Will Aaron Judge pass Roger Maris for the Yankees single season Home Run record?

Will Judge break Maris single season Home Rub record?

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  • I wonder if I threw a Pineapple could he knock it out of the park?

  • Bruce go back to trolling!

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Have you ever SEEN a body-building or weightlifting magazine or book? EVERY ONE OF THEM touts the possibility of enhancing strength, muscularity, and flexibility through intelligent training. It happens all the time to people who are not professional athletes.

But you, Harry, have concluded that it is not possible for Barry B to have built himself up through rigorous gym training, just like thousands of other guys have done.

And for the record, anabolic steroids do not produce muscle mass. You still have to work your ass off in the gym to get those results. In fact, those who have done so merely say that the steroids allow them to work harder in the gym than they could have without the steroids.
did he take steroids or not?......
Not the question. In order to hit it farther, you first need to hit it. Do steroids help with a batters timing? If so, how?
no one says it helps see the ball better....bonds bat avg was always around .300....even after the use.....and not every piture throws 98 mph....
Sure do. Do you know what actually hitting the ball means?
yea when you hit the ball and it goes fairly deep...now its going over the fence....got it?...before barrys steroid use he was avg like 30 homers a year avg 1 homer every 16 at bats ..after he was avg like i homer every 8 at bats or around 40 a year....and in the steroid time he was in his middle 30's when players are starting to decline....
you dont think after what happened these guys with great seasons are not tested?...like i said above....there are guys who are naturally good players.....
I think all the players are “naturally” gifted with or without the juice
they would have fairly equal OBP...but the guy who hits it farther usually has more RBI's....
Remember Tommy Herr of the Red Birds?

That guy could knock the runs in and did it a lot of times without hitting the ball out of the park.

I have more respect for those that can drive the ball for a double and triple because then leg speed matters and those that work the count than those smacking the dingers…

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