Will GOP corruption drag them down again?



I was amazed how well it was summed up in a single paragraph:

After inheriting surpluses from President Bill Clinton in 2001, the GOP spent eight years not paying for new spending (on wars and a prescription drug benefit for seniors) while reducing taxes dramatically and in regressive fashion. When Republicans’ disastrous regime culminated in a crippling financial crisis, the structural deficits they had created mushroomed into the trillion-dollar-a-year range, after which they handed control of the government to Democrats and magically rediscovered the virtues of miserliness.

The Republican Party’s Corruption Will Bring Them Down—Again


So the GOP's first act was to get rid of ethics oversight.

Is that really a good beginning or the beginning of corruption?
After inheriting surpluses from President Bill Clinton in 2001, the GOP spent eight years not paying for new spending (on wars and a prescription drug benefit for seniors) while reducing taxes dramatically and in regressive fashion.

Um, how long did it take for Democrats to introduce a new budget?
Will GOP corruption drag them down again?

It's possible, but remember it was Democratic corruption that gave Trump the office.
If anything drags down the GOP establishment it will be their corruption, lies, and stupidity. That's why we defeated all their establishment hack candidates in the primary. Unlike you libs, damn Hillary seriously?
I was amazed how well it was summed up in a single paragraph:

After inheriting surpluses from President Bill Clinton in 2001

What surpluses were those? Be specific.

R-Derp's the board idiot...he hasn't gotten the memo yet that the so called "Clinton Surplus" never existed! Good luck trying to explain that to him!
Like the Bush/GOP deficits never existed.

Who ever claimed that Bush didn't run deficits? NOBODY is that stupid! Yet some of you progressives keep trotting out the same tired claim that Bill Clinton created massive surpluses that Bush subsequently squandered and it's laughably false! It's like you take pride in your ignorance!
I was amazed how well it was summed up in a single paragraph:

After inheriting surpluses from President Bill Clinton in 2001

What surpluses were those? Be specific.

R-Derp's the board idiot...he hasn't gotten the memo yet that the so called "Clinton Surplus" never existed! Good luck trying to explain that to him!
Like the Bush/GOP deficits never existed.

Who ever claimed that Bush didn't run deficits? NOBODY is that stupid! Yet some of you progressives keep trotting out the same tired claim that Bill Clinton created massive surpluses that Bush subsequently squandered and it's laughably false! It's like you take pride in your ignorance!
Forget Bill Clinton. He was president nearly 16 years ago and you have to admit, the deficit he left was close to zero at worst. What happened between 2001 and 2008? How many jobs moved overseas? How many tax cuts for the rich were passed? How many wars were paid for? How many factories closed? How many other jobs were lost.?
How many times was reconciliation used? Who controlled the Senate and the House for 6 of those 8 years?
You have to ask and answer those questions before you start pointing fingers. You can't just skip over that much history. What happened then had a huge impact on what came next.
What happened under Clinton had much less impact than what happened under Bush. Even Trump says so.
I was amazed how well it was summed up in a single paragraph:

After inheriting surpluses from President Bill Clinton in 2001

What surpluses were those? Be specific.

R-Derp's the board idiot...he hasn't gotten the memo yet that the so called "Clinton Surplus" never existed! Good luck trying to explain that to him!
Like the Bush/GOP deficits never existed.

Who ever claimed that Bush didn't run deficits? NOBODY is that stupid! Yet some of you progressives keep trotting out the same tired claim that Bill Clinton created massive surpluses that Bush subsequently squandered and it's laughably false! It's like you take pride in your ignorance!
No one ever said Clinton created MASSIVE surpluses. You're just fucking lying. Why?
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I was amazed how well it was summed up in a single paragraph:

After inheriting surpluses from President Bill Clinton in 2001

What surpluses were those? Be specific.

R-Derp's the board idiot...he hasn't gotten the memo yet that the so called "Clinton Surplus" never existed! Good luck trying to explain that to him!
Like the Bush/GOP deficits never existed.

Who ever claimed that Bush didn't run deficits? NOBODY is that stupid! Yet some of you progressives keep trotting out the same tired claim that Bill Clinton created massive surpluses that Bush subsequently squandered and it's laughably false! It's like you take pride in your ignorance!
Forget Bill Clinton. He was president nearly 16 years ago and you have to admit, the deficit he left was close to zero at worst. What happened between 2001 and 2008? How many jobs moved overseas? How many tax cuts for the rich were passed? How many wars were paid for? How many factories closed? How many other jobs were lost.?
How many times was reconciliation used? Who controlled the Senate and the House for 6 of those 8 years?
You have to ask and answer those questions before you start pointing fingers. You can't just skip over that much history. What happened then had a huge impact on what came next.
What happened under Clinton had much less impact than what happened under Bush. Even Trump says so.
Between 2001 & 2008 I made boatloads of money. Then Obama won the primary and it all went to shit.

If anything drags down the GOP establishment it will be their corruption, lies, and stupidity. That's why we defeated all their establishment hack candidates in the primary. Unlike you libs, damn Hillary seriously?
There is a huge difference between "conspiracies" and "scandals".

Trump U was a scandal or Trump wouldn't have paid out.

Trump foundation is a scandal. It's been fined, admitted to wrong doing and is still under criminal investigation.

Losing lawsuits for racism is a scandal.

Publicly dating your next wife while still married to your current wife is a scandal.

Stiffing workers is a scandal especially considering he admitted it.

Boasting about Pu$$y grabbing is a scandal.

Spending 30 years going after Hillary and ending up with nothing is simply one conspiracy after another. If she had been charged and found guilty of something would have been a scandal. Only that never happened.

Do you understand the difference?
What surpluses were those? Be specific.

R-Derp's the board idiot...he hasn't gotten the memo yet that the so called "Clinton Surplus" never existed! Good luck trying to explain that to him!
Like the Bush/GOP deficits never existed.

Who ever claimed that Bush didn't run deficits? NOBODY is that stupid! Yet some of you progressives keep trotting out the same tired claim that Bill Clinton created massive surpluses that Bush subsequently squandered and it's laughably false! It's like you take pride in your ignorance!
Forget Bill Clinton. He was president nearly 16 years ago and you have to admit, the deficit he left was close to zero at worst. What happened between 2001 and 2008? How many jobs moved overseas? How many tax cuts for the rich were passed? How many wars were paid for? How many factories closed? How many other jobs were lost.?
How many times was reconciliation used? Who controlled the Senate and the House for 6 of those 8 years?
You have to ask and answer those questions before you start pointing fingers. You can't just skip over that much history. What happened then had a huge impact on what came next.
What happened under Clinton had much less impact than what happened under Bush. Even Trump says so.
Between 2001 & 2008 I made boatloads of money. Then Obama won the primary and it all went to shit.

When was it you were in prison? Before 2001? Or after 2008?
I was amazed how well it was summed up in a single paragraph:

After inheriting surpluses from President Bill Clinton in 2001

What surpluses were those? Be specific.

R-Derp's the board idiot...he hasn't gotten the memo yet that the so called "Clinton Surplus" never existed! Good luck trying to explain that to him!
Like the Bush/GOP deficits never existed.

Who ever claimed that Bush didn't run deficits? NOBODY is that stupid! Yet some of you progressives keep trotting out the same tired claim that Bill Clinton created massive surpluses that Bush subsequently squandered and it's laughably false! It's like you take pride in your ignorance!
Forget Bill Clinton. He was president nearly 16 years ago and you have to admit, the deficit he left was close to zero at worst. What happened between 2001 and 2008? How many jobs moved overseas? How many tax cuts for the rich were passed? How many wars were paid for? How many factories closed? How many other jobs were lost.?
How many times was reconciliation used? Who controlled the Senate and the House for 6 of those 8 years?
You have to ask and answer those questions before you start pointing fingers. You can't just skip over that much history. What happened then had a huge impact on what came next.
What happened under Clinton had much less impact than what happened under Bush. Even Trump says so.

So you bring up Clinton and his "surpluses" and then when it's pointed out to you that only the truly ignorant think that Clinton actually HAD surpluses...you tell me to "Forget Bill Clinton"? The National Debt increased each and every year that Bill Clinton was President...especially the last year he was in office. You're a joke, R-Derp!
If anything drags down the GOP establishment it will be their corruption, lies, and stupidity. That's why we defeated all their establishment hack candidates in the primary. Unlike you libs, damn Hillary seriously?
There is a huge difference between "conspiracies" and "scandals".

Trump U was a scandal or Trump wouldn't have paid out.

Trump foundation is a scandal. It's been fined, admitted to wrong doing and is still under criminal investigation.

Losing lawsuits for racism is a scandal.

Publicly dating your next wife while still married to your current wife is a scandal.

Stiffing workers is a scandal especially considering he admitted it.

Boasting about Pu$$y grabbing is a scandal.

Spending 30 years going after Hillary and ending up with nothing is simply one conspiracy after another. If she had been charged and found guilty of something would have been a scandal. Only that never happened.

Do you understand the difference?

Oh, we understand the difference, R-Derp! To you scandal is what a Republican President does and conspiracy is what you use to excuse anything improper that a Democratic President does!
R-Derp's the board idiot...he hasn't gotten the memo yet that the so called "Clinton Surplus" never existed! Good luck trying to explain that to him!
Like the Bush/GOP deficits never existed.

Who ever claimed that Bush didn't run deficits? NOBODY is that stupid! Yet some of you progressives keep trotting out the same tired claim that Bill Clinton created massive surpluses that Bush subsequently squandered and it's laughably false! It's like you take pride in your ignorance!
Forget Bill Clinton. He was president nearly 16 years ago and you have to admit, the deficit he left was close to zero at worst. What happened between 2001 and 2008? How many jobs moved overseas? How many tax cuts for the rich were passed? How many wars were paid for? How many factories closed? How many other jobs were lost.?
How many times was reconciliation used? Who controlled the Senate and the House for 6 of those 8 years?
You have to ask and answer those questions before you start pointing fingers. You can't just skip over that much history. What happened then had a huge impact on what came next.
What happened under Clinton had much less impact than what happened under Bush. Even Trump says so.
Between 2001 & 2008 I made boatloads of money. Then Obama won the primary and it all went to shit.

When was it you were in prison? Before 2001? Or after 2008?
I wrecked your whole premise so naturally you go personal.

Troll fail
Will GOP corruption drag them down again?

It's possible, but remember it was Democratic corruption that gave Trump the office.
Not really.

It was a lack of jobs for a huge mass of uneducated people and Russia, and Trump's barrage of lies and mostly, a media that thought Trump would never win so they gave him unlimited air time:

Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising


Trump is already sowing the seeds of disaster by the fistful.
Enron was selling junk bonds on T.V. during the Clinton administration. Clinton's SEC refused to investigate Bernie Madoff. Clinton pardoned the most notorious corporate crook in history while he was on the FBI 10 most wanted list allegedly in exchange for a couple of bucks donated to his library. The Arkansas hicks claimed to be broke after they left office and allegedly had to steal White House furniture to buy a bus ticket home and all of a sudden they become millionaires when Hillary was appointed Secy/State. Hillary accepted about 300k for 20 minute mystery speeches to Wall Street banks Tell me again about corruption. If it wasn't for the mainstream media covering the pervert-in-chief's ass the Clintons would have been perp walked into federal prison a long time ago.
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