimes. What occurred in Oregon wasn't, other than what the moronic Bundy's and Co. committed.
The FBI's credibility is tarnished. I await with interest the outcome of this civil action. Clearly the plaintiff feels they have a case.

BTW, if the federal government remained inside its constitutional restraints, maybe so many people wouldn't feel the need to take up arms against it. From a Constitutional standpoint, it's hard to defend the BLM's claim to own so much of OUR land and then charge us for using it. It's FUBAR from the start.
You stupid ass, the BLM is us. And it is our land. And, were we to sell it off to the highest bidder, it would no longer be ours. As is, we can hunt and fish on that land. We can prospect and hunt minerals. Or we can just enjoy the solitude in the high desert. Sell it off, and the Saudi's and others will own it, and American Citizens will not have access to it.
The BLM is NOT us, you triple dumfuck delight. It's the government and it charges us to use THEIR land.
A government by the people, of the people, for the people. Forest Service, BLM, National Park and Monument land belong to all of us. To be preserved for the use of all of us.

Now, little cocksuck, you may be for giving all that land to a few rich fuckers, but I intend to see it remains in the possession of the citizens of the US for their use.
Ruby Ridge and Waco were crimes. What occurred in Oregon wasn't, other than what the moronic Bundy's and Co. committed.
The FBI's credibility is tarnished. I await with interest the outcome of this civil action. Clearly the plaintiff feels they have a case.

BTW, if the federal government remained inside its constitutional restraints, maybe so many people wouldn't feel the need to take up arms against it. From a Constitutional standpoint, it's hard to defend the BLM's claim to own so much of OUR land and then charge us for using it. It's FUBAR from the start.

The BLM absolutely broke the law when they began killing Bundy's cows. That is an illegal taking. I have stated all along that what the feds did with the Bundy's was stupid and asinine. However, Amons take over of the complex in Oregon was the stupidest thing he could have done.
Bundy's were not paying their part for the cows they were putting on BLM land. They were puttling more units on the land that was allowed, given the drought conditions. They should have rounded up all the cows, and sold them for the money owed.

Legally the BLM can't. What they should have done is put a tax lien on the bundy's so that whenever they tried to sell their beef they had the government fees taken out first. That is the proper way to handle it. The BLM sending in a bunch of armed agents was as stupid as you can get. They wanted to flex their power and they got their butts handed to them. Thankfully no one had to die in the first encounter.

But, there never should have been a first encounter.
Where does the Constitution authorize a federal agency to charge people for using their own land?

In the great cattle drives of the 19th century, all land that wasn't privately owned belonged to the PEOPLE and nobody was stupid enough to suggest that people be charged as if they were serfs. This is why the BLM was wrong from the very beginning. They have no legal right to levy these fines.
This is not the 19th Century. And if you really think that you can try one of those cattle drives now, the first farmer whose fields your cows destroy will blow your head off. As for the BLM charging for the use of the lands for operations that are for profit, they absolutely should. The fact that they also charge less than a tenth of the amount that is the going rate for grazing on private land is also a plus. As a matter of fact, the government is subsidizing the ranchers and we who eat their beef.

When we see a bunch of windmills and solar farms on BLM and Forest Service land, we will also see fees coming in that will subsidize campgrounds and other things that make recreation available for Americans.
Ruby Ridge and Waco were crimes. What occurred in Oregon wasn't, other than what the moronic Bundy's and Co. committed.
The FBI's credibility is tarnished. I await with interest the outcome of this civil action. Clearly the plaintiff feels they have a case.

BTW, if the federal government remained inside its constitutional restraints, maybe so many people wouldn't feel the need to take up arms against it. From a Constitutional standpoint, it's hard to defend the BLM's claim to own so much of OUR land and then charge us for using it. It's FUBAR from the start.

The BLM absolutely broke the law when they began killing Bundy's cows. That is an illegal taking. I have stated all along that what the feds did with the Bundy's was stupid and asinine. However, Amons take over of the complex in Oregon was the stupidest thing he could have done.
Bundy's were not paying their part for the cows they were putting on BLM land. They were puttling more units on the land that was allowed, given the drought conditions. They should have rounded up all the cows, and sold them for the money owed.
Bullshit. You keep citing that as if it's true. The reality is that when the feds were asked to state how.much was owed, they refused to do.it. They arbitrairily changenthe fees, and then use that as an excuse tonseize property. It's nillegal, they know it, and that's why they have backtracked.on the whole 'they owe back grazing fees' narrative. It's a lie.


the best thing that could happen is for the feds to be forced into getting out of the land owning business
Ah yes, and give it all to the Saudi's, Chinese, and Japanese. You little ideological cocksucks are such idiots.

Well, we sane Americans are not going to allow you to do that. We already see foreign owned 'Sportsman Clubs' buying up hunting rights on ranchs with tens of sections of prime hunting ground, and only the members of the Club are allowed on that property for hunting or fishing. No Americans allowed, right here in America.
The FBI does that, murdering people who are thought to be in a militia. 25 years ago, the FBI HRT were gunning down an entire family at Ruby Ridge. Their crime? Being white separatists. Fuck the FBI and I hope she wins.

Ruby Ridge and Waco were crimes. What occurred in Oregon wasn't, other than what the moronic Bundy's and Co. committed.
The FBI's credibility is tarnished. I await with interest the outcome of this civil action. Clearly the plaintiff feels they have a case.

BTW, if the federal government remained inside its constitutional restraints, maybe so many people wouldn't feel the need to take up arms against it. From a Constitutional standpoint, it's hard to defend the BLM's claim to own so much of OUR land and then charge us for using it. It's FUBAR from the start.

The BLM absolutely broke the law when they began killing Bundy's cows. That is an illegal taking. I have stated all along that what the feds did with the Bundy's was stupid and asinine. However, Amons take over of the complex in Oregon was the stupidest thing he could have done.
Bundy's were not paying their part for the cows they were putting on BLM land. They were puttling more units on the land that was allowed, given the drought conditions. They should have rounded up all the cows, and sold them for the money owed.
Bullshit. You keep citing that as if it's true. The reality is that when the feds were asked to state how.much was owed, they refused to do.it. They arbitrairily changenthe fees, and then use that as an excuse tonseize property. It's nillegal, they know it, and that's why they have backtracked.on the whole 'they owe back grazing fees' narrative. It's a lie.

Um....the law disagreed. The issue was thoroughly adjudicated. And the BLM was found to have every legal right to raise the fees it charges for the use of its own land. The seizure and impound was per a court order....one that had been 'refreshed' in 2013.

So I don't think 'illegal' means what you think it means.

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