Will libs fight to pull the plug on this girl

Another link says that even if they signed a DNR, it would be ignored because she is pregnant. Her wishes don't matter, regardless. She has to stay on life support until the fetus is viable, then be sliced open, baby delivered, potentially brain damaged, and who foots the bill?

If the Texas government want to keep her alive, fine - they can pay her medical expenses. If the baby is brain damaged, they can foot the bill for his/her health care. That's fair.
You don't know the baby will be brain damaged. The woman could quite possibly want her baby to live, you don't know if she would or not. It's not like she's gonna suffer through the pregnancy, so why not try to save the baby?

Why keep her alive and keep the medical bills mounting? Are you going to help pay for them? How would the husband feel, knowing his wife is only being kept alive to remain an incubator?

I think that time is needed to better evaluate the condition of the Baby. Either way it's a hard choice. Life is more complicated than the cost of keeping the Mother alive during the remainder of the pregnancy. Try to not be so shallow here.
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Why keep her alive and keep the medical bills mounting? Are you going to help pay for them? How would the husband feel, knowing his wife is only being kept alive to remain an incubator?
Is human life worth less than the almighty dollar?

I think that's what they call a strawman.

AKA, ask someone who has literally been left destitute by medical bills.
We don't really know if she said she didn't want to be kept alive, just his word. He should be looked at as a suspect before they make the decision to kill her (and her baby).

Of course, blame the husband. I guess he wanted his wife dead so whacked her over the head or something and now wants to pull the plug to collect her life insurance?

Don't be so stupid.

What Noomi doesn't realize the woman can't speak for herself she right now is like an unborn child, she needs protecting because she cannot speak for herself

They are not protecting her - they are protecting a non viable FETUS!

I know. The child doesnt want to die. Thats for certain.

The fetus doesn't have an opinion.

Noomi. Always err on the side of life. You can never go wrong.

Whose life are they erring on?

Doctors "suspect" but no definitive conclusion Who said she was dead?

The fact she is on life support should tell you that she cannot sustain her own life.

her parents and hubby both say she did not want life support....i know what my husband wants....do you know what your spouse wants?

My wife doesn't want it.

Things change when you really actually face death. When that happens you tend to fight for your life instead of just giving up. Especially when you have something to live for.

I'd do anything I could to keep her alive despite her wishes.

So you would ignore her wishes for your own selfishness?
If they felt that strongly about it, they both should have signed a DNR. Too late now, they have to follow the law.

Another link says that even if they signed a DNR, it would be ignored because she is pregnant. Her wishes don't matter, regardless. She has to stay on life support until the fetus is viable, then be sliced open, baby delivered, potentially brain damaged, and who foots the bill?

If the Texas government want to keep her alive, fine - they can pay her medical expenses. If the baby is brain damaged, they can foot the bill for his/her health care. That's fair.

DNRs are not legally binding, the final decision always lies with the nearest relative.

Nearest relative is her husband, and his wishes are being ignored.
Why keep her alive and keep the medical bills mounting? Are you going to help pay for them? How would the husband feel, knowing his wife is only being kept alive to remain an incubator?
Is human life worth less than the almighty dollar?

How would you like to be left millions of dollars in debt because the GOVERNMENT kept your wife alive against her wishes?
Don't you think the GOVERNMENT who made the decision to keep her alive should foot her medical bills?
How would you like to be left millions of dollars in debt because the GOVERNMENT kept your wife alive against her wishes?

Don't you think the GOVERNMENT who made the decision to keep her alive should foot her medical bills?

Absolutely. You should start a petition. I will gladly sign it. As soon as I see the document showing it was of course.
Why keep her alive and keep the medical bills mounting? Are you going to help pay for them? How would the husband feel, knowing his wife is only being kept alive to remain an incubator?
Is human life worth less than the almighty dollar?

How would you like to be left millions of dollars in debt because the GOVERNMENT kept your wife alive against her wishes?
Don't you think the GOVERNMENT who made the decision to keep her alive should foot her medical bills?
It happens. File bankruptcy. There's no guarantee that life will be without problems, setbacks, and heartache. Money is not the most important thing in life (well, maybe to you it is).
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Why keep her alive and keep the medical bills mounting? Are you going to help pay for them? How would the husband feel, knowing his wife is only being kept alive to remain an incubator?
Is human life worth less than the almighty dollar?

I think that's what they call a strawman.

AKA, ask someone who has literally been left destitute by medical bills.
I hope nobody makes the mistake of putting you in charge of their fate.
Why keep her alive and keep the medical bills mounting? Are you going to help pay for them? How would the husband feel, knowing his wife is only being kept alive to remain an incubator?
Is human life worth less than the almighty dollar?

I think that's what they call a strawman.

AKA, ask someone who has literally been left destitute by medical bills.
I agree no one wants to be left with a huge debt. However, let's hypothetically say that I had cancer and the only way for me to survive was to undergo chemotherapy. Unfortunately though, my insurance company did not cover this specific chemo. Should I forget the chemo and not incur a huge debt?

If given the choice, I believe most of us would gladly undergo whatever medical procedures would be needed to save human life regardless the cost. I personally would rather be alive with a debt, than deceased and debt free.
Why keep her alive and keep the medical bills mounting? Are you going to help pay for them? How would the husband feel, knowing his wife is only being kept alive to remain an incubator?
Is human life worth less than the almighty dollar?

How would you like to be left millions of dollars in debt because the GOVERNMENT kept your wife alive against her wishes?
Don't you think the GOVERNMENT who made the decision to keep her alive should foot her medical bills?

This is a case where the small government crowd is for Big Government and damn individual rights!
Why keep her alive and keep the medical bills mounting? Are you going to help pay for them? How would the husband feel, knowing his wife is only being kept alive to remain an incubator?
Is human life worth less than the almighty dollar?

How would you like to be left millions of dollars in debt because the GOVERNMENT kept your wife alive against her wishes?
Don't you think the GOVERNMENT who made the decision to keep her alive should foot her medical bills?
I am certain that the unborn baby once given a chance at life would be glad to trade his/her debt free non existence with a chance at life albeit with a debt.
You don't know the baby will be brain damaged. The woman could quite possibly want her baby to live, you don't know if she would or not. It's not like she's gonna suffer through the pregnancy, so why not try to save the baby?

Why keep her alive and keep the medical bills mounting? Are you going to help pay for them? How would the husband feel, knowing his wife is only being kept alive to remain an incubator?

It's disturbing on multiple levels....and yes...who's paying?

Why does that concern you?

I recall the early days of this disease I have and being so worried over the cost of treatment. I had images of losing everything I had to doctors and hospitals. But I had a friend say, 'don't worry, we will get you the money.' Fortunately, they didn't have to, but there are people who actually put their money where their mouths are. Too bad you have never experienced that.
Is it generally recognized that the decision to kill the baby belongs to the woman alone as her choice? Men do not get a say as to whether a baby should be killed.

If this woman had wanted to kill her baby she would have had an abortion.

The last thought she had was that her baby live.

Either it's a woman's choice or not.
So why do libfags want her rotting in a coffin?

she IS dead.

brain death is a legal declaration of death in the US.

her brain won't recover. She will not live much longer anyway as brain function is needed for regulation of other organs and as time passes everything will simply "shut down" and eventually the heart will also stop.

I would probably let the family adjust for couple of more days. the costs of keeping her on life support are big, but they won't ruin the hospital and may help the family to have a closure not a never-ending feeling of guilt that they did not prevent the hospital from "killing" their child.

You clearly have never had to make a decision like this...hopefully you never will...hospitals should never have this kind of power over the wishes of the family...
Is it generally recognized that the decision to kill the baby belongs to the woman alone as her choice? Men do not get a say as to whether a baby should be killed.

If this woman had wanted to kill her baby she would have had an abortion.

The last thought she had was that her baby live.

Either it's a woman's choice or not.

I've known "prochoice" women say that men should have no voice concerning abortion, it's the mother's choice only.
If they felt that strongly about it, they both should have signed a DNR. Too late now, they have to follow the law.

Another link says that even if they signed a DNR, it would be ignored because she is pregnant. Her wishes don't matter, regardless. She has to stay on life support until the fetus is viable, then be sliced open, baby delivered, potentially brain damaged, and who foots the bill?

If the Texas government want to keep her alive, fine - they can pay her medical expenses. If the baby is brain damaged, they can foot the bill for his/her health care. That's fair.
You don't know the baby will be brain damaged. The woman could quite possibly want her baby to live, you don't know if she would or not. It's not like she's gonna suffer through the pregnancy, so why not try to save the baby?


Texas picks up the tab. For the whole she-bang.
Is human life worth less than the almighty dollar?

How would you like to be left millions of dollars in debt because the GOVERNMENT kept your wife alive against her wishes?
Don't you think the GOVERNMENT who made the decision to keep her alive should foot her medical bills?
It happens. File bankruptcy. There's no guarantee that life will be without problems, setbacks, and heartache. Money is not the most important thing in life (well, maybe to you it is).

If the government decides to go against the wishes of the family the government should pick up the tab.

It's a pretty simple thing.

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