Will less Americans be able to afford heating bills this winter?

When that happens I will let you know.

I used the exact same amount of NG in Aug 2021 as Aug 2022, in 2022 my bill was less than 6 dollars higher.

In 2021 about 12.3 cents per KWH, in 2022 it was 11.3 cents.

We will be fine!

Resiential propane has trisen by 28% in this year alone. So, what you paid for the LPG last year is long gone. You're lookining at $3.00 plus/gal for winter 2022/2023.

On the contrary, gasoline, diesel/kerosene, and LPG are already double the price it was in December 2020. The average retiree, and/or citizen making 36,000 a year will not be able to pay for heating their homes this winter.
Why will I not be able to pay my bill?
It's not that there's a shortage. Inflation and the incoming recession is going to make many folks decide between heating their homes, or keeping the lights on. Thank God we're not Europe. They're about to get hammered.
I thank God we are not Europe everyday. Their Leftist policies have put them in this bind. This is why I vote against US Democrats because they want to take us in the direction of Europe.
Natural gas has gone up about 300%. Hope you tell Biden thanks. That's what you got for your vote.

Do you think Joe Biden is responsible for the worldwide increase in gas prices????? If gas prices are going up everywhere, why do YOU blame Biden for it. Only an idiot would look at this and blame Joe Biden.

Natural gas has gone up all over the world. My gas bill went up by 1/3 this year.
Do you think Joe Biden is responsible for the worldwide increase in gas prices????? If gas prices are going up everywhere, why do YOU blame Biden for it. Only an idiot would look at this and blame Joe Biden.

Natural gas has gone up all over the world. My gas bill went up by 1/3 this year.
Cheap in Mexico, but their no pushing the green new deal either. Yes Biden has put restrictions on drilling so yes that effects the price.
Resiential propane has trisen by 28% in this year alone. So, what you paid for the LPG last year is long gone. You're lookining at $3.00 plus/gal for winter 2022/2023.


Good thing I do not use propane
The overall topic of energy should start with what we have and what we might need in the future. Previous generations saw the coming needs of an every growing population and built the dams, for hydro power, developed the oil industry etc. It seem now the so called Leaders, decide we need to move away from those things and go to alternatives. Fine but this nation is not ready to do all that right now. Build electric cars, OK, but who has planned on how to "fuel' them, without a huge electric producing system? Calif doesn't even have enough of that electricity to avoid rolling blackouts right now. Hydro power is probably both the cheapest and renewable power we can have. Anything being done to increase that?
The Dems current approach is to insist that it's constituency doles, with less; so that the government doesn't have to do more. "Use less electricity" they say. ""Fuck you" I say. If they did their God damned jobs, instead of trying to figure out how to line their own pockets, we wouldn't have this problem. That makes THEM the problem.
I thank God we are not Europe everyday. Their Leftist policies have put them in this bind. This is why I vote against US Democrats because they want to take us in the direction of Europe.

It's not "leftist policies" that put them in this bind, it was the right wing policies of Vladimir Putin who caused the shortages and the prices to rise.
It's not "leftist policies" that put them in this bind, it was the right wing policies of Vladimir Putin who caused the shortages and the prices to rise.
Putting your country dependent on what Putin does and blaming Putin? Really?
We get about 50% of our power from nuclear plants....maybe that is why I paid less per KWH this year than last.

We have so much hydro and wind generated power that we sell it to the Eastern US power grid. We closed all of our coal fired plants back in the early 1990's and saw an immediate improvement in air quality, and a reduction in both hospitalizations and deaths from asthma and other breathing problems. We only have one nuclear facility left in Ontario as well.

Despite the Liberal government in the province completely fucking up and overpaying for the construction of the windmills, and the conversion to wind power, Ontario now enjoys some of the cheapest power in North America, in North America as a result.

Conservatives are always barking about the costs of the conversion, but here in Ontario, farmers are now renting 5 acre parcels to Sanyo (yes, a foreign company built the windmills), and being paid are $60,000 per year in rent. The net result is that farmers have stabilizing income regardless of the weather, or the price of the crops.

When everyone was screaming about the high price that the province paid for the power created, and the ridiculous costs involved in the change over (the Ontario Liberals REALLY fucked this up badly), I knew back then in 2012, that in 10 years we'd have the cheapest electrical power in North America. Not quite yet, but Toronto is something like 7th out of the 10 in the biggest NA city power costs.
Germany etc are already facing shortages of natural gas and we are using up our strategic oil reserves...just so Biden etc could say the price of gas went down. How about this winter and where will our supple of all energy be coming from?
Is there a shortage?
Putting your country dependent on what Putin does and blaming Putin? Really?

My country is selling power to your country. Europe is dependent on Russian energy.

Europe doesn't have oil and gas reserves, and there's not enough oil in the North Sea. As long as Europeans are dependent on carbon fuels, they have to import it from SOMEWHERE.

Everyone has been trying to help the Russians improve their economy and embrace capitalism and democracy. Clearly, it didn't work. People who are doing well socially and economically, and thriving in a healthy democracy, are seldom a danger to neighbouring nations.
My country is selling power to your country. Europe is dependent on Russian energy.

Europe doesn't have oil and gas reserves, and there's not enough oil in the North Sea. As long as Europeans are dependent on carbon fuels, they have to import it from SOMEWHERE.

Everyone has been trying to help the Russians improve their economy and embrace capitalism and democracy. Clearly, it didn't work. People who are doing well socially and economically, and thriving in a healthy democracy, are seldom a danger to neighbouring nations.
Then Europe should stop pushing Green Energy policy so hard when the technologies are not yet mature as a viable replacement for carbon fuel. It’s putting the cart before the horse. I make the same argument for the US. I am all for alternative / replacement energy but fail to see the benefit of punitive policies towards fossil fuel in the meantime.
50% less home heating oil in supply for the Northeast this winter.
Buy your portable electric heaters now while you can still get them.

Bi-Dung's Amerika, bitchez!!
We get about 50% of our power from nuclear plants....maybe that is why I paid less per KWH this year than last.
Both ComEd and Ameren rates increased in 2022, so that's strange. Comed did issue rebates this year - something about a bribery scandal, but it's trivial.

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