Will Democratic Senators Read the Health Care Bill Before They Vote Yes?

Oh great. ANOTHER moron who CHOOSES not to buy health insurance that I will have to pay medical bills for when he needs emergency care. Thanks alot. By the way, look in the mirror to find your pinhead.
Well, this is an interesting reply.

You do NOT want to pay for his health care because he exercises his rights as a free citizen and yet, you support legislation that forces you to pay for his health care through the government usurpation of rights.

notice the part i highlighted. noone pays for healthcare for me because I quit the system long ago and do not want to be treated, so there is no cost. FYI, my condition is one that was not well treated by the conventional healthcare system, in fact when they tried, I almost died. This is my choice, i do much better on my own. This is my informed decision and I am willing to accept the consequences for my decision, including death. I believe that it is none of your business if I choose not to see a doctor or not.

So you carry around a living will with you at all times so that if you are in a car accident and NOT killed, no one will seek medical care for you?
Comprehend much? I support the right of hospitals and like healthcare institutions to turn away Mr. "I don't seek medical attention" if he cannot provide proof of either insurance or liquidity enough to cover those medical expenses.
So much for that heart, eh?

I find this kind of thinking very telling.

It has begun to pervade our society that somehow, the exercising of liberty has now begun to be considered selfish.

BTW...I support the right of hospitals to bill patients for services rendered. It is up to the individual to find a way to pay for those services. Even if it amounts to just a $100 per month.

And I support the right of our government to force individuals who carelessly consider only themselves when it comes to situation like this. Situations they have NO control over. IF they are hit by a bus tomorrow, AND cannot afford to pay for their medical care, all US tax payers are hit with it. How is this ANY different that forcing everyone to have insurance?
The right of our government?

Government has no rights. Only responsibilities.

It would be interesting to see how much the taxpayers have paid for people hit by buses that had no health insurance. Have any statistics?

Or are we going to degenerate down to using just the extreme examples to make a point and ignore the fact that this legislation was not written to cover just the catastrophic cases of medical need?

Yous see, if I get hit by a bus tomorrow, I'm covered. That is because I don't get My life doled out to Me by government.
Well, this is an interesting reply.

You do NOT want to pay for his health care because he exercises his rights as a free citizen and yet, you support legislation that forces you to pay for his health care through the government usurpation of rights.

notice the part i highlighted. noone pays for healthcare for me because I quit the system long ago and do not want to be treated, so there is no cost. FYI, my condition is one that was not well treated by the conventional healthcare system, in fact when they tried, I almost died. This is my choice, i do much better on my own. This is my informed decision and I am willing to accept the consequences for my decision, including death. I believe that it is none of your business if I choose not to see a doctor or not.

So you carry around a living will with you at all times so that if you are in a car accident and NOT killed, no one will seek medical care for you?

Actually, yes, although I never thought of it as a living will. I simply have a notorized card in my wallet with my driver's license that says i do not wish to be treated.
At the same time, I am an organ donor, as indicated on my driver's license.
I know it sounds contradictory, but when i die I do not need my organs, and if someone who believes in doctors can use my pieces and parts, then i want to help.

I live so far out it is unlikely that my organs will be usuable as it will probobly be a long time before I am found, if ever.
i think if one is hit by a bus the bus has to cover one's medical costs, if there are any to be covered.
just sayin......
i think if one is hit by a bus the bus has to cover one's medical costs, if there are any to be covered.
just sayin......
Well, you have a point there. Provided that the bus driver was at fault.

At any rate, time for Me to get out of here.
i think if one is hit by a bus the bus has to cover one's medical costs, if there are any to be covered.
just sayin......

Yeah right. While the laywers determine this BEFORE you get treated, you will die, so enough said.
I thought this thread was about our so-called leaders not reading the legislation they vote on.

It doesn't matter how you spin it, or what situations you come up with, that is simply wrong. Legislation should be carefully considered before a vote is cast. It makes no difference if it about healthcare or speed limits, federal or local. This has been going on for way too long, and we as citizens should demand better from our elected officials. This has been going on since before obama, bush, clinton, bush, reagan, or carter were in office and really is not a reflection on any one administration.
My personal opinion is that this kind of action by our leaders was strengthened by the 17th amendment.
I thought this thread was about our so-called leaders not reading the legislation they vote on.

It doesn't matter how you spin it, or what situations you come up with, that is simply wrong. Legislation should be carefully considered before a vote is cast. It makes no difference if it about healthcare or speed limits, federal or local. This has been going on for way too long, and we as citizens should demand better from our elected officials. This has been going on since before obama, bush, clinton, bush, reagan, or carter were in office and really is not a reflection on any one administration.
My personal opinion is that this kind of action by our leaders was strengthened by the 17th amendment.

No, you are wrong. Read the title of this thread again. This was a partisan hack thread. It made no mention of the REPUBLICANS who will not read the bill before they vote "no". Furthermore, the OP claims that it is "OK" to vote "no" on a bill you haven't read, but not "OK" to vote "yes" on a bill you haven't read. :cuckoo:
I thought this thread was about our so-called leaders not reading the legislation they vote on.

It doesn't matter how you spin it, or what situations you come up with, that is simply wrong. Legislation should be carefully considered before a vote is cast. It makes no difference if it about healthcare or speed limits, federal or local. This has been going on for way too long, and we as citizens should demand better from our elected officials. This has been going on since before obama, bush, clinton, bush, reagan, or carter were in office and really is not a reflection on any one administration.
My personal opinion is that this kind of action by our leaders was strengthened by the 17th amendment.

No, you are wrong. Read the title of this thread again. This was a partisan hack thread. It made no mention of the REPUBLICANS who will not read the bill before they vote "no". Furthermore, the OP claims that it is "OK" to vote "no" on a bill you haven't read, but not "OK" to vote "yes" on a bill you haven't read. :cuckoo:

I guess your right about the title thread. i dint mean to hijack it or anything.
I still think it's wrong for our elected officials not to read any bill they are voting on.
I also think that putting out the opinion that it is not ok to vote on any bill without reading it is a good response to what turns out to be a partisan thread. hmmmm, maybe i do mean to hijack it.
have fun, I got a couple horse to work and won't be on much longer.....
I thought this thread was about our so-called leaders not reading the legislation they vote on.

It doesn't matter how you spin it, or what situations you come up with, that is simply wrong. Legislation should be carefully considered before a vote is cast. It makes no difference if it about healthcare or speed limits, federal or local. This has been going on for way too long, and we as citizens should demand better from our elected officials. This has been going on since before obama, bush, clinton, bush, reagan, or carter were in office and really is not a reflection on any one administration.
My personal opinion is that this kind of action by our leaders was strengthened by the 17th amendment.

No, you are wrong. Read the title of this thread again. This was a partisan hack thread. It made no mention of the REPUBLICANS who will not read the bill before they vote "no". Furthermore, the OP claims that it is "OK" to vote "no" on a bill you haven't read, but not "OK" to vote "yes" on a bill you haven't read. :cuckoo:

I guess your right about the title thread. i dint mean to hijack it or anything.
I still think it's wrong for our elected officials not to read any bill they are voting on.
I also think that putting out the opinion that it is not ok to vote on any bill without reading it is a good response to what turns out to be a partisan thread. hmmmm, maybe i do mean to hijack it.
have fun, I got a couple horse to work and won't be on much longer.....

Thanks for this response. You and I may not be as far apart on our views as it seemed. I agree with you that it is NOT Ok for ANY of our elected officials to vote on ANY legislation they do not fully understand.
No, you are wrong. Read the title of this thread again. This was a partisan hack thread. It made no mention of the REPUBLICANS who will not read the bill before they vote "no". Furthermore, the OP claims that it is "OK" to vote "no" on a bill you haven't read, but not "OK" to vote "yes" on a bill you haven't read. :cuckoo:

I guess your right about the title thread. i dint mean to hijack it or anything.
I still think it's wrong for our elected officials not to read any bill they are voting on.
I also think that putting out the opinion that it is not ok to vote on any bill without reading it is a good response to what turns out to be a partisan thread. hmmmm, maybe i do mean to hijack it.
have fun, I got a couple horse to work and won't be on much longer.....

Thanks for this response. You and I may not be as far apart on our views as it seemed. I agree with you that it is NOT Ok for ANY of our elected officials to vote on ANY legislation they do not fully understand.

Thank you for your response as well! I think most, most not all, americans are not that far apart. Oh, and I meant I have horseS to work, not horse. lol have a good day, hope to see you on again.
Anyone honestly think they will?

Let me re-phrase... Anyone besides, Ravi and jillian? We know they will say yes...:lol:

Senate bill weighs in at 2,074 pages - Live Pulse - POLITICO.com

I've got news for you....republicans won't read it either. They will lie and say they did, but they won't

Thats what staff are for.
I wouldn't read over 1600 pages of legalese. You assign subject matter experts on your staff to read and highlight critical portions for you. To think that each and every congressman will read every sentence is naive
Anyone honestly think they will?

Let me re-phrase... Anyone besides, Ravi and jillian? We know they will say yes...:lol:

Senate bill weighs in at 2,074 pages - Live Pulse - POLITICO.com

I've got news for you....republicans won't read it either. They will lie and say they did, but they won't

Thats what staff are for.
I wouldn't read over 1600 pages of legalese. You assign subject matter experts on your staff to read and highlight critical portions for you. To think that each and every congressman will read every sentence is naive

I hear that. It is equally as atrocious for the republicans to not read it as it is for the democrats to not read it.

Still the republicans being slackers doesn't justify people like conyors who blatantly admit they wont read it and just will vote yes.

Thats like pointing to bush's 6trillion dollar defecit and saying "see, obama's addition 5 trillion so far ain't that bad" Its lunacy.
Anyone honestly think they will?

Let me re-phrase... Anyone besides, Ravi and jillian? We know they will say yes...:lol:

Senate bill weighs in at 2,074 pages - Live Pulse - POLITICO.com

Don't know? I am sure that some will some won't. Weren't they talking about reading it before the senate?
However, and interesting counter question that I am sure never crossed your mind would be, will the republicans read it before they vote No?
The fact that our so-called leaders do not read the legislation that they vote on, yea or nay, is something that crosses party lines. It does not matter what party they belong to, they all do it.

This isn't a partisan issue. This is an issue of poor job performance by our elected so-called leaders.

It should not matter what party you belong to, every us citizen should be against it. Our disapproval should be demonstrated at the voting booth if our cries fall on deaf ears.

Says the guy who can afford health insurance....

FYI- I do not have health insurance, nor do I seek health care. Try again. You have clearly shown yourself to be one of those who jumps to conclusions and assigns titles and actions to those you do not even know.
I respectfully refedr to my right to hold the opinion that you are a pinhead.

LOL So you have a right to label him but he doesn't have that same right to label you?? hypocrite much?? LOL
Says the guy who took control of his own life and provided for himself and his family. Something that should be admired, not ridiculed.

Did I say I did not admire you for that? SOME of us have hearts and are willing to provide for those less fortunate, that's all.
If some of you had heads to go with those hearts, you'd actually help people.

This legislation will harm more then it will help.

Have you read the compromise bill?? Well since it doesn't yet exist how do you know what it will or won't do when it is finally passed?? Oh so you are merely talking about the senate bill? So have you read it?? or do you only post scare tactic based opinions to frighten people into believing you kow what you are talking about when you don't??
The fact that our so-called leaders do not read the legislation that they vote on, yea or nay, is something that crosses party lines. It does not matter what party they belong to, they all do it.

This isn't a partisan issue. This is an issue of poor job performance by our elected so-called leaders.

It should not matter what party you belong to, every us citizen should be against it. Our disapproval should be demonstrated at the voting booth if our cries fall on deaf ears.

This was addressed to Democrats because Republicans are not going to vote Yes.... Voting no to something that is going to change our health care forever without reading it is not anywhere as bad as voting yes...

nice spin however, if you vote yes or no and don't read it then you are one and the same. Both are guillty and to try to spin it and say that one is not as bad as the other is beyond absurd.
I would vote "no" simply because it's mandatory.

Has anyone really looked into the cost to taxpayers of people who get emergency room care for free? I have to believe it is less than 849 billion dollars.
In a country of over 300 Million people' a handful of morons will never stop this great bill!

I agree, that is why the numbers continue to grow!

Even if they pass something, it will be repealed in time and damage control will take place.

As your screen names turns into nothing but the remnants of a wet dream!

Obama is his own worst enemy!


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