Will Jews be saved?

Will Jews he saved?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • No.

    Votes: 2 33.3%

  • Total voters
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Poles just bend over and take it.

Off topic babble.

Discuss if Jews will be saved, or do leave.
Jews won't be saved by Polacks, that's a given. :biggrin:

Tell that to Irena Sandler, Heryk Slawik & Eugene Lazowski.

You're so stupid & off topic.

What about Jews, how many Jews saved Poles?

As well as why do Jews expect to be loved by Poles for killing them, disrespecting them, and spending 800 years in Poland rejecting Christ & hardly speaking Polish.
Jews don’t need or want to be loved, we want to be left alone.

I always wanted to be loved by Judy Zellner. If it weren't for the restraining order, I would be.
You know if you acted like you could not swim ya coulda gotten mouth to mouth from that life gard. I know this realy sexy 23 year old that has to have things just so. If I know I will see her on a certain day I always miss button my shirt so she will fix it when she sees it. Chicks need to fix! I use this to my advantage daily. I laugh when I see all these guys trying so hard to be perfect to land a chick mean while I give the chick some thing to fix and land them with very little trouble. Hell they do all the work for me.
Interestingly Asians & Jews who are the main groups to reject Christ have often very cold, desperate, materialistic & unfriendly personalities

When? This has not been my experience.

I've been meaning to ask you: what is this thing that you have against Jews? You are so bitter about it. What's up? I've known many people in the Jewish faith. They are just like the rest of us. What's your beef?

Yet, opposite questions can be asked.

Like why Jewish texts hate on Jesus.
Why most Jews hate Poles.
How about why didn't Jews assimilate to Christ living over 1000 years in Christian countries?

But, keep pretending only the Christian side is at fault.

Nutty. Creepy. Makes no sense. I don't think many Jews even think about Jesus, much less "hate on Jesus." Haven't heard about Jews hating Poles, either. Why should Jews have converted to Christianity? They have their own religion and, besides, Christianity has been a mess for centuries. No skin off anybody's teeth.

Religious squabbling makes no sense at all.

Spoken like a true Jew.

Jews not assimilating to their host nations is a source of resentment.

As for apparently Christianity being a mess, but Judaism hasn't?

Oh really?

A list of Jewish origins genocidal maniacs include Julius Popper, Lenin, Trotsky, Disraeli, Lazar Kaganovich, Genrikh Yagoda, Lazar Kogan, Matvei Berman, Bela Kuhn, Fidel Castro, Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, Piotr Smetanski, and Israel too.

has result cooperating with the Nazis,

So no Jews cooperated with the Nazis?

Never heard of Jewish Ghetto Police, Jewish Kapos, Judenrate, Group 13, or Jewish Sonderkomandos?
Isn’t it cool how 1% of 1% of 1% of the world’s population can control the world throughout history?

Nazis are largely wrong too.

Jews don't control the World.

They do however manipulate the Worlds fate none the less.

Poland was 3X more Jewish than the USA today is, still Poland of the 1930s pulled off anti- Jewish boycotts & barred Jews from holding positions of power & government jobs.

The problem is Brits are kind of dumb & weak, so they bend- over for Jews here.
Don’t go contradicting yourself.
Jews run the world based on your posts.

Not so much, Only because Dumb Brits in this country worship Jews,because of their inferior intellect.
Sure, cupcake
Speaking of intellect, you never posted your IEP.

Hmm, yet I just taught you that Serbs aren't Catholic.
Jesus, by any other name.
Kill for Jesus, baby.
When? This has not been my experience.

I've been meaning to ask you: what is this thing that you have against Jews? You are so bitter about it. What's up? I've known many people in the Jewish faith. They are just like the rest of us. What's your beef?

Yet, opposite questions can be asked.

Like why Jewish texts hate on Jesus.
Why most Jews hate Poles.
How about why didn't Jews assimilate to Christ living over 1000 years in Christian countries?

But, keep pretending only the Christian side is at fault.

Nutty. Creepy. Makes no sense. I don't think many Jews even think about Jesus, much less "hate on Jesus." Haven't heard about Jews hating Poles, either. Why should Jews have converted to Christianity? They have their own religion and, besides, Christianity has been a mess for centuries. No skin off anybody's teeth.

Religious squabbling makes no sense at all.

Spoken like a true Jew.

Jews not assimilating to their host nations is a source of resentment.

As for apparently Christianity being a mess, but Judaism hasn't?

Oh really?

A list of Jewish origins genocidal maniacs include Julius Popper, Lenin, Trotsky, Disraeli, Lazar Kaganovich, Genrikh Yagoda, Lazar Kogan, Matvei Berman, Bela Kuhn, Fidel Castro, Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, Piotr Smetanski, and Israel too.

has result cooperating with the Nazis,

So no Jews cooperated with the Nazis?

Never heard of Jewish Ghetto Police, Jewish Kapos, Judenrate, Group 13, or Jewish Sonderkomandos?
In the meanwhile, the Chinese, Africans, Hindus, Christians and Muslim were behaving themselves.
You’re a joke.
Interestingly Asians & Jews who are the main groups to reject Christ have often very cold, desperate, materialistic & unfriendly personalities

When? This has not been my experience.

I've been meaning to ask you: what is this thing that you have against Jews? You are so bitter about it. What's up? I've known many people in the Jewish faith. They are just like the rest of us. What's your beef?

Yet, opposite questions can be asked.

Like why Jewish texts hate on Jesus.
Why most Jews hate Poles.
How about why didn't Jews assimilate to Christ living over 1000 years in Christian countries?

But, keep pretending only the Christian side is at fault.

Nutty. Creepy. Makes no sense. I don't think many Jews even think about Jesus, much less "hate on Jesus." Haven't heard about Jews hating Poles, either. Why should Jews have converted to Christianity? They have their own religion and, besides, Christianity has been a mess for centuries. No skin off anybody's teeth.

Religious squabbling makes no sense at all.

Spoken like a true Jew.

Jews not assimilating to their host nations is a source of resentment.

As for apparently Christianity being a mess, but Judaism hasn't?

Oh really?

A list of Jewish origins genocidal maniacs include Julius Popper, Lenin, Trotsky, Disraeli, Lazar Kaganovich, Genrikh Yagoda, Lazar Kogan, Matvei Berman, Bela Kuhn, Fidel Castro, Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, Piotr Smetanski, and Israel too.

I'm not Jewish, but thanks for the compliment. One does not have to be a member of a group to speak up when that group is being treated unfairly and/or threatened.

Jews have not been known for massacres, torture, and the like. I haven't heard that squabbling between various Jewish factions has resulted in deaths.

But the Christians have been a handful. The massacre of the Cathars, selling indulgences, witch hunts, the Inquisition, torching Joan of Arc and many other women, the violence of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, cooperating with the Nazis, hiding German war criminals in monasteries after WWII, pograms, Northern Ireland, concealed sex crimes, the Magdalene laundries, all the junk over here, and more.

I also can come up with a list of people that I don't think did too well. What have you done to convert to the religion of your "host nation?" The Lakotas are waiting to hear from you.

It is ridiculous to think of religious conversion as assimilation. This is absurd. What have you done to convert to the religion of your "host nation?" The Lakotas are waiting to hear from you.
Sobie is lonely; he literally has no friends.
When? This has not been my experience.

I've been meaning to ask you: what is this thing that you have against Jews? You are so bitter about it. What's up? I've known many people in the Jewish faith. They are just like the rest of us. What's your beef?

Yet, opposite questions can be asked.

Like why Jewish texts hate on Jesus.
Why most Jews hate Poles.
How about why didn't Jews assimilate to Christ living over 1000 years in Christian countries?

But, keep pretending only the Christian side is at fault.

Nutty. Creepy. Makes no sense. I don't think many Jews even think about Jesus, much less "hate on Jesus." Haven't heard about Jews hating Poles, either. Why should Jews have converted to Christianity? They have their own religion and, besides, Christianity has been a mess for centuries. No skin off anybody's teeth.

Religious squabbling makes no sense at all.

Spoken like a true Jew.

Jews not assimilating to their host nations is a source of resentment.

As for apparently Christianity being a mess, but Judaism hasn't?

Oh really?

A list of Jewish origins genocidal maniacs include Julius Popper, Lenin, Trotsky, Disraeli, Lazar Kaganovich, Genrikh Yagoda, Lazar Kogan, Matvei Berman, Bela Kuhn, Fidel Castro, Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, Piotr Smetanski, and Israel too.

I'm not Jewish, but thanks for the compliment. One does not have to be a member of a group to speak up when that group is being treated unfairly and/or threatened.

Jews have not been known for massacres, torture, and the like. I haven't heard that squabbling between various Jewish factions has resulted in deaths.

But the Christians have been a handful. The massacre of the Cathars, selling indulgences, witch hunts, the Inquisition, torching Joan of Arc and many other women, the violence of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, cooperating with the Nazis, hiding German war criminals in monasteries after WWII, pograms, Northern Ireland, concealed sex crimes, the Magdalene laundries, all the junk over here, and more.

I also can come up with a list of people that I don't think did too well. What have you done to convert to the religion of your "host nation?" The Lakotas are waiting to hear from you.

It is ridiculous to think of religious conversion as assimilation. This is absurd. What have you done to convert to the religion of your "host nation?" The Lakotas are waiting to hear from you.

No Jewish inspired Massacres?
So, no Deir Yassin massacre?

You speak of the Lakota who still exist.

What about the Selk'bam Natives wiped out to basic extinction by Jewish Julius Popper?

Was Popper motivated by his religion?

What facts do you have about people of other faiths? The Christian Europeans were quite a disaster for people in Central and South America.

Just get off it. You're obsessed for no reason. Don't hurt anybody.

Incidentally, you keep flipping between talking about "Christianity" and "Christians," then on other occasions saying "Oh, they're Orthodox," as if the Orthodox are not Christians. Confusing.
When? This has not been my experience.

I've been meaning to ask you: what is this thing that you have against Jews? You are so bitter about it. What's up? I've known many people in the Jewish faith. They are just like the rest of us. What's your beef?

Yet, opposite questions can be asked.

Like why Jewish texts hate on Jesus.
Why most Jews hate Poles.
How about why didn't Jews assimilate to Christ living over 1000 years in Christian countries?

But, keep pretending only the Christian side is at fault.

Nutty. Creepy. Makes no sense. I don't think many Jews even think about Jesus, much less "hate on Jesus." Haven't heard about Jews hating Poles, either. Why should Jews have converted to Christianity? They have their own religion and, besides, Christianity has been a mess for centuries. No skin off anybody's teeth.

Religious squabbling makes no sense at all.

Spoken like a true Jew.

Jews not assimilating to their host nations is a source of resentment.

As for apparently Christianity being a mess, but Judaism hasn't?

Oh really?

A list of Jewish origins genocidal maniacs include Julius Popper, Lenin, Trotsky, Disraeli, Lazar Kaganovich, Genrikh Yagoda, Lazar Kogan, Matvei Berman, Bela Kuhn, Fidel Castro, Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, Piotr Smetanski, and Israel too.

has result cooperating with the Nazis,

So no Jews cooperated with the Nazis?

Never heard of Jewish Ghetto Police, Jewish Kapos, Judenrate, Group 13, or Jewish Sonderkomandos?

Yes. And they still ended up in the ovens.

Don't you know anything?
Theres over 100X more Christians than Jews.

Obviously a disproportionate amount of genocidal maniacs have been Jews.

Take Jew Julius Popper he wiped out a whole people.

How about Jewish Genrikh Yagoda in charge of a NKVD more Jewish than Russian, with 10 million deaths under Yagoda.

Lazar Kogan & Matvei Berman 2 Jews who ran the GULAG slave labor camps during it's height.

Lenin & Trotsky both of Jewish origins killed another 10 million, give or take.

Benjamin Disraeli of Jewish origins was in charge of Britain during the height of the Late Victorian Holocausts another 10 million may have perished.

Lazar Kaganovich organized the Holodomor terror famine with an estimated 5 million killed.
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When? This has not been my experience.

I've been meaning to ask you: what is this thing that you have against Jews? You are so bitter about it. What's up? I've known many people in the Jewish faith. They are just like the rest of us. What's your beef?

Yet, opposite questions can be asked.

Like why Jewish texts hate on Jesus.
Why most Jews hate Poles.
How about why didn't Jews assimilate to Christ living over 1000 years in Christian countries?

But, keep pretending only the Christian side is at fault.

Nutty. Creepy. Makes no sense. I don't think many Jews even think about Jesus, much less "hate on Jesus." Haven't heard about Jews hating Poles, either. Why should Jews have converted to Christianity? They have their own religion and, besides, Christianity has been a mess for centuries. No skin off anybody's teeth.

Religious squabbling makes no sense at all.

Spoken like a true Jew.

Jews not assimilating to their host nations is a source of resentment.

As for apparently Christianity being a mess, but Judaism hasn't?

Oh really?

A list of Jewish origins genocidal maniacs include Julius Popper, Lenin, Trotsky, Disraeli, Lazar Kaganovich, Genrikh Yagoda, Lazar Kogan, Matvei Berman, Bela Kuhn, Fidel Castro, Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, Piotr Smetanski, and Israel too.

I'm not Jewish, but thanks for the compliment. One does not have to be a member of a group to speak up when that group is being treated unfairly and/or threatened.

Jews have not been known for massacres, torture, and the like. I haven't heard that squabbling between various Jewish factions has resulted in deaths.

But the Christians have been a handful. The massacre of the Cathars, selling indulgences, witch hunts, the Inquisition, torching Joan of Arc and many other women, the violence of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, cooperating with the Nazis, hiding German war criminals in monasteries after WWII, pograms, Northern Ireland, concealed sex crimes, the Magdalene laundries, all the junk over here, and more.

I also can come up with a list of people that I don't think did too well. What have you done to convert to the religion of your "host nation?" The Lakotas are waiting to hear from you.

It is ridiculous to think of religious conversion as assimilation. This is absurd. What have you done to convert to the religion of your "host nation?" The Lakotas are waiting to hear from you.
Sobie is lonely; he literally has no friends.

I've made a bunch of friends in Pawling..
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Theres over 100X more Christians than Jews.

Obviously a disproportionate amount of genocidal maniacs have been Jews.

Take Jew Julius Popper he wiped out a whole people.

How about Jewish Genrikh Yagoda in charge of a NKVD more Jewish than Russian, with 10 million deaths under Yagoda.

Lazar Kogan & Matvei Berman 2 Jews who ran the GULAG slave labor camps during it's height.

Lenin & Trotsky both of Jewish origins killed another 10 million, give or take.

Bemjamin Disraeli of Jewish origins was in charge of Britain during the height of the Late Victorian Holocausts another 10 million may have perished.

Lazar Kaganovich organized the Holodomor terror famine with an estimated 5 million killed.

sobie was a good student and learned his catechism well-----so did
stalin and goebbels
Yet, opposite questions can be asked.

Like why Jewish texts hate on Jesus.
Why most Jews hate Poles.
How about why didn't Jews assimilate to Christ living over 1000 years in Christian countries?

But, keep pretending only the Christian side is at fault.

Nutty. Creepy. Makes no sense. I don't think many Jews even think about Jesus, much less "hate on Jesus." Haven't heard about Jews hating Poles, either. Why should Jews have converted to Christianity? They have their own religion and, besides, Christianity has been a mess for centuries. No skin off anybody's teeth.

Religious squabbling makes no sense at all.

Spoken like a true Jew.

Jews not assimilating to their host nations is a source of resentment.

As for apparently Christianity being a mess, but Judaism hasn't?

Oh really?

A list of Jewish origins genocidal maniacs include Julius Popper, Lenin, Trotsky, Disraeli, Lazar Kaganovich, Genrikh Yagoda, Lazar Kogan, Matvei Berman, Bela Kuhn, Fidel Castro, Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, Piotr Smetanski, and Israel too.

I'm not Jewish, but thanks for the compliment. One does not have to be a member of a group to speak up when that group is being treated unfairly and/or threatened.

Jews have not been known for massacres, torture, and the like. I haven't heard that squabbling between various Jewish factions has resulted in deaths.

But the Christians have been a handful. The massacre of the Cathars, selling indulgences, witch hunts, the Inquisition, torching Joan of Arc and many other women, the violence of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, cooperating with the Nazis, hiding German war criminals in monasteries after WWII, pograms, Northern Ireland, concealed sex crimes, the Magdalene laundries, all the junk over here, and more.

I also can come up with a list of people that I don't think did too well. What have you done to convert to the religion of your "host nation?" The Lakotas are waiting to hear from you.

It is ridiculous to think of religious conversion as assimilation. This is absurd. What have you done to convert to the religion of your "host nation?" The Lakotas are waiting to hear from you.

No Jewish inspired Massacres?
So, no Deir Yassin massacre?

You speak of the Lakota who still exist.

What about the Selk'bam Natives wiped out to basic extinction by Jewish Julius Popper?

Was Popper motivated by his religion?

What facts do you have about people of other faiths? The Christian Europeans were quite a disaster for people in Central and South America.

Just get off it. You're obsessed for no reason. Don't hurt anybody.

Incidentally, you keep flipping between talking about "Christianity" and "Christians," then on other occasions saying "Oh, they're Orthodox," as if the Orthodox are not Christians. Confusing.

I dare you to name a Christian nation of 15 million which killed more than 15 million Jews have

The closest would be probably be Belgium.

They're not even close.

Orthodox Christians aren't Catholics, at least not Roman Catholics.

You'd understand that's to stop Catholic bashing.

That is if you weren't such a Jewish simpleton.
I was at a bar last night & a guy of Italian & Polish heritage said to a Jewish lady that Jews won't be saved because they reject Jesus.

Is there some truth to that?

I've read some Bible versuses stating such.

What's your opinion?
It appears that several billion people on earth reject Jesus and always have.

Interestingly Asians & Jews who are the main groups to reject Christ have often very cold, desperate, materialistic & unfriendly personalities

When? This has not been my experience.

I've been meaning to ask you: what is this thing that you have against Jews? You are so bitter about it. What's up? I've known many people in the Jewish faith. They are just like the rest of us. What's your beef?

"When? This has not been my experience."

Sayeth the greedy ice queen.


Yet, opposite questions can be asked.

Like why Jewish texts hate on Jesus.
Why most Jews hate Poles.
How about why didn't Jews assimilate to Christ living over 1000 years in Christian countries?

But, keep pretending only the Christian side is at fault.

Nutty. Creepy. Makes no sense. I don't think many Jews even think about Jesus, much less "hate on Jesus." Haven't heard about Jews hating Poles, either. Why should Jews have converted to Christianity? They have their own religion and, besides, Christianity has been a mess for centuries. No skin off anybody's teeth.

Religious squabbling makes no sense at all.

Spoken like a true Jew.

Jews not assimilating to their host nations is a source of resentment.

As for apparently Christianity being a mess, but Judaism hasn't?

Oh really?

A list of Jewish origins genocidal maniacs include Julius Popper, Lenin, Trotsky, Disraeli, Lazar Kaganovich, Genrikh Yagoda, Lazar Kogan, Matvei Berman, Bela Kuhn, Fidel Castro, Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, Piotr Smetanski, and Israel too.

has result cooperating with the Nazis,

So no Jews cooperated with the Nazis?

Never heard of Jewish Ghetto Police, Jewish Kapos, Judenrate, Group 13, or Jewish Sonderkomandos?

Yes. And they still ended up in the ovens.

Don't you know anything?

I grew up in a very Christian town ------got invited to lots of sunday
church things. ------occasionally went to a synagogue. I heard a
LOT more about jews in the churches-----than I heard about Jesus
or Christians in synagogues-----in fact---ABSOLUTELY NOTHING
Theres over 100X more Christians than Jews.

Obviously a disproportionate amount of genocidal maniacs have been Jews.

Take Jew Julius Popper he wiped out a whole people.

How about Jewish Genrikh Yagoda in charge of a NKVD more Jewish than Russian, with 10 million deaths under Yagoda.

Lazar Kogan & Matvei Berman 2 Jews who ran the GULAG slave labor camps during it's height.

Lenin & Trotsky both of Jewish origins killed another 10 million, give or take.

Bemjamin Disraeli of Jewish origins was in charge of Britain during the height of the Late Victorian Holocausts another 10 million may have perished.

Lazar Kaganovich organized the Holodomor terror famine with an estimated 5 million killed.
Cherry picking facts again?
You’re going to compare the Jews with 1,000 years of Gentiles slaughtering hundreds of millions?
Your next project is to document mass murder from 1AD through 1900AD by religion.
Nutty. Creepy. Makes no sense. I don't think many Jews even think about Jesus, much less "hate on Jesus." Haven't heard about Jews hating Poles, either. Why should Jews have converted to Christianity? They have their own religion and, besides, Christianity has been a mess for centuries. No skin off anybody's teeth.

Religious squabbling makes no sense at all.

Spoken like a true Jew.

Jews not assimilating to their host nations is a source of resentment.

As for apparently Christianity being a mess, but Judaism hasn't?

Oh really?

A list of Jewish origins genocidal maniacs include Julius Popper, Lenin, Trotsky, Disraeli, Lazar Kaganovich, Genrikh Yagoda, Lazar Kogan, Matvei Berman, Bela Kuhn, Fidel Castro, Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, Piotr Smetanski, and Israel too.

I'm not Jewish, but thanks for the compliment. One does not have to be a member of a group to speak up when that group is being treated unfairly and/or threatened.

Jews have not been known for massacres, torture, and the like. I haven't heard that squabbling between various Jewish factions has resulted in deaths.

But the Christians have been a handful. The massacre of the Cathars, selling indulgences, witch hunts, the Inquisition, torching Joan of Arc and many other women, the violence of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, cooperating with the Nazis, hiding German war criminals in monasteries after WWII, pograms, Northern Ireland, concealed sex crimes, the Magdalene laundries, all the junk over here, and more.

I also can come up with a list of people that I don't think did too well. What have you done to convert to the religion of your "host nation?" The Lakotas are waiting to hear from you.

It is ridiculous to think of religious conversion as assimilation. This is absurd. What have you done to convert to the religion of your "host nation?" The Lakotas are waiting to hear from you.

No Jewish inspired Massacres?
So, no Deir Yassin massacre?

You speak of the Lakota who still exist.

What about the Selk'bam Natives wiped out to basic extinction by Jewish Julius Popper?

Was Popper motivated by his religion?

What facts do you have about people of other faiths? The Christian Europeans were quite a disaster for people in Central and South America.

Just get off it. You're obsessed for no reason. Don't hurt anybody.

Incidentally, you keep flipping between talking about "Christianity" and "Christians," then on other occasions saying "Oh, they're Orthodox," as if the Orthodox are not Christians. Confusing.

I dare you to name a Christian nation of 15 million which killed more than 15 million Jews have

The closest would be probably be Belgium.

They're not even close.

Orthodox Christians aren't Catholics, at least not Roman Catholics.

You'd understand that's to stop Catholic bashing.

That is if you weren't such a Jewish simpleton.
That could be because they spent too much time murdering Jews.
Yet another out of context post by Shit4Brains.
Nutty. Creepy. Makes no sense. I don't think many Jews even think about Jesus, much less "hate on Jesus." Haven't heard about Jews hating Poles, either. Why should Jews have converted to Christianity? They have their own religion and, besides, Christianity has been a mess for centuries. No skin off anybody's teeth.

Religious squabbling makes no sense at all.

Spoken like a true Jew.

Jews not assimilating to their host nations is a source of resentment.

As for apparently Christianity being a mess, but Judaism hasn't?

Oh really?

A list of Jewish origins genocidal maniacs include Julius Popper, Lenin, Trotsky, Disraeli, Lazar Kaganovich, Genrikh Yagoda, Lazar Kogan, Matvei Berman, Bela Kuhn, Fidel Castro, Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, Piotr Smetanski, and Israel too.

I'm not Jewish, but thanks for the compliment. One does not have to be a member of a group to speak up when that group is being treated unfairly and/or threatened.

Jews have not been known for massacres, torture, and the like. I haven't heard that squabbling between various Jewish factions has resulted in deaths.

But the Christians have been a handful. The massacre of the Cathars, selling indulgences, witch hunts, the Inquisition, torching Joan of Arc and many other women, the violence of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, cooperating with the Nazis, hiding German war criminals in monasteries after WWII, pograms, Northern Ireland, concealed sex crimes, the Magdalene laundries, all the junk over here, and more.

I also can come up with a list of people that I don't think did too well. What have you done to convert to the religion of your "host nation?" The Lakotas are waiting to hear from you.

It is ridiculous to think of religious conversion as assimilation. This is absurd. What have you done to convert to the religion of your "host nation?" The Lakotas are waiting to hear from you.

No Jewish inspired Massacres?
So, no Deir Yassin massacre?

You speak of the Lakota who still exist.

What about the Selk'bam Natives wiped out to basic extinction by Jewish Julius Popper?

Was Popper motivated by his religion?

What facts do you have about people of other faiths? The Christian Europeans were quite a disaster for people in Central and South America.

Just get off it. You're obsessed for no reason. Don't hurt anybody.

Incidentally, you keep flipping between talking about "Christianity" and "Christians," then on other occasions saying "Oh, they're Orthodox," as if the Orthodox are not Christians. Confusing.

I dare you to name a Christian nation of 15 million which killed more than 15 million Jews have

The closest would be probably be Belgium.

They're not even close.

Orthodox Christians aren't Catholics, at least not Roman Catholics.

You'd understand that's to stop Catholic bashing.

That is if you weren't such a Jewish simpleton.

sobie---can you translate the first sentence of your post into
Yet, opposite questions can be asked.

Like why Jewish texts hate on Jesus.
Why most Jews hate Poles.
How about why didn't Jews assimilate to Christ living over 1000 years in Christian countries?

But, keep pretending only the Christian side is at fault.

Nutty. Creepy. Makes no sense. I don't think many Jews even think about Jesus, much less "hate on Jesus." Haven't heard about Jews hating Poles, either. Why should Jews have converted to Christianity? They have their own religion and, besides, Christianity has been a mess for centuries. No skin off anybody's teeth.

Religious squabbling makes no sense at all.

Spoken like a true Jew.

Jews not assimilating to their host nations is a source of resentment.

As for apparently Christianity being a mess, but Judaism hasn't?

Oh really?

A list of Jewish origins genocidal maniacs include Julius Popper, Lenin, Trotsky, Disraeli, Lazar Kaganovich, Genrikh Yagoda, Lazar Kogan, Matvei Berman, Bela Kuhn, Fidel Castro, Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, Piotr Smetanski, and Israel too.

I'm not Jewish, but thanks for the compliment. One does not have to be a member of a group to speak up when that group is being treated unfairly and/or threatened.

Jews have not been known for massacres, torture, and the like. I haven't heard that squabbling between various Jewish factions has resulted in deaths.

But the Christians have been a handful. The massacre of the Cathars, selling indulgences, witch hunts, the Inquisition, torching Joan of Arc and many other women, the violence of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, cooperating with the Nazis, hiding German war criminals in monasteries after WWII, pograms, Northern Ireland, concealed sex crimes, the Magdalene laundries, all the junk over here, and more.

I also can come up with a list of people that I don't think did too well. What have you done to convert to the religion of your "host nation?" The Lakotas are waiting to hear from you.

It is ridiculous to think of religious conversion as assimilation. This is absurd. What have you done to convert to the religion of your "host nation?" The Lakotas are waiting to hear from you.
Sobie is lonely; he literally has no friends.

I've made a bunch of friends in Pawling..
Acquaintances who don’t really know you don’t count.
Nutty. Creepy. Makes no sense. I don't think many Jews even think about Jesus, much less "hate on Jesus." Haven't heard about Jews hating Poles, either. Why should Jews have converted to Christianity? They have their own religion and, besides, Christianity has been a mess for centuries. No skin off anybody's teeth.

Religious squabbling makes no sense at all.

Spoken like a true Jew.

Jews not assimilating to their host nations is a source of resentment.

As for apparently Christianity being a mess, but Judaism hasn't?

Oh really?

A list of Jewish origins genocidal maniacs include Julius Popper, Lenin, Trotsky, Disraeli, Lazar Kaganovich, Genrikh Yagoda, Lazar Kogan, Matvei Berman, Bela Kuhn, Fidel Castro, Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, Piotr Smetanski, and Israel too.

I'm not Jewish, but thanks for the compliment. One does not have to be a member of a group to speak up when that group is being treated unfairly and/or threatened.

Jews have not been known for massacres, torture, and the like. I haven't heard that squabbling between various Jewish factions has resulted in deaths.

But the Christians have been a handful. The massacre of the Cathars, selling indulgences, witch hunts, the Inquisition, torching Joan of Arc and many other women, the violence of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, cooperating with the Nazis, hiding German war criminals in monasteries after WWII, pograms, Northern Ireland, concealed sex crimes, the Magdalene laundries, all the junk over here, and more.

I also can come up with a list of people that I don't think did too well. What have you done to convert to the religion of your "host nation?" The Lakotas are waiting to hear from you.

It is ridiculous to think of religious conversion as assimilation. This is absurd. What have you done to convert to the religion of your "host nation?" The Lakotas are waiting to hear from you.
Sobie is lonely; he literally has no friends.

I've made a bunch of friends in Pawling..
Acquaintances who don’t really know you don’t count.

ya mean that friendly smiling mailman does not count?
Nutty. Creepy. Makes no sense. I don't think many Jews even think about Jesus, much less "hate on Jesus." Haven't heard about Jews hating Poles, either. Why should Jews have converted to Christianity? They have their own religion and, besides, Christianity has been a mess for centuries. No skin off anybody's teeth.

Religious squabbling makes no sense at all.

Spoken like a true Jew.

Jews not assimilating to their host nations is a source of resentment.

As for apparently Christianity being a mess, but Judaism hasn't?

Oh really?

A list of Jewish origins genocidal maniacs include Julius Popper, Lenin, Trotsky, Disraeli, Lazar Kaganovich, Genrikh Yagoda, Lazar Kogan, Matvei Berman, Bela Kuhn, Fidel Castro, Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, Piotr Smetanski, and Israel too.

I'm not Jewish, but thanks for the compliment. One does not have to be a member of a group to speak up when that group is being treated unfairly and/or threatened.

Jews have not been known for massacres, torture, and the like. I haven't heard that squabbling between various Jewish factions has resulted in deaths.

But the Christians have been a handful. The massacre of the Cathars, selling indulgences, witch hunts, the Inquisition, torching Joan of Arc and many other women, the violence of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, cooperating with the Nazis, hiding German war criminals in monasteries after WWII, pograms, Northern Ireland, concealed sex crimes, the Magdalene laundries, all the junk over here, and more.

I also can come up with a list of people that I don't think did too well. What have you done to convert to the religion of your "host nation?" The Lakotas are waiting to hear from you.

It is ridiculous to think of religious conversion as assimilation. This is absurd. What have you done to convert to the religion of your "host nation?" The Lakotas are waiting to hear from you.
Sobie is lonely; he literally has no friends.

I've made a bunch of friends in Pawling..
Acquaintances who don’t really know you don’t count.

This whole thread's a wind-up. That's why he started it.
Theres over 100X more Christians than Jews.

Obviously a disproportionate amount of genocidal maniacs have been Jews.

Take Jew Julius Popper he wiped out a whole people.

How about Jewish Genrikh Yagoda in charge of a NKVD more Jewish than Russian, with 10 million deaths under Yagoda.

Lazar Kogan & Matvei Berman 2 Jews who ran the GULAG slave labor camps during it's height.

Lenin & Trotsky both of Jewish origins killed another 10 million, give or take.

Bemjamin Disraeli of Jewish origins was in charge of Britain during the height of the Late Victorian Holocausts another 10 million may have perished.

Lazar Kaganovich organized the Holodomor terror famine with an estimated 5 million killed.
Cherry picking facts again?
You’re going to compare the Jews with 1,000 years of Gentiles slaughtering hundreds of millions?
Your next project is to document mass murder from 1AD through 1900AD by religion.

I estimate 15 million Jews are responsible for about 40 million deaths, a. Similar figure as Hitler is responsible for.

There's no way 2.5 billion Christians are responsible for 6 billion deaths, AKA an comparable disproportion.

Prob more like 250 million were killed by Christians like Britain, Germany, Spain, Belgium, France & well others.

I'm not so sure I'd list Soviets just because of many Atheists, Jews & Asiatics.
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