Will Democrats ever calm the fuck down or is permanent outrage their new normal?

I mean really, calm the fuck down people. We have four more years of this, and you're going to burn yourselves out with all your hate and outrage. This is not a sprint, this is a long distant race. If you are going to survive, you can't protest ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING Trump does, you need to PICK YOUR BATTLES.

The nomination of Gorsuch is an example, replacement of a conservative on the Supreme Court with another conservative is not a strategic time for you to exhaust all your political capital and resources. Wait until it matters.

Just some friendly advice. I hate your party and all you stand for, you are enemies of God, but for everyone's sake, please CALM THE FUCK DOWN.
The Trump SC nominee deserves the same resect that republicans gave to Obamas pick. This will be a long ugly and disgusting battle ahead
And like Obama's pick he doesn't deserve it but I would love nothing more than to break this guys heart like they did Obama's pick.

If the Dems controlled the Senate during the last year of a Republican Lame duck president's term, would you think they would do anything different?

Especially if it was the most liberal member of the court being replaced?

The Dems doth protest too much.
Yes, the Democrats would have voted on the nominee
I mean really, calm the fuck down people. We have four more years of this, and you're going to burn yourselves out with all your hate and outrage. This is not a sprint, this is a long distant race. If you are going to survive, you can't protest ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING Trump does, you need to PICK YOUR BATTLES.

The nomination of Gorsuch is an example, replacement of a conservative on the Supreme Court with another conservative is not a strategic time for you to exhaust all your political capital and resources. Wait until it matters.

Just some friendly advice. I hate your party and all you stand for, you are enemies of God, but for everyone's sake, please CALM THE FUCK DOWN.

Right now its the only thing they have. They have lost most of the country except for the large urban areas on the coast. To them they think they need to keep up the skeer to rally their remaining base, because after Bernie and Hillary's rabble rousing against Trump, that's what the base expects.

24/7 fight, nothing less.
How do you lose most of the country after winning the popular vote by 3 million. You need to screw your head on properly

That 3 million margin came from California. Considering he won the EC and most of the States, he won most of the country.
I think Trump will be very lucky to even complete a full term
How many regret voting for him?

Nobody is saying, "you know he's doing better than I thought he would I think I'll vote for him next time". Of could it's only 12 days in but already he's proven to be a nut.

Worst president ever.

No honeymoon. Lol
This is his honeymoon and already his approval numbers are the lowest in history
That depends on which worthless poll one believes
I forget that you kind only prefers the polls with good news for republicans. Well, there won't be any, sis
I'm not your sis,little dude and how did your polls work out for the election? Spare me that popular vote bullshit too
My dear, the popular vote is far from bullshyte. It tell us what the people wanted
How many regret voting for him?

Nobody is saying, "you know he's doing better than I thought he would I think I'll vote for him next time". Of could it's only 12 days in but already he's proven to be a nut.

Worst president ever.

No honeymoon. Lol
This is his honeymoon and already his approval numbers are the lowest in history
That depends on which worthless poll one believes
I forget that you kind only prefers the polls with good news for republicans. Well, there won't be any, sis
I'm not your sis,little dude and how did your polls work out for the election? Spare me that popular vote bullshit too
My dear, the popular vote is far from bullshyte. It tell us what the people wanted
What did you win?
I mean really, calm the fuck down people. We have four more years of this, and you're going to burn yourselves out with all your hate and outrage. This is not a sprint, this is a long distant race. If you are going to survive, you can't protest ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING Trump does, you need to PICK YOUR BATTLES.

The nomination of Gorsuch is an example, replacement of a conservative on the Supreme Court with another conservative is not a strategic time for you to exhaust all your political capital and resources. Wait until it matters.

Just some friendly advice. I hate your party and all you stand for, you are enemies of God, but for everyone's sake, please CALM THE FUCK DOWN.

Right now its the only thing they have. They have lost most of the country except for the large urban areas on the coast. To them they think they need to keep up the skeer to rally their remaining base, because after Bernie and Hillary's rabble rousing against Trump, that's what the base expects.

24/7 fight, nothing less.
How do you lose most of the country after winning the popular vote by 3 million. You need to screw your head on properly

That 3 million margin came from California. Considering he won the EC and most of the States, he won most of the country.
wrong again. If he won most of the states he would not have lost the popular vote by 3 million. You are just quoting right wing nonsense
How many regret voting for him?

Nobody is saying, "you know he's doing better than I thought he would I think I'll vote for him next time". Of could it's only 12 days in but already he's proven to be a nut.

Worst president ever.

No honeymoon. Lol
This is his honeymoon and already his approval numbers are the lowest in history
That depends on which worthless poll one believes
I forget that you kind only prefers the polls with good news for republicans. Well, there won't be any, sis
I'm not your sis,little dude and how did your polls work out for the election? Spare me that popular vote bullshit too
My dear, the popular vote is far from bullshyte. It tell us what the people wanted
Save your foolish attempts at being condescending, troll. Now remind me who is potus
I mean really, calm the fuck down people. We have four more years of this, and you're going to burn yourselves out with all your hate and outrage. This is not a sprint, this is a long distant race. If you are going to survive, you can't protest ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING Trump does, you need to PICK YOUR BATTLES.

The nomination of Gorsuch is an example, replacement of a conservative on the Supreme Court with another conservative is not a strategic time for you to exhaust all your political capital and resources. Wait until it matters.

Just some friendly advice. I hate your party and all you stand for, you are enemies of God, but for everyone's sake, please CALM THE FUCK DOWN.

Right now its the only thing they have. They have lost most of the country except for the large urban areas on the coast. To them they think they need to keep up the skeer to rally their remaining base, because after Bernie and Hillary's rabble rousing against Trump, that's what the base expects.

24/7 fight, nothing less.
The Dems gained seats in the Senate and the House.

Let's be clear that Trump's win was an all time minority fiasco, and there has been no honeymoon out of the starting blocks.
I mean really, calm the fuck down people. We have four more years of this, and you're going to burn yourselves out with all your hate and outrage. This is not a sprint, this is a long distant race. If you are going to survive, you can't protest ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING Trump does, you need to PICK YOUR BATTLES.

The nomination of Gorsuch is an example, replacement of a conservative on the Supreme Court with another conservative is not a strategic time for you to exhaust all your political capital and resources. Wait until it matters.

Just some friendly advice. I hate your party and all you stand for, you are enemies of God, but for everyone's sake, please CALM THE FUCK DOWN.
The Trump SC nominee deserves the same resect that republicans gave to Obamas pick. This will be a long ugly and disgusting battle ahead

Nope, because there was precedent for not picking an SC judge in the latter part of a Lame Duck President's term. Dems had a chance to get Hillary in, AND retake the Senate, and giving them a chance to truly re-balance the Court. They lost, suck it up.
There was NEVER a precedent for not picking a SC judge, NEVER. How stupid do you think everyone is with that massive lie

Biden and Schumer would disagree with you.

Joe Biden’s 1992 opposition to lame-duck Supreme Court pick could doom Obama nomination

Video: Schumer insists that lame-duck president should not get Supreme Court pick - Hot Air
As each day passes, Donald Trump with his hate tweets and illegal Executive Orders will be a source of un-American bigotry and a reason for people to be outraged. This is not the America people admired for so long. Now it has hit rock bottom.
I mean really, calm the fuck down people. We have four more years of this, and you're going to burn yourselves out with all your hate and outrage. This is not a sprint, this is a long distant race. If you are going to survive, you can't protest ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING Trump does, you need to PICK YOUR BATTLES.

The nomination of Gorsuch is an example, replacement of a conservative on the Supreme Court with another conservative is not a strategic time for you to exhaust all your political capital and resources. Wait until it matters.

Just some friendly advice. I hate your party and all you stand for, you are enemies of God, but for everyone's sake, please CALM THE FUCK DOWN.

Right now its the only thing they have. They have lost most of the country except for the large urban areas on the coast. To them they think they need to keep up the skeer to rally their remaining base, because after Bernie and Hillary's rabble rousing against Trump, that's what the base expects.

24/7 fight, nothing less.
The Dems gained seats in the Senate and the House.

Let's be clear that Trump's win was an all time minority fiasco, and there has been no honeymoon out of the starting blocks.

Well they didn't gain enough, too bad, so sad.
I mean really, calm the fuck down people. We have four more years of this, and you're going to burn yourselves out with all your hate and outrage. This is not a sprint, this is a long distant race. If you are going to survive, you can't protest ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING Trump does, you need to PICK YOUR BATTLES.

The nomination of Gorsuch is an example, replacement of a conservative on the Supreme Court with another conservative is not a strategic time for you to exhaust all your political capital and resources. Wait until it matters.

Just some friendly advice. I hate your party and all you stand for, you are enemies of God, but for everyone's sake, please CALM THE FUCK DOWN.
The Trump SC nominee deserves the same resect that republicans gave to Obamas pick. This will be a long ugly and disgusting battle ahead

Not long.
I mean really, calm the fuck down people. We have four more years of this, and you're going to burn yourselves out with all your hate and outrage. This is not a sprint, this is a long distant race. If you are going to survive, you can't protest ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING Trump does, you need to PICK YOUR BATTLES.

The nomination of Gorsuch is an example, replacement of a conservative on the Supreme Court with another conservative is not a strategic time for you to exhaust all your political capital and resources. Wait until it matters.

Just some friendly advice. I hate your party and all you stand for, you are enemies of God, but for everyone's sake, please CALM THE FUCK DOWN.

Right now its the only thing they have. They have lost most of the country except for the large urban areas on the coast. To them they think they need to keep up the skeer to rally their remaining base, because after Bernie and Hillary's rabble rousing against Trump, that's what the base expects.

24/7 fight, nothing less.
How do you lose most of the country after winning the popular vote by 3 million. You need to screw your head on properly

That 3 million margin came from California. Considering he won the EC and most of the States, he won most of the country.
That means he broke even in the rest of the country. He is an all time minority president, and it is showing in the first two weeks of his presidency.
I mean really, calm the fuck down people. We have four more years of this, and you're going to burn yourselves out with all your hate and outrage. This is not a sprint, this is a long distant race. If you are going to survive, you can't protest ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING Trump does, you need to PICK YOUR BATTLES.

The nomination of Gorsuch is an example, replacement of a conservative on the Supreme Court with another conservative is not a strategic time for you to exhaust all your political capital and resources. Wait until it matters.

Just some friendly advice. I hate your party and all you stand for, you are enemies of God, but for everyone's sake, please CALM THE FUCK DOWN.
The Trump SC nominee deserves the same resect that republicans gave to Obamas pick. This will be a long ugly and disgusting battle ahead

Nope, because there was precedent for not picking an SC judge in the latter part of a Lame Duck President's term. Dems had a chance to get Hillary in, AND retake the Senate, and giving them a chance to truly re-balance the Court. They lost, suck it up.
There was NEVER a precedent for not picking a SC judge, NEVER. How stupid do you think everyone is with that massive lie

Biden and Schumer would disagree with you.

Joe Biden’s 1992 opposition to lame-duck Supreme Court pick could doom Obama nomination

Video: Schumer insists that lame-duck president should not get Supreme Court pick - Hot Air
Did the democrats EVER fail to vote on a nominee?
I mean really, calm the fuck down people. We have four more years of this, and you're going to burn yourselves out with all your hate and outrage. This is not a sprint, this is a long distant race. If you are going to survive, you can't protest ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING Trump does, you need to PICK YOUR BATTLES.

The nomination of Gorsuch is an example, replacement of a conservative on the Supreme Court with another conservative is not a strategic time for you to exhaust all your political capital and resources. Wait until it matters.

Just some friendly advice. I hate your party and all you stand for, you are enemies of God, but for everyone's sake, please CALM THE FUCK DOWN.

Right now its the only thing they have. They have lost most of the country except for the large urban areas on the coast. To them they think they need to keep up the skeer to rally their remaining base, because after Bernie and Hillary's rabble rousing against Trump, that's what the base expects.

24/7 fight, nothing less.
How do you lose most of the country after winning the popular vote by 3 million. You need to screw your head on properly

That 3 million margin came from California. Considering he won the EC and most of the States, he won most of the country.
wrong again. If he won most of the states he would not have lost the popular vote by 3 million. You are just quoting right wing nonsense

He won 30 States to 20 States.
The opposition supports President Trump just as the opposition supported President Obama from day one.
I supported Obama, wish he were still president, don't have much support for trump yet, I'm in the "I'll give him a chance" stage...he worries me, but what other choice was there ?[I voted for johnson]
I mean really, calm the fuck down people. We have four more years of this, and you're going to burn yourselves out with all your hate and outrage. This is not a sprint, this is a long distant race. If you are going to survive, you can't protest ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING Trump does, you need to PICK YOUR BATTLES.

The nomination of Gorsuch is an example, replacement of a conservative on the Supreme Court with another conservative is not a strategic time for you to exhaust all your political capital and resources. Wait until it matters.

Just some friendly advice. I hate your party and all you stand for, you are enemies of God, but for everyone's sake, please CALM THE FUCK DOWN.

Right now its the only thing they have. They have lost most of the country except for the large urban areas on the coast. To them they think they need to keep up the skeer to rally their remaining base, because after Bernie and Hillary's rabble rousing against Trump, that's what the base expects.

24/7 fight, nothing less.
How do you lose most of the country after winning the popular vote by 3 million. You need to screw your head on properly

That 3 million margin came from California. Considering he won the EC and most of the States, he won most of the country.
That means he broke even in the rest of the country. He is an all time minority president, and it is showing in the first two weeks of his presidency.

he won 30 states to 20 states, and even with the weighing for population balancing out, she still lost.
Will Democrats ever calm the fuck down?

Yes. Just as soon as Putin's illegitimate puppet is impeached. Since Democrats are going to make Republicans be the ones to do it, it might take slightly longer, but not if Trumplethinskin keeps going the way he's going.
I mean really, calm the fuck down people. We have four more years of this, and you're going to burn yourselves out with all your hate and outrage. This is not a sprint, this is a long distant race. If you are going to survive, you can't protest ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING Trump does, you need to PICK YOUR BATTLES.

The nomination of Gorsuch is an example, replacement of a conservative on the Supreme Court with another conservative is not a strategic time for you to exhaust all your political capital and resources. Wait until it matters.

Just some friendly advice. I hate your party and all you stand for, you are enemies of God, but for everyone's sake, please CALM THE FUCK DOWN.
The Trump SC nominee deserves the same resect that republicans gave to Obamas pick. This will be a long ugly and disgusting battle ahead

Nope, because there was precedent for not picking an SC judge in the latter part of a Lame Duck President's term. Dems had a chance to get Hillary in, AND retake the Senate, and giving them a chance to truly re-balance the Court. They lost, suck it up.
There was NEVER a precedent for not picking a SC judge, NEVER. How stupid do you think everyone is with that massive lie

Biden and Schumer would disagree with you.

Joe Biden’s 1992 opposition to lame-duck Supreme Court pick could doom Obama nomination

Video: Schumer insists that lame-duck president should not get Supreme Court pick - Hot Air
Did the democrats EVER fail to vote on a nominee?

Did Republicans EVER decide to nuke the filibuster for presidential and lower court nominees?
I mean really, calm the fuck down people. We have four more years of this, and you're going to burn yourselves out with all your hate and outrage. This is not a sprint, this is a long distant race. If you are going to survive, you can't protest ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING Trump does, you need to PICK YOUR BATTLES.

The nomination of Gorsuch is an example, replacement of a conservative on the Supreme Court with another conservative is not a strategic time for you to exhaust all your political capital and resources. Wait until it matters.

Just some friendly advice. I hate your party and all you stand for, you are enemies of God, but for everyone's sake, please CALM THE FUCK DOWN.

Right now its the only thing they have. They have lost most of the country except for the large urban areas on the coast. To them they think they need to keep up the skeer to rally their remaining base, because after Bernie and Hillary's rabble rousing against Trump, that's what the base expects.

24/7 fight, nothing less.
How do you lose most of the country after winning the popular vote by 3 million. You need to screw your head on properly

That 3 million margin came from California. Considering he won the EC and most of the States, he won most of the country.
wrong again. If he won most of the states he would not have lost the popular vote by 3 million. You are just quoting right wing nonsense

He won 30 States to 20 States.
He won where it counted...hence why it is President Donald Trump

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