WIKILEAKS: Hillary Clinton Caught Admitting Saudi Arabia and Qatar Funding & Arming ISIS...

Can someone show us where Obama said there were absolutely no Saudis and no one from Qatar funding ISIS....and what year he said this, if he did??
In about thirty days we're going to see just how brain washed this country really is.

Yes, Trump will get many votes.

Your desire to win at all cost is fascinating to me.
At what point does hillary and the dem party cross a line where you say enough?
Is there such a marker?

As compared to what? Defending Trump the Molester?

Hillary's past is long and sordid, yet you've always supported her.
We dont even know if any of the shit is true about Trump.
In about thirty days we're going to see just how brain washed this country really is.

Yes, Trump will get many votes.

Your desire to win at all cost is fascinating to me.
At what point does hillary and the dem party cross a line where you say enough?
Is there such a marker?

As compared to what? Defending Trump the Molester?

Hillary's past is long and sordid, yet you've always supported her.
We dont even know if any of the shit is true about Trump.

Your denial is your business.
In about thirty days we're going to see just how brain washed this country really is.
Lock All On-Air Airheads Up in a Locker Room

That includes the GOPers who think Trump has made a lot of booboos, accepting the evaluation of his statements that the media Demwits and RINOs regurgitate, trolling about trivia.
She knew, but kept it a secret from the People. It's heinous behavior. Let's just hope & pray the American People don't reward the Clinton Crime Family with the US Presidency.
This is why we get these false reports of "Al Qaeda" in Qatar that can never be verified. Saudi provided the already dead "terrorists" for 911. Qatar was also supportive of it, fudging "Al Qaeda" BS for us to "read" and "see" the AQs "in action" when nothing happened.

Hillary Clinton is 100% owned by the Zionist Lobby.

She will have the US at war with Iran immediately.

If you value the lives of your kids, and think your kids exist for something other than to fight and die for the cause of Greater Israel, you need to see Hillary for what she is now... before your kids are in the sand dodging bullets.
This is why we get these false reports of "Al Qaeda" in Qatar that can never be verified. Saudi provided the already dead "terrorists" for 911. Qatar was also supportive of it, fudging "Al Qaeda" BS for us to "read" and "see" the AQs "in action" when nothing happened.

Hillary Clinton is 100% owned by the Zionist Lobby.

She will have the US at war with Iran immediately.

If you value the lives of your kids, and think your kids exist for something other than to fight and die for the cause of Greater Israel, you need to see Hillary for what she is now... before your kids are in the sand dodging bullets.

Yeah, it's appalling the amount of money her 'Foundation' receives from the Saudis especially. She's completely owned by foreign interests. She's a Soros NWO lapdog.

She knew Saudi Arabia and other 'allies' were funding & arming ISIS. I just hope & pray the American People don't reward such evil with the US Presidency.
it's appalling the amount of money her 'Foundation' receives from the Saudis

100% owned by entities with precisely no loyalty to the US...

Oh yeah, completely owned by foreign interests. NWO Globalists don't have American Citizens' best interests in mind. I mean, i know Trump is far from the ideal Candidate, but at least he wants to put Americans first again. So i have to support him. I'm completely over the Globalist assholes.
Confirms what we all believed. And yet the left is losing their minds over Trump saying p***y. Thousands dead, hundreds of thousands on the run all involved need to be charged with crimes against humanity.
Clinton supporters don't give a damn about national security, integrity, or honesty.

That's taken completely out of context. The issue was how to pressure those countries into stopping their support.
That Assange is pretty good. Who'd a thunk the Saudis and Qutar would fund sunni extremism. I mean ... wow.
Confirms what we all believed. And yet the left is losing their minds over Trump saying p***y. Thousands dead, hundreds of thousands on the run all involved need to be charged with crimes against humanity.
Clinton supporters don't give a damn about national security, integrity, or honesty.

That's taken completely out of context. The issue was how to pressure those countries into stopping their support.

She kept it a secret from the American People. Most Americans are unaware that our 'allies' have been supporting ISIS all along. It's despicable unethical behavior.
Confirms what we all believed. And yet the left is losing their minds over Trump saying p***y. Thousands dead, hundreds of thousands on the run all involved need to be charged with crimes against humanity.
Clinton supporters don't give a damn about national security, integrity, or honesty.

That's taken completely out of context. The issue was how to pressure those countries into stopping their support.

She kept it a secret from the American People. Most Americans are unaware that our 'allies' have been supporting ISIS all along. It's despicable unethical behavior.

BS. The Arab nations who supported overthrowing Assad became public knowledge after McCain went over to push for more Arms for the Syrian Rebels.
Well, there ya go folks. Yet more proof your Government's wonderful 'allies' have been funding & arming ISIS all along.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton sent an email to her campaign chairman John Podesta in 2014, who was then-counselor to President Barack Obama, that said Saudi Arabia and Qatar are both giving financial and logistical support to the Islamic State and other extremist Sunni groups, according to a recent Wikileaks release.

Clinton sent the email on August 17, 2014 to Podesta.
You are the THIRD retard so far to fall for this hoax!

You idiots really ought to read the source email before guzzling down your favorite propaganda site's Kool Aid.

Why do you keep getting back in line to be lied to? WHY!?!?

It's fucking pathological.

What's really weird is that I spanked you tards hard yesterday for always bleeving your propaganda sites and never going to the source material.

What, was it only five minutes later you were guzzling this hoax down?

Confirms what we all believed. And yet the left is losing their minds over Trump saying p***y. Thousands dead, hundreds of thousands on the run all involved need to be charged with crimes against humanity.
Clinton supporters don't give a damn about national security, integrity, or honesty.

That's taken completely out of context. The issue was how to pressure those countries into stopping their support.

She kept it a secret from the American People. Most Americans are unaware that our 'allies' have been supporting ISIS all along. It's despicable unethical behavior.

BS. The Arab nations who supported overthrowing Assad became public knowledge after McCain went over to push for more Arms for the Syrian Rebels.

Most Americans do not realize that our 'allies' have been supporting ISIS all along. But Clinton knew it, and kept it secret from the People. It's truly shameful. If most Americans knew, it likely would have altered their support for any war with Syria. She's a very corrupt person. Period, end of story.
Confirms what we all believed. And yet the left is losing their minds over Trump saying p***y. Thousands dead, hundreds of thousands on the run all involved need to be charged with crimes against humanity.
Clinton supporters don't give a damn about national security, integrity, or honesty.

That's taken completely out of context. The issue was how to pressure those countries into stopping their support.

She kept it a secret from the American People. Most Americans are unaware that our 'allies' have been supporting ISIS all along. It's despicable unethical behavior.

BS. The Arab nations who supported overthrowing Assad became public knowledge after McCain went over to push for more Arms for the Syrian Rebels.

Most Americans do not realize that our 'allies' have been supporting ISIS all along. But Clinton knew it, and kept it secret from the People. It's truly shameful. If most Americans knew, it likely would have altered their support for any war with Syria. She's a very corrupt person. Period, end of story.
A secret? Give me a fucking break. Bin Laden was a Saudi. The American public has known since 9-11 he was being backed by our "ally". And in the email it says we need to step on their heads a bit and tell them to knock off funding ISIS. You are an idiot.
Most Americans do not realize that our 'allies' have been supporting ISIS all along. But Clinton knew it, and kept it secret from the People.

Most Americans don't care, they are more worried about American Idol than American policy around the world. It was not a secret.
Confirms what we all believed. And yet the left is losing their minds over Trump saying p***y. Thousands dead, hundreds of thousands on the run all involved need to be charged with crimes against humanity.
Clinton supporters don't give a damn about national security, integrity, or honesty.

That's taken completely out of context. The issue was how to pressure those countries into stopping their support.

She kept it a secret from the American People. Most Americans are unaware that our 'allies' have been supporting ISIS all along. It's despicable unethical behavior.

BS. The Arab nations who supported overthrowing Assad became public knowledge after McCain went over to push for more Arms for the Syrian Rebels.

Most Americans do not realize that our 'allies' have been supporting ISIS all along. But Clinton knew it, and kept it secret from the People. It's truly shameful. If most Americans knew, it likely would have altered their support for any war with Syria. She's a very corrupt person. Period, end of story.

The western leaders and all involved need to be charged with crimes against humanity. And we have to demand that all western nations get the fuck out of Syria NOW.

Let Assad and Putin finish off ISIS and al Nusra. The Iraqi PM has just thrown Turkey out of the ring too.

Between the Russians, Syrians, Iraqis and Iranians they can take care of business in their own yards and kick Sunni ass big time.

AND next time the Saudis want America to do the dirty work tell them to go to hell.

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