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Gold Member
Jul 24, 2016
New Orleans
Well, this should be interesting! Looks like it's NOT just going to be info on Hillary:

WikiLeaks' Assange signals release of documents before U.S. election
WikiLeaks' Assange signals release of documents before U.S. election

"The material that WikiLeaks is going to publish before the end of the year is of ... a very significant moment in different directions, affecting three powerful organizations in three different states as well as ... the U.S election process," he said via a video link at an event marking the group's 10th anniversary.

He said the material would focus on war, weapons, oil, mass surveillance, the technology giant Google and the U.S. election, but declined to give any details.

"There has been a misquoting of me and Wikileaks publications ... (suggesting) we intend to harm Hillary Clinton or I intend to harm Hillary Clinton or that I don't like Hillary Clinton. All those are false," he said."
fuck julian assange... he's nothing more than an egomaniac terrorist.
I think Wikileaks is more concerned about their rogue image than they are exposing the "truth". Assange is just an attention whore.

On a side note, it is hilarious that so many Trumpsters fell for the 3AM leak. Man they are desperate.
fuck julian assange... he's nothing more than an egomaniac terrorist.
I think Wikileaks is more concerned about their rogue image than they are exposing the "truth". Assange is just an attention whore.

On a side note, it is hilarious that so many Trumpsters fell for the 3AM leak. Man they are desperate.
Better desperate, than stupid.
can't wait 'til that ignorant coward is brought to justice... he and snowden can both go to hell.
Hillary wants to know why she can't just murder him. "Can't we just drone him?" She's evil.
That quote is such bullshit. Even if you want to believe that Hillary is this total sociopath, why would she be dumb enough to propose a drone strike on an embassy of a European ally? Nothing about that idea would make any sense.
She helped overthrow Egypt for God's sake. And Libya, and is all for arming ISIS some more to fight against their leader in Syria. And you think she's too moral to single out her enemies?
Oh, did you hear the one about Assange's lawyer? Yep, just another "suicide".
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I want to hear the truth, no matter WHO provides it.

oh really...??

Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton had the right to delete personal emails from her private server, the Justice Department told a federal court.

Hillary Clinton was allowed to delete personal emails from server: DOJ

FBI: "No evidence Clinton's email was hacked by foreign powers"

“We have no basis to conclude that she lied to the F.B.I.”

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System — FBI
Without Assange and Brietbart we'd never hear the truth.
No without them you wouldn't hear what you want to hear.

I've heard our own media say they are doing every thing they can to get Hitlery elected. I wonder if that includes skewing the media in favor of Hitlery.
You dumbass.

Are you getting why the internet control was just given to Soros?? Get it yet? Freedom of speech is one of the "constraints" that Obama says we must endure under the UN to insure globalization.
Vote for Hitlery vote for censorship.
fuck julian assange... he's nothing more than an egomaniac terrorist.
I think Wikileaks is more concerned about their rogue image than they are exposing the "truth". Assange is just an attention whore.

On a side note, it is hilarious that so many Trumpsters fell for the 3AM leak. Man they are desperate.

So if what he has to say turns out to be true you'd rather not know?

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