WIKILEAKS: Hillary Clinton Caught Admitting Saudi Arabia and Qatar Funding & Arming ISIS...

Who'd a thunk the Saudis and Qutar would fund sunni extremism.

Saudi supported the 911 fraud too. Qatar has made many bogus noises about Al Qaeda in their country. They are both full of shit and in bed with Netanyahu, likely because their rulers, like Qaddafy, are really Jews disguised as Muslims.
Confirms what we all believed. And yet the left is losing their minds over Trump saying p***y. Thousands dead, hundreds of thousands on the run all involved need to be charged with crimes against humanity.
Clinton supporters don't give a damn about national security, integrity, or honesty.

That's taken completely out of context. The issue was how to pressure those countries into stopping their support.

Oh give me a break. Our intelligence knew right from the get go that the monies and the weaponry were going to al Nusra and ISIS. There was never a moderate rebel group.

What we did get to the FSA via the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood got handed over to the terrorists. And the FSA was working in the open with al Nusra (AQ in Syria).

AND we knew Erdogan was buying oil from ISIS and selling it on the black market. And it was the black gold and the antiquities that Turkey was buying that was funding ISIS as well.

And we didn't do a damn thing. A lot of blood on our hands.
In about thirty days we're going to see just how brain washed this country really is.

Yes, Trump will get many votes.

Your desire to win at all cost is fascinating to me.
At what point does hillary and the dem party cross a line where you say enough?
Is there such a marker?

As compared to what? Defending Trump the Molester?

Hillary's past is long and sordid, yet you've always supported her.
We dont even know if any of the shit is true about Trump.

Where's the fire?
Well, there ya go folks. Yet more proof your Government's wonderful 'allies' have been funding & arming ISIS all along.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton sent an email to her campaign chairman John Podesta in 2014, who was then-counselor to President Barack Obama, that said Saudi Arabia and Qatar are both giving financial and logistical support to the Islamic State and other extremist Sunni groups, according to a recent Wikileaks release.

Clinton sent the email on August 17, 2014 to Podesta.
You are the THIRD retard so far to fall for this hoax!

You idiots really ought to read the source email before guzzling down your favorite propaganda site's Kool Aid.

Why do you keep getting back in line to be lied to? WHY!?!?

It's fucking pathological.

What's really weird is that I spanked you tards hard yesterday for always bleeving your propaganda sites and never going to the source material.

What, was it only five minutes later you were guzzling this hoax down?


Yes, it's all just a hoax. Of course it is. And Bill Clinton didn't have sex with all those women either. Back to your Safe Space, kid. :cuckoo:
Clinton supporters don't give a damn about national security, integrity, or honesty.

That's taken completely out of context. The issue was how to pressure those countries into stopping their support.

She kept it a secret from the American People. Most Americans are unaware that our 'allies' have been supporting ISIS all along. It's despicable unethical behavior.

BS. The Arab nations who supported overthrowing Assad became public knowledge after McCain went over to push for more Arms for the Syrian Rebels.

Most Americans do not realize that our 'allies' have been supporting ISIS all along. But Clinton knew it, and kept it secret from the People. It's truly shameful. If most Americans knew, it likely would have altered their support for any war with Syria. She's a very corrupt person. Period, end of story.
A secret? Give me a fucking break. Bin Laden was a Saudi. The American public has known since 9-11 he was being backed by our "ally". And in the email it says we need to step on their heads a bit and tell them to knock off funding ISIS. You are an idiot.

Too bad they never did 'step on their heads,' The Saudis, Turks, and other 'allies' in the region supported ISIS for years. But regardless, she knew and kept it a secret from the People. And your assertion about the American Public knowing the Saudis were behind 9/11, is inaccurate. Most don't know that. Most still think that's just a 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory.' They only know our Presidents kneel and kiss the Saudi Royal Ring every chance they get.

So to most Americans, the Saudis are still considered pretty 'awesome.' They're completely unaware of how evil that country is. Its brand of extremist Wahhabi Sunni Islam is responsible for the rise of Radical Islamic Terrorism around the world. And sadly, we helped them spread that terror every step of the way. Because they're our 'Good Friends' after all.
Most Americans do not realize that our 'allies' have been supporting ISIS all along. But Clinton knew it, and kept it secret from the People.

Most Americans don't care, they are more worried about American Idol than American policy around the world. It was not a secret.

True, most don't care. But Clinton and the rest of our Government did keep it a secret from the People. No one in our Government has come out and flatly admitted that our 'allies' in the region have been supporting ISIS and other terrorist orgs.
Clinton supporters don't give a damn about national security, integrity, or honesty.

That's taken completely out of context. The issue was how to pressure those countries into stopping their support.

She kept it a secret from the American People. Most Americans are unaware that our 'allies' have been supporting ISIS all along. It's despicable unethical behavior.

BS. The Arab nations who supported overthrowing Assad became public knowledge after McCain went over to push for more Arms for the Syrian Rebels.

Most Americans do not realize that our 'allies' have been supporting ISIS all along. But Clinton knew it, and kept it secret from the People. It's truly shameful. If most Americans knew, it likely would have altered their support for any war with Syria. She's a very corrupt person. Period, end of story.

The western leaders and all involved need to be charged with crimes against humanity. And we have to demand that all western nations get the fuck out of Syria NOW.

Let Assad and Putin finish off ISIS and al Nusra. The Iraqi PM has just thrown Turkey out of the ring too.

Between the Russians, Syrians, Iraqis and Iranians they can take care of business in their own yards and kick Sunni ass big time.

AND next time the Saudis want America to do the dirty work tell them to go to hell.

Yeah, it sure is an awful bloody foreign policy. I'm all for us disengaging from the Middle East. We've been over there long enough. We've done enough damage. Time to come home.
the memo and its 8 points are super duper thought out and very very smart....and's exactly what we need as President, not some shoot from the hip, temperamental mega-maniac like Trump....she's brilliant.

this was written 2 years after she left office and it still seems like she is being kept abreast of what's going on over there...
Do you have the link from the OP?
the memo and its 8 points are super duper thought out and very very smart....and's exactly what we need as President, not some shoot from the hip, temperamental mega-maniac like Trump....she's brilliant.

this was written 2 years after she left office and it still seems like she is being kept abreast of what's going on over there...
Do you have the link from the OP?
let me find it...

I posted it in the FIRST thread Republicans posted on this....
Most Americans do not realize that our 'allies' have been supporting ISIS all along. But Clinton knew it, and kept it secret from the People.

Most Americans don't care, they are more worried about American Idol than American policy around the world. It was not a secret.

True, most don't care. But Clinton and the rest of our Government did keep it a secret from the People. No one in our Government has come out and flatly admitted that our 'allies' in the region have been supporting ISIS and other terrorist orgs.

We knew shortly after McCain's visit to Syria that some of the support, including US made weapons, did make their way into Islamic Extremest hands. It was one of the reasons the Obama administration gave for not sending more advanced weapons to the so called rebels.
the memo and its 8 points are super duper thought out and very very smart....and's exactly what we need as President, not some shoot from the hip, temperamental mega-maniac like Trump....she's brilliant.

this was written 2 years after she left office and it still seems like she is being kept abreast of what's going on over there...
Do you have the link from the OP?
Here is what she wrote in 2014
WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails

>> 1. With all of its tragic aspects, the advance of ISIL >> through Iraq gives the U.S. Government an opportunity to change the way it >> deals with the chaotic security situation in North Africa and the Middle >> East. The most important factor in this matter is to make use of >> intelligence resources and Special Operations troops in an aggressive >> manner, while avoiding the old school solution, which calls for more >> traditional military operations. In Iraq it is important that we engage >> ISIL using the resources of the Peshmerga fighters of the Kurdish Regional >> Government (KRG), and what, if any, reliable units exist in the Iraqi >> Army. The Peshmerga commanders are aggressive hard fighting troops, who >> have long standing relationships with CIA officers and Special Forces >> operators. However, they will need the continued commitment of U.S. >> personnel to work with them as advisors and strategic planners, the new >> generation of Peshmerga commanders being largely untested in traditional >> combat. That said, with this U.S. aid the Kurdish troops can inflict a >> real defeat on ISIL. >> >> >> >>

2. It is important that once we engage ISIL, as we have now >> done in a limited manner, we and our allies should carry on until they are >> driven back suffering a tangible defeat. Anything short of this will be >> seen by other fighters in the region, Libya, Lebanon, and even Jordan, as >> an American defeat. However, if we provide advisors and planners, as well >> as increased close air support for the Peshmerga, these soldiers can defeat >> ISIL. They will give the new Iraqi Government a chance to organize itself, >> and restructure the Sunni resistance in Syria, moving the center of power >> toward moderate forces like the Free Syrian Army (FSA). In addition to air >> support, the Peshmerga also need artillery and armored vehicles to deal >> with the tanks and other heavy equipment captured from the Iraqi army by >> ISIL. >> >> >> >>

3. In the past the USG, in an agreement with the Turkish General Staff, >> did not provide such heavy weapons to the Peshmerga, out of a concern that >> they would end up in the hands of Kurdish rebels inside of Turkey. The >> current situation in Iraq, not to mention the political environment in >> Turkey, makes this policy obsolete. Also this equipment can now be >> airlifted directly into the KRG zone. >> >> >> >>

4. Armed with proper equipment, and working with U.S. advisors, the >> Peshmerga can attack the ISIL with a coordinated assault supported from the >> air. This effort will come as a surprise to the ISIL, whose leaders >> believe we will always stop with targeted bombing, and weaken them both in >> Iraq and inside of Syria. At the same time we should return to plans to >> provide the FSA, or some group of moderate forces, with equipment that will >> allow them to deal with a weakened ISIL, and stepped up operations against >> the Syrian regime. This entire effort should be done with a low profile, >> avoiding the massive traditional military operations that are at best >> temporary solutions. While this military/para-military operation is moving >> forward, we need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence >> assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, >> which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and >> other radical Sunni groups in the region. This effort will be enhanced by >> the stepped up commitment in the KRG. The Qataris and Saudis will be put >> in a position of balancing policy between their ongoing competition to >> dominate the Sunni world and the consequences of serious U.S. pressure. By >> the same token, the threat of similar, realistic U.S. operations will serve >> to assist moderate forces in Libya, Lebanon, and even Jordan, where >> insurgents are increasingly fascinated by the ISIL success in Iraq. >> >> >> >>

6. In the end the situation in Iraq is merely the latest and most >> dangerous example of the regional restructuring that is taking place across >> North Africa, all the way to the Turkish border. These developments are >> important to the U.S. for reasons that often differ from country to >> country: energy and moral commitment to Iraq, energy issues in Libya, and >> strategic commitments in Jordan. At the same time, as Turkey moves toward >> a new, more serious Islamic reality, it will be important for them to >> realize that we are willing to take serious actions, which can be sustained >> to protect our national interests. This course of action offers the >> potential for success, as opposed to large scale, traditional military >> campaigns, that are too expensive and awkward to maintain over time. >> >> >> >>

7. (Note: A source in Tripoli stated in confidence that when the U.S. >> Embassy was evacuated, the presence of two U.S. Navy jet fighters over the >> city brought all fighting to a halt for several hours, as Islamist forces >> were not certain that these aircraft would not also provide close ground >> support for moderate government forces.) >> >> >> >>

8. If we do not take the changes needed to make our security >> policy in the region more realistic, there is a real danger of ISIL >> veterans moving on to other countries to facilitate operations by Islamist >> forces. This is already happening in Libya and Egypt, where fighters are >> returning from Syria to work with local forces. ISIL is only the latest and >> most violent example of this process. If we don’t act to defeat them in >> Iraq something even more violent and dangerous will develop. Successful >> military operations against these very irregular but determined forces can >> only be accomplished by making proper use of clandestine/special operations >> resources, in coordination with airpower, and established local allies. >> There is, unfortunately, a narrow window of opportunity on this issue, as >> we need to act before an ISIL state becomes better organized and reaches >> into Lebanon and Jordan. >> >> >> >>

9. (Note: It is important to keep in mind that as a result of >> this policy there probably will be concern in the Sunni regions of Iraq and >> the Central Government regarding the possible expansion of KRG controlled >> territory. With advisors in the Peshmerga command we can reassure the >> concerned parties that, in return for increase autonomy, the KRG will not >> exclude the Iraqi Government from participation in the management of the >> oil fields around Kirkuk, and the Mosel Dam hydroelectric facility. At the >> same time we will be able to work with the Peshmerga as they pursue ISIL >> into disputed areas of Eastern Syria, coordinating with FSA troops who can >> move against ISIL from the North. This will make certain Basher al Assad >> does not gain an advantage from these operations. Finally, as it now >> appears the U.S. is considering a plan to offer contractors as advisors to >> the Iraqi Ministry of Defense, we will be in a position to coordinate more >> effectively between the Peshmerga and the Iraqi Army.)
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Most Americans do not realize that our 'allies' have been supporting ISIS all along. But Clinton knew it, and kept it secret from the People.

Most Americans don't care, they are more worried about American Idol than American policy around the world. It was not a secret.

True, most don't care. But Clinton and the rest of our Government did keep it a secret from the People. No one in our Government has come out and flatly admitted that our 'allies' in the region have been supporting ISIS and other terrorist orgs.

We knew shortly after McCain's visit to Syria that some of the support, including US made weapons, did make their way into Islamic Extremest hands. It was one of the reasons the Obama administration gave for not sending more advanced weapons to the so called rebels.

You and me may have known it it, but most Americans still don't know it. And Clinton and our Government still haven't officially acknowledged it. They've kept it a secret. We only know now because Wikileaks obtained the Emails.

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