Just like everything else, the Presidential debates will be fully controlled by Democrats.

Why did the world's greatest negotiator not negotiate a more fair package for the debates?
He sorta did...

Trump challenged Biden to debate him.....

His condition was any time and any where.

Biden met Trump's conditions... In June on the first timing, and in a closed publicly, CNN Studio in Atlanta with the where....
He sorta did...

Trump challenged Biden to debate him.....

His condition was any time and any where.

Biden met Trump's conditions... In June on the first timing, and in a closed publicly, CNN Studio in Atlanta with the where....
Well yep.... You are correct there. That is true. In my opinion Trump should have left well enough alone. There are absolutely no advantages or upsides in this debate for him.
Let's say he makes Biden look like a stupid, doddering old fool.....he still loses. It will just make him look like a bully and an elder abuser.
Trump doesn't know a single policy answer. His debates are judged by how entertaining they are to maga-world.

  • Border - Trump did nothing in 4 years on the border and interfered in the only bipartisan legislation agreed to in decades
  • Economy - Biden has a better economy than Trump but more importantly Trump has no answers to what he'd do differently - last time he said he'd drill more.
  • Ukraine - he has no answers on what he'd do in Ukraine - last answer was a word salad of nonsense
  • Israel - will likely be done fighting by debate but if not Trumps policy is same as Biden - support Israel and look for peace
  • Crime - everyone knows crime is plummeting and near all time lows - Trump cant act like we live in El Salvador

Trump wants the death penalty for drug smugglers.

He sorta did...

Trump challenged Biden to debate him.....

His condition was any time and any where.

Biden met Trump's conditions... In June on the first timing, and in a closed publicly, CNN Studio in Atlanta with the where....

Poor old Trump. He's the quintessential victim. 🤣
Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, both well documented Trump haters from Trump Hater Central CNN will be in control of both Presidential debates. Is there ANY Democrat supporter who thinks there should at least be the appearance of impartiality? Perhaps one debate controlled by Fox and one by CNN. Or one moderator from each network for both debates? Or some other option?

Bub, you said it...dems control all. But the good news is no one cares about debates...they care about identity politics.

The loss of America all boils down to dems too strong...reps too weak. There is no integrity in American politics anymore. Once integrity evaporated, all was lost. If any of you Trump lovers had any integrity, you'd say what I always too you...Trump is a lying conman, a despicable POS...but he is better than a filthy commie dem. Trump won't fix America. Trump and reps had DC under full control for 2 years and did nothing material to turn America around. The reps could have done all sorts of great things - changing the asylum laws being number one. But they did squat. Just lowered taxes for the rich and tried to legalize silencers and failed. We are in the worst shape as a country since the Civil War.

Here is a good example. Remember the J-6 investigation? The black guy that ran it would not give the key to unlock the hard drives that were encrypted once the reps requested it. Said he didn't know what they were talking about. Anything ever come of that?? Bub, J-6 were behind enemy lines. We can't expect any breaks from the commie dems. We should expect the exact opposite. But they didn't know that at the time. No one knew it until it was too late.

Bub...harken back to the Mondale era. He carried MN and DC, that is it. Now see what states the commie dems carry. The citizens aka 'the vote' were our last line of defense, once the government, courts and military have failed us. You know, in the last 12 presidential elections, a rep has NEVER won DC. A rep has never got more than 16.51% of the vote in DC. If you go back 60 years, then the most a rep has got was 21.56%. Recent presidential races are in the 4% - 7% area for the rep candidate. Does that tell you anything?

Here is the record for how D.C. voted in presidential elections over the last 60 years from Wikipedia:

Goldwater 14.5% 1964

Nixon 18.8%

Nixon 21.56%

Ford 16.51%

Reagan 13.3%

Reagan 13.73%

Bush (G.W). 14.3%

Bush (G.W). 9.1%

Dole 9.34%

Bush (G.H). 8.95%

Bush (G.H). 14.3%

McCain 6.53%

Romney 7.28%

Trump 4.09%

Trump 5.4% 2020


Better start coming up with a 'Plan B' to save something of America. Reps have no hope or plan to save America. No god/s to save us, blissninnys. Praying harder won't fix this. It is all lies that are used to control you and give you hope. Heaven and hell is what humans make it to be right here on earth.

Personally, I don't believe America can be saved...it has gone past the point of no return. But I'm no genius, I can only outline some of the problems. If you disagree, what do you base America's salvation on? Hopium?

reps dems chicken axe.jpg
Are you kidding me Jake tapper? Dana Bush? Trump is a fool to agree to it.
Actually, much of his appeal involves leftist displays of media bias against him, and he gets the opportunity to highlight this in real time, and then smack them around.

We know Biden will do his best to recite lines and not answer direct questions no matter what the setup is.
Well yep.... You are correct there. That is true. In my opinion Trump should have left well enough alone. There are absolutely no advantages or upsides in this debate for him.
Let's say he makes Biden look like a stupid, doddering old fool.....he still loses. It will just make him look like a bully and an elder abuser.
They're basically the same age. Biden wants the job, a debate is the least he can do
I don't think it will be helpful to Trump..... But he obviously thinks otherwise.
After watching Biden in France today, I don't know if they can even drug him up enough to participate in this debate.

I really don't know what's gonna happen before November, but I know Biden will be drooling in a hospital bed before '28
After watching Biden in France today, I don't know if they can even drug him up enough to participate in this debate.

I really don't know what's gonna happen before November, but I know Biden will be drooling in a hospital bed before '28

Yeah he's deteriorating rapidly
Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, both well documented Trump haters from Trump Hater Central CNN will be in control of both Presidential debates. Is there ANY Democrat supporter who thinks there should at least be the appearance of impartiality? Perhaps one debate controlled by Fox and one by CNN. Or one moderator from each network for both debates? Or some other option?

They are never real debates, so it doesn't matter; Biden is a lunatic liar and congenital criminal, and will gain no new votes, and the moderators will be unable to conceal what they are, venal little airheads like their Party's base. As somebody said in an earlier thread, they should be forced to take drug tests before the show so e can find out what they hop Biden up on beforehand.
After watching Biden in France today, I don't know if they can even drug him up enough to participate in this debate.

I really don't know what's gonna happen before November, but I know Biden will be drooling in a hospital bed before '28

The only reason his own Party hasn't offed him is Kamala would then be Prez.

It difficult to admit that we elected a man as stupid and immoral as Trump. Be brave. Read the link.

6. His first secretary of state, Rex Tillerson: “(Trump’s) understanding of global events, his understanding of global history, his understanding of US history was really limited. It’s really hard to have a conversation with someone who doesn’t even understand the concept for why we’re talking about this.”
They are never real debates, so it doesn't matter; Biden is a lunatic liar and congenital criminal, and will gain no new votes, and the moderators will be unable to conceal what they are, venal little airheads like their Party's base. As somebody said in an earlier thread, they should be forced to take drug tests before the show so e can find out what they hop Biden up on beforehand.
It will be another dog and pony show for sure. Outside of Biden literally face planting on stage, the media spin doctors will be in full North Korea mode exulting Dear Leader's performance.
It will be another dog and pony show for sure. Outside of Biden literally face planting on stage, the media spin doctors will be in full North Korea mode exulting Dear Leader's performance.

Trump can't stick with the subject long enough to debate. He has the attention span of a fruit fly. Hannity asked him about nuclear weapons and he went round the bend talking about his uncle at MIT. Never answered the question. He does that constantly. Pay attention to what he says, not what you wish he would say.
It will be another dog and pony show for sure. Outside of Biden literally face planting on stage, the media spin doctors will be in full North Korea mode exulting Dear Leader's performance.
The real Americans will see the contrast. I doubt spin will matter except to the Democrat cult followers

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