Will Jews be saved?

Will Jews he saved?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • No.

    Votes: 2 33.3%

  • Total voters
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The bible is a book of fiction. Spread the word among polacks.
The Bible is a mongrel mix of myth, fiction and fact riddled with mistranslations and subject to centuries of theological apologetics which struggle unsuccessfully to explain &/or deny it’s many contradictions. Assertions it’s the word of God are peculiar in that claiming it is such you really are accusing the Almighty of being a total muddle-head not to mention the vengeful, erratic and sadistic God of the Old Testament.
And yet you are drawn to discuss it. Odd.
Not on my watch.
Why? Are you the Fiction Police? :lol:

I am keystone in the Yahad of God; the habitation of light. :cuckoo:
So you're kinda like a Lord of the Rings? Or a Hobbit?

I am the giver of life.

You can call me Sir.
Sir hob, the Sod Jew.

And damn proud to be chosen by you to be accused in such a respectful way of such a terrible thing!

And if it makes you feel better...sure, you got me..lol.... I'm probably from one of those lost tribes that were never really lost. Just went to live elsewhere on purpose, in secret. Too much nutty stuff was going on during the life and after the death of Solomon, the only man in the entire Bible associated with the number 666.

The bastard, just like a beast, set up this corrupt theocracy, practiced Egyptian sorcery, (mind control), built a temple, started slaughtering farm animals in the name of the Lord, and taxed the brainwashed people to death while he led a smooth and easy life on his yearly take from the temple treasury of 666 talents of gold (25 tons), not to mention tolls and tributes and 700 wives, so my ancestors said fuck this nonsense and disappeared into a safe place in the wilderness and never went back even after Herod built a fancier temple.

At least thats what I heard..

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I was at a bar last night & a guy of Italian & Polish heritage said to a Jewish lady that Jews won't be saved because they reject Jesus.

Is there some truth to that?

I've read some Bible versuses stating such.

What's your opinion?

Really not an opinion, it's a fact.. Christ brought in the concept of "Original sin" or his disciples did. The Judaism that this all arose out of believes in "Original Virtue".. This is the difference of "judgement" on the newly born.

So with Original Virtue --- it's largely in YOUR hands how you will spend eternity. But Jews being clever about it -- have a yearly "get out of Hell" card called Day of Atonement. And every year you're supposed to dutifully correct the wrongs you've done to others that can be undone..
That's besides the point, whether I believe it, or not, the Biblical texts clearly warn that Jews who reject Jesus won't be saved, and also warns of the Synagogue of Satan.
The Bible also clearly states Jews have had an everlasting covenant with God since Genesis.
That's besides the point, whether I believe it, or not, the Biblical texts clearly warn that Jews who reject Jesus won't be saved, and also warns of the Synagogue of Satan.
The Bible also clearly states Jews have had an everlasting covenant with God since Genesis.
Or to put it as Bernard Shaw did in his shortest poem.
"How odd of God,
To choose the Jews”
As to Genesis being proof of anything - - - - - -
The question at the beginning of this thread avoids one possible alternative, nobody is ‘saved’
That's besides the point, whether I believe it, or not, the Biblical texts clearly warn that Jews who reject Jesus won't be saved, and also warns of the Synagogue of Satan.
The Bible also clearly states Jews have had an everlasting covenant with God since Genesis.
Or to put it as Bernard Shaw did in his shortest poem.
"How odd of God,
To choose the Jews”
As to Genesis being proof of anything - - - - - -
It’s an accounting of ancient world history that was passed down orally for thousands of years and contains some of the most insightful observations of man.

You mock what you do not understand.
I am keystone in the Yahad of God; the habitation of light. :cuckoo:
So you're kinda like a Lord of the Rings? Or a Hobbit?

I am the giver of life.

You can call me Sir.
Sir hob, the Sod Jew.

And damn proud to be chosen by you to be accused in such a respectful way of such a terrible thing!

And if it makes you feel better...sure, you got me..lol.... I'm probably from one of those lost tribes that were never really lost. Just went to live elsewhere on purpose, in secret. Too much nutty stuff was going on during the life and after the death of Solomon, the only man in the entire Bible associated with the number 666.

The bastard, just like a beast, set up this corrupt theocracy, practiced Egyptian sorcery, (mind control), built a temple, started slaughtering farm animals in the name of the Lord, and taxed the brainwashed people to death while he led a smooth and easy life on his yearly take from the temple treasury of 666 talents of gold (25 tons), not to mention tolls and tributes and 700 wives, so my ancestors said fuck this nonsense and disappeared into a safe place in the wilderness and never went back even after Herod built a fancier temple.

At least thats what I heard..

Does your dog tell you to write such nonsense?

My dog? lol.... no.

You call me a sod Jew. I say you are probably right, show you how, and then you call it nonsense.

Now sit down and stop barking or you will will be left out in the yard all night long you fucking mongrel.
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Or to put it as Bernard Shaw did in his shortest poem.
"How odd of God,
To choose the Jews”
As to Genesis being proof of anything - - - - - -
You are changing the direction of the discussion. Very well. Jews might respond to Shaw by pointing to a non-canonical writing that Jews were not the first people God asked to choose Him. Jews were simply the first people to agree to be His people.

Second, "Proof" is how we test scientific theory, meaning we must begin with something that can be both observed and measured. We cannot go back and observe the past. Genesis is an account of how Jews viewed their relationship with God. Are you arguing that Jews did not/do not view their relationship with God according to the Genesis account? How then do you feel they do view it? Do you have examples that support your view of what they do believe?
So you're kinda like a Lord of the Rings? Or a Hobbit?

I am the giver of life.

You can call me Sir.
Sir hob, the Sod Jew.

And damn proud to be chosen by you to be accused in such a respectful way of such a terrible thing!

And if it makes you feel better...sure, you got me..lol.... I'm probably from one of those lost tribes that were never really lost. Just went to live elsewhere on purpose, in secret. Too much nutty stuff was going on during the life and after the death of Solomon, the only man in the entire Bible associated with the number 666.

The bastard, just like a beast, set up this corrupt theocracy, practiced Egyptian sorcery, (mind control), built a temple, started slaughtering farm animals in the name of the Lord, and taxed the brainwashed people to death while he led a smooth and easy life on his yearly take from the temple treasury of 666 talents of gold (25 tons), not to mention tolls and tributes and 700 wives, so my ancestors said fuck this nonsense and disappeared into a safe place in the wilderness and never went back even after Herod built a fancier temple.

At least thats what I heard..

Does your dog tell you to write such nonsense?

My dog? lol.... no.

You call me a sod Jew. I say you are probably right, show you how, and then you call it nonsense.

Now sit down and stop barking or you will will be left out in the yard all night long you fucking mongrel.

You seem to live in a fantasy world, I'm just trying to help. But you're coming along slowly. You dropped the perversions, now we just have to figure out where all the rage is coming from? Have any idea? Were you dealt a raw in hand in life? ...
I was at a bar last night & a guy of Italian & Polish heritage said to a Jewish lady that Jews won't be saved because they reject Jesus.

Is there some truth to that?

I've read some Bible versuses stating such.

What's your opinion?
It appears that several billion people on earth reject Jesus and always have.

Interestingly Asians & Jews who are the main groups to reject Christ have often very cold, desperate, materialistic & unfriendly personalities

When? This has not been my experience.

I've been meaning to ask you: what is this thing that you have against Jews? You are so bitter about it. What's up? I've known many people in the Jewish faith. They are just like the rest of us. What's your beef?

Yet, opposite questions can be asked.

Like why Jewish texts hate on Jesus.
Why most Jews hate Poles.
How about why didn't Jews assimilate to Christ living over 1000 years in Christian countries?

But, keep pretending only the Christian side is at fault.

Nutty. Creepy. Makes no sense. I don't think many Jews even think about Jesus, much less "hate on Jesus." Haven't heard about Jews hating Poles, either. Why should Jews have converted to Christianity? They have their own religion and, besides, Christianity has been a mess for centuries. No skin off anybody's teeth.

Religious squabbling makes no sense at all.
I am the giver of life.

You can call me Sir.
Sir hob, the Sod Jew.

And damn proud to be chosen by you to be accused in such a respectful way of such a terrible thing!

And if it makes you feel better...sure, you got me..lol.... I'm probably from one of those lost tribes that were never really lost. Just went to live elsewhere on purpose, in secret. Too much nutty stuff was going on during the life and after the death of Solomon, the only man in the entire Bible associated with the number 666.

The bastard, just like a beast, set up this corrupt theocracy, practiced Egyptian sorcery, (mind control), built a temple, started slaughtering farm animals in the name of the Lord, and taxed the brainwashed people to death while he led a smooth and easy life on his yearly take from the temple treasury of 666 talents of gold (25 tons), not to mention tolls and tributes and 700 wives, so my ancestors said fuck this nonsense and disappeared into a safe place in the wilderness and never went back even after Herod built a fancier temple.

At least thats what I heard..

Does your dog tell you to write such nonsense?

My dog? lol.... no.

You call me a sod Jew. I say you are probably right, show you how, and then you call it nonsense.

Now sit down and stop barking or you will will be left out in the yard all night long you fucking mongrel.

You seem to live in a fantasy world, I'm just trying to help. But you're coming along slowly. You dropped the perversions, now we just have to figure out where all the rage is coming from? Have any idea? Were you dealt a raw in hand in life? ...

lol... Thanks professor for caring. But I really don't know what kind of rage you are talking about. I am either pulling your chain because you are a jerk, or I'm just talking over your head because you are stupid too.

Its really very simple.

Reminds me of when I catch people in a lie and instead of admitting the truth they accuse me of being an angry person when I actually think its all very funny. When I make a joke, people take me seriously, when I am being serious people think i"m joking.

Its a very strange planet with very strange creatures living on this earth you call home.

FYI., I actually had an idyllic family circle and grew up in a suburban paradise..

But thanks for revealing that you were dealt a raw hand in life...it explains a lot.

All I can tell you is get over it.
According to the Bible, the messianic Jews will be saved, these are that 144 thousand that don't reject Christ. The others will not be saved. Neither will be the Muslims.
According to the Bible, the messianic Jews will be saved, these are that 144 thousand that don't reject Christ. The others will not be saved. Neither will be the Muslims.
Nor any of the billions who have never heard of J.
It is very hard for Jews to get saved on average generally, because they have established the separation of church and state specifically for Christian countries. Thereby the Jews are directly executing satan's plans of replacing faith in Jesus Christ with faith in some government of a nation state. So, to get saved, Jews would need to beg for foregiveness from Christ, which they would never do.
It appears that several billion people on earth reject Jesus and always have.

Interestingly Asians & Jews who are the main groups to reject Christ have often very cold, desperate, materialistic & unfriendly personalities

When? This has not been my experience.

I've been meaning to ask you: what is this thing that you have against Jews? You are so bitter about it. What's up? I've known many people in the Jewish faith. They are just like the rest of us. What's your beef?

Yet, opposite questions can be asked.

Like why Jewish texts hate on Jesus.
Why most Jews hate Poles.
How about why didn't Jews assimilate to Christ living over 1000 years in Christian countries?

But, keep pretending only the Christian side is at fault.

Nutty. Creepy. Makes no sense. I don't think many Jews even think about Jesus, much less "hate on Jesus." Haven't heard about Jews hating Poles, either. Why should Jews have converted to Christianity? They have their own religion and, besides, Christianity has been a mess for centuries. No skin off anybody's teeth.

Religious squabbling makes no sense at all.

Spoken like a true Jew.

Jews not assimilating to their host nations is a source of resentment.

As for apparently Christianity being a mess, but Judaism hasn't?

Oh really?

A list of Jewish origins genocidal maniacs include Julius Popper, Lenin, Trotsky, Disraeli, Lazar Kaganovich, Genrikh Yagoda, Lazar Kogan, Matvei Berman, Bela Kuhn, Fidel Castro, Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, Piotr Smetanski, and Israel too.
Isn’t it cool how 1% of 1% of 1% of the world’s population can control the world throughout history?
It is very hard for Jews to get saved on average generally, because they have established the separation of church and state specifically for Christian countries. Thereby the Jews are directly executing satan's plans of replacing faith in Jesus Christ with faith in some government of a nation state. So, to get saved, Jews would need to beg for foregiveness from Christ, which they would never do.
If any group needs forgiveness, it’s the Roman Catholic Church.
According to the Bible, the messianic Jews will be saved, these are that 144 thousand that don't reject Christ. The others will not be saved. Neither will be the Muslims.
Nor any of the billions who have never heard of J.
Possibly, depending on how they happen to conduct themselves. Of course, that is very hard without the guiding light of Jesus, although probably not entirely impossible.
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