Will 4 years be enough time for Romney to clean up Obama's one term Mess?

But you seem to be overlooking the small fact that when new jobs are not even sufficient in number to keep pace with an ever increasing population, that GROWTH is meaningless.

Real growth when dealing with high unemployment must be a number sufficient to cover newly added population plus putting a hunk of unemployed back to work.

That is not happening.

This continuous "growth" over the past many months that Obama claims is somehow relevant doesn't even begin to solve the problem.

and Papa Obama's policies are the problem
Maybe when House Republicans can pull their heads out of female vaginas long enough they can begin to focus on job creation....maybe...don't bet on it...
Will 4 years be enough time for Romney to clean up Obama's one term Mess?

Indeed, it is quite possible that Papa Obama has done so much damage
it could take generations to recover from it.

I feel there is good in you.

Don't give in to the Dark Side.
The jobs numbers for this month were lower than expected by half, but yet, there were still jobs ADDED.

And............let's not forget, that under Obama we've seen a steady job GROWTH for quite a few months now.

Jobs have steadily increased in the private sector while dropping in the public sector.

I thought that's what the GOP wanted, smaller government and an increase in private sector jobs.

and the last few months were adjusted with less jobs as well

Fewer people in gov't jobs does not equate to smaller gov't

Obama is not working
we need to change Presidents

One month of poor job growth does not signal a trend.

Nice try at cherry picking though.

Sustained high unemployment does signal a trend. The predictions and plans were for massive recovery and growth but so far there hasn't even been a full recovery yet. Fewer people are employed than when Obama took office. Fewer people are employed than when Obama put his handpicked crack team of experts in charge. Fewer people are employed than when Obama started his "transformation" of the economy.

It's time for Change.
The jobs numbers for this month were lower than expected by half, but yet, there were still jobs ADDED.

And............let's not forget, that under Obama we've seen a steady job GROWTH for quite a few months now.

Jobs have steadily increased in the private sector while dropping in the public sector.

I thought that's what the GOP wanted, smaller government and an increase in private sector jobs.

and the last few months were adjusted with less jobs as well

Fewer people in gov't jobs does not equate to smaller gov't

Obama is not working
we need to change Presidents

One month of poor job growth does not signal a trend.

Nice try at cherry picking though.

Sustained high unemployment does signal a trend. The predictions and plans were for massive recovery and growth but so far there hasn't even been a full recovery yet. Fewer people are employed than when Obama took office. Fewer people are employed than when Obama put his handpicked crack team of experts in charge. Fewer people are employed than when Obama started his "transformation" of the economy.

It's time for Change.

10,000 Americans a day are retiring.

Maybe when House Republicans can pull their heads out of female vaginas long enough they can begin to focus on job creation....maybe...don't bet on it...

The “Forgotten Fifteen”

1) H.R. 872—Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act: The bill would amend the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) to clarify that the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or a state may not require a permit under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act for the application of pesticides regulated under FIFRA. By removing duplicative requirements, the bill would reduce overlapping and unnecessary regulation on pesticides that are already regulated, thereby reducing costs to both farmers and small business owners.

2) H.R. 910—Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011: H.R. 910 would prohibit the EPA from regulating greenhouse gases to address climate change under the Clean Air Act. More specifically, the bill would prohibit the EPA from regulating: water vapor; carbon dioxide; methane; nitrous oxide; and any other substance subject to regulation, action or consideration under the Clean Air Act to address climate change. The bill would prevent a needless increase in energy prices for American households and businesses.

3) H.J.Res. 37—Disapproving the rule submitted by the Federal Communications Commission with respect to regulating the Internet and broadband industry practices: The bill would prohibit the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) from implementing a net-neutrality rule which would prohibit Internet providers from slowing or blocking legal websites or Internet services because of concerns over bandwidth. In May 2010, seventy-four House Democrats sent a letter to FCC Chairman Genachowski making the case that net-neutrality rules will “jeopardize jobs” and “should not be done without additional direction from Congress.”

4) H.R. 1230—Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act: H.R. 1230 would require the Department of the Interior (DOI) to auction offshore oil and gas leases in the Central and Western Gulf of Mexico, as well as in an area off the coast of Virginia. The bill would help to reduce energy prices and promote job creation by expediting offshore oil and natural gas exploration in the Gulf of Mexico and the Virginia coast.

Summary of Jobs Bills Stalled in the Senate - GOP.gov
4.2 million private sector jobs have been created since the stimulus.

Thanks, President Obama.
Americans net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since the stimulus.

Thanks, President Obama.
We have just had the fastest 6 month drop in unemployment since 1984.

Thanks, President Obama.
The Fortune 500 companies just recorded record profits.

Thanks, President Obama.
The jobs numbers for this month were lower than expected by half, but yet, there were still jobs ADDED.

And............let's not forget, that under Obama we've seen a steady job GROWTH for quite a few months now.

Jobs have steadily increased in the private sector while dropping in the public sector.

I thought that's what the GOP wanted, smaller government and an increase in private sector jobs.

One month of poor job growth does not signal a trend.

Nice try at cherry picking though.

Sustained high unemployment does signal a trend. The predictions and plans were for massive recovery and growth but so far there hasn't even been a full recovery yet. Fewer people are employed than when Obama took office. Fewer people are employed than when Obama put his handpicked crack team of experts in charge. Fewer people are employed than when Obama started his "transformation" of the economy.

It's time for Change.

10,000 Americans a day are retiring.


And yet still fewer people are employed. Are you saying there is a labor shortage?
Sustained high unemployment does signal a trend. The predictions and plans were for massive recovery and growth but so far there hasn't even been a full recovery yet. Fewer people are employed than when Obama took office. Fewer people are employed than when Obama put his handpicked crack team of experts in charge. Fewer people are employed than when Obama started his "transformation" of the economy.

It's time for Change.

10,000 Americans a day are retiring.


And yet still fewer people are employed. Are you saying there is a labor shortage?

There will be.

78 million Americans will be retiring in the next 20 years.
Will 4 years be enough time for Romney to clean up Obama's one term Mess?

Indeed, it is quite possible that Papa Obama has done so much damage
it could take generations to recover from it.

Totally he can reinstate the war in Iraq and Afganistan, he can repeal a health care bill that improves your health care, expands healthcare to 35million people and reduces total costs, according to Romney by 2016 he'll have unemployment higher then Obama, he could eliminate the auto industry which accounts for 30% of GDP growth, he would give billionaires thousands in tax cuts and increase taxes on the poor, he would eliminate Medicare, make it okay to pay women less then men.... what eles could he "fix"
And yet still fewer people are employed. Are you saying there is a labor shortage?

There will be.

78 million Americans will be retiring in the next 20 years.

So the 10,000 people per day the retire is why unemployment is higher than ever predicted by Obama and his team if the stimulus passed?

Because HOUSING still has not recovered.

Auto sales are up, retail sales are up, housing sales are up, but not to pre Bush collapse levels.
The stock market has doubled since the stimulus.

Thanks, President Obama.
There will be.

78 million Americans will be retiring in the next 20 years.

So the 10,000 people per day the retire is why unemployment is higher than ever predicted by Obama and his team if the stimulus passed?

Because HOUSING still has not recovered.

Auto sales are up, retail sales are up, housing sales are up, but not to pre Bush collapse levels.

So there's no recovery then. That's my point.

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