Will GOP Rig Tonight’s Primary in New Hampshire?

Which democratic debate did Candy Crowley moderate?

Did you get a discount on your lobotomy?

Considering the doctor..

Trump can't be controlled by Trump. The guy is prone to petulant outbursts and occasional tantrums.

I thought you were talking about Obammy there...

I don't remember Obama refusing to participate in a debate unless the folks running it got rid of a moderator.
Yep. He and Hillary refused a FOX debate in 08
and that is relevant how?
Did you see what I was responding to? Dumbfuck
Will GOP Rig Tonight’s Primary in New Hampshire?

No. As we saw and keep on seeing from Iowa, that's Hillary's bag, baby! :p

Her campaign is reportedly telling people just to show up at the polls without an ID - it's all good. All you have to do is sign a sworn piece of paper claiming to be someone, and 'we'll take your word for it. What could go wrong?
Which democratic debate did Candy Crowley moderate?

Did you get a discount on your lobotomy?

Considering the doctor..


So that would be none? In either 2008 or 2012? Huh. Trump already ducked out of a Republican primary debate unless Fox did what he told them to do.

Trump employed the negotiating tactic that he insisted he would have used with Iran, with China, with North Korea: walk out. Then 24 hours later they would acquiesce to his every demand. That's how negotiating is done.

.......except that it isn't. And Fox didn't acquiesce. Kelly moderated anyway. His competitors got superb airtime before a critical vote. Trump lost support for missing the debate. And lost Iowa.

But I'm sure 'screw you guys, I'm going home' will work better with Mexico, China, Iran and North Korea.
Scott Adams (the creator of Dilbert cartoon series) predicts that the GOP will rig tonight’s primary in New Hampshire to favor establishment favorite Marco Rubio. Bullroar? or Hmm, I certainly wouldn't put it past them?

Scott Adams Blog

meh. I felt it was pretty obvious that during the election when Ron Paul ran in they fixed it to keep him, all his delegates, his supporters and his ideas excluded.

What Adams wrote;

I also wonder if it is illegal to rig a primary. Is the Republican Party a private organization or public? If private, there might be no law against fixing the election. But I don’t know how that works with quasi-public groups like political parties.

Someone pointed that out to me back then.

It's the Republican's party. The Republican elites will pick who they want, the little voters be damned.
Scott Adams (the creator of Dilbert cartoon series) predicts that the GOP will rig tonight’s primary in New Hampshire to favor establishment favorite Marco Rubio. Bullroar? or Hmm, I certainly wouldn't put it past them?

Scott Adams Blog

If they did it would be out of self-preservation and a sense of decency.

Like a father killing his mongoloid son who raped a little girl.
Scott Adams (the creator of Dilbert cartoon series) predicts that the GOP will rig tonight’s primary in New Hampshire to favor establishment favorite Marco Rubio. Bullroar? or Hmm, I certainly wouldn't put it past them?

Scott Adams Blog

If they did it would be out of self-preservation and a sense of decency.

Like a father killing his mongoloid son who raped a little girl.

We all understand why...
That is a good point, Skylar. Trump cannot get the delegates he needs for a first ballot triump at the Convention, because of his nonsense with Fox. It hurt him, and it is going to keep him below 33% for the remainder of the season. That means a negotiated convention and very probably a Christie Kasich ticket or a Romney Rubio ticket.
Scott Adams (the creator of Dilbert cartoon series) predicts that the GOP will rig tonight’s primary in New Hampshire to favor establishment favorite Marco Rubio. Bullroar? or Hmm, I certainly wouldn't put it past them?

Scott Adams Blog

If they did it would be out of self-preservation and a sense of decency.

Like a father killing his mongoloid son who raped a little girl.
You are stretching Faulkner a bit, yet pretty close with Of Mice and Men.
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Trump can't be controlled by Trump. The guy is prone to petulant outbursts and occasional tantrums.

I thought you were talking about Obammy there...

I don't remember Obama refusing to participate in a debate unless the folks running it got rid of a moderator.
Yep. He and Hillary refused a FOX debate in 08
and that is relevant how?
Did you see what I was responding to? Dumbfuck
yes . now answer the question or stfu.
I thought you were talking about Obammy there...

I don't remember Obama refusing to participate in a debate unless the folks running it got rid of a moderator.
Yep. He and Hillary refused a FOX debate in 08
and that is relevant how?
Did you see what I was responding to? Dumbfuck
yes . now answer the question or stfu.
That is a good point, Skylar. Trump cannot get the delegates he needs for a first ballot triump at the Convention, because of his nonsense with Fox. It hurt him, and it is going to keep him below 33% for the remainder of the season. That means a negotiated convention and very probably a Christie Kasich ticket or a Romney Rubio ticket.

My point is that Trump applied his 'negotiating style' in real world politics. And completely fucked up.
That is a good point, Skylar. Trump cannot get the delegates he needs for a first ballot triump at the Convention, because of his nonsense with Fox. It hurt him, and it is going to keep him below 33% for the remainder of the season. That means a negotiated convention and very probably a Christie Kasich ticket or a Romney Rubio ticket.
Does the gop release pledged delegates after a first ballot?
That is a good point, Skylar. Trump cannot get the delegates he needs for a first ballot triump at the Convention, because of his nonsense with Fox. It hurt him, and it is going to keep him below 33% for the remainder of the season. That means a negotiated convention and very probably a Christie Kasich ticket or a Romney Rubio ticket.

My point is that Trump applied his 'negotiating style' in real world politics. And completely fucked up.
This is your opinion. Wait until the primaries are over. It's way too early to deduce anything.
Scott Adams (the creator of Dilbert cartoon series) predicts that the GOP will rig tonight’s primary in New Hampshire to favor establishment favorite Marco Rubio. Bullroar? or Hmm, I certainly wouldn't put it past them?

Scott Adams Blog
Cartoon thinking from a cartoon writer. Not to be taken even with a grain of salt.

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