Will John McCain and Lindsey Graham help obama pass his judge to the court?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Considering that John McCain has always tried to screw over actual conservatives.....how long before he sides with obama and tries to help him pass through a radical lefty judge to fill the vacancy....?
Another thread made the possibility of Obama becoming a Justice the karma of con obstruction. 33% of the senate is up for reelection this year too.
"Will John McCain and Lindsey Graham help obama pass his judge to the court?"

Wrong question.

Correct question: will Senate republicans do their jobs and respect the will of the the American people by timely confirming a replacement for the Supreme Court, or will they play partisan politics and ignore the Constitution and the will of the people and make an attempt to block the nomination for no other reason than their unwarranted animosity toward the president.
Considering that John McCain has always tried to screw over actual conservatives.....how long before he sides with obama and tries to help him pass through a radical lefty judge to fill the vacancy....?
That will depend on the amount of bribes given out.
Considering that John McCain has always tried to screw over actual conservatives.....how long before he sides with obama and tries to help him pass through a radical lefty judge to fill the vacancy....?

No. Lindsey Graham was on FoxNews yesterday pretty adamant the Senate hold firm and not pass anyone Obama nominates, unless in the unlikely situation he actually nominates someone we can all agree on. Graham cited Harry Reid's own rules in holding firm.
"Will John McCain and Lindsey Graham help obama pass his judge to the court?"

Wrong question.

Correct question: will Senate republicans do their jobs and respect the will of the the American people by timely confirming a replacement for the Supreme Court, or will they play partisan politics and ignore the Constitution and the will of the people and make an attempt to block the nomination for no other reason than their unwarranted animosity toward the president.

That's the biggest bunch of horseshit I've read. Obama ignored the will of the people in slamming Obamacare down our throats. Liberals only want to respect the will of the people when it benefits their ideology. The Senate needs to hold firm and push to the next President. If Hillary is elected then you get what you want. If a Republican is elected, then the WILL OF THE PEOPLE has spoken. In either scenario YOU win.
The Senate should do its job, period.

it is period
Not if it refuses to vote...

indeed you are incorrect
Nope. That's not Advise and Consent, that's not doing your job, something the American people are already seriously pissed off about.

what the article says is the president has the power

if he has consent of congress

a no vote is the same as not giving consent

cry all you want
The Senate should do its job, period.

it is period
Not if it refuses to vote...

indeed you are incorrect
Nope. That's not Advise and Consent, that's not doing your job, something the American people are already seriously pissed off about.

what the article says is the president has the power

if he has consent of congress

a no vote is the same as not giving consent

cry all you want
They are promising no vote, not a no vote. They are nothing alike.

And, I'm not worried, If they pull it, they're fucked, not to mention, going against the Original Intent of the Constitution...
The Senate should do its job, period.
What is its job?
To vote on who is nominated. Advise and Consent.

"The President] shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments."
Advice and consent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
it is period
Not if it refuses to vote...

indeed you are incorrect
Nope. That's not Advise and Consent, that's not doing your job, something the American people are already seriously pissed off about.

what the article says is the president has the power

if he has consent of congress

a no vote is the same as not giving consent

cry all you want
They are promising no vote, not a no vote. They are nothing alike.

And, I'm not worried, If they pull it, they're fucked, not to mention, going against the Original Intent of the Constitution...

the Constitution does not say they have to provide a vote

no vote is not giving consent

and the president would be advised of that

the libtard crystal ball is strong today


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