Will Jews be saved?

Will Jews he saved?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • No.

    Votes: 2 33.3%

  • Total voters
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Theres over 100X more Christians than Jews.

Obviously a disproportionate amount of genocidal maniacs have been Jews.

Take Jew Julius Popper he wiped out a whole people.

How about Jewish Genrikh Yagoda in charge of a NKVD more Jewish than Russian, with 10 million deaths under Yagoda.

Lazar Kogan & Matvei Berman 2 Jews who ran the GULAG slave labor camps during it's height.

Lenin & Trotsky both of Jewish origins killed another 10 million, give or take.

Bemjamin Disraeli of Jewish origins was in charge of Britain during the height of the Late Victorian Holocausts another 10 million may have perished.

Lazar Kaganovich organized the Holodomor terror famine with an estimated 5 million killed.
Cherry picking facts again?
You’re going to compare the Jews with 1,000 years of Gentiles slaughtering hundreds of millions?
Your next project is to document mass murder from 1AD through 1900AD by religion.

I estimate 15 million Jews are responsible for about 40 million deaths, a. Similar figure as Hitler is responsible for.

There's no way 2.5 billion Christians are responsible for 6 billion deaths, AKA an comparable disproportion.

Prob more like 250 million were killed by Christians like Britain, Germany, Spain, Belgium, France & well others.

I'm not so sure I'd list Soviets just because of many Atheists, Jews & Asiatics.

tell me the truth, sobie dear. Did you pass high school geometry?
I used to tutor hopeless cases like you

So says the mega-Simpleton who can't even figure out who did the Holocaust.

what holocaust?-----the one that nudged many of my family members
to Austria in the late 1800s from GUESS WHERE
Theres over 100X more Christians than Jews.

Obviously a disproportionate amount of genocidal maniacs have been Jews.

Take Jew Julius Popper he wiped out a whole people.

How about Jewish Genrikh Yagoda in charge of a NKVD more Jewish than Russian, with 10 million deaths under Yagoda.

Lazar Kogan & Matvei Berman 2 Jews who ran the GULAG slave labor camps during it's height.

Lenin & Trotsky both of Jewish origins killed another 10 million, give or take.

Bemjamin Disraeli of Jewish origins was in charge of Britain during the height of the Late Victorian Holocausts another 10 million may have perished.

Lazar Kaganovich organized the Holodomor terror famine with an estimated 5 million killed.
Cherry picking facts again?
You’re going to compare the Jews with 1,000 years of Gentiles slaughtering hundreds of millions?
Your next project is to document mass murder from 1AD through 1900AD by religion.

I estimate 15 million Jews are responsible for about 40 million deaths, a. Similar figure as Hitler is responsible for.

There's no way 2.5 billion Christians are responsible for 6 billion deaths, AKA an comparable disproportion.

Prob more like 250 million were killed by Christians like Britain, Germany, Spain, Belgium, France & well others.

I'm not so sure I'd list Soviets just because of many Atheists, Jews & Asiatics.

tell me the truth, sobie dear. Did you pass high school geometry?
I used to tutor hopeless cases like you

So says the mega-Simpleton who can't even figure out who did the Holocaust.

what holocaust?-----the one that nudged many of my family members
to Austria in the late 1800s from GUESS WHERE

The anti-Jewish Pogroms in the 1800's were in Russia, and mostly orchestrated by Russians.

Gee, you're levels of critical thinking, and knowledge is downright pitiful.
Interestingly Asians & Jews who are the main groups to reject Christ have often very cold, desperate, materialistic & unfriendly personalities

When? This has not been my experience.

I've been meaning to ask you: what is this thing that you have against Jews? You are so bitter about it. What's up? I've known many people in the Jewish faith. They are just like the rest of us. What's your beef?

Yet, opposite questions can be asked.

Like why Jewish texts hate on Jesus.
Why most Jews hate Poles.
How about why didn't Jews assimilate to Christ living over 1000 years in Christian countries?

But, keep pretending only the Christian side is at fault.

Nutty. Creepy. Makes no sense. I don't think many Jews even think about Jesus, much less "hate on Jesus." Haven't heard about Jews hating Poles, either. Why should Jews have converted to Christianity? They have their own religion and, besides, Christianity has been a mess for centuries. No skin off anybody's teeth.

Religious squabbling makes no sense at all.

I hate to inform you, but the Jewish Holy Talmud states that Jesus is boiling in excrement in the Jewish version of Hell.

As for Jews hating Poles?
Really, really now?

How about the whole Knesset calling Poland Holocaust deniers, how about Debbie Schlussel, Arlen Spector,Giles Coren, Stephen Fry, Howard Stern, Grabowski, Jan T Gross, Rabbi Friedman, or Jewish made films like The Big Lebowski, Borat & Schindlers List?
What about TV shows by Jews like Laugh In, or All in the Family?

Jews don't only hate Poland, they hate all other countries too that have ever given them refuge. For example, Hungary sheltered thousands of Jews to save them from Germany, then as soon as ww2 was over, the Jews quickly destroyed 75 % of all Hungarian lands and re created Czechoslovakia Romania and Yugoslavia out of it. Pure evil.

you have an interesting grasp of history------the Austrian Hungarian
empire (aka the second reich of da holey roman empire) died with
world war I Franz Josef and Mozart are also dead. ---but before
world war I You got any more pearls of wisdom from the islamo Nazi
Cherry picking facts again?
You’re going to compare the Jews with 1,000 years of Gentiles slaughtering hundreds of millions?
Your next project is to document mass murder from 1AD through 1900AD by religion.

I estimate 15 million Jews are responsible for about 40 million deaths, a. Similar figure as Hitler is responsible for.

There's no way 2.5 billion Christians are responsible for 6 billion deaths, AKA an comparable disproportion.

Prob more like 250 million were killed by Christians like Britain, Germany, Spain, Belgium, France & well others.

I'm not so sure I'd list Soviets just because of many Atheists, Jews & Asiatics.

tell me the truth, sobie dear. Did you pass high school geometry?
I used to tutor hopeless cases like you

So says the mega-Simpleton who can't even figure out who did the Holocaust.

what holocaust?-----the one that nudged many of my family members
to Austria in the late 1800s from GUESS WHERE

The anti-Jewish Pogroms in the 1800's were in Russia, and mostly orchestrated by Russians.

Gee, you're levels of critical thinking, and knowledge is downright pitiful.

talk to a REAL POLE-----like if you can find one. In my long
life I knew a professor born in Krakow-----a "not jew"-----very honest
It is very hard for Jews to get saved on average generally, because they have established the separation of church and state specifically for Christian countries. Thereby the Jews are directly executing satan's plans of replacing faith in Jesus Christ with faith in some government of a nation state. So, to get saved, Jews would need to beg for foregiveness from Christ, which they would never do.
If any group needs forgiveness, it’s the Roman Catholic Church.

Unfortunately its probably never going to happen.

For some mysterious reason they have made the most important part of the religion desecrating the teachings of Jesus in a ritual that is a defiant and brazen violation of divine Law and an open demonstration of pure hatred for our God.

If scripture is true, doing the most detestable degrading and abominable thing to God described in the entire Bible will never be forgiven, no matter how sorry they profess to be unless they stop doing it and conform to the laws demands.

If they did that there would be no more Roman Catholic Church, no more three in one mangod, no more 33,000 Jesus is God denominations, no more wine and crackers, no more crazy christians, no more door to door salesmen peddling godflesh, no more holy obligations to engage in unholy practices, no more "Jesus died yay!" celebrations, no more sanctimonious politicians, no more talking serpents trying to save your soul..

Sniff, sniff.

Hehehe! You are right in that everyone must beg for the forgiveness from Jesus, but it is not tru that Jesus would deny forgiveness as per some law. Laws are the prorogative of the Holly Spirit alone, people have never received any permission to write any.

oh right----the HOLLY SPIRIT 'tis the SEASON
I like your colors :)

By the way, even Moses didn't insult God by writing laws. He brought them down from mount Sinai. It was the Pharisees first that made themselves the enemies of God by their legislations. Now imagine how many more laws modern western states

btw----I grew up in an erstwhile "restricted" Nazi shit hole and attended
sunday school ----lots, and read all your literature. You learned
that shit well but never really read the bible. ---I got bad news---
JESUS WAS A PHARISEE. Try reading the book.
Theres over 100X more Christians than Jews.

Obviously a disproportionate amount of genocidal maniacs have been Jews.

Take Jew Julius Popper he wiped out a whole people.

How about Jewish Genrikh Yagoda in charge of a NKVD more Jewish than Russian, with 10 million deaths under Yagoda.

Lazar Kogan & Matvei Berman 2 Jews who ran the GULAG slave labor camps during it's height.

Lenin & Trotsky both of Jewish origins killed another 10 million, give or take.

Bemjamin Disraeli of Jewish origins was in charge of Britain during the height of the Late Victorian Holocausts another 10 million may have perished.

Lazar Kaganovich organized the Holodomor terror famine with an estimated 5 million killed.
Cherry picking facts again?
You’re going to compare the Jews with 1,000 years of Gentiles slaughtering hundreds of millions?
Your next project is to document mass murder from 1AD through 1900AD by religion.

I estimate 15 million Jews are responsible for about 40 million deaths, a. Similar figure as Hitler is responsible for.

There's no way 2.5 billion Christians are responsible for 6 billion deaths, AKA an comparable disproportion.

Prob more like 250 million were killed by Christians like Britain, Germany, Spain, Belgium, France & well others.

I'm not so sure I'd list Soviets just because of many Atheists, Jews & Asiatics.

Can you do joined up writing too?
If any group needs forgiveness, it’s the Roman Catholic Church.
Everybody needs foregiveness of course, that includes the Roman Catholic Church too, of course. What is interesting is who are the groups that out rightly reject and despise the foregiveness forever, and those are the Jews and the Muslims. They know this about themselves too, Jews know that their biggest enemy is not the Muslims but us Christian's, because Christian's are the only ones who know about a higher power instead of just relying on personal wise crackery. Jews and Muslims will never accept this. Hehehe.
I was wondering why the Sebian Catholics were killing the Muslim minority...to save them..
Serbians are not Catholic. Serbians are Bizantine orthodox, like the Greeks, but unlike the Greeks they are corrupted, because they subjugated their church to national interest and national organization. Therefore Serbians are not really Christian's.

as a child----two of my little playmates were serbs----they called themselves YUGOSLAVIANS-----their parents spoke that language,
-----and they were "orthodox" (with the extra lines in the cross)----
the family was ANTI-EVERYONE------catholics, blacks, irish (micks)
Italians (wops) ---jews too---but they struggled to hide it........
-------they CERTAINLY thought they were Christians-----even though
Christmas and easter ended up on the wrong day One easter whilst
we were hanging around-----a girl in a pastel nylon easter dress commented-----"oh---they are jews" (we were in pedal pushers....)
My serb friend was EXTREMELY OFFENDED. -----now that's a
diverse neighborhood-----their church was subjugated to national

Yes, national interest. From your description, they were from north of the river Danube. All Serbs that come from the north of the Danube, now called Voivodina, were migrated there by the Habsburgs, for the express mission of killing off all the indigenous population there in the 18th century. Typically to kill off all the Hungarians, Szeklers, and Romanians. So no wonder that those Serbs hate everyone, hate is their identity.

And as for their Orthodox Church, they originally inherited the real Orthodox Church, but later they separated their districts away from it and recreated them under Serbian ultra nationalism. That is also why they killed the king of Serbia too, shortly before they killed the arch duke of Austria too, to start ww1.

Novak Djokovic is one.
All Jews will be saved except the ones posting in this thread. ;)

how about if we DELETE-------pull them out of the cosmos
I thought Jews would be funnier.

your sunday school teacher lied
You misspelled rabbi.

how about if we DELETE-------pull them out of the cosmos
I thought Jews would be funnier.

your sunday school teacher lied
You misspelled rabbi.

View attachment 235436

I didn't write "rabbi"
It was a joke. Lighten up. You’ll live longer.

I have already lived long------and my mother is 98------
it goes on and on and on and on........
I thought Jews would be funnier.

your sunday school teacher lied
You misspelled rabbi.

View attachment 235436

I didn't write "rabbi"
It was a joke. Lighten up. You’ll live longer.

I have already lived long------and my mother is 98------
it goes on and on and on and on........
Then don’t lighten up and you can die sooner.
The Internet has the Christians in Serbia as Catholic.
Blame the Internet.
Catholics spent 1,000 years committing murder when they were on top.
The Muslims were just as bad.
But let’s blame the Jews for being locked in ghetto towns and being starved and having to defend themselves from blood libels.
Poland and Russia sucked for Jews for at least 800 years living under these these conditions.
The Internet has the Christians in Serbia as Catholic.
Blame the Internet.
Catholics spent 1,000 years committing murder when they were on top.
The Muslims were just as bad.
But let’s blame the Jews for being locked in ghetto towns and being starved and having to defend themselves from blood libels.
Poland and Russia sucked for Jews for at least 800 years living under these these conditions.
Are you trying to make a two wrongs makes a right argument?
It's Ok what my people did because others were worse?

Give me a break.

Be Careful throwing stones.
The Internet has the Christians in Serbia as Catholic.
Blame the Internet.
Catholics spent 1,000 years committing murder when they were on top.
The Muslims were just as bad.
But let’s blame the Jews for being locked in ghetto towns and being starved and having to defend themselves from blood libels.
Poland and Russia sucked for Jews for at least 800 years living under these these conditions.
Are you trying to make a two wrongs makes a right argument?
I’m showing consistency.
Jesus and Allah followers are just as violent as ever and the media ignores it.
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