Will business stop hiring women over fear of harassment lawsuits.?

Female employees are too expensive. Maternity care and leave is bad enough, but now businesses worry that every female employee will falsely scream "harassment" and sue for millions.

Director Steven Soderbergh Warns: Men May ‘Stop Hiring Women’ After #MeToo Backlash

jan 22 2018 Veteran movie director Steven Soderbergh says he’s happy that the culture of sexual abuse and harassment in Hollywood has been exposed but fears that some male power brokers may stop hiring women, in an attempt to avoid scandal

“My fear is that, men being men, going forward, as opposed to changing their behavior, they’re just going to stop hiring women,” the 55-year-old director told the Daily Beast. “Like I said, knowing men as I do, I think for a lot of them, that’s going to be their initial reaction, as opposed to a reassessment of how they’ve behaved. It’ll just be: let’s not hire women, because, you know, they talk.”

“But over time, that’ll be a bad play,” Soderbergh warns. “Because diversity wins in all of these situations. If you become a company that, for instance, decides — tacitly or explicitly — to hire fewer women because you don’t want any problems, you’re going to get beat by other companies who do continue to hire women, because they’re going to have a better result.”


Damn straight!

If women can't deal with the work place that has men then they don't belong there. I aint saying deal with physical sexual abuse of course but if they can't take flirting or "nice" words(as in being asked out or men being nice to them). They're in fact becoming too fucking weak and butt hurt to work.

My wife works in a 90+% male industry. Fortunately, her co-workers quickly realized that she didn't want to be treated differently...and in about 2 months, none of them hesitated to act like...well, a bunch of truck drivers.
If I hire a woman, I can't stop myself from sexually harassing her

After all....I'm a guy

While I understand your sarcasm, don't believe for a minute it cannot work the other way.
A protected class person can very easily take advantage of their status.
Female employees are too expensive. Maternity care and leave is bad enough, but now businesses worry that every female employee will falsely scream "harassment" and sue for millions.

Director Steven Soderbergh Warns: Men May ‘Stop Hiring Women’ After #MeToo Backlash

jan 22 2018 Veteran movie director Steven Soderbergh says he’s happy that the culture of sexual abuse and harassment in Hollywood has been exposed but fears that some male power brokers may stop hiring women, in an attempt to avoid scandal

“My fear is that, men being men, going forward, as opposed to changing their behavior, they’re just going to stop hiring women,” the 55-year-old director told the Daily Beast. “Like I said, knowing men as I do, I think for a lot of them, that’s going to be their initial reaction, as opposed to a reassessment of how they’ve behaved. It’ll just be: let’s not hire women, because, you know, they talk.”

“But over time, that’ll be a bad play,” Soderbergh warns. “Because diversity wins in all of these situations. If you become a company that, for instance, decides — tacitly or explicitly — to hire fewer women because you don’t want any problems, you’re going to get beat by other companies who do continue to hire women, because they’re going to have a better result.”

adult employment should require adult employment rates.

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