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They should be commended.
Yeah and that seems to be their ultimate goal.

So he's risking his life for street cred?
Risking his life? He's held up in an embassy to avoid sexual assault charges. He would be safer and less of a pussy if he faced those charges like a man.

Hillary threatened to kill him,and with the trail of bodies the bitch has left behind,if I were him I'd take it seriously.
That report is such bullshit. Even if you think she's evil, she isn't dumb enough to suggest droning a European ally. How could they possibly cover something like that up? Don't be ridiculous.

She's dumb enough to blame a terrorist attack on a video......
Yeah and that seems to be their ultimate goal.

So he's risking his life for street cred?
Risking his life? He's held up in an embassy to avoid sexual assault charges. He would be safer and less of a pussy if he faced those charges like a man.

Hillary threatened to kill him,and with the trail of bodies the bitch has left behind,if I were him I'd take it seriously.
That report is such bullshit. Even if you think she's evil, she isn't dumb enough to suggest droning a European ally. How could they possibly cover something like that up? Don't be ridiculous.

She's dumb enough to blame a terrorist attack on a video......
Benghazi will never be a thing. 7 wasted republican investigations proved that.
So he's risking his life for street cred?
Risking his life? He's held up in an embassy to avoid sexual assault charges. He would be safer and less of a pussy if he faced those charges like a man.

Hillary threatened to kill him,and with the trail of bodies the bitch has left behind,if I were him I'd take it seriously.
That report is such bullshit. Even if you think she's evil, she isn't dumb enough to suggest droning a European ally. How could they possibly cover something like that up? Don't be ridiculous.

She's dumb enough to blame a terrorist attack on a video......
Benghazi will never be a thing. 7 wasted republican investigations proved that.

Yeah right...
So he's risking his life for street cred?
Risking his life? He's held up in an embassy to avoid sexual assault charges. He would be safer and less of a pussy if he faced those charges like a man.

Hillary threatened to kill him,and with the trail of bodies the bitch has left behind,if I were him I'd take it seriously.
That report is such bullshit. Even if you think she's evil, she isn't dumb enough to suggest droning a European ally. How could they possibly cover something like that up? Don't be ridiculous.

She's dumb enough to blame a terrorist attack on a video......
Benghazi will never be a thing. 7 wasted republican investigations proved that.

4 wasted American lives show that it is VERY much a thing, Comrade.
Hillary wants to know why she can't just murder him. "Can't we just drone him?" She's evil.
That quote is such bullshit. Even if you want to believe that Hillary is this total sociopath, why would she be dumb enough to propose a drone strike on an embassy of a European ally? Nothing about that idea would make any sense.

Because a Hellfire missile explosion can be mistaken for other types of might recall the 9/11 conspiracy nuts thought they could prove our Pentagon was hit by a missile instead of an airliner. But then Hillary doesn't know her ass from up about these things...she simply thought she could suggest murdering Assange and somehow it could magically happen. She hasn't denied saying it.....too many people heard she "can't remember" saying it...the same way she got through her FBI interview.
How is Wikileaks publishing files even after Assange's Internet was cut?

Seems he outsmarted Kerry and the Obama administration – no big deal as the whole world already does it.

"It seems likely that a copy of these documents would be available on a remote server that multiple staffers have access to, in which case Assange could notify staffers via phone, SMS, letter, carrier pigeon, etc to proceed with publication of those documents without his assistance," he told in an email. "Shared copies of these documents could be encrypted with multiple public encryption keys, so that multiple parties could decrypt the documents as needed without the need to share key or authentication data."

More @ How is Wikileaks publishing files even after Assange's Internet was cut?

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