Will libs fight to pull the plug on this girl

Libs won a big victory. A judge ordered her off life support despite the wishes of the parents

It is truly sad that you think this is political.

Somewhere a family is mourning the loss of their child and unborn baby. And your only thought is to blame the "liberals".
Libs won a big victory. A judge ordered her off life support despite the wishes of the parents

It is truly sad that you think this is political.

Somewhere a family is mourning the loss of their child and unborn baby. And your only thought is to blame the "liberals".

I think this is the teenage girl, not the mom.

But yes two doctors have said she is brain dead. I do think the family should have more rights.
It is a very sad case.

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You don't know the baby will be brain damaged. The woman could quite possibly want her baby to live, you don't know if she would or not. It's not like she's gonna suffer through the pregnancy, so why not try to save the baby?

An amniocentesis test would be able to tell if the baby is brain damaged. Even if she signed a DNR, that affects her. It's called personal choice.

What's obvious is that this husband just didn't love his wife all that much and wants reminders of her off the face of the earth. Maybe he's like Michael Schiavo and already has a honey on the side.

Not it would not. Amniocentesis diagnoses some fetal defects such as Down's Syndrome, no brain damage due to hypoxia.

Amniocentesis - Definition, Purpose, Precautions, Description, Risks, Normal results

Then they will have to wait until its born. Last I looked we didn't execute on the what if basis.
You don't know the baby will be brain damaged. The woman could quite possibly want her baby to live, you don't know if she would or not. It's not like she's gonna suffer through the pregnancy, so why not try to save the baby?

Why keep her alive and keep the medical bills mounting? Are you going to help pay for them? How would the husband feel, knowing his wife is only being kept alive to remain an incubator?

It's disturbing on multiple levels....and yes...who's paying?

There's always dad.
She is 18 weeks pregnant and has been on life support for nearly a month, after collapsing at home. She and her husband are both paramedics, and neither want to be kept alive by artificial means. He wants to take her off life support, in accordance with her wishes, but the law puts the fetus ahead of her wishes, so he is banned from taking her off life support - I guess she has to be a brain dead incubator until baby arrives?

A TEXAS man has been barred from taking his pregnant wife off life support because state laws prioritise the rights of the foetus.

Marlise Munoz, 33, has been unconscious since November 26, when her husband Erick Munoz found her collapsed on the living room floor.

Now ABC News reports Erick wants to turn off her ventilator. He said that years ago, Marlise had specifically told him she would never want to be kept alive by machines.

But because Marlise is 18-weeks pregnant, state law prohibits her being taken off life support.

The couple, both paramedics, never signed a do-not-resuscitate order, and family lawyers say it will be difficult to convince a judge to grant an injunction or restraining order to put the mother's wishes ahead of her child.

Texas man barred from taking pregnant wife off life support | News.com.au

So they didn't sign a DNR - but who does at such a young age? Because doctors don't know how long her brain was starved of oxygen, the baby, when born, could be severely brain damaged - and will cost the healthcare system, and her husband, a fortune.

Nothing in the article mentions the woman's prognosis or even a diagnosis. Has there been any? Apache II score? Something?
Let's ask the "baby" 18 years from now if saving his/her life was the correct decision?
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She is 18 weeks pregnant and has been on life support for nearly a month, after collapsing at home. She and her husband are both paramedics, and neither want to be kept alive by artificial means. He wants to take her off life support, in accordance with her wishes, but the law puts the fetus ahead of her wishes, so he is banned from taking her off life support - I guess she has to be a brain dead incubator until baby arrives?

A TEXAS man has been barred from taking his pregnant wife off life support because state laws prioritise the rights of the foetus.

Marlise Munoz, 33, has been unconscious since November 26, when her husband Erick Munoz found her collapsed on the living room floor.

Now ABC News reports Erick wants to turn off her ventilator. He said that years ago, Marlise had specifically told him she would never want to be kept alive by machines.

But because Marlise is 18-weeks pregnant, state law prohibits her being taken off life support.

The couple, both paramedics, never signed a do-not-resuscitate order, and family lawyers say it will be difficult to convince a judge to grant an injunction or restraining order to put the mother's wishes ahead of her child.

Texas man barred from taking pregnant wife off life support | News.com.au

So they didn't sign a DNR - but who does at such a young age? Because doctors don't know how long her brain was starved of oxygen, the baby, when born, could be severely brain damaged - and will cost the healthcare system, and her husband, a fortune.

you ignorant bloody lust leftard loon - if her BRAIN is damaged by lack of oxygen it does not mean the baby's brain IS.

go learn some anatomy and physiology at least at the basic level.
Munoz’ wife Marlise was 14 weeks pregnant when, without any warning last November 26th, her husband found her on the kitchen floor around 2 a.m. unconscious and unresponsive, her face blue from lack of oxygen. Doctors suspect that a blood clot traveled to her lungs and blocked air flow, leaving her unconscious, unresponsive and on life support at at Fort Worth’s John Peter Smith Hospital.

Bioethicist: Texas shouldn't force life support on pregnant woman - NBC News.com
1. No one knows how long the woman was unconscious?

Nobody knows

2. Possible pulmonary embolism? She must have presented with "the veil of death", for physicians to come to this possibility. It's unmistakable.

does it matter now?
3. Can an EEG be performed on a fetus?
No and it won't show anything. Leave the baby alone and let her grow to the age when the CS might be performed safely.
So she made the statement years ago after an incident with a family member, and as a paramedic faced with viewing people incapacitated on a regular basis, that's understandable. However, most moms have an instinct that takes over when it comes to their children. Being pregnant, it's not just about her in that situation. From the pictures shown, it appears they already have a beautiful young child. She was 14 weeks at the time she became unconscious, and presumably wanted to carry the child to term. I'm sure she didn't consider herself to be an incubator. My personal opinion is that the man feels overwhelmed by both his grief, and the prospect of caring for two small children. The baby may be special needs, and he doesn't want that burden. I guess it's a personal decision, but I'd take the risk and honor my wife by bringing forth what life is left in her.
If they felt that strongly about it, they both should have signed a DNR. Too late now, they have to follow the law.

They have to follow the law regardless. Just because you have a Living Will or Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare, it does not mean you are exempt from the law. The child is a third party consideration which would not be covered by the woman's LW or DPOA.

Even if they had her wishes in writing, notarized, and registered with the county clerk this would still have been an issue. Doctors take an oath to prolong life. The doctor would still not have allowed the child to die. It would still have ended up in court.

As it SHOULD be. At least Texas got it right.
The father knows their baby is in there. Do you really think he, and her parents, for crying in the proverbial beer, would be looking to take her off life support if they thought there was a healthy little nother guy in there? She was BLUE when he found her. Lack of oxygen for her, lack of oxygen for baby.

The state of Texas sure is happy playing God. Hell, I bet if he knew then what he knows now? He wouldn't have taken her to the hospital.

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