Wikipedia says Dem leader Chuck Schumer got a perfect 1600 on the SAT

You want me to open my eyes? Do you know why "standardized tests" were changed? For one they weren't "dumbed down." They were changed so that they weren't created to suit just the lives of White children. They weren't changed to "dumb them down," but make them more universal. The change was not just for minorities, but also for redneck hillbillies and other children that didn't come from your "Ozzie and Harriet" type households.

But the huge gap is not just on the verbal test but also the math test. Are you saying blacks do a different kind of math than whites?? And you still haven't explained why asians do so well on these tests that you claim are written by and for white people. THINK, white-hating racist.
If true he would have taken the test around 1967, well before before the SAT was severely dumbed down to help blacks. Very impressive .

Chuck Schumer - Wikipedia

Schumer was born in Brooklyn, the son of Selma (née Rosen) and Abraham Schumer.[5] His father ran an exterminating business, and his mother was a homemaker.[6][7] His family is Jewish,[8] and he is a second cousin, once removed, of comedian and actress Amy Schumer.[9][10][11] His ancestors originated from the town of Chortkiv, Galicia, in what is now western Ukraine.[12]

He attended public schools in Brooklyn, scoring a perfect 1600 on the SAT, and graduated as class valedictorian from James Madison High School, in 1967.

You know I'm not Black, and I don't get pissed off easily, but ignorant fucks like you that make comments like "severely dumbed down for Blacks" makes me hope some day a Black person saves your life... just so you can feel like a total asshole the rest of your life.
Asshole or not, he is 100% right about this.

Black kids get 100s of free points on the SAT today.
If true he would have taken the test around 1967, well before before the SAT was severely dumbed down to help blacks. Very impressive .

You know I'm not Black, and I don't get pissed off easily, but ignorant fucks like you that make comments like "severely dumbed down for Blacks" makes me hope some day a Black person saves your life... just so you can feel like a total asshole the rest of your life.

Research. That's precisely why it was "dumbed down". The public school system needs to show success in order to palm more dollars off the unsuspecting public.

Same as here. Sad but true -

New York State Kills Literacy Test for Teachers: Minority Kids Hardest Hit - Breitbart

You just quoted Breitbart for an article about dumbing down a test for minorities... what are you going to do next? Give me a link to Stormfront?

Open your other eye, Polyphemus.

You want me to open my eyes? Do you know why "standardized tests" were changed? For one they weren't "dumbed down." They were changed so that they weren't created to suit just the lives of White children. They weren't changed to "dumb them down," but make them more universal. The change was not just for minorities, but also for redneck hillbillies and other children that didn't come from your "Ozzie and Harriet" type households.

In fact, if you want to find out someone's real intelligence don't look at the SAT, but at a test like the Stanford-Binet that measures cognitive "ability" and not just the type of education a person has been afforded in life.

That's nice.

Look at the product produced.
Wrong, minorities as a whole including hillbillies did poorly on those types of tests because it wasn't written to actually measure an individual's intelligence, but what they've learned in life.

You obviously have no idea what the SAT is . It's a skill test not a knowledge test. They don't ask questions like "who was the 14th president'?"

And you still haven't explained why asians do so well on these tests you claim are culturally biased in favor of whites.
If true he would have taken the test around 1967, well before before the SAT was severely dumbed down to help blacks. Very impressive .

Chuck Schumer - Wikipedia

Schumer was born in Brooklyn, the son of Selma (née Rosen) and Abraham Schumer.[5] His father ran an exterminating business, and his mother was a homemaker.[6][7] His family is Jewish,[8] and he is a second cousin, once removed, of comedian and actress Amy Schumer.[9][10][11] His ancestors originated from the town of Chortkiv, Galicia, in what is now western Ukraine.[12]

He attended public schools in Brooklyn, scoring a perfect 1600 on the SAT, and graduated as class valedictorian from James Madison High School, in 1967.

I bet that was before the checked ID and he paid his smart cousin to take the test for him.
You want me to open my eyes? Do you know why "standardized tests" were changed? For one they weren't "dumbed down." They were changed so that they weren't created to suit just the lives of White children. They weren't changed to "dumb them down," but make them more universal. The change was not just for minorities, but also for redneck hillbillies and other children that didn't come from your "Ozzie and Harriet" type households.

But the huge gap is not just on the verbal test but also the math test. Are you saying blacks do a different kind of math than whites?? And you still haven't explained why asians do so well on these tests that you claim are written by and for white people. THINK, white-hating racist.

How the fuck am I a white-hating racist? I AM White. How the fuck can someone do well on the Math portion of a standardized test if the school district they go to doesn't even teach it? As I said, and you still can't fucking comprehend, the SAT, ACT, and other tests doesn't measure INTELLIGENCE. It measures what a person has learned through their educational experience. If a minority wasn't afforded the same educational opportunities as some White kid from the suburbs, guess what is going to happen genius? They aren't going to do as well.

And you saying "THINK" after all your statements is fucking retarded... So what was your score on the SAT or ACT? Was it high enough to qualify you for your job mopping up the floors in the adult book store on the side of the highway?
If true he would have taken the test around 1967, well before before the SAT was severely dumbed down to help blacks. Very impressive .

Chuck Schumer - Wikipedia

Schumer was born in Brooklyn, the son of Selma (née Rosen) and Abraham Schumer.[5] His father ran an exterminating business, and his mother was a homemaker.[6][7] His family is Jewish,[8] and he is a second cousin, once removed, of comedian and actress Amy Schumer.[9][10][11] His ancestors originated from the town of Chortkiv, Galicia, in what is now western Ukraine.[12]

He attended public schools in Brooklyn, scoring a perfect 1600 on the SAT, and graduated as class valedictorian from James Madison High School, in 1967.

I bet that was before the checked ID and he paid his smart cousin to take the test for him.

You kidding? When I took the test getting into the room was akin to getting into the elevator at CIA Langley.
Wrong, minorities as a whole including hillbillies did poorly on those types of tests because it wasn't written to actually measure an individual's intelligence, but what they've learned in life.

You obviously have no idea what the SAT is . It's a skill test not a knowledge test. They don't ask questions like "who was the 14th president'?"

And you still haven't explained why asians do so well on these tests you claim are culturally biased in favor of whites.

I don't know what it is? :lmao:You get dumber with every post you make. I sure hope the new health care bill covers vasectomies, because you have no right to be procreating.
You want me to open my eyes? Do you know why "standardized tests" were changed? For one they weren't "dumbed down." They were changed so that they weren't created to suit just the lives of White children. They weren't changed to "dumb them down," but make them more universal. The change was not just for minorities, but also for redneck hillbillies and other children that didn't come from your "Ozzie and Harriet" type households.

But the huge gap is not just on the verbal test but also the math test. Are you saying blacks do a different kind of math than whites?? And you still haven't explained why asians do so well on these tests that you claim are written by and for white people. THINK, white-hating racist.

How the fuck am I a white-hating racist? I AM White. How the fuck can someone do well on the Math portion of a standardized test if the school district they go to doesn't even teach it? As I said, and you still can't fucking comprehend, the SAT, ACT, and other tests doesn't measure INTELLIGENCE. It measures what a person has learned through their educational experience. If a minority wasn't afforded the same educational opportunities as some White kid from the suburbs, guess what is going to happen genius? They aren't going to do as well.

And you saying "THINK" after all your statements is fucking retarded... So what was your score on the SAT or ACT? Was it high enough to qualify you for your job mopping up the floors in the adult book store on the side of the highway?
Math is kind of a requirement for every school.

If your school didn't teach math, they were claiming that they did and lying.
I don't know what it is? :lmao:You get dumber with every post you make. I sure hope the new health care bill covers vasectomies, because you have no right to be procreating.

HAHAHA. The board notes that all you have is namecalling and you refuse to answer my question as to why asians do so well on these tests you insist are biased for whites.
You want me to open my eyes? Do you know why "standardized tests" were changed? For one they weren't "dumbed down." They were changed so that they weren't created to suit just the lives of White children. They weren't changed to "dumb them down," but make them more universal. The change was not just for minorities, but also for redneck hillbillies and other children that didn't come from your "Ozzie and Harriet" type households.

But the huge gap is not just on the verbal test but also the math test. Are you saying blacks do a different kind of math than whites?? And you still haven't explained why asians do so well on these tests that you claim are written by and for white people. THINK, white-hating racist.

How the fuck am I a white-hating racist? I AM White. How the fuck can someone do well on the Math portion of a standardized test if the school district they go to doesn't even teach it? As I said, and you still can't fucking comprehend, the SAT, ACT, and other tests doesn't measure INTELLIGENCE. It measures what a person has learned through their educational experience. If a minority wasn't afforded the same educational opportunities as some White kid from the suburbs, guess what is going to happen genius? They aren't going to do as well.

And you saying "THINK" after all your statements is fucking retarded... So what was your score on the SAT or ACT? Was it high enough to qualify you for your job mopping up the floors in the adult book store on the side of the highway?
Math is kind of a requirement for every school.

If your school didn't teach math, they were claiming that they did and lying.

To do well on the SAT or ACT is requires much more than "Math." I personally took all the way up to AP Calculus in high school... but then again I went to a high school that was predominantly White and the community was in what you would call a rich suburb...
I don't know what it is? :lmao:You get dumber with every post you make. I sure hope the new health care bill covers vasectomies, because you have no right to be procreating.

HAHAHA. The board notes that all you have is namecalling and you refuse to answer my question as to why asians do so well on these tests you insist are biased for whites.

Do you even have a fucking clue? It's because a lot of Asians actually study specifically for taking THAT test. Of course that's above your head I'm sure... and I don't mean studying the material, but actually studying on how to do well on the TEST.
I don't know what it is? :lmao:You get dumber with every post you make. I sure hope the new health care bill covers vasectomies, because you have no right to be procreating.

HAHAHA. The board notes that all you have is namecalling and you refuse to answer my question as to why asians do so well on these tests you insist are biased for whites.

Do you even have a fucking clue? It's because a lot of Asians actually study specifically for taking THAT test. Of course that's above your head I'm sure... and I don't mean studying the material, but actually studying on how to do well on the TEST.

To do well on the test, one must study the material.
You want me to open my eyes? Do you know why "standardized tests" were changed? For one they weren't "dumbed down." They were changed so that they weren't created to suit just the lives of White children. They weren't changed to "dumb them down," but make them more universal. The change was not just for minorities, but also for redneck hillbillies and other children that didn't come from your "Ozzie and Harriet" type households.

But the huge gap is not just on the verbal test but also the math test. Are you saying blacks do a different kind of math than whites?? And you still haven't explained why asians do so well on these tests that you claim are written by and for white people. THINK, white-hating racist.

How the fuck am I a white-hating racist? I AM White. How the fuck can someone do well on the Math portion of a standardized test if the school district they go to doesn't even teach it? As I said, and you still can't fucking comprehend, the SAT, ACT, and other tests doesn't measure INTELLIGENCE. It measures what a person has learned through their educational experience. If a minority wasn't afforded the same educational opportunities as some White kid from the suburbs, guess what is going to happen genius? They aren't going to do as well.

And you saying "THINK" after all your statements is fucking retarded... So what was your score on the SAT or ACT? Was it high enough to qualify you for your job mopping up the floors in the adult book store on the side of the highway?
Math is kind of a requirement for every school.

If your school didn't teach math, they were claiming that they did and lying.

To do well on the SAT or ACT is requires much more than "Math." I personally took all the way up to AP Calculus in high school... but then again I went to a high school that was predominantly White and the community was in what you would call a rich suburb...
If that were the case then no one outside of private schools and advanced public school classes would have a chance of getting a better than average score.
You want me to open my eyes? Do you know why "standardized tests" were changed? For one they weren't "dumbed down." They were changed so that they weren't created to suit just the lives of White children. They weren't changed to "dumb them down," but make them more universal. The change was not just for minorities, but also for redneck hillbillies and other children that didn't come from your "Ozzie and Harriet" type households.

But the huge gap is not just on the verbal test but also the math test. Are you saying blacks do a different kind of math than whites?? And you still haven't explained why asians do so well on these tests that you claim are written by and for white people. THINK, white-hating racist.

How the fuck am I a white-hating racist? I AM White. How the fuck can someone do well on the Math portion of a standardized test if the school district they go to doesn't even teach it? As I said, and you still can't fucking comprehend, the SAT, ACT, and other tests doesn't measure INTELLIGENCE. It measures what a person has learned through their educational experience. If a minority wasn't afforded the same educational opportunities as some White kid from the suburbs, guess what is going to happen genius? They aren't going to do as well.

And you saying "THINK" after all your statements is fucking retarded... So what was your score on the SAT or ACT? Was it high enough to qualify you for your job mopping up the floors in the adult book store on the side of the highway?
Math is kind of a requirement for every school.

If your school didn't teach math, they were claiming that they did and lying.

To do well on the SAT or ACT is requires much more than "Math." I personally took all the way up to AP Calculus in high school... but then again I went to a high school that was predominantly White and the community was in what you would call a rich suburb...
If that were the case then no one outside of private schools and advanced public school classes would have a chance of getting a better than average score.

No... that's not true, thus why the idea of a "standardized test" is not a true measurement of intelligence. Every individual is unique and comes form a a different situation with different resources and opportunities.

Do you know what the word "standardized" means? So who exactly is the "standard?" Who's the test written for? That's the point.
But the huge gap is not just on the verbal test but also the math test. Are you saying blacks do a different kind of math than whites?? And you still haven't explained why asians do so well on these tests that you claim are written by and for white people. THINK, white-hating racist.

How the fuck am I a white-hating racist? I AM White. How the fuck can someone do well on the Math portion of a standardized test if the school district they go to doesn't even teach it? As I said, and you still can't fucking comprehend, the SAT, ACT, and other tests doesn't measure INTELLIGENCE. It measures what a person has learned through their educational experience. If a minority wasn't afforded the same educational opportunities as some White kid from the suburbs, guess what is going to happen genius? They aren't going to do as well.

And you saying "THINK" after all your statements is fucking retarded... So what was your score on the SAT or ACT? Was it high enough to qualify you for your job mopping up the floors in the adult book store on the side of the highway?
Math is kind of a requirement for every school.

If your school didn't teach math, they were claiming that they did and lying.

To do well on the SAT or ACT is requires much more than "Math." I personally took all the way up to AP Calculus in high school... but then again I went to a high school that was predominantly White and the community was in what you would call a rich suburb...
If that were the case then no one outside of private schools and advanced public school classes would have a chance of getting a better than average score.

No... that's not true, thus why the idea of a "standardized test" is not a true measurement of intelligence. Every individual is unique and comes form a a different situation with different resources and opportunities.

Do you know what the word "standardized" means? So who exactly is the "standard?" Who's the test written for? That's the point.

Not who, but what. A test is written to the level of knowledge expected.
I don't know what it is? :lmao:You get dumber with every post you make. I sure hope the new health care bill covers vasectomies, because you have no right to be procreating.

HAHAHA. The board notes that all you have is namecalling and you refuse to answer my question as to why asians do so well on these tests you insist are biased for whites.

Do you even have a fucking clue? It's because a lot of Asians actually study specifically for taking THAT test. Of course that's above your head I'm sure... and I don't mean studying the material, but actually studying on how to do well on the TEST.

To do well on the test, one must study the material.

Wrong, not always true. A person can actually do well on a test without truly understanding the material. If you don't believe or think that's true then you haven't really paid attention the last few years.

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