Will Johnson and the Libertarian Party Make the Presidential Debates?

He's just a vanity candidate, and the Republicans will just keep the Libertarians off the ballot in many states in the General Election, the same as the Democrats will keep any serious threat to their votes off the ballots on their side. This is what they do, and the public approves. Libertarians are pretty much a joke anyway; they're the private preserve of the Koch Brothers and GOP fundraisers to begin with. They don't have anything but slogans and tropes like the rest of them do, so what would they add? These aren't debates, they're sound bites we've heard over and over and over and over for years. Nobody but the politics addicts are going to watch this ridiculous farce, so why bother?
The Libertarians are only three points away, in the most recent Fox poll, from being in the debates.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Soon maybe others walls come down, enclosing Lands of Many Nations!)
I certainly hope so, Johnson is more a RADICAL than the Berning Madman, and his exposure to Bernie's anarchists would be a dramatic turning point for the DemoRAT candidate!

  1. Johnson: I agree with 73 percent of what Sanders...
    Gov. Gary Johnson said that he agrees with 73 percent of what Bernie Sanders says, citing that libertarians agree with socialism as long as it's voluntary.
The word "debate" is a joke when it comes to politics. Why should the "moderators" (another oxymoron) be able to control the subject matter and inject their personal views and preferences (e.g., Candy Crowley)?

A real debate would consist of one candidate, and then another, putting forth policy positions and then defending them against the other candidates. But I suppose that would be too high brow for the electorate.
In THIS election -- not being on the stage for that CATFIGHT --- might even be better. There's not gonna be any debate there. We'd be better off taking each moderator question and letting Johnson answer it and paying for exposure of that.

Too bad we won't get the questions in advance -- like the candidates probably do.
We could answer them all on a National Ad blitz BEFORE the Rumble of the Jumbled starts..
The word "debate" is a joke when it comes to politics. Why should the "moderators" (another oxymoron) be able to control the subject matter and inject their personal views and preferences (e.g., Candy Crowley)?

A real debate would consist of one candidate, and then another, putting forth policy positions and then defending them against the other candidates. But I suppose that would be too high brow for the electorate.
a real debate to me is where people in the audience ask the questions.....
Maybe the Clintonites are counting on a libertarian showing like Ross Perot did that clinched the presidency for them in the early 90's but it ain't your grandfather's libertarian party and people are smarter today The Libertarians have been hijacked by the pot heads and Johnson is the former CEO of "cannibas sativa" which was organized to sell drugs to your high school kids.. My guess is that the new pot head libertarians will take votes away from democrats rather than republicans.
Maybe the Clintonites are counting on a libertarian showing like Ross Perot did that clinched the presidency for them in the early 90's but it ain't your grandfather's libertarian party and people are smarter today The Libertarians have been hijacked by the pot heads and Johnson is the former CEO of "cannibas sativa" which was organized to sell drugs to your high school kids.. My guess is that the new pot head libertarians will take votes away from democrats rather than republicans.
Right now the polls show the Libertarians drawing equally from the Dems and GOP, about 3%.

I will probably still vote Trump. seriously doubt ever voting for Hillary, but Johnson is a credible option of Trump flakes out.

Lots of people are in my same tack, methinks.
Maybe the Clintonites are counting on a libertarian showing like Ross Perot did that clinched the presidency for them in the early 90's but it ain't your grandfather's libertarian party and people are smarter today The Libertarians have been hijacked by the pot heads and Johnson is the former CEO of "cannibas sativa" which was organized to sell drugs to your high school kids.. My guess is that the new pot head libertarians will take votes away from democrats rather than republicans.

Pothead Libertarians huh? Gary Johnson took that position for $1 a year. Just out of principle. NOT to be "in the pot biz".. Quit your griping if you don't live in a Pot state. You will have choices. We given a LOT of help to that cause over the past 25 years, but what you mistake AT YOUR PERIL --- is that our position on pot is a priority.

It's not. It's part of the general philosophy of libertarians. Applies to damn near ALL matters of choice. Some parties SELECTIVELY endorse choices that get them votes --- while Libertarians have the convictions to be called POT HEADS and fruitcakes for taking principled stands. You don't know jack shit about the Party.

Here's a clue.. Do you know ANY political party that would TODAY --- run an openly Gay man for President?
OF COURSE --- you don't... But Libertarian Party chose John Hoskins in 1976 (???) to be their FIRST candidate for President. That's when we called "faggot lovers" just like you call us "pot heads" today.

See -- we've been 25 years AHEAD of social justice issues like prison reform, asset forfeiture, the Drug War, Foreign Policy, and education choice (for example) ---- and we've never waivered.

On a personal note --- My bro in law just got busted for a stupid move growing pot. He's not quite right and we assumed that this nearly 60 year old "man-child" would end up something like this. But the most emotional part of all this family drama is when my poor sobbing in-laws were trying to figure out why they were gonna lock him up and throw away the key.. I told them I agreed. THen I reminded them of all the nasty things they've said about my Libertarian activism.. Being the brain dead Dems that that they are -- I never fought back. But THIS TIME --- I reminded them WHY Libertarians are still at it after all the insults and the anger. And my FILaw understood.

Don't think THEY are gonna be calling Libertarians "pot heads" anymore..
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Do you know ANY political party that would TODAY --- run an openly Gay man for President?
And why do you say that like its a good thing?

Because of the fundamentally different way that we approach social change. Not being fans of Presidents directing traffic to bathrooms or politically motivated poor legislation that passes as "civil rights" --- we actually endorse and PROMOTE causes that we believe in. A DIFFERENT way of changing hearts and minds than FORCING folks to comply by immediate force of law.

So -- we have no fear of supporting what just right and doesn't involve bigger govt and quick legal fixes that are always packed with onerous govt oversight and enforcement.

It was a good thing because it didn't put anybody's shorts in a bunch at the point of a gun. AND it made a very important statement about gay acceptance and legal status. (although we did not do that to actually make a statement).
The word "debate" is a joke when it comes to politics. Why should the "moderators" (another oxymoron) be able to control the subject matter and inject their personal views and preferences (e.g., Candy Crowley)?

A real debate would consist of one candidate, and then another, putting forth policy positions and then defending them against the other candidates. But I suppose that would be too high brow for the electorate.

When was the last time any candidate ever wrote an actual policy paper? Nixon is the last one I can recall. they don't have policies, they have sound bites invented for them by hired media hacks.
Maybe the Clintonites are counting on a libertarian showing like Ross Perot did that clinched the presidency for them in the early 90's but it ain't your grandfather's libertarian party and people are smarter today The Libertarians have been hijacked by the pot heads and Johnson is the former CEO of "cannibas sativa" which was organized to sell drugs to your high school kids.. My guess is that the new pot head libertarians will take votes away from democrats rather than republicans.
Right now the polls show the Libertarians drawing equally from the Dems and GOP, about 3%.

I will probably still vote Trump. seriously doubt ever voting for Hillary, but Johnson is a credible option of Trump flakes out.

Lots of people are in my same tack, methinks.

It's about not letting that slimey psychotic bitch appoint Supreme Court justices and Federal Court justices and an AG for me. I could care less about any of the rest of it. Her and her flakey, insane, venal base are a major threat to our existence as a country. If she carries a majority into the House and Senate with her, free speech will be dead within a year, for one, the entire First Amendment will be null, actually.
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