Will Hulkamania be running wild at Royal Rumble?

Republican's favorite "sport" is professional wrestling. Partly explains why a carnival barker like Trump is worshipped.
Same for Ric Flair. Pathetic. He can hardly walk. Poor guy hit the wall hard and suddenly.
He still had something to offer well beyond what Hogan did for a longer time.
Remember HHH and RKO tried to help him with his confidence? He had lost his mojo by then.
If you’re talking about RAW in 2002-03, Flair still had plenty in the tank as far as a novelty act.
Hogan is on the Mount Rushmore. So is Flair. They should fade away so we remember them they way they used to be
As of right now? Yes
When my son was young, i was proud to take him to a professional wrestling event. I hated that shit. But he was very young and he loved it.

He quickly grasped that it was all staged bullshit.

I was very proud of him.

Nowadays? There’s even less reason to view it.

Hulk Hogan was a bad joke. I mean, I like the guy. Sure. But professional wrestling sucks.
When my son was young, i was proud to take him to a professional wrestling event. I hated that shit. But he was very young and he loved it.

He quickly grasped that it was all staged bullshit.

I was very proud of him.

Nowadays? There’s even less reason to view it.

Hulk Hogan was a bad joke. I mean, I like the guy. Sure. But professional wrestling sucks.
It has always been performance art.

WWF sucked all the fun out of suspending disbelief, when the turd McMahon publicly admitted that the outcomes were predetermined....Like DUUUUH!

The last really good run for pro rasslin' was the last iteration of WCW, back in the '90s and early oughts...It finally succumbed to shitty management and shittier angle writing...McMahon bough it all and turned rasslin' into a monopoly...And we all know what happens with product quality of monopolies.
I've been a student of the pro game in wrestling since the 1960's. My grandmother really liked Bruno Sammartino.
Sting can do infinitely more than Hogan and Flair combined right now.

Sting is used correctly as he is in AEW.
He's retiring in March and getting a major push of hype, with Flair by his side.

Little doubt that this is a gimmick to draw away some of that attention.
A Hulk return would only be cool if they blasted Eye Of The Tiger and he came out in his 80s gear doing the routine that he did back then.

I liked to watch the 80s Mid-Atlantic Championship rasslin when I was young, though

But I just noticed on his shirt that the fag stole my slogan. I tell ya. Some people...
Have you guys seen the body cam of his on being arrested for DUI? Hulk shows up limping around walking with a cane I seriously doubt he will ever be back in a ring to compete

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