Will GOP Rig Tonight’s Primary in New Hampshire?

That is a good point, Skylar. Trump cannot get the delegates he needs for a first ballot triump at the Convention, because of his nonsense with Fox. It hurt him, and it is going to keep him below 33% for the remainder of the season. That means a negotiated convention and very probably a Christie Kasich ticket or a Romney Rubio ticket.

My point is that Trump applied his 'negotiating style' in real world politics. And completely fucked up.
This is your opinion. Wait until the primaries are over. It's way too early to deduce anything.

He's already admitted that skipping the debate was a mistake. And that it was one of the reasons he lost in Iowa. Worse, Fox didn't do anything Trump demanded of them.

Unless it was Trump's plan to lose in Iowa, I can't see how anyone could polish that turd.
Scott Adams (the creator of Dilbert cartoon series) predicts that the GOP will rig tonight’s primary in New Hampshire to favor establishment favorite Marco Rubio. Bullroar? or Hmm, I certainly wouldn't put it past them?

Scott Adams Blog

fraud such as what took place in 2000 is republicans middle name.....never trust a republican should be the 11th commandment

How was fraud committed?

Do you remember that the lawyer for Al Gore lied in the Florida SC? If he had not the issue would have died quickly. But he did and his punishment was what???? Nothing, because lying is the true stripes of democrats.

Here freewill Read and learn a cut and paste ,,hope it's allowed
the final outcome hinged on how the vote went in Florida. Independent investigations in that state revealed serious irregularities directed mostly against ethnic minorities and low-income residents who usually voted heavily Democratic. Some 36,000 newly registered voters were turned away because their names had never been added to the voter rolls by Florida’s secretary of state Kathleen Harris. By virtue of the office she held, Harris presided over the state’s election process while herself being an active member of the Bush Jr. state-wide campaign committee. Other voters were turned away because they were declared--almost always incorrectly--“convicted felons.” In several Democratic precincts, state officials closed the polls early, leaving lines of would-be voters stranded.

Under orders from Governor Jeb Bush (Bush Jr.’s brother), state troopers near polling sites delayed people for hours while searching their cars. Some precincts required two photo IDs which many citizens do not have. The requirement under Florida law was only one photo ID. Passed just before the election, this law itself posed a special difficulty for low-income or elderly voters who did not have drivers licenses or other photo IDs""
Scott Adams (the creator of Dilbert cartoon series) predicts that the GOP will rig tonight’s primary in New Hampshire to favor establishment favorite Marco Rubio. Bullroar? or Hmm, I certainly wouldn't put it past them?

Scott Adams Blog
I heard on the Internet that the GOP still beat their wives, too.

One guy said it, so it must be true. At least, according to fanatical Democrat hysterics on this forum. :rolleyes-41:
I don't care. I'm not a republican, I'm an anti-democrat
Are you an American ???

Yes. Are you not retarded? Nevermind, I've seen enough of you to know you are retarded.
You must be a redneck Come on rover tell us the truth

Anytime you want a battle of wits let me know.
I'll check mine at the door so we can start even

Just to let you know, today I'm not bored. In the past few days I've wasted time playing with idiots but I don't have that time today so don't believe that I'll be as nice to you as I have been to them.
Are you an American ???

Yes. Are you not retarded? Nevermind, I've seen enough of you to know you are retarded.
You must be a redneck Come on rover tell us the truth

Anytime you want a battle of wits let me know.
I'll check mine at the door so we can start even

Just to let you know, today I'm not bored. In the past few days I've wasted time playing with idiots but I don't have that time today so don't believe that I'll be as nice to you as I have been to them.
Just to get something straight rover before I go out for dinner I hate every republican standing GWB and your pubs started a bs war that killed so many of ours and I'll never forget it So if you'd like when I'm back or any other time you want a war of words ,,I'm easy to find
Yes. Are you not retarded? Nevermind, I've seen enough of you to know you are retarded.
You must be a redneck Come on rover tell us the truth

Anytime you want a battle of wits let me know.
I'll check mine at the door so we can start even

Just to let you know, today I'm not bored. In the past few days I've wasted time playing with idiots but I don't have that time today so don't believe that I'll be as nice to you as I have been to them.
Just to get something straight rover before I go out for dinner I hate every republican standing GWB and your pubs started a bs war that killed so many of ours and I'll never forget it So if you'd like when I'm back or any other time you want a war of words ,,I'm easy to find

Just to get something straight, you're a fucktard. I'm not a republican you fire-AIDS infected dimwit.
You must be a redneck Come on rover tell us the truth

Anytime you want a battle of wits let me know.
I'll check mine at the door so we can start even

Just to let you know, today I'm not bored. In the past few days I've wasted time playing with idiots but I don't have that time today so don't believe that I'll be as nice to you as I have been to them.
Just to get something straight rover before I go out for dinner I hate every republican standing GWB and your pubs started a bs war that killed so many of ours and I'll never forget it So if you'd like when I'm back or any other time you want a war of words ,,I'm easy to find

Just to get something straight, you're a fucktard. I'm not a republican you fire-AIDS infected dimwit.
Anytime you want a battle of wits let me know.
I'll check mine at the door so we can start even

Just to let you know, today I'm not bored. In the past few days I've wasted time playing with idiots but I don't have that time today so don't believe that I'll be as nice to you as I have been to them.
Just to get something straight rover before I go out for dinner I hate every republican standing GWB and your pubs started a bs war that killed so many of ours and I'll never forget it So if you'd like when I'm back or any other time you want a war of words ,,I'm easy to find

Just to get something straight, you're a fucktard. I'm not a republican you fire-AIDS infected dimwit.

Who, me?
Scott Adams (the creator of Dilbert cartoon series) predicts that the GOP will rig tonight’s primary in New Hampshire to favor establishment favorite Marco Rubio. Bullroar? or Hmm, I certainly wouldn't put it past them?

Scott Adams Blog
We saw what happened in NH I am expecting nothing less from the GOP. I told my wife earlier if Trump doesn't win there is OBVIOUS fraud going on.
I think fraud was more than obvious in Iowa when Hillary beat Bernie with a coin toss. Bernie was most likely the winner of the votes, but the democrat establishment could not let that happen.
Now, I don't actually like Bernie, I think he would be a very bad thing for the country, but if he won the votes, he won.
and I have little doubt that the republicans are going to play the same game to keep Donald Trump out of the running.
Way I see it, the election should come down to Trump VS Sanders. Not Cruz VS Hillary. But, Hillary was promised that this would be her rightful turn if she backed down from obama.

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