Will democrats allow manufacturing back to America!?

im talking about ways we get it back in america, not the past, imagine being a poor black kid in boston with a idea and sart to build it and told by the city you build that you will go to jail. Investors tell him kid you have to move to china to build that,, this racism from dems has to end

You would have to imagine that. If someone has an idea for a product, there are tons of sources of capital to get them started. They may not be able to do it in their old neighborhood. But they can get it manufactured.

And if a poor black kid had an idea for some new widget, and you were told you could make X number of dollars manufacturing it here, of 3 times that much manufacturing it in China, what do you think that kid is going to do?

The kid will take the triple amount while also taking tax breaks that will also increase their income.

That is the reality and until those like Jits get that through their head nothing is changing.
Wtf are you talking about? Do you have anything to add? Atleast winter boring tries to hang
im talking about ways we get it back in america, not the past, imagine being a poor black kid in boston with a idea and sart to build it and told by the city you build that you will go to jail. Investors tell him kid you have to move to china to build that,, this racism from dems has to end

You would have to imagine that. If someone has an idea for a product, there are tons of sources of capital to get them started. They may not be able to do it in their old neighborhood. But they can get it manufactured.

And if a poor black kid had an idea for some new widget, and you were told you could make X number of dollars manufacturing it here, of 3 times that much manufacturing it in China, what do you think that kid is going to do?

The kid will take the triple amount while also taking tax breaks that will also increase their income.

That is the reality and until those like Jits get that through their head nothing is changing.
Wtf are you talking about? Do you have anything to add? Atleast winter boring tries to hang

Yes, I added enough and you are another ignorant individual that has no clue who sold us down the Globalization road and how we got here!

So before you spew more stupidity maybe you should start admitting you have no clue about how international trade works and have no idea what caused the situation we are in by being China bitch!
how come donny isn't bringing his cheap ass sweatshop made suits in china back here to be made? or his ties from mexico? or his dress shirts from bangladesh?
Don’t derail the subject, dont troll answer the question

it's a legit question based on yer biased opinion that only (D)s are responsible for outsourcing & manufacturing in 3rd world shitholes. donny had several years to bring his crap back here but hasn't. we know why, don't we hypocritical little incel? why yes ... yes we do.
Dems are responsible for the current regulations that prevent these jobs from returning

Bullshit. The republican areas don't have these manufacturing plants returning. And the money spent on regulations is a drop in the bucket compared to the wages you think they will pay unskilled American labor.
Rural areas are subject to osha regulations god your dumb
im talking about ways we get it back in america, not the past, imagine being a poor black kid in boston with a idea and sart to build it and told by the city you build that you will go to jail. Investors tell him kid you have to move to china to build that,, this racism from dems has to end

You would have to imagine that. If someone has an idea for a product, there are tons of sources of capital to get them started. They may not be able to do it in their old neighborhood. But they can get it manufactured.

And if a poor black kid had an idea for some new widget, and you were told you could make X number of dollars manufacturing it here, of 3 times that much manufacturing it in China, what do you think that kid is going to do?

The kid will take the triple amount while also taking tax breaks that will also increase their income.

That is the reality and until those like Jits get that through their head nothing is changing.
Wtf are you talking about? Do you have anything to add? Atleast winter boring tries to hang

Yes, I added enough and you are another ignorant individual that has no clue who sold us down the Globalization road and how we got here!

So before you spew more stupidity maybe you should start admitting you have no clue about how international trade works and have no idea what caused the situation we are in by being China bitch!
Why not put deregulation in motion in these bad urban cities and see what happens, I have faith in Amy.. you think capitalism hates America I think the opposite
im talking about ways we get it back in america, not the past, imagine being a poor black kid in boston with a idea and sart to build it and told by the city you build that you will go to jail. Investors tell him kid you have to move to china to build that,, this racism from dems has to end

You would have to imagine that. If someone has an idea for a product, there are tons of sources of capital to get them started. They may not be able to do it in their old neighborhood. But they can get it manufactured.

And if a poor black kid had an idea for some new widget, and you were told you could make X number of dollars manufacturing it here, of 3 times that much manufacturing it in China, what do you think that kid is going to do?

The kid will take the triple amount while also taking tax breaks that will also increase their income.

That is the reality and until those like Jits get that through their head nothing is changing.
Wtf are you talking about? Do you have anything to add? Atleast winter boring tries to hang

He is pointing out that the "poor black kid" you talked about earlier would take the higher profit margin and leave Boston. And he is right.
how come donny isn't bringing his cheap ass sweatshop made suits in china back here to be made? or his ties from mexico? or his dress shirts from bangladesh?
Don’t derail the subject, dont troll answer the question

it's a legit question based on yer biased opinion that only (D)s are responsible for outsourcing & manufacturing in 3rd world shitholes. donny had several years to bring his crap back here but hasn't. we know why, don't we hypocritical little incel? why yes ... yes we do.
Dems are responsible for the current regulations that prevent these jobs from returning

Bullshit. The republican areas don't have these manufacturing plants returning. And the money spent on regulations is a drop in the bucket compared to the wages you think they will pay unskilled American labor.
Rural areas are subject to osha regulations god your dumb

The fact that you think OSHA costs too much shows what you think of the American worker.

And considering that I have already shown you how rural plants can start off saving $10 million in payroll, there are no OSHA regs that cost even 1% of that.
im talking about ways we get it back in america, not the past, imagine being a poor black kid in boston with a idea and sart to build it and told by the city you build that you will go to jail. Investors tell him kid you have to move to china to build that,, this racism from dems has to end

You would have to imagine that. If someone has an idea for a product, there are tons of sources of capital to get them started. They may not be able to do it in their old neighborhood. But they can get it manufactured.

And if a poor black kid had an idea for some new widget, and you were told you could make X number of dollars manufacturing it here, of 3 times that much manufacturing it in China, what do you think that kid is going to do?

The kid will take the triple amount while also taking tax breaks that will also increase their income.

That is the reality and until those like Jits get that through their head nothing is changing.
Wtf are you talking about? Do you have anything to add? Atleast winter boring tries to hang

He is pointing out that the "poor black kid" you talked about earlier would take the higher profit margin and leave Boston. And he is right.
Them a Start and not a NO or a fine, or oppression.
im talking about ways we get it back in america, not the past, imagine being a poor black kid in boston with a idea and sart to build it and told by the city you build that you will go to jail. Investors tell him kid you have to move to china to build that,, this racism from dems has to end

You would have to imagine that. If someone has an idea for a product, there are tons of sources of capital to get them started. They may not be able to do it in their old neighborhood. But they can get it manufactured.

And if a poor black kid had an idea for some new widget, and you were told you could make X number of dollars manufacturing it here, of 3 times that much manufacturing it in China, what do you think that kid is going to do?

The kid will take the triple amount while also taking tax breaks that will also increase their income.

That is the reality and until those like Jits get that through their head nothing is changing.
Wtf are you talking about? Do you have anything to add? Atleast winter boring tries to hang

He is pointing out that the "poor black kid" you talked about earlier would take the higher profit margin and leave Boston. And he is right.

Jits would take the offer because most people put profit before anything else.

He is just lying so he can act like he cares about the American worker!
how come donny isn't bringing his cheap ass sweatshop made suits in china back here to be made? or his ties from mexico? or his dress shirts from bangladesh?
Don’t derail the subject, dont troll answer the question

it's a legit question based on yer biased opinion that only (D)s are responsible for outsourcing & manufacturing in 3rd world shitholes. donny had several years to bring his crap back here but hasn't. we know why, don't we hypocritical little incel? why yes ... yes we do.
Dems are responsible for the current regulations that prevent these jobs from returning

Bullshit. The republican areas don't have these manufacturing plants returning. And the money spent on regulations is a drop in the bucket compared to the wages you think they will pay unskilled American labor.
Rural areas are subject to osha regulations god your dumb

The fact that you think OSHA costs too much shows what you think of the American worker.

And considering that I have already shown you how rural plants can start off saving $10 million in payroll, there are no OSHA regs that cost even 1% of that.
Well I hope you have a patriot like me in rural areas fighting for that black kid like I am with my movement! Maybe you should step up
im talking about ways we get it back in america, not the past, imagine being a poor black kid in boston with a idea and sart to build it and told by the city you build that you will go to jail. Investors tell him kid you have to move to china to build that,, this racism from dems has to end

You would have to imagine that. If someone has an idea for a product, there are tons of sources of capital to get them started. They may not be able to do it in their old neighborhood. But they can get it manufactured.

And if a poor black kid had an idea for some new widget, and you were told you could make X number of dollars manufacturing it here, of 3 times that much manufacturing it in China, what do you think that kid is going to do?

The kid will take the triple amount while also taking tax breaks that will also increase their income.

That is the reality and until those like Jits get that through their head nothing is changing.
Wtf are you talking about? Do you have anything to add? Atleast winter boring tries to hang

He is pointing out that the "poor black kid" you talked about earlier would take the higher profit margin and leave Boston. And he is right.
Them a Start and not a NO or a fine, or oppression.

You really don't understand what I said, do you. Remember when I asked whether the poor black kid would take the profit from making his widget in Boston, or 3 times the profit having it manufactured overseas? I think the kid will take the 3 times higher profit. If you want to give incentives so the business can have stuff manufactured overseas (for a much higher profit) you have changed your argument.

And if the kid has a good idea, she can get investors to help him get it started. Looking to the gov't to fix everything is how you liberals screwed everything up in the first place.
im talking about ways we get it back in america, not the past, imagine being a poor black kid in boston with a idea and sart to build it and told by the city you build that you will go to jail. Investors tell him kid you have to move to china to build that,, this racism from dems has to end

You would have to imagine that. If someone has an idea for a product, there are tons of sources of capital to get them started. They may not be able to do it in their old neighborhood. But they can get it manufactured.

And if a poor black kid had an idea for some new widget, and you were told you could make X number of dollars manufacturing it here, of 3 times that much manufacturing it in China, what do you think that kid is going to do?

The kid will take the triple amount while also taking tax breaks that will also increase their income.

That is the reality and until those like Jits get that through their head nothing is changing.
Wtf are you talking about? Do you have anything to add? Atleast winter boring tries to hang

He is pointing out that the "poor black kid" you talked about earlier would take the higher profit margin and leave Boston. And he is right.

Jits would take the offer because most people put profit before anything else.

He is just lying so he can act like he cares about the American worker!
Worker lol I care about America! Our culture gets the job done with out the culture we get the lazy workers of Latin America, with disgusting culture. America will never survive being this divided
im talking about ways we get it back in america, not the past, imagine being a poor black kid in boston with a idea and sart to build it and told by the city you build that you will go to jail. Investors tell him kid you have to move to china to build that,, this racism from dems has to end

You would have to imagine that. If someone has an idea for a product, there are tons of sources of capital to get them started. They may not be able to do it in their old neighborhood. But they can get it manufactured.

And if a poor black kid had an idea for some new widget, and you were told you could make X number of dollars manufacturing it here, of 3 times that much manufacturing it in China, what do you think that kid is going to do?

The kid will take the triple amount while also taking tax breaks that will also increase their income.

That is the reality and until those like Jits get that through their head nothing is changing.
Wtf are you talking about? Do you have anything to add? Atleast winter boring tries to hang

He is pointing out that the "poor black kid" you talked about earlier would take the higher profit margin and leave Boston. And he is right.

Jits would take the offer because most people put profit before anything else.

He is just lying so he can act like he cares about the American worker!

Of course he would. And the fact that he wants all OSHA and other worker protection regs removed proves what he thinks of workers. In a prior discussion about safety regs, he said his answer to people dying on the job is "shit happens".
how come donny isn't bringing his cheap ass sweatshop made suits in china back here to be made? or his ties from mexico? or his dress shirts from bangladesh?
Don’t derail the subject, dont troll answer the question

it's a legit question based on yer biased opinion that only (D)s are responsible for outsourcing & manufacturing in 3rd world shitholes. donny had several years to bring his crap back here but hasn't. we know why, don't we hypocritical little incel? why yes ... yes we do.
Dems are responsible for the current regulations that prevent these jobs from returning

Bullshit. The republican areas don't have these manufacturing plants returning. And the money spent on regulations is a drop in the bucket compared to the wages you think they will pay unskilled American labor.
Rural areas are subject to osha regulations god your dumb

The fact that you think OSHA costs too much shows what you think of the American worker.

And considering that I have already shown you how rural plants can start off saving $10 million in payroll, there are no OSHA regs that cost even 1% of that.
Well I hope you have a patriot like me in rural areas fighting for that black kid like I am with my movement! Maybe you should step up

I have spent years fight to make sure that black kid (or any other person) doesn't risk his life for someone else's profits. I have been stepping up. I have also spent years training entry level workers to make sure they know how to do their job properly and safely.

You want to remove the regs that save lives. And you write it off as "Shit Happens".
im talking about ways we get it back in america, not the past, imagine being a poor black kid in boston with a idea and sart to build it and told by the city you build that you will go to jail. Investors tell him kid you have to move to china to build that,, this racism from dems has to end

You would have to imagine that. If someone has an idea for a product, there are tons of sources of capital to get them started. They may not be able to do it in their old neighborhood. But they can get it manufactured.

And if a poor black kid had an idea for some new widget, and you were told you could make X number of dollars manufacturing it here, of 3 times that much manufacturing it in China, what do you think that kid is going to do?

The kid will take the triple amount while also taking tax breaks that will also increase their income.

That is the reality and until those like Jits get that through their head nothing is changing.
Wtf are you talking about? Do you have anything to add? Atleast winter boring tries to hang

He is pointing out that the "poor black kid" you talked about earlier would take the higher profit margin and leave Boston. And he is right.

Jits would take the offer because most people put profit before anything else.

He is just lying so he can act like he cares about the American worker!
Worker lol I care about America! Our culture gets the job done with out the culture we get the lazy workers of Latin America, with disgusting culture. America will never survive being this divided

Lazy? LMAO!! You have obviously never seen hispanic workers out working. I have. There is no lazy there. Maybe Boston makes them lazy.
im talking about ways we get it back in america, not the past, imagine being a poor black kid in boston with a idea and sart to build it and told by the city you build that you will go to jail. Investors tell him kid you have to move to china to build that,, this racism from dems has to end

You would have to imagine that. If someone has an idea for a product, there are tons of sources of capital to get them started. They may not be able to do it in their old neighborhood. But they can get it manufactured.

And if a poor black kid had an idea for some new widget, and you were told you could make X number of dollars manufacturing it here, of 3 times that much manufacturing it in China, what do you think that kid is going to do?

The kid will take the triple amount while also taking tax breaks that will also increase their income.

That is the reality and until those like Jits get that through their head nothing is changing.
Wtf are you talking about? Do you have anything to add? Atleast winter boring tries to hang

He is pointing out that the "poor black kid" you talked about earlier would take the higher profit margin and leave Boston. And he is right.

Jits would take the offer because most people put profit before anything else.

He is just lying so he can act like he cares about the American worker!

Of course he would. And the fact that he wants all OSHA and other worker protection regs removed proves what he thinks of workers. In a prior discussion about safety regs, he said his answer to people dying on the job is "shit happens".
Who said all lol you are a idiot
how come donny isn't bringing his cheap ass sweatshop made suits in china back here to be made? or his ties from mexico? or his dress shirts from bangladesh?
Don’t derail the subject, dont troll answer the question

it's a legit question based on yer biased opinion that only (D)s are responsible for outsourcing & manufacturing in 3rd world shitholes. donny had several years to bring his crap back here but hasn't. we know why, don't we hypocritical little incel? why yes ... yes we do.
Dems are responsible for the current regulations that prevent these jobs from returning

Bullshit. The republican areas don't have these manufacturing plants returning. And the money spent on regulations is a drop in the bucket compared to the wages you think they will pay unskilled American labor.
Rural areas are subject to osha regulations god your dumb

The fact that you think OSHA costs too much shows what you think of the American worker.

And considering that I have already shown you how rural plants can start off saving $10 million in payroll, there are no OSHA regs that cost even 1% of that.
Well I hope you have a patriot like me in rural areas fighting for that black kid like I am with my movement! Maybe you should step up

I have spent years fight to make sure that black kid (or any other person) doesn't risk his life for someone else's profits. I have been stepping up. I have also spent years training entry level workers to make sure they know how to do their job properly and safely.

You want to remove the regs that save lives. And you write it off as "Shit Happens".
You let ghetto blacks destroy Atlanta
While good blacks suffer because of others actions! STEP AND SAY SOMETHING
im talking about ways we get it back in america, not the past, imagine being a poor black kid in boston with a idea and sart to build it and told by the city you build that you will go to jail. Investors tell him kid you have to move to china to build that,, this racism from dems has to end

You would have to imagine that. If someone has an idea for a product, there are tons of sources of capital to get them started. They may not be able to do it in their old neighborhood. But they can get it manufactured.

And if a poor black kid had an idea for some new widget, and you were told you could make X number of dollars manufacturing it here, of 3 times that much manufacturing it in China, what do you think that kid is going to do?
Sorry buddy, the education was destroyed by democrats.. no options
im talking about ways we get it back in america, not the past, imagine being a poor black kid in boston with a idea and sart to build it and told by the city you build that you will go to jail. Investors tell him kid you have to move to china to build that,, this racism from dems has to end

You would have to imagine that. If someone has an idea for a product, there are tons of sources of capital to get them started. They may not be able to do it in their old neighborhood. But they can get it manufactured.

And if a poor black kid had an idea for some new widget, and you were told you could make X number of dollars manufacturing it here, of 3 times that much manufacturing it in China, what do you think that kid is going to do?

The kid will take the triple amount while also taking tax breaks that will also increase their income.

That is the reality and until those like Jits get that through their head nothing is changing.
Wtf are you talking about? Do you have anything to add? Atleast winter boring tries to hang

He is pointing out that the "poor black kid" you talked about earlier would take the higher profit margin and leave Boston. And he is right.

Jits would take the offer because most people put profit before anything else.

He is just lying so he can act like he cares about the American worker!
Worker lol I care about America! Our culture gets the job done with out the culture we get the lazy workers of Latin America, with disgusting culture. America will never survive being this divided

Lazy? LMAO!! You have obviously never seen hispanic workers out working. I have. There is no lazy there. Maybe Boston makes them lazy.
Then work hard for their own interest,, I have projects after projects filled with Latinos , where the hell did they come from?
im talking about ways we get it back in america, not the past, imagine being a poor black kid in boston with a idea and sart to build it and told by the city you build that you will go to jail. Investors tell him kid you have to move to china to build that,, this racism from dems has to end

You would have to imagine that. If someone has an idea for a product, there are tons of sources of capital to get them started. They may not be able to do it in their old neighborhood. But they can get it manufactured.

And if a poor black kid had an idea for some new widget, and you were told you could make X number of dollars manufacturing it here, of 3 times that much manufacturing it in China, what do you think that kid is going to do?

The kid will take the triple amount while also taking tax breaks that will also increase their income.

That is the reality and until those like Jits get that through their head nothing is changing.
Wtf are you talking about? Do you have anything to add? Atleast winter boring tries to hang

He is pointing out that the "poor black kid" you talked about earlier would take the higher profit margin and leave Boston. And he is right.

Jits would take the offer because most people put profit before anything else.

He is just lying so he can act like he cares about the American worker!

Of course he would. And the fact that he wants all OSHA and other worker protection regs removed proves what he thinks of workers. In a prior discussion about safety regs, he said his answer to people dying on the job is "shit happens".
Who said all lol you are a idiot

Nice backtracking.

Specifically what regulations do you want removed?

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